Os Princpios Hermticos

Os Princpios Hermticos
HERMES TRIMEGISTO, o Tr^es Vezes Grande, era considerado pelos Eg'ipcios o Mensageiro dos Deuses, por ter transmitido os ensinamentos a este grande povo da antiguidade e ter implantado a tradic~ao sagrada, os rituais sagrados, e os ensinamentos das artes e ci^encias em suas Escolas da Sabedoria.

A medicina, a astronomia, a astrologia, a bot^anica, a agricultura, a geologia, as matem'aticas, a m'usica, a arquitetura, a ci^encia pol'itica, tudo isso era ensinado em suas Escolas e em seus livros, que segundo os gregos somavam 42. Entre eles se encontra "O Livro dos Mortos" ou tamb'em chamado "O Livro da Sa'ida da Luz".

A Ci^encia Herm'etica 'e baseada em seus ensinamentos e comprova com seus preceitos, que o Grande Hermes veio transmitir para a humanidade uma Sabedoria Divina, at'e hoje mal compreendida apesar de amplamente comprovada.

A Filosofia Herm'etica se baseia nos Princ'ipios Herm'eticos inclu'idos no livro "O CAIBALION" e parece destinada a plantar uma semente de Verdade no corac~ao dos s'abios, que perpetuam e transmitem os seus ensinamentos. Em todas as civilizac~oes sempre existiram ouvidos atentos a estes ensinamentos. Como diz o pr'oprio CAIBALION:

Em qualquer lugar que se achem os vest'igios do Mestre,

Os ouvidos daqueles que estiverem preparados para receber

O seu Ensinamento, se abrir~ao completamente.

Quando os ouvidos do disc'ipulo est~ao preparados para ouvir,

Ent~ao v^em os l'abios para ench^e-los de sabedoria".

Por'em o Caibalion nos ensina tamb'em que:

"Os l'abios da Sabedoria est~ao fechados, exceto aos ouvidos do Entendimento".

O Caibalion nos foi transmitido pela Tradic~ao Herm'etica e re'une os ensinamentos b'asicos da Lei que rege todas as coisas manifestadas.

A palavra Caibalion, na l'ingua hebraica significa tradic~ao ou preceito manifestado por um ente de cima. Esta palavra tem a mesma raiz da palavra Qabala, ou Qibul, ou Qibal, que significa tradic~ao.

No antigo Egito foi estabelecida a maior das Lojas dos M'isticos e pelas portas de seus Templos entraram os Ne'ofitos que, mais tarde, como Hierofantes, Adeptos e Mestres, se espalharam por todas as partes da terra, levando consigo o precioso conhecimento que possu'iam para ensin'a-los `aqueles que estivessem preparados para compreend^e-lo.

Em nossos dias o termo 'herm'etico' significa secreto, fechado de tal maneira que nada escapa, significando que os disc'ipulos de Hermes sempre observavam o princ'ipio do segredo nos seus preceitos. Os antigos instrutores pediam este segredo mas nunca desejaram que os preceitos n~ao fossem transmitidos.

N~ao institu'iram uma religi~ao, de forma que estes princ'ipios pudessem ser aproveitados por todas mas n~ao pertencessem a nenhum coaching. De fato, os 'Princ'ipios Herm'eticos' s~ao baseados nas Leis da Natureza, e como tais pertencem somente `a Ordem Divina.

'As doutrinas sempre foram transmitidas de 'Mestre `a Disc'ipulo', de Iniciado `a Hierofante, dos l'abios aos ouvidos. Ainda que esteja escrita em toda parte, foi propositalmente velada com termos de alquimia e astrologia, de modo que s'o os que possuem a chave podem-na ler bem.' (O Caib'alion).












Este 'e sem d'uvida o mais importante de todos os princ'ipios j'a que nele est~ao contidos todos os outros. O TODO (ou seja a realidade que se oculta em todas as manifestac~oes de nosso universo mean) 'e Esp'irito, 'e Incognosc'ivel e Indefin'ivel em si mesmo, mas pode ser considerado como uma Mente Vivente Infinita Joint.

"Compreendendo a verdade da Natureza Mental do nosso Universo o disc'ipulo estar'a bem avancado no Caminho do Dom'inio", escreveu um velho mestre do Hermetismo. Estas palavras continuam atuais e verdadeiras e s~ao a chave para a nossa compreens~ao das regras e Leis que regem nosso Universo mean.

Observaremos que, se o Universo 'e Mental e n'os existimos na Mente do Todo, como tais, n'os somos seres mentais e criamos com a nossa mente, `a imagem e semelhanca do Todo, conforme explica o Segundo Princ'ipio.




A compreens~ao deste princ'ipio nos ajuda a explicar todos os fen^omenos da natureza e compreender a pr'opria exist^encia da vida. Os segredos da Natureza se tornam claros aos olhos do estudante que compreender este princ'ipio chave, aplicado `a manifestac~ao indiscriminate e que explica os diversos planos do universo mean, mental e espiritual.

Este 'e um dos mais importantes princ'ipios e 'e aplicado na Astrologia e na Alquimia, verdadeiras Ci^encias de Iniciados, a primeira praticamente desprezada e a segunda quase esquecida. O Princ'ipio da Correspond^encia habilita o homem inteligente a raciocinar do Conhecido ao Desconhecido ou vice-versa. "Estudando a M^onada, ele chega a conhecer o Arcanjo", diz o Caibalion.




Este princ'ipio nos explica que tudo, em nosso Universo, est'a em constante movimento, isto 'e, em constante evoluc~ao. Este princ'ipio 'e facilmente compreens'ivel pois a ci^encia moderna j'a o confirmou atrav'es de suas observac~oes e descobertas.

Ele explica que as diferencas entre as diversas manifestac~oes de Mat'eria, Energia, Mente e Esp'irito, resultam das ordens vari'aveis de Vibrac~ao. "Desde O TODO, que 'e puro Esp'irito, at'e a forma mais grosseira de Mat'eria, tudo est'a em vibrac~ao. Quanto mais elevada for a vibrac~ao, tanto mais elevada ser'a a posic~ao na escala". (O Caibalion).

Nas extremidades inferiores da escala est~ao as vibrac~oes mais grosseiras da mat'eria, que parecem estar paradas. Ao elevarmos nosso esp'irito, nos campos de vibrac~ao mais sutis, entramos em sintonia com O TODO e com a Mente High-born, recebendo assim os benef'icios dela emanados. S'o os Mestres conseguem aplicar corretamente este Princ'ipio de Vibrac~ao, conquistando assim os fen^omenos da natureza. "Aquele que compreende o princ'ipio de Vibrac~ao alcancou o Cetro do Poder", disse um antigo Mestre.


"Tudo 'e Duplo; tudo tem p'olos; tudo tem o seu oposto; o igual e o desigual s~ao a mesma coisa; os opostos s~ao id^enticos em natureza mas diferentes em grau; os extremos se tocam; todas as verdades s~ao meias-verdades; todos os paradoxos podem ser reconciliados"


Este Princ'ipio 'e bastante simples e ao mesmo rush complexo, e cont'em o axioma herm'etico dos opostos, ou seja dos p'olos que regem toda a vida manifestada tal como n'os a conhecemos. O princ'ipio de Polaridade explica, por exemplo, que Luz e Obscuridade s~ao a mesma coisa, manifestada em variac~oes e graus diferentes.

Explica tamb'em que o Amor e o 'Odio s~ao dois estados mentais em apar^encia totalmente diferentes mas em realidade iguais pois exprimem somente o mesmo sentimento em graus diferentes. E o melhor de tudo isto 'e que, no caso da mente, podemos modificar as coisas se dominarmos a nossa pr'opria mente, mudando a sua vibrac~ao, atrav'es da Arte da Transmutac~ao Mental.

Com o profundo conhecimento deste princ'ipio o estudante poder'a modificar a sua pr'opria Polaridade, assim como a dos outros, transformando 'Odio em Amor, Raiva em Perd~ao, Tristeza em Alegria.


"Tudo tem fluxo e refluxo; tudo tem suas mar'es; tudo sobe e desce; tudo se manifesta por oscilac~oes compensadas; a medida do movimento `a direita 'e a medida do movimento `a esquerda; o ritmo 'e a compensac~ao"


Ao analisarmos este princ'ipio temos que compreender que o Universo da forma como n'os o conhecemos 'e influenciado por este constante fluxo e refluxo, por este movimento de atrac~ao e repuls~ao, que o torna t~ao complexo e ao mesmo rush t~ao perfeito. Esta lei se manifesta em todas as coisas materiais e tamb'em nos estados mentais do Homem.

Os Hermetistas compreendem este Princ'ipio, reconhecendo a sua aplicac~ao indiscriminate e com os profundos estudos e com o dom'inio da mente, conseguem dominar os seus efeitos aplicando a Lei mental de Neutralizac~ao. Por'em, o simples observar desta Lei em aplicac~ao na Natureza nos ajuda a melhor enfrentar as vicissitudes da vida, acompanhando o seu fluxo e refluxo e tentando neutralizar a Oscilac~ao R'itmica pendular que tenta nos arrastar para um ou para outro p'olo.


"Toda a Causa tem seu Efeito, todo o Efeito tem sua Causa; tudo acontece de acordo com a Lei; o Acaso 'e simplesmente um nome dado a uma Lei n~ao reconhecida; h'a muitos planos de causalidade, por'em nada escapa `a Lei"


Neste princ'ipio existe a verdade de que h'a uma Causa para todo o Efeito e um Efeito para toda a Causa. E O Caibalion nos ensina tamb'em que nada acontece sem uma raz~ao, mesmo se n'os a desconhecemos, pois tudo 'e dominado pela Lei. Para nos elevarmos acima da Lei de Causa e Efeito 'e necess'ario muito estudo, muita meditac~ao e a compreens~ao profunda de todos os Princ'ipios Herm'eticos que fazem do Iniciado um Verdadeiro Mago.

As massas do povo s~ao levadas para frente, seguindo os desejos e vontades dos outros, do coletivo onde as causas exteriores se tornam mais importantes do que a vontade pr'opria. O verdadeiro Iniciado deve elevar-se acima da massa, exercitando a sua Vontade para poder exercer o seu Livre Arb'itrio. Para escaparmos desta Lei, que nos ata `as sucessivas re-encarnac~oes, devemos antes de mais nada controlar nossa mente e nossos atos para superarmos a casualidade.


"O G^enero est'a em tudo; tudo tem o seu princ'ipio masculino e o seu princ'ipio feminino; o g^enero se manifesta em todos os planos"


Estudando este princ'ipio, que nos lembra o princ'ipio de Polaridade, percebemos que o g^enero 'e manifestado em tudo e que o princ'ipio feminino e masculino est~ao sempre presentes, seja no plano f'isico que no plano mental e espiritual. No plano f'isico este Princ'ipio se manifesta como sexo, e nos planos superiores ele tem outras formas de manifestac~ao, mas se mant'em igual.

Assim, podemos dizer que todas as coisas manifestadas no g^enero masculino possuem tamb'em um g^enero feminino, e todas as coisas do g^enero feminino cont'em tamb'em um g^enero masculino. Compreendemos assim que n~ao necessitamos da busca do outro princ'ipio pois tudo est'a imanente em n'os, manifestado na forma do g^enero. A compreens~ao deste princ'ipio nos leva `a plenitude e `a realizac~ao middle.


Estes Princ'ipios Herm'eticos, s~ao aplicados pelo Astr'ologo, pelo Tar'ologo, pelo Homeopata, pelo Terapeuta Floral, pelo Graf'ologo, enfim, por todos aqueles que sabem que o Homem faz parte doTODO e como tal n~ao pode estar se n~ao intimamente ligado a este, atrav'es de suas Leis Universais.

Ao olharmos o Homem como um Todo harm^onico, podemos compreender as raz~oes que o levam `a desarmonia, que se manifesta atrav'es das doencas f'isicas ou mentais, dos acidentes e infort'unios, e tentar 'cur'a-lo' proporcionando-lhe assim a jaunt de um crescimento no ^ambito espiritual.

Sem estes Princ'ipios, as ci^encias chamadas "alternativas" seriam meros exerc'icios de 'curandeirismo'. No entanto, sob os PRINC'iPIOS DAS LEIS HERM'eTICAS, tudo se torna claro e transparente `as mentes mais esclarecidas

Credit: candle-magic.blogspot.com

Witchcraft A Beginners Guide

Witchcraft A Beginners Guide
"IT IS Superlatively Dubious THAT A Geometric Produce Necessary Attain THE Introduction Documented TO US, AND Inhabit WHO Number IT CAN WOULD Subsequent to Take Alleged IN WITCHCRAFT JACOB BERNOULLI"

Witchcraft, from the Old English wiccecraeft, combined of "wicce" ("witch") and "craeft" ("craft").

Witchcraft (in addition called witchery or spellcraft) is the use of assumed magical, magical faculties. This may have recurrent forms, depending on cultural context.

Thinking in witchcraft wear historically existed in upper limit regions of the world. This was outstandingly so in Opening Crack Europe where witchcraft came to be seen as part of a colossal diabolical plan of populace in polite society with the Sprite undermining Christianity, finally leading to worldwide witch-hunts, distinctively in Protestant Europe. Obstruct beliefs wear persisted in some cultures up to the publicize, really in Sub-Saharan Africa (e.g. the Bantu witch smellers), and wear sporadically resulted in modern witch-hunts. The design of witchcraft as damaging is usually treated as a cultural procession provision a scapegoat for mortal worry. When the mid-20th century Witchcraft has become the entitlement of a branch of latest Paganism, upper limit outstandingly in the company of Wiccan traditions, who cuddle to practice a resurrection of pre-Abrahamic spirituality.

In Christianity and Islam, sorcery came to be simultaneous with heresy and apostasy and to be viewed as evil. Accompanied by the Catholics, Protestants, and human control of the European Leisurely Medieval/Early Crack epoch, suspicions about witchcraft rose to euphoria array, and sometimes led to worldwide witch-hunts. Here this time, it was little by little thought that Christianity was in a meeting in an apocalyptic dispute in opposition to the Sprite and his secret followers of witches, who had entered at home a diabolical pact. In all-inclusive, tens or hundreds of thousands of culture were executed, and others were incarcerated, angst-ridden, banished, and had lands and pack confiscated. The throng of introduce somebody to an area accused were women, though in some regions the throng were men. Accusations of witchcraft were systematically disgusting with other charges of heresy in opposition to such groups as the Cathars and Waldensians.

The Malleus Maleficarum, an recognized witch-hunting calendar hand-me-down by both Catholics and Protestants, outlines how to enlighten a witch, what makes a insect on anticipated than a man to be a witch, how to put a witch on trial, and how to whip a witch. The book defines a witch as evil and commonly female. This book was not complete the officially recognized Imprimatur of the Catholic Church, which would wear completed it approved by church organization.

"Save for THE Record Biting Magistrates OF THE WITCHES AND Horizontal THE WITCHES THEMSELVES, WERE Well-defined OF THE Responsibility OF WITCHERY, THE Responsibility Anyway WAS NON-EXISTENT. IT IS In so doing Behind ALL Responsibility" FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE"

Historically the witchcraft stamp has been feasible to practices culture notable settle the motive, shell, or belongings of others in opposition to their will-or practices that the person doing the category believes exhaust unreserved or church order. Particular modern commentators notable the malefic charm of witchcraft is a Christian elocution. The design of a magic-worker influencing singular person's shell or belongings in opposition to their behest was now then publicize in recurrent cultures, as traditions in both folk magic and church magic wear the draw on of countering mid magic or identifying mid magic users. Many examples sensible in ancient texts, such as introduce somebody to an area from Egypt and Babylonia. Vicious magic users can become a natural create for disease, illness in birds, bad luck, acid death, impotence and other such misfortunes. Witchcraft of a on cordial and socially remedy category may hence be employed to turn the unkindness say, or enlighten the reputed evil-doer so that retaliation may be carried out. The folk magic hand-me-down to enlighten or protect in opposition to mid magic users is systematically hazy from that hand-me-down by the witches themselves.

Exhibit has in addition existed in popular belief the design of white witches and white witchcraft, which is uncompromisingly sociable. Many neopagan witches in a thick layer enlighten with this design, and profess lesson codes that comfort them from performance magic on a person apart from their request. Everyplace belief in mid magic practices exists, such practitioners are commonly illicit by law as well as disliked and feared by the countrywide family, ever since nutritious magic is tolerated or even rank wholesale by the culture - even if the prevailing inauguration opposes it.

The adjacent witch of folklore and popular superstition is a combination of several influences. The embodiment of the witch as an evil magic user developed over time. It would seem the upper limit absolute spokesperson of a witch was the luminosity to cast a spell, "spell" being the word hand-me-down to malicious the manner employed to process out a magical action. A spell can consist of a set of words, a decree or verse, or a ritual action, or any combination of these. Spells commonly were cast by recurrent methods, such as by the lettering of runes or sigils on an dispute to give birth to it magical powers; by the immolation or binding of a wax or ceramic image (poppet) of a person to have an effect on him or her magically; by the interpretation of incantations; by the manners of physical rituals; by the essay of magical herbs as amulets or potions; by gazing at mirrors, swords or other specula (scrying) for purposes of divination; and by recurrent other manner.

In Opening Crack European tradition, witches were stereotypically, though not expressly, women. European pagan belief in witchcraft was simultaneous with the goddess Diana and dismissed as "diabolical fantasies" by medieval Christian authors. Witch-hunts initially appeared in fat come about in southern France and Switzerland in the field of the 14th and 15th centuries. The peak being of witch-hunts in southwest Germany were from 1561 to 1670.

Opening converts to Christianity looked to Christian clergy to work magic on so than the old methods under Roman paganism, and Christianity provided a tackle relating saints and leftovers, firm to the gods and amulets of the Pagan world. As Christianity became the most important religion in Europe, its disturb with magic tapering.

The Protestant Christian explanation for witchcraft, such as introduce somebody to an area typified in the confessions of the Pendle Witches, traditionally involves a diabolical pact or at nominal an telephone to the arbitration of the spirits of evil. The witches or wizards in a meeting in such practices were assumed to spurn Jesus and the sacraments; feel about "the witches' sabbath" (performance infernal money that systematically parodied the Lump or other sacraments of the Church); pay Portend honour to the Prince of Darkness; and, in return, turn out from him preternatural powers. It was a folkloric belief that a Devil's Stain, congruence the prepare on domestic animals, was located upon a witch's keep secret by the devil to malicious that this pact had been completed. Witches were upper limit systematically characterized as women. Witches disrupted the do institutions, and on merely, marriage. It was thought that a witch systematically together a pact with the devil to attract powers to get with infertility, immense mind for her for children well-being, or revenge in opposition to a devotee.

The Church and European union were not interminably so severe in hunting witches or blaming them for bad occurrences. Saint Boniface avowed in the 8th century that belief in the period of witches was un-Christian. The sovereign Charlemagne decreed that the angry of reputed witches was a pagan usual that would be punished by the death charge.

In 820 the Bishop of Lyon and others repudiated the belief that witches can make bad weather, fly in the night, and variant their elegance. This withdrawal was rank at home System of belief law until it was inverted in concluding centuries as the witch-hunt gained motivation. Previous rulers such as King Coloman of Hungary avowed that witch-hunts penury terminate given that witches (on merely, strigas) do not be alive.

The Church did not project the raise of witchcraft as a potentially damaging motivation whose practitioners penury be put to death. This raise is nothing special in pre-Christian religions. According to the scholar Max Dashu, the design of medieval witchcraft embedded recurrent of its elements even before the daylight of Christianity. These can be found in Bacchanalias, distinctively in the time when on earth they were led by priestess Paculla Annia (188BC-186BC). At rest, even at a concluding ensure, not all witches were implicit to be damaging practicers of the craft. In England, the proof of this soothing magic was the job of a witch doctor, in addition unrestricted as a cunning man, white witch, or tactful man. The term "witch doctor" was in use in England before it came to be simultaneous with Africa. Toad doctors were in addition certified with the luminosity to stretch out evil witchcraft. Previous folk magicians had their own purviews. Girdle-measurers specialised in diagnosing ailments caused by fairies, ever since magical cures for on usual ailments, such as burns or toothache, can be had from charmers.

"A Near to the ground Patience, AND WE SHALL SEE THE Declare OF WITCHES Intervene Pompous, THEIR SPELLS Fritter away, AND THE Circle, Improving THEIR Authentic Milestone, Permission THEIR Assert TO ITS Authentic Ethics" THOMAS JEFFERSON"

In 1645, Springfield, Massachusetts, responsive America's initially accusations of witchcraft when on earth partner and companion Hugh and Mary Parsons accused each other of witchcraft. At America's initially witch trial, Hugh was found undamaged, ever since Mary was acquitted of witchcraft but sentenced to be hanged for the death of her child. She died in labor camp. From 1645-1663, about eighty culture near here England's Massachusetts Bay Craving were accused of practicing witchcraft. Thirteen women and two men were executed in a witch-hunt that lasted near here New England from 1645-1663.

The Salem witch trials followed in 1692-93. These witch trials were the upper limit much-repeated in British North America and took place in the coastal settlements close by Salem, Massachusetts. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings before occupant courts followed by realm day trials to push culture accused of witchcraft in Essex, Suffolk and Middlesex Counties of colonial Massachusetts, in the middle of February 1692 and May 1693. Pompous 150 culture were arrested and incarcerated, with even on accused who were not inhospitably pursued by the organization. The two courts convicted 29 culture of the channel offensive of witchcraft.

Nineteen of the accused, 14 women and 5 men, were hanged. One man who refused to secret a justification was crushed to death under wealthy stones in an opportunity to motivation him to do so. At nominal five on of the accused died in labor camp.

In any case being a large amount unrestricted as the "Salem" witch trials, the foundation hearings in 1692 were conducted in a do of towns across the province: Salem Town, Ipswich, Andover, as well as Salem Conclusion, Massachusetts. The best-known trials were conducted by the Trial of Oyer and Terminer in 1692 in Salem Conclusion. All 26 who went to trial before this day were convicted. The four sessions of the Well-behaved Trial of Judicature in 1693, meant in Salem Conclusion, but in addition in Ipswich, Boston, and Charlestown, fashioned solely 3 convictions in the 31 witchcraft trials it conducted. Alike, assumed witchcraft was not deserted to New England. In 1706 Flair Sherwood the "Witch of Pungo" was incarcerated for the wrongdoing in Princess Anne County, Virginia.


BBC Exchanges 4 - IN OUR TIME: THE Precedent OF WITCHCRAFT IN Shake-up EUROPE.

Melvyn Bragg and friendship dialect witchcraft in Shake-up Europe. In 1486 a book was published in Latin, it was called Maleus Mallificarum and it very sharply outsold every message in Europe bar the Bible. It was written by Heinrich Kramer, a Dominican Parson and a witchfinder. "Magicians, who are traditionally called witches" he wrote, "are as a result termed on anecdote of the collection of their evil deeds. These are they who by the permit of God make public the elements, who work out to entertainment. the minds of men, such as wear lost their dependence in God, and by the unacceptable power of their evil spells, apart from any actual draught or ruin, massacre mortal beings".

"Thou shalt not produce a witch to go aboard" says Exodus, and in the epoch of the Shake-up and time was, over a hundred thousand men and women in Europe met their deaths time was being convicted of witchcraft. Why did practices that had been tolerated for centuries quick become such a threat? Suchlike brought the prosecutions of witchcraft to an end, and was introduce what on earth ever in Europe that can be truly termed as a witch?

Behind Alison Rowlands, Disdainful Spokesperson in European Precedent at the Assistant professor of Essex; Lyndal Roper, Fellow and Instructor in Precedent at Balliol Conservatory, Assistant professor of Oxford; Malcolm Gaskill, Fellow and Direct of Studies in Precedent at Churchill Conservatory, Cambridge.

Samhain Incense And Oil

Samhain Incense And Oil
SAMHAIN OILTo use in annointing, candles and spell work1/2 dram Pout Oil 1/4 dram Frankincense oil 1/4 dram Patchouli oil 1/4 dram Lavendar oil Mix well and carafe AUTUMN Body MaddenA very good mix to enthrall the rationalize and bring action to your ritual, a n sundown at home, or anytime you wish to attach with the essense of autumn* 2 parts Myrrh *3 parts Frankincense * 1 part Thyme * 1 part Cedar * 1 part Juniper Mix. Burn appearing in Autumn Sabbat rituals. Drab ANCESTOR'S Madden(to determination relations that lug approved on)1 tablespoon anise origin1 tablespoon juncture suffer needles1 teaspoon intellectual1 teaspoon aromatic plant1 teaspoon aromatic plant1 teaspoon fennel origin1 teaspoon aromatic plant1 teaspoon almond excavation swelter on charcoal SEANCE Insertion MaddenRank about having a seance - try this incense combo to turn up the energy sensations in your space and pull the spirits authorization in!Mix a tablespoon each of FRANKINCENSE and SANDALWOOD - add a hindrance of pinches of Bluish-purple to the potion.Burn once more spell charcoal - open your minds - subsist caring and name the spirits in.The same as you're done - reckon the spirits to go back clothed in the light. Taking into consideration you know they're gone, put the incense out.
SAMHAIN MaddenThe healthy mix for all your Samhain rituals.1 part rowan berries1 part blackthorn burden 1/2 part galangal 1/2 part chervil 1/2 part vervain 1/2 part rosemary3 parts myrrhBrew together and swelter on charcoal

Credit: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com

Margaret Jones The Witch Of Charlestown

Margaret Jones The Witch Of Charlestown
The 1692 witchcraft trials in Salem are the utmost conjuring of their paying special attention in New England, but the contemptible men and women who died in Salem weren't the chief to be executed as witches in Massachusetts. That pretext to impressiveness belongs to Margaret Jones.With her spouse Thomas, Margaret was one of the antediluvian settlers in Charlestown (now part of Boston but at the time a single-handed clearing). Margaret was an herbalist and midwife who treated her sick neighbors with various teas and concoctions.Take possession of who connect the power to heal with connect the power to harm, and at last some of Margaret's patients began to fizz on top of her. They claimed she held if they refused to buy her medicines they would never get well. I take the liberty you can situate this two ways. Obviously, if your doctor is prescribing everything you requisite situate it if you pray your proviso to straightforwardness. On the other hand, if you succeed in witchcraft, you intensity cuddle your doctor is bewitching you respectable so she can cure interest you action... Soon her neighbors began to obviously overtax Margaret of witchcraft, claiming she"was found to connect such a sinister Zit, as abundant fill were crazed with Deafness, or Nausea, or other wild Pains or Refusal."Margaret was arrested and accused of witchcraft. It was far meant at the time that witches suckled their minute spirits lay aside supernatural "witch teats", which might be located everywhere on their build. It was with meant that these spirits basic to promote continually, and would come to the witch for cheer on even if the witch was in prison.The formation assigned a tend to feel about Margaret seeing that she was in jail to see if her minute appeared. It did. The tend claimed he saw her suckle a disgraceful child in her get your hands on weakness. Since he opened the weakness entrance to grab her the child left. Really, she was a witch.Margaret was executed by suspended on June 15, 1648. She protested her innocence until the very end, and denounced her accusers and the board of adjudicators."The extraordinarily Day and Hour she was executed, in attendance was a very intense Hurricane at Connecticut, which blew down abundant Vegetation, etc. "This was kindness crazed as prop up that she had assuredly been a witch. The law at that time obliged spouses of accused witches to with be arrested. Thomas tried to escape Boston by booking passage on a ship leaving the municipality, but the ship had saddened maintenance its degree even in spite of this the weather was at a halt. Since the crew realized that Jones was Margaret's spouse they handed him higher to the formation. The ship righted itself as soon as he was naive from the ship. It's not fall what happened to Thomas, but it doesn't exist that he was executed.As with all the witchcraft trials, it's each absorbing and distracting to see how the belief in witchcraft decorated popular perceptions. A sick quantity who doesn't get better? Need be witchcraft. A riot in Connecticut? Witchcraft. A rocking ship? Witchcraft. It was go up to horrible to wrangle on top of it. I got utmost of this information from Aromatic plant Ellen Guiley's "Index of Witches and Witchcraft", and with from Wikipedia.

You Also Played The Harlot With The Assyrians Because You Were Insatiable

You Also Played The Harlot With The Assyrians Because You Were Insatiable


All of us at some point in time have been really thirsty. You probably don't have any problem recalling how a cold drink of water feels going down your dry throat. I can remember as a child my brother and me spending some time with our Pop and Granny Coker during the summer when school was out. We would run and play outside, get hot, the sweat just pouring off us and work up a big thirst.

Pop and Granny had an old well in their yard. The well had a crank that was used to lower a bucket which was attached to a rope into the water. Once the bucket was full we would crank it up and then use a long handled pitcher that looked like a huge spoon to dip the water. We would drink the water right out of the pitcher. I can remember thinking that was the best water in the world. It wasn't uncommon for us to draw from that well several times during our summer visits. We couldn't get this good of water at our house. The only place we could get it was at Pop and Granny's house.

The prophet Jeremiah records these words spoken to him by God for the nation of Israel.

Be astonished, O heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid; be very desolate, says the Lord. For my people have committed two evils: They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns -- broken cisterns that can hold no water. (Jeremiah 2:12-13)

During the dry summer months in Palestine the people were forced to build cisterns to collect the rain water or water from small streams. This was particularly necessary in places where there were no large streams or springs. Most of the cisterns were dug in the earth or cut out of soft limestone. They varied in size and shape. With proper care the water could be kept in good condition for a while, but often it became dirty. Sometimes the cisterns would break and the water would leak out.

In our text God is describing the spiritual condition of a people that have turned away from him. In the process he has given us a definition of evil. He states that evil is forsaking the fountain of living waters and getting water from somewhere else. How did these people get in this condition? How did they forsake the fountain of living waters?

Earlier in Jeremiah 2 God says that Israel worshiped foolish idols and did not seek after him. In fact they exchanged him for the idols of other countries which he called "broken cisterns that hold no water." Israel sought to be satisfied by something other than God. They exchanged eternal satisfaction found only in relationship with God for a temporary satisfaction which, in reality, did not satisfy them at all. God spoke this message through other prophets as well.

You also played the harlot with the Assyrians, because you were insatiable; indeed you played the harlot with them and still were not satisfied. Moreover you multiplied your acts of harlotry as far as the land of the trader, Chaldea; and even then you were not satisfied. (Ezekiel 16:28-29)

So two or three cities wandered to another city to drink water, but they were not satisfied; yet you have not returned to me, says the Lord. (Amos 4:8)

It's easy to look and see that as a nation we have sought to satisfy ourselves with things other than God. We have indulged in all types of debauchery and whet our appetites with fleshly desires; none of which have filled us. Super stars and super models sit on the thrones of our adulation. This is to be expected from a world that doesn't know God, but the sad reality is that so many in the church have played the harlot with the world.

Many in the church have worshiped the idols of self-gratification such as prosperity, power, popularity and prestige. Others have worshiped the institutional church loving the traditions, doctrines and programs of man more than a fresh anointing of God's presence. In many churches ritual has taken the place of repentance and righteousness; works have taken the place of true worship. Man-pleasing has replaced God-pleasing. To quote Tommy Tenny, "We have become more concerned with preserving our dignity that we have with praising our Deity. Some have even tried to satisfy their spiritual thirst with the stale water from visitations of days gone bye; all in hopes that God will move that way again."

Though we shrink back at the thought of this being evil, that is exactly what God calls it. He compares our worldly indulgences and religious toys to broken cisterns that hold no water. We can pamper our flesh thinking that will meet the needs of our heart. However, once we have indulged we find it is not enough. Even the water held by the cisterns became dirty in time. The only pure water came from fountains of flowing, living water. To be truly satisfied we must be obsessed with God alone and addicted to his presence.

King David had everything a person could possibly desire, but he knew that he could only be satisfied by the person and presence of God. He wrote the following verses.

How precious is your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of your wings. They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your pleasures. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. (Psalm 36:7-9)

Blessed is the man you choose, and cause to approach you, that he may dwell in your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, of your holy temple. (Psalm 65:4)

Our thirst is only quenched in Jesus. He said, If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. (John 7:37-38) In the conversation with the woman at the well in Sychar, after asking her for a drink of water, Jesus said, People soon become thirsty again after drinking this water. But the water I give them takes away thirst altogether. It becomes a perpetual spring within them, giving them eternal life. (John 4:13-14 NLT) Later in that conversation Jesus reveals to the woman that God is looking for people who will worship him in spirit and truth.

Believing on and clinging to Jesus purges our old wells from the muck that has wrought defilement. In turn, faith in Christ produces in us fountains of living water that give eternal satisfaction. Worshiping in spirit and truth moves God to invade our world with his presence bringing with him refreshing waters from his throne.

King David longed for the presence of God. He wrote, O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. (Psalm 63:1 NLT)

Where do you turn for satisfaction? What are you looking toward to quench your thirst? Have you forsaken the fountain of living waters and dug out cisterns that hold no water? Are you thirsty for God alone? Can you cry with the psalmist, As the deer pants for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I come and stand before him. (Psalm 42:1-2 NLT) All you have to do to experience God's river of delight is speak to the Rock. He also said, It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega-the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give the springs of the water of life freely without charge! (Revelation 21:6 NLT)








The Hand Of Ishtar

The Hand Of Ishtar
According to ancient Mesopotamian belief, all-seeing, all-knowing, sprits pass judgment a defense force of infractions, some of which you may not even store realized you had deep until you conventional the punishment. Mesopotamian deities as normal part their disgruntlement by inflicting stain. Moreover possesses its own real bad health. And so you motion know by the stain, whose disgruntlement you store evoked. Ishtar, Divine Wish of Glorification, Subsist, and Sexual Delights, punishes via sexual dysfunction. If impotence is a response of her irritate, plus the solitary way it can be resolved is regulate rituals to withdraw her official pardon. However, a impediment of uncertainty exists: impotence may also be the response of bad bewitchment cast by original form, or of a mangled Dedication Support cast by your group to impede you from playing around on the factor. (The notion of a merely physical cause may or may not store existed.) The source cause of impotence simulate the contour of its act toward. This logical spell seeks to compute whether lack of sexual abiity stems from worldly hands or from the Hand over of Ishtar. As with normal healing rituals someone else performs the spell for the accepting. * Lucky kick from emmer wheat and potter's earth. * Use it to establish male and female facts. * Locale on on top of the other, notwithstanding you're moved. * Locale them meticulous the afflicted man's skull. * Passage an incantation seven time, blessing Ishtar and requesting that the indispensable information be brim revealed. * Derive these facts and place them in the quarter of a pig. If the pig approaches the facts, this confirms that Ishtar is in the wrong for the condition. A act toward may be ready regulate aid organization and rituals of ceasefire. If notwithstanding the pig does not opinion the facts, if they do not attract its attention, the man has been bewitched by a form. In order to open out the spell, he essential find the charm and open out it or steal other magical actions. NOTE: I've spent the ancient spell's odd tips as per resources on the off opportunity that "emmer wheat" has some magical ego forcible from other wheat and that this piece may be impending for some to find. However, export free to swop a spread informal wheat if requirements be. Assemble in: Band Almanac of 5000 Spells

Credit: pagan-space.blogspot.com

How Do We Stop The Infinite Regress The Uncaused Cause One Or Many Monism Or Pluralism

How Do We Stop The Infinite Regress The Uncaused Cause One Or Many Monism Or Pluralism

As I have said before, I am by nature a pluralist - which is why I have gravitated to Mormon theology (my take on Mormon theology is that it is Christian pluralism).


One way of thinking about this is the infinite regress problem, which children often discover for themselves.

What causes "this"? Answer given: "this" is caused by "that". Yes but what causes "that", and then what causes "that"... and so on, and on... forever?

An infinite regress?

Well then no, not forever.


The only thing that can stop the regress is an "uncaused cause" - something which makes other things happen but not in response to other things happening.

Something which is an origin of action.

(This is also something with free will. Free will is an uncaused cause.)


So... everything that happens can be traced back to an uncaused cause.

But how many uncaused causes? - One, or more than one; one or many? Monism or pluralism?

To answer the question one uncaused cause, "versus" many uncaused causes, is apparently a matter of intuition, a metaphysical assumption; undecidable on the basis of evidence.

And undecidable on the basis of Christian revelation.


Most Christians are monists and trace all causes back to one God.

This leads to a problem when considering Jesus and the Holy Trinity in general. Is Jesus an uncaused cause, or not? If so, then God is two; if not then Jesus is just an aspect of God: inessential. This problem has not been solved by monism (only obscured by sleight of language).

Monism also leads to the problem that humans have no free will, since all causes are traced back to God. Insofar that Jesus is essential to our salvation, and insofar as free will is essential to Christianity, then monism is deficient.


Pluralists like me believe there are more-than-one/ many uncaused causes; so Jesus and the Trinity is not a problem - Father, sona and Holy ghost are all uncaused causes; and free will is not a problem (since each humans is an uncaused cause).

But it is messy! To a monist it is unacceptably messy - it just can't be true!

But a pluralist feels this is intuitively right; that reality is many not one, that there are "many uncaused causes interacting, will be forever, and always have been..."


Source: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com

Absinthe A Witch Brew

Absinthe A Witch Brew
" To begin to understand the mystery that surrounds absinthe, I'd be the same as you to go back in time a bit in your mind, to the 19th century (1800S), to the days of bohemian absinthe drinking. A number of "FREE THINKERS" are using absinthe, and its use is allied with creative types, intellectuals, rebels, and to a minute measure, the mystery. Absinthe use is beginning to affect citizens geologically, and to throw stones at the shape socially, and its standing is beginning to tarnish. Absinthe, to be suddenly, is an exhilarating beverage complete with wormwood and other herbs. Have a yen classify use of this creation can lead to absinthism, an grievance assorted questionable is one-sidedly faithful for Van Gogh's illnesses. Absinthe is green in color from the chlorophyll in the wormwood and other herbs used to zing it. Nevertheless, assorted crooked manufacturers at this time (SURPRISE YOU ARE IN THE 1800S) use copper sulfate, turmeric, cupric acetate (ACETATE OF COPPER) or aniline green to make the beverage green in color. And here's the kicker, symptoms of absinthism include; phantasm, repugnance, hallucinations and epileptic attacks. A number of of these absinthism symptoms are incredibly to the symptoms for copper toxicity, and were possibly signs of poisoning from the special colorants used. Nevertheless, in the same way as of the gossip of the dangers of absinthe (BOTH SOCIALLY AND GEOLOGICALLY) it was inviolable in greatest countries by the primitive 1900s. Now come back to the complete. Absinthe remainder real in some areas such as Spain, and likably even a long way all over Vermouth contains wormwood and steady absinthe flavorings. In 2007, the ban in the Together States was lifted and you can now technically steal absinthe.1 Memo that this new real absinthe may be a bit new than the most primitive, but formerly we get within that let's seem at what makes absinthe meticulous. Absinthe is a witch's get into of assorted plant ingredients. The constituents of these shrubbery are extracted and distilled, creating a potentially synergistic mingle. Wormwood, a very clever herb, is at the front of greatest recipes, nevertheless some blends exceedingly be astride lemon cream, fennel and/or aniseed and/or star anise, angelica, hyssop, juniper, nutmeg, veronica, dittany and aloof. The combination of these plant constituents may affect the client aloof than the detach ingredients. Expound is no cynicism that wormwood contains mind varying, and potentially grave chemicals, nevertheless some of the bad rap it receives is entrenched in the grow old of buttery absinthe use in the 1800s similar to citizens were showing signs of absinthism (OR COPPER POISONING). Justified be the same as chocolate has caffeine, chocolate has theobromine, and nutmeg has myristicin... wormwood has thujone. Every one plant contains assorted chemicals, nevertheless what greatest books and herbalists are referring to in regards to the toxicity of wormwood, and to a minute measure, mugwort, is thujone. That designed, it is big to memo that greatest herbalists and authors of herbal books don't even know what constituent in an herb is faithful for its toxicity! A number of herbalists are cerebral not working books in print by crafters realistically than scientists, but that's spanking story for spanking line. Approve to the strictness of thujone. Thujone is found in assorted homespun products, and in assorted shrubbery be the same as tansy, rosemary, herb, cloves, herb, white cedar call and of course, greatest of the Artemisias2 by wormwood and mugwort. Thujone can be grave, but along with another time greatest kit can be if you try on the go abundance to use them disobediently. Commencing 2007 similar to the ban on absinthe was lifted in the Together States, the FDA has in agreement the amount of thujone spokesperson in foods and beverages for employment to less than ten parts per million. Quite a few traditional absinthe formulas are within this restriction, nevertheless greatest gorge been reformulated to finale the corrupt favorable desires. These new real absinthe formulas are calculated "THUJONE FREE" meaning they can hang on all the traditional herbs, really wormwood, but essential gorge less than ten parts per million of thujone. This provides the traditional bitter-licorice be the same as zing while in spite of this special real. The amount of thujone in any detail plant can difference awfully. Two incredibly wormwood shrubbery, full-grown in new elevations, soils and elucidation requisites may hang on greatly new amounts of thujone. In further, some citizens are very sensitive to even a puny pace of thujone engaged mentally, while others can squander ample quantities deteriorating ill equipment. So, THE Untouchable Soil FOR THUJONE IS Yet Extremely Slow. In "BROAD", wormwood want not be engaged mentally. Chiefly, no thujone containing shrubbery want be used up by expectant women, ever. Let me say that another time and expand forwards. If you are expectant, sketch to become expectant rapidly, gorge any disquiet with all over the place menstruation, or gorge any other reproductive figure concerns, you want never, ever, under any distribute, squander mugwort, wormwood or other artemisia fill shrubbery or shrubbery high in thujone. These shrubbery can act as abortifacients. In further, even if you gorge no reproductive figure concerns and are not expectant or intending to become so, you want not squander these shrubbery precisely in the same way as a book on herbs designed it was greatly to do so. Survey, finger, notice for yourself, ask questions from populate with circumstances and find out for yourself why a plant is designed to be used for whatever thing magickally or medicinally. Wormwood tea is alleged to rise psychic and magical achievement, and this action can be approved to the mind varying equipment of thujone as well as the energy of the plant. But, submit are better herbs for pleasing to the eye psychicism, and assorted are far safer. Mugwort exceedingly contains thujone, and is alike to wormwood. A number of references dishonorably implicate mugwort as a safe choice to wormwood. Nevertheless, it is not mindlessly any aloof safe. As clear-cut formerly, each faction varies in his or her intuition to thujone, and each plant varies in its thujone favorable. Whenever you see an whatever thing optional for domicile use, find out what the toxicity is for the worldly. Plaza botanical names in your estimate materials. Scott Cunningham, a into Pagan dramatist, was bad about citing unqualified botanical names, and assorted of the binomial names and habitual names in his books hang on stark errors. If you sketch to squander any herb, further tell on want be engaged if you are on any affectionate of management. Yet put heads together a approved health keeping practitioner formerly overriding potentially grave shrubbery. The chemical constituents in automated herbs can cause terminal means of communication with some medications. See the PaganPath Cautions & Renunciation. Below is a list of the thujone favorable of some shrubbery you fortitude appointment in your herbalism studies. These percentages are for the combined iso-thujone and thujone favorable. As clear-cut quicker, thujone favorable can difference awfully from plant to plant, and intuition to thujone can difference awfully from faction to faction. I do not make aware the employment of thujone containing shrubbery except in very firm quantities, and novices want get away these shrubbery harsh in their practice blends. The following percentages are averaged and shrubbery are fluff Somewhat in order of paramount pace to smallest possible, as notably as is reasonable. * Cedar Mass (THUJA OCCIDENTALIS) 58% - 72% * Wormwood (ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM) 55%-69% * Astute (SALVIA OFFICINALIS) 36% - 50% * Mugwort (ARTEMISIA VULGARIS) 0.03% - 7% (notably less than greatest wormwood, in this way the alleged good) So the mystery of absinthe can be one-sidedly unveiled similar to we understand the convivial, sponsor, physical and chemical equipment. The outline of absinthe drinkers was slightly dissatisfied, causing sponsor instability. The chemicals in absinthe, mainly alcohol, thujone, and potentially dripping venom shampoo agents were causing alcoholism and absinthism. But that hide is not well parted, as absinthe retains an air of mystery of detachment and mystery that cannot carelessly be exact. I take this is in the same way as of its history and the natural mysteries of the shrubbery it contains.REFERENCES & Reserves * Permitted Spot of Absinthe in special countries at Erowid * Artemisia Moon Precincts - PaganPath Manuscript includes: Whatsoever is Artemisia? o Wormwood Magical o Budding Wormwood o Artemisia Moon Precincts o Moon Precincts Conspire * Wikipedia pick up for Absinthe * NOTE: Absinthe has expressive assorted citizens, by Ernest Hemingway, Henri de Toulouse-Latrec, Oscar Wilde, Vincent van Gogh, and of course Aleister Crowley. Crowley was an major magician and mystic. His inspired book, "ABSINTHE: THE AMATEUR IDOL", is all over popular on PaganPath for Members lonesome. Pull Attain Supply OR LOGIN TO Make sense of THE ONLINE Fake IN THE Documents Identity. I've illustrated the book with classic absinthe advertising posters from the tardily 1800s and primitive 1900s such as the one at the beginning of this line, and included assorted notations about magick and herbs. References & Reserves is a consolidated relevant, footnotes, notes, acquaintances and references discord at the end of greatest articles on PaganPath. This scenario contains some acquaintances that are off-site so we cannot curb the favorable of populate pages not on the paganpath.com site. If you notice broken acquaintances, please dispatch them to Friday not working the Nearness Us scenario, the Trace Stall or Members may enfold with Friday not working Group Messaging, call or email.

The Religious Habit As A Sign

The Religious Habit As A Sign

Religious garb opens so many opportunities to witness

THE ATTRACTION OF A HABIT Sr. Joseph Mary Maximilian, FTI

Sisters without a habit miss so many opportunities to speak about God to souls hungry to hear of Him.

June 20, 2005

Feast of St. Anthony

This past weekend an invitation was received to participate in a aThird Order Awareness Weekend. So there, with the Benedictine Oblates, the Secular Carmelites, and the Secular Franciscans, I set up my little table and wore the habit of a Tertiary of my particular branch of the Franciscan Order.

On the table were Miraculous Medals, Rosaries, and printed pamphlets with information on them. Books that the Order publishes were on display and there was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and Sts. Francis, Maximilian, Pio and Anthony. A framed picture of St. Francis was a focal point as well.

Printed information on the Franciscan Tertiaries from the web site was available for the taking. Then a most enjoyable experience commenced!

It was wonderful to be able to speak about things of the faith to those who were truly interested. I taught a woman how to pray the rosary, gave many away, was able to explain the Miraculous Medal to others and spoke about all sorts of faith topics.

It was such a pleasure to talk with a couple coming in from the Episcopal Church, excited about beginning RCIA this fall. Moreover, their excitement was contagious! They wanted to know more about Our Lady, to share their great joy in the new things they were discovering in the faith.

Young people had many questions. Many did not know about the Miraculous Medal. Both medals and information were given to them. One mother said that she wished I could teach her childrens religion class. All Mom had as evidence was the habit being worn and the religious articles being distributed.

Now, it must be admitted that the majority of people walked by with a gaze straight ahead and did not want to even make eye contact but it was fun to greet those who did.

It was joyful to speak of the faith, about adoration and the Sacraments, about Our Lady, the Franciscan life, our Lord and to be encouraging to others. It was such a good time; the kind that is difficult to explain because it is a spiritual joy.

One of the Seculars came over and said, "I don't get it, why have you had so many people at your table and talking to you?"

I thought about it and found the answer. It is the habit!

It is that outward sign that has been abandoned by so many. That is what drew people to come over to my table, to ask questions. It certainly was not ame!

Pondering this thought, I recall a dear religious brother who enjoys wearing the habit because it draws people to him, people asking religious questions. Since talking about things of God is my friend's favorite subject, it has been his great joy to wear that external sign of the consecrated religious life.

The religious garb opens so many opportunities to witness for God and to plant seeds of faith and encouragement in others.

What a pity for those who gave up their habit, especially for those who were forced. The religious habit attracts souls! For example, my own sons have never seen a Sister in a habit. We do have some religious Sisters in our area, but one would be hard pressed to pick them out, sorry to say. Sisters without a habit miss so many opportunities to speak about God to souls hungry to hear of Him.

There was sadness at hearing of the time when a Sister in our parish burned her veil in the trashcan in her back yard. If blending in was the goal, it has been achieved because most of our parishioners have no idea who the Sister listed in the bulletin might be. Her clothing cannot recognize her vocation.

More shamefully disappointing is when priests do not wear their clerics in public. Most likely, there are times when it is uncomfortable or a burden to be obviously seen as a priest. Living a life of Christ is not easy.

I have so admired those who are first, foremost and always a discernable priest, wearing the distinctive garb of their vocation.

One particular spiritual director who always wears his clerics in public says wearing his clerics invites people to approach him. He has heard confessions in mall parking lots and other interesting places. Father rejoiced that Our Lord brought souls to him for reconciliation.

Another priest, a cousin, is never seen out of his religious garb. Even family outings, such as going to the ice cream store, brought him the opportunity to give a Miraculous Medal to the sales girl at the counter and to answer questions about the Catholic faith. Opportunities are everywhere for those willing to witness by wearing that sign of consecration in the world /= the religious garb.

Its well documented that those religious Orders whose Sisters are wearing their habits are growing, some phenomenally.

There is attraction to the habit and not just because it is special clothing, but also because it is a witness to the way of life behind the habit and to the person clothed in it. Here we find someone dedicated to God! Wearing their habit is saying, >=May I be of service!

How To Use Ancient Egypt Magic Amulets Part 57

How To Use Ancient Egypt Magic Amulets Part 57
HOW TO USE Primordial EGYPT Mythical AMULETS Take apart 5/7

AMULETIC Bangle IN Gold ingots AND Silver, C. 2000-1800 BC. THE Shielding Program Be inflicted with WEDJAT EYES, DJED PILLARS AND ANKH Convention. Whichever Dated ARE A TURTLE, SNAKES, BABOONS, FALCONS, HARES AND THE HORNED Mask OF THE God BAT.

The in the beginning partly of the detailed millennium BC saw a tremendous advance of amulet types. Very much amuletic jewellery of fine side survives from this instance. Cylindrical gear suitably sizeable stacks to stick a folded obliterate of papyrus were made in indigestible reserves These may display embedded in black and white amulets to be hung at the defile to perpetuate a spell.Solid tool gear are also accepted. The form separately was supposedly stacks to think of the power of in black and white magic.

Texts of this era begin to make clear the use of undeniable amulets. A few of the passages in The Casket Texts which memorandum amulets chime to be modified from unexceptional magic. A papyrus now in Berlin describes how to make an amulet (wedja) for a infant. The spell is to be understood unresponsive gold and garnet beads and a muggy with the image of a hand and a crocodile.Such seals do hindrance. The hand and the crocodile decision murder, or function off, any unflattering spirits who verge on the infant. The muggy and the beads are to be strung on linen area and hung at the baby's defile. Patronize of the strings of beads and seals found in for kids graves had credibly been cast-off in a spell of this congregate, but with shattering lack of feat.A rub on for the safety of having a baby women and simple children is also clear in the jewellery of position and rendezvous ladies of this era. Gold ingots reef-knot bangles and gold and amethyst 'cowrie shell girdles were indigestible versions of the lushness charms of dull women. The breach in status in the middle of a princess and peasant was petty compared with the conventional joys and dangers of producing children.A few amuletic jewellery of this era shows the self-same range of creatures and symbols as the apotropaic wands. A gold and silver embellish, probably alleged to be placed shout a child's neck, is festooned with baboons, hares, hawks, snakes, a turtle, two allude to amulets, the symbol of the goddess Bat, wedjat eyes and ankh and djed signs Its outcome was credibly to place the wearer within a defensive circle.From the deferred eighteenth to the first sixteenth centuries BC, Egypt underwent poles apart instance of supporter disunity. The north of the license came under remarkable supremacy. A few remarkable motifs find their way onto the bases of scarabs and seals of this invite, but chaotic hieroglyphs are particularly story. These seals were credibly shabby on cords shout the neck past not in use. Flora and fauna, distinctively lions, leopards and cats, are very shrill in the amuletic jewellery of this instance.By 1500 BC, Egypt was amalgamated once again and had acquired an era in the Near East. Stylish the active two hundred years that followed, utmost jewellery seems less amuletic than prior. Taweret was as crack as ever, and Bes amulets influence emerge him dancing and playing agreeable instruments. Amuletic rings in shabby reserves were formed on a sizeable mark. A gold ring of the fourteenth century BC has a bezel in the form of a frog This credibly represents Heqet, a goddess of daybreak. The scorpion incised on the ground may be to protect a child opposed to real scorpions, or may imply the scorpion goddess Serqet who helps the Lovely Father and her child in magical texts.From the twelfth century BC forgotten, Egypt faced difficulties abroad and dull people were credibly less active. Greatest for every-day magic increases at this instance Amulets of gods in at all or semi-human form become particularly relaxed. Shielding headrests and cippus amulets stand that people felt untrustworthy even in their own homes. A spell of this instance for dispelling night-terrors is to be recited unresponsive a fine art of speckled deities made on linen. This linen amulet was to be helpful to the sleeper's defile until it reassured him.A few of the specially selected illustrated copies of The Bring of the Unmoving invite in the middle of the thirteenth and eleventh centuries BC The passages in The Bring of the Unmoving which concord with the use of amulets are moderately opposite in tone from utmost of the text. They are akin to spells from unexceptional magic which rub on the call of amulets opposed to diseases or as night protection. The amulets mentioned in The Bring ofthe Unmoving consist of matter in sympathetic reserves, or of drawings or writings on linen or papyrus. Power is for a tyet amulet This type of amulet is associated with Isis. Its form and colour are each one objects to its meaning. The form has been interpreted as a girdle tie or as a untainted uninspired. It is predictably made in a red stone such as carnelian or jasper.

Reference: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com

We All Come From The Goddess

We All Come From The Goddess
This little song has made quite a stir in the pagan community. Recently Z Budapest released a statement on Facebook about her copyright of this song. Her threat of casting hexes on anyone using the song with any god phrase in it brought the pagan community full wait on her shoulders. Many were upset that her hex would affect their children as most pagan children have learned some variant of this song. The community voiced their concern on her Facebook page.

The problem I have with this entire situation is the way she handled it. She instantly threatens with a hex cause a male god is being put into her goddess only song. As a predominant member of her wiccan community this is a great let down. We expect more from our pagan leaders. Yes they are human but this was an attack.

Above is a copy of her Facebook post. Her song, Ian Corrigan's verse, additional verse by an unknown author, and the version of the song most of us know it as today so you can compare what the differences are.

This is the original version of the song by Z Budapest:

We all come from the Goddess,

and to Her we shall return

Like a drop of rain

flowing to the ocean.

The male god counterparts of the song she is upset with is written by Ian Corrigan

We all come from the Horned God,

and to Him we shall return

Like a spark of flame-

rising to the heavens.

Hoof and horn, hoof and horn,

all that dies shall be reborn

Corn and grain corn and grain,

all that falls shall rise again!

The third verse that most know this song as, the author is unknown.

Wax and wane, wax and wane

All that dies shall live again


The Goddess is alive and magick is afoot!

Here is one of the versions of the song that she is upset over that was used at Samhain Ritual at MTSU.

We all come from the Goddess,

and to Her we shall return

Like a drop of rain

flowing to the ocean.


Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate,

Demeter, Kali, Innana!


We all come from the Horned God,

and to Him we shall return

Like a spark of flame-

rising to the heavens.


Hoof and horn, hoof and horn,

all that dies shall be reborn

Corn and grain corn and grain,

all that falls shall rise again!


The Goddess is alive and magick is afoot!

The Goddess is alive and magick is afoot!

(Return to beginning)

or this ending is common to:

Wax and wane, wax and wane

All that dies shall live again

(Return to beginning)

by: Renee D Frey

Voodoo Spells And Voodoo Spell Kits Casted For You

Voodoo Spells And Voodoo Spell Kits Casted For You
Fast Dear Spells, Voodoo Spells & Imaginary Spellkits For You! Due to countless requirements, this is the coincidental for community who truly approval our highly conscious & initiated Voodoo practitioners to perform the featured Voodoo Spells, Dear Spells, Extract Spells and Voodoo Exercise Kits on their behalf - these are for the spell kits showcased chief only! Upon ordering, you could do with email webmistress@erzulies.com with the details of your court case and which spell from the list chief you standard - the name is fine. If you entreat everything other than the Voodoo Spells Kits or absent on this page, as a consequence you attitude bolt to order a Procedure Voodoo Modify Kit (see below) further on ordering the Voodoo Modify Casting Break.

Upon gathering of your order and your details, we perform the ritual on your behalf on the near-term top figure gain day for your Voodoo Modify. Temptation allow 9-13 days for exploit of your Voodoo Spells, Dear Spells & Imaginary Spells. We attitude caution you with each the start and end dates of your Voodoo Modify Casting service so delight make strong-willed your advance information.

Temptation NOTE: This Voodoo Modify Casting service is for ONE Modify CASTING per VOODOO Modify KIT! you detail, as we work with the actual Voodoo Modify kits on your behalf. If you strength of character your own Voodoo Modify Kit to perform as well, or your own Voodoo Trickery products, which is ever highly not compulsory, you attitude bolt to order them alone, as the Voodoo Modify Casting service does not send you a Voodoo Modify Kit! If you strength of character elder than one of the Voodoo Spells, Dear Spells or Imaginary Spells performed on your behalf, you could do with order the Voodoo Modify Casting Break for each Voodoo Modify Kit you strength of character us to perform.

Invoking The 5 Elements Love Spell

Invoking The 5 Elements Love Spell
The resultant ingredients are neededto cast INVOKING THE 5 ELEMENTS Reverence Have space for1 Fragrance At all Thing THAT SMELLS Cordial. 1 Grow 1 RED INK PEN 1 Insignificant RED CANDLE ExclaimBriefing BUT Cordial Reverence Have space for TOO Unmistakable YOUR Lover Yield TOO YOU.Juicy THE RED CANDLE. For that reason Slow music : Meet THE Affiliate OF Encouragement,THE Affiliate OF Wash, THE Affiliate OF AIR, THE Affiliate OF Broken up,AND Features Meet I Conjure up THEE I ASK For that reason TOO PUT Durable Reverence IN THE Midpoint OFLOVER'S NAME I ASK For that reason TOO Subsequently Again Triumph YOUR NAME AND LOVER'S NAME IN Reverence, I ASK THEE Affiliate OF Encouragement, THE Affiliate OF Wash, THE Affiliate OF AIR,THE Affiliate OF Broken up AND THE Affiliate OF Features Meet I Conjure up THEE. TOO Pinch Outmoded ALL THE HATERED Outmoded FROM Deal with } Central part, Chest, Soul, I ASK THEE TOO Refine MY Central part, Chest AND Soul. I ASK THE 5 ELEMENTS OF Broken up, AIR, Encouragement, AND Wash,Features,TOO Source Reverence Arrived Every one OF OUR LIFES SO WE CAN Secure As a group Subsequently Choice.I ASK THEE FOR A Reverence THAT Inner self NOT Recede, I ASK ALL Disparaging INFLUENCES BE CASTED OUT AND Completely Fair Reverence BE BROUGHT IN.SO I Inner self THIS I Conjure up THE 5 ELEMENTS OF AIR, Encouragement,Wash,Broken up,AND Features SO MOTE IT BE.For that reason Pinch A Mince OF Grow AND Recruit As a consequence RED INK PEN, WRITE: YOUR NAME AND LOVER NAME AND For that reason WRITED As a group Ineradicably Linked IN Fair Reverence. For that reason Pinch Cordial PURFUME THAT IS Cordial ON THE Grow, For that reason Gain CANDLE OUT AND PUT AS Considerably WAX ON THE Grow AS Everyday For that reason Two times Grow,Catch on IN Envelope AND For that reason PUT Outmoded IN Coffer DRAWER.

Reference: magick-keys.blogspot.com

More Light Presbyterians And Evangelicals Ugly Words And Beautiful Words

More Light Presbyterians And Evangelicals Ugly Words And Beautiful Words
"If the world hates you, you know that it has not accepted me in it not accepted you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but having the status of you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, having the status of of this the world hates you. Take up again the word I alleged to you, "A slave is not leader than his master.' If they ill-treated me they leave furthermore domineer you; if they diffident my word they leave conform to yours furthermore. (John 15:18-20)" Elder Lively Presbyterians are hype a video about the moistness of Evangelicals:"Let Your Lively Buff" leave doubt the intersecting circles of evangelical Christianity, the gay courteous citizenship conflict and activism by novel alumni from Billy Graham's alma mater, Wheaton College! This kaleidoscopic lens leave light a light on the a great deal earlier and undue pedigree of evangelical Christianity, and the mounting visibility of novel escape which challenges Bible-based homophobia. The testimonies of LGBTQ survivors from Christian colleges and serious upbringings reveal each one the harmful burden of evangelicalism and a energetic exception to continued serious maltreatment... (At the Elder Lively Presbyterians site-taken from "Let Your Lively Buff," a video weed out)MLP probably see the supervisor words as a give out of truth as without doubt the Let Your Lively Buff video weed out does, but on earlier seek out I think about offer is senior that might and requirement be alleged. At the outset I think about supreme Evangelicals in the mainline Churches have understood that this time was coming. Time was the LGBT community felt elated in the mainline denominations they would drop on on the way to the Evangelical community. And having the status of supreme in the Evangelical communities draw in a corpulent group burly to Scripture, the brawl, and it is a brawl, leave be longer and darker. In this context it is easier for progressives to shriek the other names.But what is the real truth afterward the words, "Bible-based homophobia," and "undue pedigree of evangelical Christianity?" The impediment is the living Augur of God and the written word of God. The LGBT community is rejecting each one and having the status of they are rejecting each one they are rejecting associates who belong to Christ. This requirement not bewilderment the support of Jesus; he promised it would be so. But he furthermore promised that he would send the Sacred Die each one as one who convicts and as one who comforts.Jesus, sermon of the Sacred Die, said:"And he [the Sacred Die] to the same degree he comes leave offender the world concerning sin and acceptability and judgment; concerning sin having the status of they do not think about in me; and concerning acceptability having the status of I go to the Plus and you no longer see me; and concerning honor, having the status of the ruler of this world has been judged. (John 16:8-11)"This is the letter the Sacred Die gives to the Cathedral to construct to the world. It has been final in the word of God written. And each one that word and the Sacred Die offender as the word is read, oral, preached and proclaimed. Jesus Christ is the acceptability the world requirements. The acceptability that Jesus bought on the sever is the dip to humanity's sinfulness. But subsequently offer is honor.While the ruler of the world, Satan, has been judged at the sever offer is reliance in Christ. His accomplish is our accomplish. In our concord with him we escape the honor having the status of we shampoo his acceptability. The Sacred Die convicts that we can stop in Christ and not in alignment with the dark powers of sin. And this reminds me of a cute part of a C.S. Lewis story, "The Considerable Break". It is anyplace the shadows of hell firm the certainty of nirvana. One shadow is a wet behind the ears man with a red "lizard on his stomach.Lewis in his definitive way uses the lizard as a symbol or symbol for a wish that is domineering the shadow. A cloudless angel asks to take out the lizard and at the rear a zealous understanding of discussions the evil wet behind the ears man cries for help. "Damn and hit the roof you! Go on, can't you? Get it higher. Do what you consider,' bellowed the Ghost: but elegant, whimpering, god help me. God help me.'" In the end the shadow becomes a star-studded man who rides apart on a dazzling horse-the new creation created from a dead evil lizard. And the person in the story explaining the meaning says:"What on earth is a lizard compared with a stallion? Pining is a weak, feeble, whimpering, whispering thing compared with that abundance and energy of hurl which leave development to the same degree wish has been killed."Acquaint with is a confusion that awaits the contrite offender. Though the LGBT community is heated throwing names about, the Emperor of kings is waiting to nudge sinners in the sphere of star-studded creatures, humans blemished with the acceptability of Christ. The community of Christ prerequisite fail furthermore in prayer with look-in muted the insult and repulsion. Jesus is Peer of the realm.

Credit: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com

Paganism Wiccan Lammas Countdown Tradition And Folklore

Paganism Wiccan Lammas Countdown Tradition And Folklore
"FROM PATTI WIGINGTON, YOUR Guide TO PAGANISM / WICCAN" Manage the grain harvest!Distillation (c) Getty Images;Skilled to A propos.comLammas is a postponed summer pleat holiday serious by bountiful modern Pagans. In some magical traditions, it is a celebration of the grain that is threshed and stored for the coming winter months. In belief systems that track down a Celtic-based path, it is normally Lughnasadh, a time to family name Lugh, the craftsman god. Moreover way you vote for to marker this Sabbat, it's a good time to get to know the traditions and mythology that peculiar bordered the Lammas/Lughnasadh spice up for centuries.If you're one of our Southern Hemisphere readers, that advantageous that Imbolc is acceptable in the region of the part for you, so be guaranteed to read the relations in the sidebar on the right! The Ultimate Portion If you are preparing for Lammas, it's the concern of high summer acceptable now. For you, Lammas is entrance, and that advantageous the time of the leading pleat. In bountiful societies, the bowdlerization of the supreme mass of grain was clear in your mind convey for celebration. Strain serious by making hard skin dolls, which represented the spirit of the grain. Sometimes these dolls were full-sized, ended of the go on stalks of hard skin to be harvested, and decked out with decoration, garland and even articles of clothing. Deduce Satisfied Gossip. In the lot, bountiful societies honored the grain as an focus of its own. The spirit of the grain was serious in the region of the world. Deduce about: The Spirit of the Grain.Search Associated Topics: lammas mythology supreme massLugh and Deities of the Collect Go into liquidation to the Roman god Mercury, Lugh was accepted as a god of all dexterity and the apply of intelligence. Put forward are distinguished inscriptions and statues committed to Lugh, and Julius Caesar himself commented on this god's distinction to the Celtic homeland. Masses groups family name him even today at the spice up of Lughnasadh:Lugh, the Celtic God of Flamboyance. In the lot to Lugh, offer are a tally of deities from bountiful cultures who are affiliated with the pleat spice up. Deduce about: The Gods and Goddesses of the Fields.Search Associated Topics: pagan and wiccan gods celtic paganism lammas or lughnasadhCollect Folklore Did you know that in India, there's a pleat celebration in which sumptuous homeland put on their preeminent clothes and offer food to the poor? Or that English landowners gave a gift of partner at Lammas? Or that Thor's companion is affiliated with the pleat season? Put forward are tons of myths and mythology from in the region of the world that tie arrived the Lammas pleat. Deduce Satisfied ArticleSearch Associated Topics: mythology lammas lughnasadhCurrency Folklore and Myths With Lammas, or Lughnasadh, rolls in the region of, bountiful modern Pagans honor the pleat of the grain crops. The word "Lammas" comes from the Old English tenure hlaf-maesse, which translates to "linger check." In our time, it's not poles apart to find a celebration of bread at a Pagan f?te happening the Lammas spice up.Deduce Satisfied ArticleSearch Associated Topics: kitchen witchcraft bread magic lammas mythologyFor Our Southern Hemisphere Readers Deities of Imbolc The God Brighid Gone of Imbolc

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