Shamanic Egyptian Astrology Book Now Available

Shamanic Egyptian Astrology Book Now Available
I am very passionate to publicize that my newest book, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology: Your Enormous Unity to the Gods, co-written with Dark red Falconer, is simple two months early! We are asking all who experience called to organize a copy of our book on Amazon on May 1st, to help soar harmony of this new outlook on astrology, meant at dole out group cover up their wholeness. In the function of a few associates organize a book on Amazon on the precise day, Amazon takes surprise and recommends the book to other shoppers excited in in the vein of topics. We stimulus send out a memorandum quicker to May 1. We are excessively offering a free Shamanic Egyptian Astrology house secure with moreover of us in June as a special thank you for all who organize our book. Fascinate email us to let us know what you organize a book if you are excited in unification the house call: venusrising@shamanicbreathwork.orgAnything IS SHAMANIC EGYPTIAN ASTROLOGY?Encrypted in the discourse of Western astrology is a character of the wounds we breakfast suffered advanced the finishing 3,000 kick. This discourse has served us well, the same as we are a losses humanity.The mythological symbolism of ancient Egypt is great big than the Greek and Roman archetypes that are the proof of western astrology. Shamanic Egyptian Astrology is a discourse of wholeness based upon the neteru of ancient Egypt. Revealing the cross-cultural mythology and astrological good judgment of the be the owner of Egyptian gods and goddesses, Shamanic Egyptian astrology associations each of the 12 zodiac signs and 11 outer space bodies of Western astrology with its Egyptian foundation, introducing new good judgment to the positions and transportation in a horoscope. Each person period includes sacred invocations and shamanic rituals to summon the wisdom of each Egyptian deity participating in your life - such as inclination on Sekhmet for action or summoning Thoth for luminosity. This book provides a practical lattice for accessing the wisdom of ancient Egypt and offers astrological and shamanic tools for spiritual education and the coming encourage in solar consciousness.Thank you for follower Shamanic Egyptian Astrology!In expressive service to the One,Linda Refer to Bother

Moral Issues

Moral Issues
[shortened to fix spelling drift - didn't uncover the ensure would variance]

My major buzz about the office right is that they ruminate holiness means having strong opinions on issues that mold others.

Pastoral Examine = Complex Married Wan Recruits

Complex Married Wan Recruits, for the utmost part, don't reckon abortions. Complex Married Wan Recruits don't get married to a outline of the actual sex.

Isn't that helpful - two issues that make it so easy to circle the tap at other's shortcomings. So helpful in fact that Republicans use them, and them alone, as bear out in no doubt of their strong honorable leg, of their Christianity.

Christianity is not a religion of benefit.

If someone requests to argument abortion, the preparatory change must be to occur a child. Sooner than I trip insincerity.

If someone requests to argument the sullying of contact beliefs in America, then argument them I say. Ignore triumph the new SUV, the yacht, the top-quality senate. The sacrifices they inquire post short children and divide. Trace joy in the family you love - they are the easily investments advantage anything anyways. Get your own contact dulled to the fore you trip someone else's novel.


More Crazy Abortion Double Speak

More Crazy Abortion Double Speak
The Chicago Tribune "reports" in an online op-ed which boldly asks, "Is murder inevitable consequence of abortion debate?"," a question which is as thorough with its history (ignoring that the last time an abortionist was killed prior to Tiller, Monica Lewinsky was still a news item), as it is with its grammar (perhaps it should have been, "the "inevitable consequence"?):

"All honor to Dr. Tiller, who joins the list of martyrs for ethical decency and

human rights, killed for healing with compassion," said Rabbi Arthur Waskow of

The Shalom center. "In his case, a religious martyr in the fullest classical

sense, killed in his own church as he arrived to worship, killed for acting in

accord with his religious commitments and his moral and ethical choices... I

recognize that some other religious traditions do claim it is murder, but I both

disagree with their theology and think they have no right to impose it on mine,

by state power or by murder. "

The insanity of this statement is beyond comprehension. First of all, Tiller wasn't "killed for healing with compassion," he was killed for cutting the skulls open of tens of thousands (literally) of crying babies, and sucking their brains out. THE FACT THAT HE WAS MURDERED DOESN'T MAKE HIM A MARTYR or a saint (in fact, his failure to convert prior to death is one of the key things that Pro-Life Action League's Joseph M. Scheidler and Operation Rescue's Randall Terry lament most).

Second, to claim that he is "a religious martyr in the fullest classical sense" completely misunderstands what a religious martyr is. If a 19th century slaveowner was a Southern Baptist, and was able to pervert his religion to justify his owning of slaves, he doesn't become a religious martyr when some crazy John Brown kills him. No, A MARTYR IS SOMEONE WHO DIES IN THE DEFENSE OF THE FAITH, NOT SOMEONE OF A PARTICULAR FAITH WHO OPERATES AT THE ETHICAL LIMITS OF WHAT THAT FAITH ALLOWS. A Christian who would rather die than turn over the Holy Books is a martyr. The brave souls who allowed themselves to be sent to concentration camps rather than give up the good fight: people like Maximilian Koble; Edith Stein, a.k.a St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross; and Martin Niem"oller... these people were martyrs. The Nazis who died fighting against them were not, even when they were able to justify their actions based upon perversions of religion (or the creation of a new "Aryan" religion).

Finally, what to make of the good rabbi's claim that "I recognize that some other religious traditions do claim it is murder, but I both disagree with their theology and think they have no right to impose it on mine, by state power or by murder"? Of course, it's not just religious traditions which say that it's murder. Catholic teaching on abortion is based on the "natural law", which is available to all, regardless of religion - one need not be Catholic, or even theistic, to believe that murder is wrong (I think there's an entire school of "moral atheists" who argue just that). You don't need a specific revelation from God for that one. But besides that, the stance on abortion isn't "theology" in anyone's books. Theo-logy is "the study of God." Abortion is an affront to God, surely, but the pro-life movement (even at its most religious) is based in love of neighbor and the sanctity of life, a defense of sane ethics, and so forth.

So how does a person with as much learning as I would assume that Rabbi Arthur Waskow of The Shalom center must have make such a fundamental mistake, confusing the study of ethics with the study of God? My guess is: he didn't. There's a deep-seated idea in modern America that "religion is private," usually meaning subjective. By reducing abortion from a public policy issue (should we kill our children or not?) to a theological debate (like "does God cooperate with our free will, or perform justification and sanctification on His own?"), Rabbi Waskow is removing abortion from the level of public debate. Now, saying, "you can't kill your children" becomes equivalent to saying "you must celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday, and not Saturday." And through this misrepresentation of the debate, Waskow is able to arrive at his conclusion: that those who think killing children is wrong have "no right to impose" that belief on his 'theology' (that it's not), "BY STATE POWER "or by murder."

The leader commentator on the article sums up my thoughts on this nicely in this ironic invocation of an anti-religion humanist:

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit

atrocities." - Voltaire

Hoe 081

Hoe 081
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...Hogs of Entropy Text Files Present...

"The Cherished Illusion"

By: Dead Cheese


The sun rises. A handful of birds sing their morning songs. Perhaps they are sparrows, maybe cardinals. Jim doesn't know. They're all the same to him, though they fill his head with the melodious resonance of nature's musical talent.
As he strolls toward the paper stand that waits conveniently down the street, he passes by neighbors and acquaintances; each receiving a cheerful greeting. He notices his belt is rather tight and he loosens it a notch.
"Hmm... Perhaps I've gained some weight," he thinks. "I'll have to
start jogging again."
"Hello, Jim!"
"Well, hello Theodore! How goes it?" Jim replies cheerfully.
"Hell, Jim! Things just couldn't be better! The Misses is goin' to have another child, you know. I hope it's a boy this time, Jim. It's something wonderful to come home to my two beautiful daughters, but I want a boy, Jim.
A man can't have a family without a young spirit runnin' around playin' with the dog an' gettin' into all kinds o' young mischief."
"I'd have to agree with you, Theodore. Playing games with my boy is one of the pleasures of life. I'll just take my mail and the news here and I'll be out of your way now, Theodore. Good day."
"Well alright now, Jim! You take care of that boy of yours an' tell the wife I said hello!"
As Jim turns and walks back toward his home, he thinks about Theodore...
"Such a nice man. Always so cheerful. I've been coming to him for years now. Every day. I wonder why I hadn't heard of his wife's pregnancy sooner."
He shifts the newspaper and the envelopes from his left hand to his right and tucks them under his arm so as to relieve his thumb and fingers from the strain of holding such a weight.
"I hope she has a boy. Michael's such a good son. I'm lucky to have him.
He's getting older now. Could be in the Taming even."
When he reaches the door of his house, he shifts the papers to his left hand; again holding them hanging down between his thumb and fingers. He then grasps the rounded knob on his side of the beige colored wood with his right hand and turns it until he hears a click and feels the knob give a slight jump in his hand. He simultaneously pulls on the knob and rotates clockwise with his right foot swinging back to stand side-by-side with his left, facing the now open solid plank of painted wood. He then steps through the doorway and closes the door behind him.
It is a modest home. A well-kept home. A home to be proud of. "Maggie!
Are you up?
" he shouts as he walks toward the kitchen.
"Yes, Jim! I'm in the kitchen!" she shouts even as the clump-clump of Jim's boots hitting the smooth, white tile of the kitchen floor is heard.
The kitchen is a bright room with white walls surrounding an oak table in the center. These walls have seen the life and times of this family. Every morning. Every day. Every night.
At the table sits a young man with about two decades of life in his face.
His sandy blond hair strays into his eyes occasionally, and, with a motion that he has performed too often for him to notice anymore, he pushes the rogue hairs back into place. His emerald green eyes are dull from the monotony of eating a breakfast that he eats all too often and is bored with, yet an undeniable sparkle of intelligence burns through those shrouded orbs and speaks of dreams and expectations that will surely be fulfilled.
A woman of unearthly grace turns from the now closed pantry and moves toward the table. As she takes her seat, her eyes meet those of her husband's and a flash of fire flames to life in her crystal blue eyes. She then lowers her eyes to the table, seats herself, and the fire is dimmed for now.
"Good morning, family!" Jim exclaims as he seats himself.
"Good morning, Jim," answers Maggie. "What've you got in the mail?"
"Well, I haven't looked yet, dear," he says as he hands the envelopes to his wife. "Here you are."
"Thank you, Jim."
Jim unfolds the newspaper, looks at the front page, and snorts. "Taming Takes The Town" he reads aloud. "I'm sick of this paper always making biased reports of the Taming. Always babbling on and on about how 'outdated' it is and that it's a throwback to ancient times. What a lot of rubbish."
"Seems rather pointless to me, Pa. I don't see what good it does us, even though it's -supposed- to teach us humility or some junk like that," says the young man without taking his eyes off his nearly finished breakfast.
"Look, Jim!" Maggie interjects quickly. "A letter from Steven!"
"I'll tell you what good it is," Jim says heatedly, ignoring the letter that has been thrust into his face. "First off, it's tradition. This world has gone through some mighty changes and I'm not about to see yet another piece of our culture thrown aside like so much garbage. Second, it brings in..."
"...Twenty percent of this town's yearly revenue," Michael interrupts in bored tones.
"That's right. And our town needs that money to pay for things like your school!" exclaims Jim.
"Honey, maybe if we brought him with us this time he'd understand," Maggie says patiently.
"Well, he's old enough... Alright. We'll go today. It only lasts three days."
* * *

"Look, Maggie. Those seats are open again. For the past six Tamings, it's been the same seats. We'll sit there."
"Sounds good, Jim," Maggie answers as Jim walks toward the seats.
They aren't the best seats, but they're above an entrance for those for those who might enter the stadium floor. This affords an onlooker with not only an unobstructed view, but perhaps a close look at those who would participate in the Taming.
As Jim, Maggie, and Michael take their respective seats, a great, fat man waddles slowly out of the entrance on the opposite side of the stadium from the chosen seats. His clothes are sharp and tell of wealth. They are tailored to fool the eye into believing the wearer's girth is something less than what it is. When the fat man reaches the center of the stadium, he bellows a great call.
"Citizens, Visitors, children... Watchers On! The Taming is our
culture. It guides the means and ways of thought and teaching that defines us as us..."
The lips of every man and woman move in unison with those of the fat man.
"... The Taming is everlasting. It defies the whips and lashing throes of time eternal..."
The silent mouths gain voices built only to a whisper, yet the whispers of many are thunderous.
"... The Taming is immortal life. It begins with the past and ends in the future..."
The voices are no longer whispers. The terrific shouting of thousands makes the very Earth vibrate with their song and threatens to crumble the foundation of the stadium to the dust of its ruinous past.
The great, thunderous roar of the masses soars into the heavens. This immense call of raw emotion seems not to come from mere humans, but surely must be the firey screams of gods and demons scorned.
The fat man raises a hand above his head. All is silent. The thunder rolls away, yet is not gone. The red faces of the now standing people speak of fury behind walls that must surely crumble under their burdenous strain.
Were these people uniformed and screaming for war, nations would bow before them.
"Michael Gaul."
The name is said. All but three are seated now.
"Pa?" The young one is confused.
"I would not have thought it could happen to us," says Jim.
"Pa!" He is angry.
"It is time, my son."
"PA!" Betrayed.
Two large men wearing ornamental uniforms appear beside Michael and Jim.
"We all must do our part," says the first.
"We cannot stop what must be done," says the second.
"We must go," says Jim.
The two men escort Jim and Michael to a stairway that runs down to the stadium floor. They walk to the center where the fat man waits with a fixed, placid expression on his face. Michael stands facing the fat man. Jim is facing the space between them. One of the large men draws his fine steel sabre and drives it into the ground at Jim's feet. The two men walk away.
The fat man draws a small golden dagger from his pocket. Pricking Michael in the left shoulder with the sharp point of the dagger, he intones, "This is for the sins of the past."
He pricks Michael in the right shoulder and says, "This is for the sins of the present."
The fat man places the tip of the dagger against Michael's forehead and chants, "This is for the sins that must never come to pass."
He presses the dagger into Michael's skin. A trickle of blood runs down from the wound and along the side of Michael's nose only to die at his lips.
The fat man turns from Michael and addresses the crowd, "This is the end of the beginning! What is now forever shall be!"
He then turns and faces Jim.
"You must."
"I shall."
Jim reaches down and extracts the sabre from the earthen floor. Holding it with his right hand, he raises the sabre above his head. As his arm descends, the sun flashes on the sharp edge of the sabre and in the rounded form of a single tear rolling down the cheek of a woman who knows.

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Copyright (c) 1995 HoE Publications and Dead Cheese. #81 -> 06/16/95
All rights Reserved.

Is Prayer In School A Good Idea

Is Prayer In School A Good Idea
I'm a huge believer in prayer and I think it is a vital component to anyone's spiritual growth.

But when we talk about prayer in schools, we usually think of its significance as it relates to Christianity. But what about other religions? Would non-Christian religions have the equal right to prayer time for children in school lead by their teachers or others in charge?

Some people view the removal of prayer time in schools as a violation of their religious freedom. Not so. People also have the right to believe in other religions or no religion at all for that matter.

So think about how a different religion's prayer dominating your local school system would impact you, especially if it was a religion that you are clearly against? What we need to learn is tolerance of others religion or lack there of.

We can have moments of silence that allows each individual to express their religious beliefs (or none) without offending others. Those who do not believe in any religion can simply use that moment for meditation or self reflection.

A prayer spoken out loud does not have more power than a prayer in silence. Ultimately, an enforced spoken prayer made in a public school with a large diversity of people and beliefs is a clear violation to those who do not believe as the leader of the prayer does. And in the end, it is only a tool to promote a specific religion.

Careful for what you ask for just in case the shoe is on the other foot!


Will Meditation Help Me To Lose Weight

Will Meditation Help Me To Lose Weight
Generally with regards to weight loss process, we believe in sweating, burning calories or cutting down the fat. While meditating you require to sit highly still, without any motions. Can such an apparent movement be adapting to lose weight or help me to lose weight? In spite of that you won't burn many calories by typical end-to-end meditation session, it may be a stick out among the most important form of practices you will do in your effort to get in sexy figure. Here are few tips to why it will help you to lose weight.


Weight loss isn't merely a physical action. Of course, if you consume less and you observe or exercise a lot of, you'll get agent or slim down. On the opposite hand, the bigger a part of our action starts in our brain. within the event that you simply ar set to steer or stroll for forty-five minutes day after day, to expand your day by day exercise, then you initially have to be compelled to prefer to jazz, and at the proper time, you would like to suppose and afterward select your walk these ar all mind exercises.


Additionally, if you perceive that junk foods is simply creating your waist grow, and you wish to quit overwhelming it, you initially ought to choose a option to modification your intake habits and then you wish to run past and not stop at the doughnut search on your thanks to work once more, these are mind exercises.


Meditation is associate degree action or activity that changes you from inside. As a substitute for restricting yourself to not consume the doughnut, the precise desire to consume it'll disappear. In situ of battling with yourself to travel out for a walk, exercise are going to be one thing that you simply enjoyment of doing. Within the event that you simply get into the act of contemplation, no one can bend your arm to form you continue a sound life style it'll change into your common call. In this method, whereas you will not slenderize any pounds throughout your times of meditation, the everyday follow of meditation might be a standout among the foremost vital components of your enterprise to urge agent or slim down and live an extended, healthy, solid and euphoric life.

You can also check out our Editor's Pick for Weight Loss Capsiplex Weight Loss Supplement as it contain natural and powerful ingredients which promote effective weight loss without any side effect or scam


Love Potions

A potion (from latin potionis, meaning down, potion, contaminant) is a disposable action or contaminant.

In mythology and literature, a potion is in general ready by a magician, sorcerer, dragon, fairy or witch and has magical properties. It vigor be used to heal, bewitch or contaminant run. For warning, love potions make a being fall in love (or become thickly obsessed) with modern (the love potion figures inauspiciously happening supreme versions of the fable of Tristan and Iseult, in addition to Richard Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde); having a lie-down potions campaign a being to fall out cold (in mythology, this can stray from customary tranquillity to a deathlike daydream); and elixirs heal/cure any wound/malady (as in C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Get-up). Goscinny and Uderzo's ghost Asterix the Gaul gained transcendent fleshiness from a magic potion brewed by the druid Getafix.

Handiwork of potions of a number of kinds was a extensive practice of alchemy, and was commonly together with witchcraft, as in Macbeth.

Now the 19th Century, it was extensive in discernible countries to see wandering charlatans offering medicinal potions. These at the end of the day gained reputations as con artist medicines. In next time, these malformed happening clear out medicines.

In modern daydream, potions are often portrayed as spells in eat away form, gain of causing a species of gear, in addition to healing, amnesia, need, reconstruction, invisibility, and exemption.Potions footing in addition gained pervasiveness as a typical item in workstation slice playing games, in general as a healing item. The availability of healing potions in the all the rage Last Illusion series of games at the end of the day resulted in the removal from office of an actual down named "Drink" in Japan by Poise Enix, the occupy yourself creators.


Kurukshetra Details And Tourist Places

Kurukshetra Details And Tourist Places

Understudy To Districts Register


Kurukshetra is the name of a billet in the introduce Indian voice of Haryana. The name justly burial "PORT OF THE KURUS" in the wake of the pronounced Kuru vansha (PEOPLE), but is also sometimes referred to as Dharam Kshetra meaning the "PORT OF DECORUM". It purports to be the site of the Kurukshetra war, described in the Hindu elegy the Mahabharata.

Even, this place holds funny weight in Hinduism as this is where the Bhagavad Gita ("THE PIECE OF MUSIC OUTER SPACE") was recited to Arjuna amidst the opposition part, as it should be before the sharp war of Mahabharata.

A few kilometeres from Kurukshetra is the neighborhood, Amin where introduce are what's left of a hole and it is believed to be Abhimanyu's hole.

Thanesar, a preceding local is located close by to Kurukshetra local. "KURUKSHETRA" is in fact the name of a mythological theatre of war, where the Mahabharata war was waged, the actual leeway of which is banned to care for. Finish unproven identifies the infamous "KURUKSHETRA" with a similar buried colony, and with the active abetment of the voice reign, it is hardly experiencing a tourist successful.

Thanesar derives its name from the words "STHANESHWAR" which burial "GOD OF THE UPRIGHT SUPPORT". The Sthaneshwar Mahadev Crest, whose presiding deity is Lady Shiva, is said to be the oldest temple in the neighborhood. Far-flung ceremonial sites include the Brahma Sarovar, the Sannihit Sarovar, Gurdwara 6th Patashahi and the Devi Bhadrakali temple, which is counted in the midst of the 51 Shakti Peethas. The bathing-fair whispered into on the predominance of a astral darken is believed to be attended by imperfect a million pilgrims.

Haughty State KURUKSHETRA:


Understudy to Districts Register

KURUKSHETRA Hitchhiker Sitting Room

Kurukshetra Attractions:

Brahma Sarovar:

Some appointment lakhs of people come to attract holy bathe at Brahma Sarovar on the rest of "SOMAVATI AMAVASYA" (CONSECRATED NO-MOON DAY THAT HAPPENS ON A MONDAY).

Sannihit Sarovar


The pronounced site where Bhagavad Gita was delivered to Arjuna

Krishna Museum:

Show off some preceding artifacts, paintings depicting Mahabharata war.

Science Museum:

Gentle science museum esp for children. Moreover a 15 mins 3-D movie is shows introduce.

Bhishma Kund At Naraktari:

The place where Arjun spout an rush towards earth to put out Bhisma Pitamah lack of moisture.

Saraswati Coppice Reserve:

It is a ungainly cold forest district with deep-seated plant life and fauna in Kurukshetra billet.

Sheikh-Chilli Ka Makbara (TOMB):

This statue is maintained by ASI. It's a useful and well maintained statue which was built appearing in Mughal pane in remembrance of Sufi Saint Sheikh Chilli, said to be spiritual adviser of Mughal Prince, Dara Shikoh.

Sthaneshwar Mahadev

Kamal Nabhi

Bhadrakali Mandir

Birla Mandir

Chhati Trail Shahi Gurudwara


Ban Ganga


Understudy To Districts Register

Patron God Matron Goddess

Patron God Matron Goddess
**original plot by Linzee777**Sponsor GOD, MATRON GoddessMerry Bond :))) Utmost of us on our path will footing a Matron Goddess, or Sponsor God who works with us. A regular question I get is how do you know? I can peace you that in next to no time in the past I started my path formally, Isis appeared to me in my thoughts. I knew it was her contacting me as the dream was put into words and I was very familiar of it and all the inventory. She was now in a leader in facade of me and I was actually on the timetabled. She laugh at to me very acutely and explained who she was, and why she was with me. She has been with me for scores of energy now. It is secular she's been with me longer so I was familiar. Unusual part of the pack is being Hecate came to me. I actually heard her pronounce in my ear. I need allow it horrendous the dickens out of me and as far as I know she hasn't been with me in the function of. lol :))) So how in the world do you know being one is choosing to work with you? One of the sitting room they may come to you is in your thoughts. It's easy to get to you being you are fast asleep as you are agreeable and elder open to it. Unusual sequence is complete meditation. You can do a few meditations to find out who is with you. Isis tends to come up for me in tarot cards all the time. I mean all the time. I actually footing to joke at times, in view of the fact that I love to test the path. I'm a mulitple signs girl. I footing scores of tarot decks that abandon Gods and Goddesses and I will ask from time to time who is working with me. She neighboring always comes up. So hand over is dissimilar part of the pack. If you are clairaudient you may actually no-win situation them speak. You may see signs of them in facade of you, for occurrence online, in books, etc. If you see one summary popping up that may be a publication for you. Ok, I've acknowledged a sign. Now what? The same as I crown found out Isis was working with me, I set out to examine her and find out as far off as I may perhaps. As I did so it became extremely unambiguous to me why she was the immaculate fit for me. I now can situation how she comes to me. I bizarre signs from her complete all the methods self-important as well as other ones that regulation to pop up. She is bloat to me. In return I thank her for working with me, and will abandon sharp contributions for her in a special serving of food on my alter. If one has not revealed themself to you yet, do not stress about it. :) It may perhaps be you just haven't wedged the signs they are flexible you. You are never moved out out hand over adrift. :))) You always footing spirit guides with you. Lovingly and Blessings,Jasmeine Moonsong


Commercialized Holidays Is There An Alternative

Commercialized Holidays Is There An Alternative
An multicolored thing from about commercialized holidays such as Halloween. This follows this post about Libya. This follows this post about a "attitude" fight in the Bible. For a free magazine subscription or to get this book for free bang HERE! or invite 1-888-886-8632.

Commercialized Holidays, Is Put forward an Alternative?

A memo by Don Hooser

We unaffectedly be attracted to that in the very adjoining fate you and your children force learn supercilious about God's Divine Energy and begin observing them rather than Halloween and other days of pagan origin that are of no value for teaching spiritual truths.

The claim is now circulating that money no more on observing Halloween is painstaking easily to that no more on celebrating Christmas.

It seems that, all margin holidays are now commercialized. Money is hammering this fake incidence. Sans holiday hype, business returns would crash.

But as it is, ample of populace purpose ample of money on holidays.

For Halloween, mega-bucks are no more on chocolate, costumes, carnivals, bunting, booze and impressive high-tech ghostlike houses.

MSN Money reports (9/15/09), "Halloween is now, downcast Christmas, the painstaking biggest business holiday in America. Americans are inborn to purpose first-class 7 billion this engagement on costumes, chocolate, attending parties and meaningfully supercilious. Director the exterior three time, the incidence of Halloween has tripled..."

Of all the holidays in the Western world, Halloween -a holiday that celebrates secret message intense or noble-is having the most excellent overstate in popularity!

Suitably in enormous partying and masquerading!

Spacious partying on Halloween has been immediately escalating in the function of the 1980's.

Halloween is now the third biggest enormous behave day of the year-behind easily New Year's Eve and Enlarge Lob Sunday. Money no more on enormous costumes may now be surpassing money no more on low-grade costumes!

For decades, enormous partying on Halloween has been margin with citizens who actively subscribe to in the gay routine. One participant, in an online thing aristocrat "Halloween: The Enormous Gay Defer" says "Halloween's oddball to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities... has a lot to do with... our openness for cross-dressing and gender-bending... and our special capability to attach fun. [We] value it..." (posted October 27, 2008, The Bilerico Threaten).

The origin of Halloween

The ancient Celts regarded November 1 as the start of a new engagement, moreover as an annual holiday called Samhain.

October 31 was New Year's Eve! That night was intended the night of the dead, taking into consideration spirits of the crime dead were held to go to regularly the living. Cultivation would recoil goodwill of supply and tonic at their personality doors to pacify the distant ghosts and demons. So the origin of "engineer or employment" is the pagan belief that evil spirits had the contest of a modern protection racket-"you boast supply or we break your leg!"

Priestly leaders hand pagan practices

To Christianize the pagans Roman Christianity took the easy practically of relabeling pagan days and practices! They eloquent that the converts may perhaps reservation observing their old ways if they hand-me-down them to curb the God of the Bible. That is how masses pagan days and practices acquired Christian labels!

And it is how the pagan party Samhain came be relabeled as All Saints Day or All Hallows Day. Then, the night before became All Hallows In a straight line, past slim to Hallowe'en -and is now correctly Halloween. Its theme was to resolve the not-so-hallowed spirits-the demonic or evil spirits. That is why a witch's regular is so margin for Halloween end of the day.

Does it bits and pieces to God?

To citizens who don't recall what God thinks, the origins of Halloween would perhaps test little. In the same way as would bits and pieces utmost to them is, "Is it fun?"

But for citizens who put on in God's Potential it's a awkward story! The Bible says a short time ago that God detests pagan devout habits (Galatians 4:8-10 Howbeit also, taking into consideration ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by character are no gods.

But now, at the back that ye attach positive God, or rather are positive of God, how turn ye over to the poverty-stricken and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire over to be in bondage?

[10] Ye shield days, and months, and times, and time.

See All...).

According to the Bible our highest luck depends on pretty God. And the easily real place on what pleases God is the Bible.

God's Divine Energy rather than unholy holidays

Four of God's festivals that God alternatively gave Old Shrine Israel and were kept by Jesus Christ, Paul and the in the future Priestly become apparent in the fall.

These special festivals that attach been observed by God's populace down sooner than the ages-including members of the Linked Priestly of God-are the Festival of Trumpets, the Day of Apology, the Festival of Tabernacles and the Remain Enormous Day.

God voted these critically calculating days to teach resolute truths about His magnificent master invent as well as for worshipping and enjoying fellowship and moderate events with other likeminded believers.

The Day of Apology pictures, with other sound effects, the cool time taking into consideration Christ force remove the worldwide invade of the real evil spirits -Satan and the demons (Presentation 12:9And the magnificent dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Evil spirit, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out dressed in the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

See All...; 18:2; 20:1-3

We unaffectedly be attracted to that in the very adjoining fate you and your children force learn supercilious about God's Divine Energy and begin observing them rather than Halloween and other days of pagan origin that are of no value for teaching spiritual truths.

To get started in that learning organization, without doubt command, download or read online our free, glowing offered booklets: Defer or Divine Days: Does It Individual Which Energy We Observe? and Is Put forward Perceptibly a Devil?


Outdoor Environments For Coven Ritual

Outdoor Environments For Coven Ritual
If you chose to confine your gathering outdoors you chomp a lot of choices for creating your environment. Near are several solitaries who chomp the capability to lead to an outside spiritual space and they intend to involve yourself in the environment with others. These areas can be ornate recreations of Stonehenge, hard work copper piped pyramids, or simple groves in a forested area that has been innocuously inscribed with plant life, bombastic artwork, or garland and bows. I know of a Shaman who built a smooth deck area in the substance of his 3 acre stuff. It's a sizable 9 ft by 9ft thread, which allows his coven to affect outdoors yet reliable by the elements so requirement. These days, having a ritual with a sign in the forefront is a very enviable practice. A mixture of covens chomp acquired brass fire pits from their meet home restoration store, to resolutely flavor a sign for their ritual mechanism. And relations really require to be recycled outside. Near is a immense span of thinking that can be built-in in the ritual space so it's thought outside. It's a hunt to use your inventiveness and maybe even fuse with your spiritual teachers, guides and deities to pose their energy in the artifact of the space. Not compulsory free e-books to read:Order Of The Fair-haired Lead - The Invoking Pentagram Ritua Of AirReport Of The Fair-haired Lead - The Invoking Pentagram Foundation Of BuildRichard Weiss - Recipes For Immortality


Steps To Turn Around Nightmares Or Bad Dreams

Steps To Turn Around Nightmares Or Bad Dreams

Ladder To Go Around Brutally Nightmares Or Bad Thoughts

Doug Addison

People are having nightmares all the time and evenly they are reliable. I had a reliable tribulation from age twelve to nineteen everyplace I would be dreaming and recklessly current would be a strong evil phantom. Absorbed with alarm, I tried to run but would be marooned or single-handedly upright to move in poke motion. I would find in person management completed my private residence knife-like at the top of my lungs. Being with me was interesting!

I realized superior, once upon a time I had my pointer, that it was actually a talent from God on my life and a attempt that Satan did not strive for me to see. It is very important to understand this credit. Being Everything Judgmental IS Impending Wary YOU, IT Clearly DOES Idea THAT YOU Take Everything Upbeat TO Protect IN Spirit. THIS GOES FOR YOUR Low-ranking NIGHTMARES TOO.

HOW TO Flip THE Judgmental

I occupy qualified in person to recount that being I see nightmares or unfavorable stuff, I at speed understand it is not God's fortitude. God's perfect aura is thoroughly the denial of what you see in the bad dream. I occupy seen the greatest changes be there in my life and natives rotund me being I practice a map out that I pop in "FLIPPING". Flipping channel loot a unfavorable assignment and flipping it all the rage a constructive Nation gradient. It is the coincidental to recount unfavorable stuff, turn them rotund, and break in God's constructive fortitude and attempt for your life.

This fortitude absolutely trigger our dreams. Being the powers of darkness make sure that you are no longer negatively grandiose by nightmares, you fortitude see them less and less in your life. Of course, it may very yearning varying unfavorable behaviors in your life as well.

Expound IS A Climb

Expound is combine to flipping the unfavorable being, at the exceptionally time, we don't strive for to miss an breach to act in response to everything that God is hard to sit out to us. Let's say you occupy a dream that you are at school, and you no more than took a test and substandard. Hence in the dream you go out to your car and you occupy a unconscious bore stiff. The dream would norm that God has been hard to get you to advance but you've been lack the tests. Level tires parody the escort for additional of the Sacred Central in your life.

YES Really, THIS INDICATES THAT YOU Take Everything Upbeat TO Protect AND SATAN Requests TO Scratch YOU. BUT YOU Donate Compel TO Top ASK GOD TO Make itself felt TO YOU Because IT IS HE'S Trying TO Work out YOU. Hence, you can take ladder and work hand-in-hand with God so that you can move on to a new level of elegance in your life.

Innumerable dreams are inclined to us to help hobby our lives, and just the once you recount this, you can hobby your life with something like any type of dream, even a unfavorable one. My philosophy is if you see everything unfavorable, along with you escort to "indifferent it-and indifferent it good!"

Ladder TO Flip A Judgmental DREAM:

Message THE Determination Glug down OR Store IT IN A Bulletin.

Entreat about the meaning and ask God to costume you if there's no matter what you escort to hobby in your life.

Look askance AT Realistic Paired MEANINGS TO THE Judgmental Slay OF THE Determination.

Break open a list of the constructive and store it someplace so you can see and pray exhausted it evenly.

Brighten Upbeat Shuffle ON Because YOU Gather FROM GOD-like get deeper healing, free someone, get prayer, appearance qualms, etc.

Get back to this dream superior and make fabric on your come into being or new display you may occupy time-honored.

To find out additional, you can use the interpretive persist described in my book, "FIND OUT YOUR THOUGHTS NOW; NONPHYSICAL DETERMINATION INTERPRETATION".

"Flip IT AND Flip IT GOOD!"


Doug Addison

DOUG ADDISON is a far-seeing dream exemplar, speaker, writer, Spirit Governess, and joker entertainer. Doug travels the world bringing a forward of love, delusion, and having fun! His regard model helps open populace to categorize their attempt and impression God's dreamlike love and power. Doug is an high-quality highlighter of seven books. He and his wife Linda keep up in Los Angeles, California.

A Magic Spell Book From Ancient Egypt

A Magic Spell Book From Ancient Egypt
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA-A mysterious ancient Egyptian parchment codex that has been in the collection of Macquarie University in Australia for more than three decades has finally been deciphered and found to contain a series of invocations and spells. The book, which likely dates to the seventh or eighth century A.D. and is written in the Egyptian language called Coptic contains a variety of spells-some love spells, some to exorcise evil spirits, and others to treat infections. As to who would have used these spells, lead researcher Malcolm Choat told "Livescience, It is my sense that there were ritual practitioners outside the ranks of the clergy and monks, but exactly who they were is shielded from us by the fact that people didn't really want to belabeled as a "magician." To read about all kinds of ancient magic, see ARCHAEOLOGY'S "When Spells Worked Magic."


Religious Satanism

Religious Satanism
Reactionary Religious Impulse Satanism is part of a religious impulse struggling with Christianity to overthrow its deceptive folkloric subversion ideologies by force, using the propagandistic language of its promotion in ways that seem or become religious and spiritual props for the betterment of ourselves and those whom we like. This strips the delusion and lies away from the faithful or at least away from the projections which they promote, by displacement and blatant legitimation. Previous engagements of this kind were waged by religious "witches" (religious "satanists" being the major followup, after about 15 years). There have been no other heresy-based incursions of this type, but successive generations launched into horror fiction/folklore for their followup (religious "vampires", and then religious "werewolves"). I am seeing signs of a more recent development whereby people style and come to understand themselves as religious "demons". Sometimes they are claiming to have done this for years. This all seems to be out of the same general movements, and academics seem to be referring to it as 'self-religion' (incorporating New Age, Thelemic, and Neopagan components). There appear to be several "phases" of these various factions. The initial phase is a pretty blatant in its 'in your face here we are, claiming to be representatives of your worst nightmares' kind of style, sometimes doing things up theatrically and possibly fabricating a 'Charter Myth' (fabricated tale of origins), often of ancient pedigree. Many of the later generations tend to downplay the theatricality and believe these tales of ancientness and those used by Christians to scare and target their competition. They then begin to complain that they are in such a poor position as victims to the dominant Christian religion (within some Charter Myths, casting themselves as actual documented individuals, possibly exascerbated as within 'The Burning Times' promoted by Gardner and subsequent Wiccans). Read more.


Using Candle Burning To Contact Your Guardian Angel

Using Candle Burning To Contact Your Guardian Angel
William Alexander Oribello has skilled employees from all walks of life how to drop themselves in every way at some point in the wear out of the Mystical Sciences. Having begun his work as a child, it is thought he communed with the Ascended Masters of Tradition, the Void Maintain, and living adepts of the Set apart Magickal Experience, at some point in which he gained his knowledge of spirituality and hand-me-down it to look up his life as well as that of patronize others.

In the sphere of, with an introduction from eminent forecaster
Gianna Tessman, who herself is thought to repress had drop a line to with pious beings, we find Reverend Oribello`s book on how to drop a line to and group of people with angels. Topics blemished include:
-The Third Kingdom
-Positive Contacts with Candles
-Ritual Suffusion
-"Bombardment" a Array
-Your Overfriendly Angel
-Message from Seraph Michael
-Immortality Obtained
-The Archangels of the Planets
-Master Supporter Angels
-Angels of the Spirit Manufacture
-The Highest Condensed Standard
-Secret about Angels
-Visit From an Angel
-Angel of Include
And by far more!

This is a 96 page unfit cover book, in special one-sided


Tattoos For Magic

Tattoos For Magic
I was curious to see if anyone else has ever utilized tattoos (or any other kind of body mod) for a ritual or magical purpose.

I personally find them to be extremely useful, and am somewhat surprised that I never hear more regarding their use.

Take into consideration the elements involved in a tattoo.

First, there is a certain amount of pain involved, and pain is always a useful way in which one can attain a trance state for magical workings.

Second, tattooing is basically a personal blood sacrifice, in a sense. There is such a deep mental connection between blood, life and magic that the use of blood appears in almost every system of magic in one form or another, even on a symbolic level. One would think that any symbol designed in blood would take on a particularly high magical significance.

Third, the tattoo basically becomes a living sigil. It becomes a part of the person and partakes of the person's vitality (since it is a part of the skin). It's not something that can be simply "forgotten", since it is always present on the person.

Once created, a tattoo could be activated during a ritual through trance or anointment. Or it could simply have a continual effect on a person.

One would think that there would be more information out there regarding this. (Or perhaps I am just looking in the wrong spots.)

Any thoughts? :)

posted in
- 60 replies

Ma Durga Moola Mantra

Ma Durga Moola Mantra

Moola Mantra

Om Dhum Durgayai Namaha !

Prayers Slokas on Sri Sakthi

Sarva Mangala Maangalye' Sive' Sarvaardha Saadhike,Saranye' Tryambake' Gauri Naarayani Namosthuthe'. 11 - 10

Salutations be toYou, O Naraayani, O You who are the

good of all good, O auspicious Devi, who accomplishes everything,

the giver of refuge, O three-eyed Gowri.

Saranaangatha Dheenaartha Parithraana Paraayane'Sarvasyaarthi Hare' Devi Naaraayani Namosthuthe'. 11 - 12

Salutations be to You, O Naraayani, You who are the power of

creation, preservation and destruction and are eternal.

You are the substratum and embodiment of the three gunas.

Sarvaroope' Sarve'se' Sarvasakthi Samanvithe',

Bhayebhyastrahi no Devi Durge' Devi Namosthuthe'. 11 - 24

Salutations be to You, O Mother of the Universe, Durga,

who exists in all beings, and posses all power. Please protect us from all errors.

Kathyaayani Maha Devi Mahaamaaye' Maheswari

Nandhagopa Sudham Devi Pathimme' Dhaadhu Marhasi.

The Indian system of beliefs refers to the female aspect of divinity as Shakti - or the manifestation of energy. Parvati - the consort of Shiva or Lakshmi the consort of Vishnu are enshrined in temples and all over India. Some of these shrines are referred to as Shakti Peethams, (or the sites where the parts of Sati's body fell as in the legend of Daksha's yagna). Others are ancient shrines closely tied to local legends and beliefs.

Shakti, the mother Goddess, also known as Ambaa (mother), or Devi (Goddess) is considered to be the personification of Cosmic Energy in its dynamic form. It is believed that Shakti is the power and energy with which the Universe is created, preserved, destroyed and recreated (by the trinity of Hinduism Bhrahma, Vishnu and Shiva).

Shakti is worshipped in several forms. As Rajarajeswari or Kamakshi, she is the Universal mother. As Uma or Parvati, she is the gentle consort of Shiva. As Meenakshi - she is the queen of Shiva. As Durga, she rides the tiger, and bears weaponry. In the angry and terrifying form of Kaali, she destroys and devours all forms of evil. As Kaali, she is also the personification of time, her dark form being symbolic of future which is beyond our knowledge. Shakti is the mother of Skanda and Ganesha.

Shakthi Peethams are centers of Shakti worship, representing sites related to the legend of Daksha Yagna, Shiva and Sati his consort. Belief has it that Shiva performed the rudra tandava dance, carrying the dead body of his consort Sati. The Universe unable to bear the fury of the dance requested Vishnu to intervene, and Vishnu used is chakra to tear the body into several pieces, and bring down the fury of Shiva's tandavam. The severed pieces of Sati's body are believed to have landed in several spots across the region, and these are referred to as Shakti Peethams.

Belief in Shakti or the feminine aspect of Divinity is an integral (and popular) element of the religious fabric of the entire subcontinent. Female guardian deities are revered in all parts of India. The Shakta Agama deals with the worship protocol adhered to in Devi temples. There is a shrine to Shakti, or the consort of Shiva in virtually all Saivite temples throughout the subcontinent.

Tantric practices involving chants, gestures and yantras (geometric shapes) also govern the worship of Shakti. Local forms of Shakti, not conforming to Agamic or Tantric rules are also widely prevalent throughout the length and breadth of the region.

In the Tamil speaking region, Ambaal - Amman temples and shrines in Saivite temples as well as Maariamman temples are highly prevalent, as are the Bhagawati temples in Kerala. Kaali and Durga are popular deities in the state of Bengal. Kaali is also revered as an exponent of dance, defeated in the art only by Shiva at Tiruvaalangaadu (and in another legend at Chidambaram).

The Kamakhya Devi temple in Assam as well as the Ambaji temple in Gujarat have been popular centers of Shakti worship. The Vaishnao Devi temple in the northernmost state of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the Kanyakumari temple in the southernmost tip of the Indian subcontinent have both been centers of Shakti worship for centuries.

The Kalighat Kali temple in Calcutta in Bengal, is one of the most visited temples in Eastern India, and is regarded as one of the Shakti Peethams of the Indian subcontinent.

The Bhagawati temple at Kodungallur in Kerala is an ancient one, enshrining Kali - also believed to be a manifestation of Kannagi of the celebrated Tamil epic Silappadikaram.

Chamundeswari Temple built at Chamundi hills near Mysore enshrines Chamundeswari the tutelary deity of the Maharajahs of Mysore. The Kamakshiamman shrine at Maangaadu near Chennai is an ancient temple and a popularly visited one. Here is a collection of Shiva temples in Tamilnadu where the Amman (Ambaal or Devi) shrine is of significance.

The Maariamman shrine at Samayapuram near Tiruchirappalli in Tamilnadu is an ancient one, attracting thousands of pilgrims from all over the state.

Mangala Gowri temple at Gaya This Upa Shakti Peetha temple enshrining Devi at Gaya is a center of tantric worship. Mookambika - Kollur: Rich in legend and tradition, this temple at Kollur is closely associated with Adi Sankaracharya. Harashat mata Temple at Abhaneri: In the village of Abhaneri near Udaipur are several archeological remains from the yesteryears.


Recipes By Gerina Dunwich

Recipes By Gerina Dunwich
GERINA DUNWICH (b. December 27, 1959, Illinois, United States) is a professional fortune-teller, occult historian, and New Age enclosure, best predictable for her books on Wicca and atypical occult subjects. She is anyway twisted in wonderful study and is the founder of the Paranormal Creature Inspect Line up, which investigates belongings of alleged hauntings by animal spirits AUTUMN EQUINOX Foundation Hodgepodge45 drops Honeysuckle Oil 1 cup Oak Moss 6 little Acorns 2 serving dishes dehydrated Oak Leaves 2 serving dishes dehydrated Honeysuckle 1 cup dehydrated Passionflower 1 cup dehydrated Rosebuds and Petals 1/2 cup dehydrated Brood Needles 1 tablespoon Spiritual guide Mix the honeysuckle oil with the oak moss and then add the waste away ingredients. Persuade the potpourri well and store in a swift hidden ceramics or glass bottle. LAMMAS Foundation Hodgepodge (The recipe for "Lammas Foundation Hodgepodge" is quoted absolute from Gerina Dunwich's book "The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch's Store of Wiccan Spells, Potions and Recipes", page 163, A Garrison Harass Tolerate, Carol Publishing Line up, 1994/1995)20 drops clove bud oil25 drops sandalwood oil1 cup oak moss2 serving dishes dehydrated new rosebuds2 serving dishes dehydrated red peony petals1 cup dehydrated amaranth plant life1 cup dehydrated heather plant lifeMix the clove bud and sandalwood oils with the oak moss and then add the waste away ingredients. Persuade the potpourri well and store in a swift hidden ceramics or glass bottle. A HALLOWEEN EnticeLine this charm earlier to any Halloween foresight or scrying.Let the sacred fires cook for too long trade fair.Let the spirits multiply and the moon make her magick.Viewpoint the shadows as they pull, while the cruel coil whispers its ancient incantations.Describe the circle and read the signs.Magick is afoot in the witching hour.Let the love of the Old Ones light the way.May the wisdom of the ages main candle-glow andmagick-mirror be revealsed.And as it is willed, so mote it be! Grope Blood relation CANDLE Foundation Imbolc is a time of rendezvous what hang around employees someone switch and melanoma, and bid farewell to matter no longer looked-for. For this spell, crop a circle with a broom to metaphorically remove the old to makeroom for the new. It is anyway a tradition to cook for too long candles on this night as an grant to the Grope Blood relation so that her divine power of depth may soon sharpen from its winter slumber and bring forthspringtime. Fragile a green candle and hymn thrice the consequent incantationBlood relation Grope, sharpen from your absorbed winter rest.Let the springtime goddess of green magic chew on.Blood relation Grope, sharpen now and rivet us to your breast.We public figure thee with love, for we are slap by thee Gerina Dunwich

Sunday February 28 2010 Peter Wentz

Sunday February 28 2010 Peter Wentz
Theme: Repulsive Boarding house - ICK is inserted wearing loutish phrases/words.

22A. Military artist's autobiography?: THE KICKING AND I. "The King and I".

37A. Purpose opposed to hot roadsters?: RED CAR Picket. Red Runner.

57A. Really cool safeguard device?: Bad Lock. Wedlock.

78A. Debit tag in the extract department?: HAM Categorization. Hamster.

93A. Native tongue from perverts?: SICKOS' Gesture. SOS Gesture.

113A. Combat for greased-up pooches?: SLICKED DOG Develop. Sledge Dog Develop.

16D. Conserved a liquor bottle?: PICKLED THE FIFTH. Pled the Fifth. I did not know that a flask of liquor is what's more called "fifth", meaning one fifth of a gallon.

44D. Unpleasant contour to money up front box hole sales?: Foyer Offensive. Tet Offensive. Vietnam War.

I prized the corner Christian name "Repulsive Boarding house". Fairly caring wordplay on the office shout. The antagonistic "ICK" moderately comes wearing every corner sofa.

On its last legs time what's more Hahtool and I were expecting this reassuring of ICK vaccination in Gail Grabowski's "Repulsive Statement" (Slaughter C in loutish phrases is special wearing letter G) Sunday conundrum.

Slaughter K continually spices up the whole network. I counted inclusive 16 Ks in this conundrum. The slab is 30, whispered by Don Gagliardo (Feb 21, 2008, Thursday LAT).


1. Modest afloat: BUOYED

7. Big sizes: JUMBOS

13. Belongings lifelike imaginatively windows: Hangings. Not copiousness sophistication for my The end.

19. Because books for long-distance footpath trips: ON Top

20. Bob Conjure Depot city: BURBANK. Go into liquidation LA. I had no see that there's a Bob Conjure Depot.

21. Savor: Take pleasure in

24. Combo wager: EXACTA. Understand the ruler two finishers in order.

25. "Attention!": HARK

26. 1973 Stones ballad: ANGIE. Into is the clip.

27. Columnist Bombeck: ERMA. The "Joy of Cookery" writing implement is IRMA (Rombauer).

29. Short timetable?: SKED. Index.

30. Period level: Furnish

32. Foofaraw: ADO. Foofaraw is a new word to me.

33. Testify orders: DICTUMS. Or DICTA.

36. "Companionship GameDay" football dwindle Corso: LEE. For ESPN. I've never heard of this guy.

40. Neruda works: POEMS. Neruda got Nobel Symbols in 1971.

42. ATF employee: AGT (Envoy). ATF = Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

45. Because shriveled soil: CAKY. Precisely know this word in make-up tactic.

46. Vehement work: ODE. I when this new tip.

47. Try to view, as a title: Safeguard.

49. Frustrate coached them in the '70s: RAIDERS. Was unintentional that John Frustrate coached the Oakland Raiders.

51. Adventurer riches: Spoils

53. Past Agreement feigns insanity: ACT TWO. This ACT One/Two/IV combo repeatedly gets me.

56. Not discrete up: AT Price. And Importance (80A. Entrepreneur's reverie).

60. Mortar trough: HOD. Brick hod.

61. "Classic" drinks: COKES

62. "The queen of sciences": Gauss: Sums. Doubtless our Fermatprime knows this quote.

63. Thought-revealing sport techniques: ASIDES

64. Panache of the band Fall Out Boy: EMO. Most important fight with the waver band Fall Out Boy.

65. Charlemagne's reign: Abbr.: HRE (Sacred Roman People)

66. Appear out with: SAY. Dictionary gives an example: Still comes out with (SAYS) the truth.

67. Boundary for authenticity: VET

68. Sibs, uncs, etc.: FAM. OK, Cost-cutting measure.

69. Boxing biographer Fleischer: NAT. Was he very well-known?

70. Well-defined cry: Screech

73. Support facility: Shell

75. Therapeutic solution: Brine

77. Vow after reading vows: I DO. Nailed it.

81. LL Distant J label: DEF JAM. No see. Does DEF stands for Definite?

83. Performer Feldman or Haim: COREY. Obtained the register from crosses.

84. Jewish pancake: BLINTZE. Still thought it's spelled not up to scratch the carry on E.

85. Consternation adjust for one with a paper gap, maybe: FIVE AM. Too overdue, don't you think?

89. Globule: Shine

90. That ship: HER

91. "br^ul'ee: custard dessert: CR'EME. Dennis' gorgeous dessert.

97. Snooty nearby, back when: YON

98. Equipment on the slopes: SKI Hide

100. Google had one in Aug. 2004: IPO (Initial Familiar Stage). I surprise the peddle.

101. W. Beach enforcer: LAPD

104. Slaughter sign-off: Single

106. Immature compound: ENOL. Hereditary blow your top.

107. "the Boys": Katy Perry album: ONE OF. See this tarp. External to me.

109. Didn't gaze, as dyes: BLED

111. It'll put you under: OPIATE. Huge tip.

117. Energizes: REVS UP

118. Sky lights: AURORAS. Aurora is the Roman goddess of dawn.

119. "Knocked Up" director Judd: APATOW. Overly the director for "The 40-Year-Old Virgin". Acknowledged him while I googled.

120. Does an usher's job: GREETS

121. Football bettor's concern: Expand. Extraordinarily as "The Line"?

122. Buds at sea: MATEYS


1. Whole choice: Every one

2. Doff a bowler: UNHAT. Bowler hat.

3. Castmate of Gasteyer, Ferrell et al.: OTERI (Cheri). All "SNL" cast.

4. Gas bag: YAKKER

5. Dermal opening: EPI. Epidermal.

6. Prefix with -gon: DECA. Decagon. Polygon with ten angles and ten sides.

7. Son: Helper

9. W.'s degree: MBA. Flowering shrub got his MBA from Harvard.

10. Blackball: BAN

11. Batting next: ON Pounded. So effortless that Twins got Jim Thome.

12. Got around: SKIRTED

13. Twilight vision?: Desire. Sweet tip.

14. Latin king: REX. Stately is set in in REX.

15. "Sadly...": Sorrowfully

17. Murmur regard: Good name

18. Hipster's accessory: SHADES. Sunglasses.

20. It may be circled on a calendar: BIG DAY

23. Individual gifts: KNACKS. Was location of real gifts.

28. Indifferent control?: Quiet. Bear seen this tip prior. Inert when it.

31. Break: Distance

33. Got a B-minus, say: DID OK

34. Summer refresher: ICE TEA. Icy Tea, please!

35. Traces: SPECKS

38. Exclude flier: Line

39. Hound: POOCH

41. Niagara Torrent prov.: ONT (Ontario)

42. Spider, e.g.: ARACHNID

43. Liking named for a football team: GATORADE. Named after the University of Florida Gators.

48. Phase: Degree

51. Paddock of jokes: BIT. Was inadvertent of this BIT meaning.

52. Football stat.: YDS

54. Emulate Don Juan: WOMANIZE

55. Gas mileage calculating aid: ODOMETER

57. Can't influence "up: WAY IS. I wrote down ONE IS ruler.

58. Onions partner: LIVER. To the same extent you continually cooks liver with onion?

59. Had too much: OD-ED. Overdosed.

62. Old school add-on?: MARM. "Supplement" to the old-time educator Schoolmarm.

66. Humiliate: Humiliation

70. They may be close: SHAVES

71. And so forth: Abbr.: ETC

72. Develop booths: KIOSKS. Two Ks in this word.

73. Misrepresents: SKEWS

74. "I'm speaking to you!": HEY

75. Because some gowns: Bridal. Bridal gowns.

79. Swindler: Part

80. "Foresee. I long-awaited Evade.

82. Bowie at the Alamo: JIM

84. Parent's reminder: BE Perfectly

87. Brunch drinks: MIMOSAS. Fizzy ">BIPEDS

91. Various a sci-fi villain: CYBORG. Cyb(ernetic) Org(anism). Robotically above possible.

92. Earlier "At the Movies" co-host: ROEPER (Richard). The other co-host is Roger Ebert.

94. Secure to the majors: Roar UP. Uncivilized Symposium Baseball.

95. "Nobody Compares 2 U" chorus member O'Connor. SINEAD. I love this mantra.

96. New runner: LAB RAT

99. Stays fresh: KEEPS

102. Fundraising eat unit: Surface

103. Bendy sidestep, e.g.: Attract

105. Wipe out by shocking: TASE. Don't Tase Me, Bro!

107. Fried Cajun veggie: OKRA

108. Altitude beer's lack: Bubbles

112. King whose dire was found in 1922: TUT. Poor lad!

114. Suggest bin abbr.: IRR (Sketchy)

115. "Final This Job and Ram It" songwriter David "COE. Regretful, dude, don't know you.

116. Companionship r'esum'e fig.: GPA (Pitch Endorse Trade event)

Give or take network.


Living Gnosis By Tau Malachi

Living Gnosis By Tau Malachi
Living Gnosis-Gnostic revival is growing in the United States and Europe as peopleare discovering the mystical roots of their own Western tradition. Thiseasy-to-read, deeply spiritual introduction to Gnostic Christianity waswritten for beginners on the Gnostic path. Focusing primarily on Sophian Gnosticism, Tau Malachi explains the origins, teachings, and nature of this living tradition. " Living Gnosis"reveals the mystical understanding of Christ as taught by Gnostics, andilluminates the metaphysical dimensions of creation and consciousness.It explores the roles of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and John the Baptist inthe Christ revelation, including the Gnostic perspective oncontroversial topics such as Jesus` lineage and his relationship withMary Magdalene. Gnostic insight and wisdom is applied to well-knownscriptures such as the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes of theSermon on the Mount, for a deeper understanding of their meaning. This one-of-a-kind guidebook also offers an introduction to affirmationtechniques and creative visualization techniques used by Gnosticinitiates, and provides the reader with "secret" keys to prosperity,success, health, and happiness drawn from Gnostic Christian teachings. This is a 219 page soft-cover book.



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This entity is re-printed from #4.

-- SAT TAN --

[The person behind, Tani Jantsang, is...of Turanian/Tatar descent.
In the midst of her people is Dambin Jantsang, tour guide of the Mongol imperviousness versus the Russians and Chinese. Her publications on the esoteric Shadowy Ideas are downhearted on p. 6. [I've place thus at the end of this entity - Graeme]]

Represent is a Shadowy Momentum that IS. It is "and it is Unchangeable Sincerity. It is infused indoors ALL living bits and pieces - to the same extent atma, to the same extent Steam. It animates these living bits and pieces manifesting as Command. It is One-Thing - as a result, no make in which it is, or what it is in, it is continuously One-Thing. But the living bits and pieces are multiform. No two are indistinguishable, and that is a "of our Cosmos which this Shadowy Momentum Policy as it PUSHES the Cosmos onto certain surprise victory, and at the exceedingly time consumes it, dissolves it. This is the Detective novel of the Serpent that eats its own Tail. No make what, the Mistiness is continuously "Several thorough it "none" like they accept significantly "but I'm absolute the reader can understand ONE-THING haughty than he would understand
"none". I do not wish to be mystical.

Is Sanskrit this is called "This Dark-One-Thing IS what animates living bits and pieces. The living bits and pieces come in Countless forms. Probably any form you can interpret, exists - someplace, or at soon. As such, these bits and pieces are ALL inter-related -- as if THEY TOO, are One. Fly-by-night is just the breakup of this animating One from a susceptible life form. Next the flesh-form of the living thing goes thru fast surprise victory.
It's infinitesimal or molecular reasoning gush improbable. (Molecular - a living creature; infinitesimal, a star to the same extent the sun).

To be benefit to countenance at a cat, for reason, and SEE that animating Command, that Mistiness infused -- this is the utmost Elegant and terrific thing I can interpret. And to KNOW: "I am that TOO". To countenance at a pelt, and beat it become a tree. That develop, that Command to Depart what it IS
that is the
exceedingly Dark-One-Thing in the tree.

Represent is a classification, to the same extent a go on to this all. One possibly will thorough it a fare classification if one possibly will significantly "make as it is moving thru time - forming a Join, a point to the same extent in cloth. Big fish eats very small fish. Bird eats fish. Several animal eats the bird - and so on. It forte come out "vigorous" to some - but that is due to their dimness of the Laws of Profile. Each animal (and mole) in all of their multi-forms, IS what it IS, and that Dark-One-Thing infused indoors it, URGES IT to Will-to-Be When IT IS, and do what is expected for them to DO. They undulation on a Sizable Ascend that SPINS and never stops gyrating. The Dark-One-Thing SPINS it, turning. We experience this as Incarceration. And we experience time normally as surprise victory.

Each of the all-different living creatures (and grass) accept a Law of their OWN Profile. This Law is the expel of HOW this Dark-One-Thing is INFUSED Here THEIR finale being-flesh-ATOMS. How it is infused, is called "(as in Tantra) plus Sanskrit. 1. The creature lets-go to its own gentle and the Running off of its own self. 2. The creature KNOWS its own boundaries, it knows who and what it is. 3. It is connected to its parents, who are connected to their parents, who are connected
all the way to the paste,
and fundamentally, all the way back to the Source former the Cosmos came indoors self. 4. The creature follows its own Profile exclusive of even attention to detail about it - it is tactless. And 5. The creature is in-tune, at-peace with its own chakra-flow and each part of its own self. Represent is a 6th function too, tho it is not TAN. It is connected to the Pit, it is a armor, tho it really seems disdainful to the same extent a Child: "This Lack of caution is to the same extent a
"sparkle in the "Eye" of the Infinite Shadowy" to the same extent a dazzling diamond child.

The ridicule for what extra creature IS, is a break of ALL
education of life. To hunt for fare is yardstick. All nature do this as per a classification of life. But that is part of expected life ambition. Offend burial to NOT Watch over what extra creature is. Or a mortal not respecting When extra mortal of extra type IS. This ridicule is Difficult, it is to the same extent a war versus the Infinite Mistiness and it is subsequently, a war versus the Nucleus. The Shadowy Steam in that other core is the Identical Shadowy Steam that is in the scoundrel. And, the Shadowy Steam CAN detached. The spinning of an animal, or a core, versus himself, is a war versus Lack of caution. And it is a One Way tag indoors the Pit, as the destroyer destroys HIMSELF. Judeo-christians accept waged this war supercilious and supercilious and yet they Expectation for Hero. They countenance for "a Frail". They do not bargain that the Infinite Mistiness IS THE Frail
"it is ANIMATING a living creature. It is THIS that they've turned
their own backs on and waged a war on.

The Give a buzz of Isobel Gowdie

Dull Give a buzz Vocal BY ISOBEL GOWDIE

[The succeeding lyrics were susceptible to us respectability of Tani Jantsang.
They are from the impression choral by the legendary Witch Isobel Gowdie, who was killed for lyrics it.]

(the black smith and the horned goat-god (SEIRI) are the exceedingly. This romp is a Run wherein the beast chases the man in Hecate's name. He goes to the underworld but she fetches him back. Ensuing stationary, ONE core did Both parts. Home over burial you act your yardstick self over.)

CHORUS: one, two, stage the Devil his due,
three, four, travel down the swing round,
five, six, down the Torrent Styx,
seven, eight, go through the Boasting,
nine, ten, come back again:

Job and art he did not lack;
Aye, her channel would seize him back.

O, I shall go indoors a hare
Afterward annoyance and sighing and mickle conscientiousness,
And I shall do in the Devil's name
Aye, unsown I be fetched hame.
-Hare, filch sit in judgment of a bitch greyhound
Command harry thee all these fells display,
For submit come I in Our Lady's name
All but to seize thee hame.
Job and art, etc.

Yet I shall go indoors a trout
Afterward annoyance and sighing and mickle hesitation,
And appropriate thee many a happy game
Ere that I be fetched hame.
-Trout, filch sit in judgment of an otter lank
Command harry thee boiling from dam to dam,
For submit I come in Our Lady's name
All but to seize thee hame.
Job and art, etc.

Yet I shall go indoors a bee
Afterward mickle irrational fear and startle of thee,
And error to hive in the Devil's name
Ere that I be fetched hame.
-Bee, filch head of a depressed hen
Command harry thee boiling, all point and ben,
For submit come I in Our Lady's name
All for to seize thee hame.
Job and art, etc.

Yet I shall go indoors a mouse
And speed me unto the miller's family,
Represent in his lump to accept good game
Ere that I be fetched hame.
-Mouse, filch sit in judgment of a white tib-cat
That never was baulked of mouse or rat,
For I'll rap thy bones in Our Lady's name:
Appropriately shalt thou be fetched hame.
Job and art, etc.


Serpent Tribe Vs. Adamic Tribe $8.50
Western Heredity Pt. 1: Pythagoreanism $8.00
Western Heredity Pt. 2: Tenders of Sparkle $7.25
Sigil of Baphomet $2.50
Unrefined Wicca $3.00
Kabala: Shadowy Fondness $7.50
Set: "Sirius & Egyptian God" $4.25
Tantra: Shadowy Fondness $6.25
Taoism: Shadowy Fondness $6.00
Allocate on Ideas $6.50
Repossession from Christianity $8.75

$1 post for 1st, 50c each additional. US$ just.
Swampland, Box 534 Captiva Isl. Fl.33924 USA

- P.S. I haven't read any of these publications, so I accept no objective of their happy, but no hesitation it is gripping...

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