Spell For Spring Equinox March 20 2012

Spell For Spring Equinox March 20 2012
The Wiccan festival of Spring Equinox will take place on March 20, 2012. Eostre or Ostara was the Goddess of Spring and in ancient times, old fires were extinguished, grates cleaned and new fires were lit. This is the origin of our modern tradition of spring cleaning.

At the Spring or Vernal Equinox, the hours of light and darkness are of equal length. Now is the perfect time to perform spells to find balance in your life or to cleanse your mind, body and home of old, negative influences and replace them with fresh, positive ideals.

Decorate your altar with spring flowers, like crocus, tulips and daffodils and light pastel-coloured candles, like mauve, pink and pale green. Burn lavender incense and use lily of the valley oil.

Celebrate this Wiccan festival by serving a meal with eggs, fresh greens, lamb and barley stew and hot-crossed buns.

My eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony, is an introduction to the Wheel of the Year and contains correspondences, recipes and a spell to find balance in your life.

Blessed be!

(c) 2012, Holly Zurich. All rights reserved.

(c)2012 Simple Wiccan Magick Spells. All Rights Reserved..

Origin: wizard-notes.blogspot.com

Opening Your Heart Affirming And Emotional Balancing Bath

Opening Your Heart Affirming And Emotional Balancing Bath

Opening your heart affirming bath

This bath is for when your heart feels shut down, closed and withdrawn (especially from a lover) but you should know when it's time to reopen your heart to love.

7 drops pure rose oil. Roses have represented love thoughout the centuries in many cultures. The inhalation of their scent brings the feeling of love into the heart, and lifts one out of


3 drops lily of the valley oil Lily of the valley can strengthen the heart and emotions to embrace love without feeling vulnerable.

Optional: Coconut oil.

Mix the lily of the valley and rose oils with a base of coconut oil, and you always have lovely soft skin. I have been doing this for fifteen years and people always comment about the softness of my skin.

Fresh flowers

Pink of aquamarine candles

uplifting music

For this bath I suggest creating a beautiful atmosphere with fresh, fragrant flowers, pink or aquamarine colored candles and uplifting music such as Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. Once in the but allow your senses to speak to you eloquently. Inhale the fragrance of the flowers and let them permeate your entire being. Imagine the fragrance circulation within your body starting in your heart and spreading outward until you are completely filled with its essence. Listen carefully to the music and let it's mood flow through you.


I now welcome love into my life unconditionally and joyously

I trust in the powers of love

Practice being in the moment. Feel the heat in your toes, and feel the muscles relax in your feet, and concentrate on how the rest of your body is relaxed as well. Forget the past and the future. Breathe in the now. Let the fragrant oils work their magic and before you know it your faith in life and love will be restored. If you wear a pink

tourmaline crystal over your heart it will help heal the pain that is stored there


For matters of the heart this bath is very healing and soothing. When you have an emotional upset that makes you feel helpless, her is a bath that will heal and deeply soothe your nervous system.

5 drops rose oil

5 drops rosemary oil

5 drops lily of the valley oil

5 drops sandalwood oilcandles

This is a magic combination. Rose opens the heart and lifts your out of depression, lily of the valley gives the heart strength both emotionally and physically. These can be worn together as a perfume on those dog days when life gets you down. Sandalwood calms the nervous system and relaxes the entire body. (And according to the ancients it's the only incense pleasing to all the gods). Rosemary has been

used over the centuries in may rituals to attract love. It has the reputation of being a love stimulator. Before preparing the bath, light some candles and unplug the phone. You can even put a do not disturb sign on the door. Once immersed in the bath concentrate on your breathing and do the emotional bath meditation.

Be aware of your body and your breathing. Feel your heart expand. Imagine there is a prize rosebud in the center of your chest. With your imagination, watch it open slowly and expand, bathing your entire being in loving pink light. Feel the pink light heal your emotions and restore your spirit.

While in the tub inhale the scent of the rosemary and say to yourself

"My relationship with "is filled with harmony, understanding and trust."

While filled with the pink rosebud light, imagine the upset in your relationship dissolving and filling with positive warm feelings of understanding, compassion, and love. This love can be with apartner, parent, child or friend.

Credit: pagan-space.blogspot.com

General Questions About Wicca And Magick Re Covens

General Questions About Wicca And Magick Re Covens
Have your checked your local library for coven centric witchcraft books? While books aren't going to be as good as getting to know an actual coven, you'll at least get your toes wet if you're curious but can't find a group in your area to contact. "Coven Craft: Witchcraft for Three or More" by Amber K is rather good. It's more for help in creating and running a coven, but is helpful if you're looking to see what goes on on the inside.

If there is a metaphysical shop in your area, try getting to know the workers there and the regular costumers and you might get pointed in the direction of a local coven or other group.

Some of the basic coven functions are for members to get together and study, to celebrate the sabbats and esbats, and/or to raise energy together for magickal workings.

Here are a couple links that might be helpful:


http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/familya... Living.htm

http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/howtofi... stings.htm

Statistics: Posted by Echo of shadows - Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:08 am


Dear television professionals,

It has come to our attention that there is a remake of the 1960's television show Bewitched in the works. I am sure that you all believe that this is a fail proof plan given the recent success of some other remakes like Hawaii Five-O (which is is due to it featuring sexy men making sexy poses and, oh yeah, crime is involved somehow). If you plan on keeping Bewitched in it's retro time frame, it will ride on the coattails of other stylish shows like Mad Men and Pan Am. I hate to be a party-pooper, but on behalf of the Neo-Pagan community I'm going to let you know that we're dubious.

Perhaps you are not aware of what a history making and vitally important television show this was for us. But first let's start with the name of it's heroine, Samantha. No one is quite sure where Samantha (pronounced "sah-MAN-thah") came from, but it's believed to have been invented in America sometime in the late 1700s. It seems like a pretty good bet that it's a feminine form of Samuel, a Hebrew name meaning "God helps." Also, the suffix -antha is Greek for "flower." In the year before Bewitched aired in 1963, Samantha was a complete obscurity. The original writers of Bewitched knew that this character couldn't have any ordinary name. They were looking for something that was quirky and unusual, and Samantha fit the bill. On 1964, Bewitched premiered on television and the name skyrocketed into a classic almost immediately. It peaked in the 1990s all the way up to #4, and in 2010 it ranked #15.

Around this time, Wicca was just starting to be introduced to America. So although this new movement had been making headlines in the United Kingdom for a decade or so before hand, it had not yet penetrated into the American consciousness. Therefore Bewitched, a comedy about a witch trying to lead the life of a normal suburban housewife, isn't really about Witchcraft. Instead, Samantha embodies the bubbling feminist tensions of the early 1960s while she struggles to be the "perfect" wife by denying who she is.

Nevertheless, the show wound up being eerily prophetic. For example, the first season featured an episode called "The Witches Are Out." In this episode, Samantha and her witch committee are trying to combat negative images associated with witches. Meanwhile, a client of her husband Darrin wants his Halloween candy represented by an ugly, wart-nosed witch. When Samantha stumbles upon Darrin's illustrations, she is shocked and appalled. Darrin doesn't understand her reaction, but changes it to a sexy witch anyways. The client shoots down the idea, but has a change of heart after he is visited during the night by protest-sign-carrying witches. Not only was this one of the first media pieces that presented witches as a minority group, it was one of the first television shows to tackle issues like intolerance and prejudice before it was considered acceptable to do so. A decade later, real Neo-Pagans like Laurie Cabot made headlines for staging similar protests to the one depicted in "The Witches Are Out."

So now I'm going to explain why remaking this show might not be the best idea in the world. If you are going to feature Witchcraft and magick in you're stories it is best if a) the author is incredibly familiar with Neo-Paganism or b) the Witch is a fantasy figure symbolizing something else. I can understand how Neo-Paganism might be rich, virgin territory for television, ripe for exploitation. But, like an actual virgin, once you have us you have no idea what to do with us. This has become abundantly clear in shows like True Blood and The Secret Circle, where there is no clear firewall between fantasy Witches and real Witches. There was no such temptation in the early 1960s.

Don't get me wrong, we really hope you succeed. We hope that you blow all our expectations out of the water and get the tone of the show just right. But we kind of doubt it. We can only hope that you are aware of what a burden of responsibility you will have in attempting to breath new life into our Samantha.

Blessed Be,

The Neo-Pagan community (via Isadora Vega)







Image Credit:


Gregory The Theologian Archbishop Of Constantinople

Gregory The Theologian Archbishop Of Constantinople


READING: This great Father and Teacher of the Church was born in 329 in Arianzus, a village of the second district of Cappadocia, not far from Nazianzus. His father, who later became Bishop of Nazianzus, was named Gregory (commemorated Jan. 1), and his mother was named Nonna (Aug. 5); both are among the Saints, and so are his brother Caesarius (Mar. 9) and his sister Gorgona (Feb. 23). At first he studied in Caesarea of Palestine, then in Alexandria, and finally in Athens. As he was sailing from Alexandria to Athens, a violent sea storm put in peril not only his life but also his salvation, since he had not yet been baptized. With tears and fervour he besought God to spare him, vowing to dedicate his whole self to Him, and the tempest gave way to calm. At Athens Saint Gregory was later joined by Saint Basil the Great, whom he already knew; but now their acquaintanceship grew into a lifelong brotherly love. Another fellow student of theirs in Athens was the young Prince Julian, who later as Emperor was called the Apostate because he denied Christ and did all in his power to restore paganism. Even in Athens, before Julian had thrown off the mask of piety; Saint Gregory saw what an unsettled mind he had, and said, "What an evil the Roman State is nourishing" (Orat. V, 24, PG 35:693).

After their studies at Athens, Gregory became Basil's fellow ascetic, living the monastic life together with him for a time in the hermitages of Pontus. His father ordained him presbyter of the Church of Nazianzus, and Saint Basil consecrated him Bishop of Sasima (or Zansima), which was in the archdiocese of Caesarea. This consecration was a source of great sorrow to Gregory, and a cause of misunderstanding between him and Basil; but his love for Basil remained unchanged, as can be plainly seen from his Funeral Oration on Saint Basil (Orat. XLIII).

About the Year 379, Saint Gregory came to the assistance of the Church of Constantinople, which had already been troubled for forty years by the Arians; by his supremely wise words and many labours he freed it from the corruption of heresy, and was elected Archbishop of that city by the Second Ecumenical Council, which assembled there in 381, and condemned Macedonius, Archbishop of Constantinople, the enemy of the Holy Spirit. When Saint Gregory came to Constantinople, the Arians had taken all the churches and he was forced to serve in a house chapel dedicated to Saint Anastasia the Martyr. From there he began to preach his famous five sermons on the Trinity, called the Triadica. When he left Constantinople two years later, the Arians did not have one church left to them in the city. Saint Meletius of Antioch (see Feb. 12), who was presiding over the Second Ecumenical Council, died in the course of it, and Saint Gregory was chosen in his stead; there he distinguished himself in his expositions of dogmatic theology.

Having governed the Church until 382, he delivered his farewell speech - the Syntacterion, in which he demonstrated the Divinity of the Son - before 150 bishops and the Emperor Theodosius the Great; in this speech he requested, and received from all, permission to retire from the see of Constantinople. He returned to Nazianzus, where he lived to the end of his life, and reposed in the Lord in 391, having lived some sixty-two years.

His extant writings, both prose and poems in every type of metre, demonstrate his lofty eloquence and his wondrous breadth of learning. In the beauty of his writings, he is considered to have surpassed the Greek writers of antiquity, and because of his God-inspired theological thought, he received the surname "Theologian." Although he is sometimes called Gregory of Nazianzus, this title belongs properly to his father; he himself is known by the Church only as Gregory the Theologian. He is especially called "Trinitarian Theologian," since in virtually every homily he refers to the Trinity and the one essence and nature of the Godhead. Hence, Alexius Anthorus dedicated the following verses to him:

Like an unwandering star beaming with splendour,

Thou bringest us by mystic teachings, O Father,

To the Trinity's sunlike illumination,

O mouth breathing with fire, Gregory most mighty.

APOLYTIKION IN THE FIRST TONE The shepherd's pipe of thy theology conquered the trumpets of the philosophers; for since thou didst search out the depths of the Spirit, beauty of speech was added to thee. But intercede with Christ God, O Father Gregory, that our souls be saved.

KONTAKION IN THE THIRD TONE O Glorious One, you dispelled the complexities of orators with the words of your theology. You have adorned the Church with the vesture of Orthodoxy woven from on high. Clothed in this, the Church now cries out to your children, with us, "Hail Father, the consummate theological mind."


"SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2010(with 2009's link here also and further, 2008's, even 2007!"


There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.

- Albert Einstein

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.

- Meister Eckhart

The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.

- Neale Donald Walsch

Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.

The real miracle is the love that inspires them.

In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.

- A Course in Miracles

Let my "Regaining Your Happiness in Seven Weeks" Program help you to design your inspired and joyful future.


Further reading: Yes, YOU Can Be Happy

Unanswered Prayers

Inspirational Quotes

Spiritual Quotes

Quotes about Kindness

Quotes about Purpose (Life Purpose)

Quotes about Service (Good Works)

Copyright (c) by Jonathan Lockwood Huie.
First published on my Daily Inspirational Quotes blog. Also see Inspirational Quotes.

Nothing Failed Like The Prayers For John Mccain And Sarah Palin

Nothing Failed Like The Prayers For John Mccain And Sarah Palin

By Gabe

If you have been on Myspace for a while, then you have undoubtedly read several religious bulletins. I wrote a blog recently titled, "Crazy Myspace Bulletins," which examined a popular religious bulletin that has been posted on Myspace several times. I honestly did not think I would find a bulletin more ridiculous than that particular one, but I was wrong. I recently read a bulletin entitled, "Pray for John McCain." This bulletin would appear to a lot of people as nothing more than a sincere prayer from a passionate Christian for God to intervene in the presidential election, and to grant Senator John McCain the victory. But there are many statements in this prayer that are either contradictory, extremely arrogant, or simply not well thought out.

This religious bulletin that I am speaking of is based on the common assumption, by evangelical Christians, that the conservative Republican party is on God's side, while the liberal Democrats are on Satan's side and trying to turn America against the "Word of God." I do not speak about this simply as a skeptic looking in and observing from the outside. No! I was once in the very same group. For six years of my life, from 2000-2006, I was an on-fire, gospel-evangelizing, hellfire-preaching, bible-quoting, sin-hating, crying-on-my-knees-praying, Southern Bbaptist, fundamentalist Christian. I was one of those who literally thought it was a sin to vote for a Democrat. I believed all Democrats were wicked liberals who were opposed to "God's Word" and sought to turn our nation into a cesspool of sin and immorality. I didn't give a damn what a politician stood for, just as long as he opposed embryonic stem-cell research, abortion, and gay marriage. And notice that I said "he" and not "she," because I was brainwashed into the very common Evangelical Christian idea that only men are ordained by God to lead this nation -- not women. And yes, I had Bible verses that I could quote to you to back that up:

1 Timothy 2:12, "And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man..."

If you're a woman, please don't get mad. I promise you I don't think this way anymore. I now view these types of Bible passages as archaic bullshit, written thousands of years ago in a world where women were considered second-class citizens compared to men.

After I "got saved" in November 2000, I was baptized the following Sunday morning and became a member of a Southern Baptist Church, just before George W. Bush was elected to his first term as President. Even though it is often said that "Churches should not mix politics with preaching," I remember a prominent member in the church standing behind the pulpit during a Sunday night service and saying to the congregation, "We got the right man in the White House!" Of course his reasoning for why President Bush was "the right man" was due to the fact that George W. Bush agreed with the right-wing, fundamentalist, conservative political agenda. In the end this was the determining factor: Either the candidate supported fundamentalist Christianity or he didn't. Any other "worldly" benefits that a liberal, democratic presidential candidate could accomplish would be nullified in the eyes of these Evangelical Christians, simply by the fact that the Liberal Democrat candidate did not support their religious agenda. For example, let us suppose that the most Liberal Democrat ever were to get elected as the President of the United States. Let's say this President's policies brought about the greatest social and economic changes this country has ever seen (i.e. a complete end to poverty, a complete end to our reliance on foreign oil, an end to all wars, peace with every Muslim nation in the world, etc.). Let's say he brought about all of these great accomplishments, but upheld the Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973 which legalized abortion, and also worked to have gay marriage legalized across the entire country. Despite his great accomplishments, the right-wing Evangelicals would still consider him a terrible president, simply because he didn't support their little pet-peeve "moral" issues. The "moral" issues always trump the social issues for this group. I write the word "moral" in quotation marks, because these "moral" issues are their own making, derived from their personal religious beliefs. Their moral issues are not binding upon everyone, even though they believe their religious rules and statutes are universal moral dictates, straight from the mouth of the Creator of the universe. We do not bow the knee to a group of Muslims who believe the American government should enforce the "moral" principle of requiring women to veil themselves in public. In the same way, the American government is not required to bow the knee to a group of hard-core fundamentalists who believe the bible should dictate our nation's laws. This view that I am speaking against is so blatantly expressed in this bulletin that I am speaking of, which I will comment on.

But before I begin commenting on this bulletin, I want to first make it clear that my criticisms are not directed towards Christianity in general. I am speaking of "fundamentalist" Christianity. What is fundamentalist Christianity? I could go into great detail, but basically it is what comes to mind when you think of someone who goes around knocking on doors, trying to persuade people to convert to their brand of Christianity. If the person does not convert, he/she is going to burn in hell. With this group, you are judged more by your beliefs than by your actions. If you are the best citizen in the community, but do not believe in the tenets of their religion, then Jesus will "grind you to powder" on the day of judgment (Luke 20:18). If you go to church every Sunday, but still go out and have a few beers on the weekends, then you are one of the "lukewarm" Christians whom Jesus will "spew out of his mouth" as if you were something detestable (Revelation 3:16). Over 70% of Americans label themselves as Christians, but only approximately 7% of the American population falls into the group that I am speaking of. This statistic is confirmed by the Barna Research Group (an evangelical research group), and by New York Times bestselling author Christine Wicker, author of "The Fall of the Evangelical Nation." If you are a member of a church, but do not "share the gospel" with your "unsaved" friends and family members on a regular basis, then you are probably a "false convert" and on your way to the pits of damned with all the other sinners, atheists, and unbelievers in the world. This is their worldview. I know this worldview inside and out. I was one of them. It is perfectly reflected in the following bulletin that has recently been posted on Myspace:

Prayer for John McCain and Sarah Palin

Please pass this prayer on right now on behalf of John McCain. Please start prayer chains immediately for the election.

This election can be turned around for the glory of God if we will stop worrying and get on our knees! How many people can you pass this on to? Let us pray.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we come to You right now asking for a miracle in this election. Lord, we lift up to You right now Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. Lord, we ask that You would just wrap Your arms around them and their families at this critical time. Father, we ask for miracle upon miracle in this election. We know that only You can turn the tide of evil in this election. Father, as we await the final days of the election, we ask in complete faith that You would allow the truth to be known across this land Lord, we ask for forgiveness for putting You last... Father, please heal our land and homes, allow us to have another chance to love You the way you should be loved. Lord, we ask specifically for John and Sarah's health, wisdom, words, actions and their campaign staff. Lord, we lift them all up to You now. Father, we also specifically ask for the voters in many states who are battleground states. Lord, please convict the hearts of voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, North Dakota, Virginia, Nevada and Colorado.

Father we beg for every electoral vote. Lord, we lift all of our needs up to You now. In the name of Jesus we claim victory in Your name. Lord, we pray for Your will to be done in a mighty way...we know that this election can and will glorify You! Father, place the man you would have to lead our country in a Christian way on November 4. We love You, Lord. We await Your holy miracles...

In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen

Send this on to as many people as you can think of.....let it reach every corner of America. Get on your knees for this election.... Pray for God to send a REVIVAL across this land. Christians, it is time we get on our knees.... talk to people, speak up.... we've been silent too long.

The first thing to point out is the fact that this prayer did not accomplish anything. This election was one of the biggest blowouts ever. Election night was over before it even began. It says, "This election can be turned around for the glory of God if we will stop worrying and get on our knees !" So what was the problem then? I guess there was not quite enough people who "got down on their knees." But according to Jesus you don't need millions of Christians praying in order to accomplish something. He said in Matthew 18:19, "I say unto you that if TWO of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." The only thing to conclude about this is that Jesus was wrong. Millions of people prayed for John McCain to win the election, but it did not happen.

Next, this prayer asks God for "a miracle in this election." So just what kind of miracle are we talking about here? A miracle is something that occurs outside the normal course of nature. So what were these people praying for? For God to scramble the voting machines and give a false voting count in favor of John McCain? Or to make people get up off their couches like zombies and march to the voting polls to vote for McCain? Well, no miracle occurred. Barack Obama decisively won the election. I guess God decided he didn't want to send a miracle after all.

It says, "We know that only You can turn the tide of evil in this election." What is so "evil" in this election? Well, I know exactly what it is, according to the person who wrote this bulletin. It is the fact that Barack Obama is not a Christian fundamentalist. It is the fact that he does not want to force Americans to follow Biblical laws. And thank God (pun intended) that he doesn't! We would look like Iran if that's the view that our government held. The problem is that very few people know the entire bible well enough to realize just how much screwed up stuff is in there. So basically we are "evil" if we do not agree with the baptist/pentecostal preacher who says we are all doomed to hell for not following their fundamentalist version of Christianity. To consider someone evil because he/she doesn't agree with your religion is the epitome of arrogance.

This prayer asks, "Father, we also specifically ask for the voters in many states which are battleground states. Lord, please convict the hearts of voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, North Dakota, Virginia, Nevada and Colorado." It looks like God completely ignored this prayer request. This prayer didn't accomplish anything. Barack Obama dominated in the battleground states.

Most of the Baptist Christians reading this bulletin do not even realize that is was posted by a pentecostal Christian. You see, a large portion of pentecostal/charismatic Christians embrace a teaching called the "name-it and claim-it" principle. This teaching says that if you pray to God, and then claim that it is done, then it will actually be done for you. For example, let's say that I am on the verge of going bankrupt because of mortgage debt. In this case, I could simply pray to God and say, "God, I know you have already paid off my debt, and I thank you for your kindness and claim this blessing in the name of Jesus." But this prayer doesn't accomplish anything. The creditors will continue calling. And if I don't pay my mortgage payments, they will repossess my house. This prayer says, "In the name of Jesus we claim victory in Your name." Well their "claim for victory" didn't work. Barack Obama won by a landslide.

The last part of this bulletin that I will comment on is the most bizarre. It says, "Lord, we pray for Your will to be done in a mighty way...we know that this election can and will glorify You! Father, place the man you would have to lead our country in a Christian way on November 4." Actually, this is more of a cop-out than it is a bizarre prayer. This prayer is simply a way for them to cover their backs just in case their prayers do not work. It basically says, "God, we want you to get John McCain elected, but if not, then your will be done." Have you ever thought about what it really means when you pray to God and say, "Your will be done"? If we were to translate that, it would say, "God, go ahead and do what you were already planning on doing." In other words, your prayers are meaningless when you say this.

The person writing this bulletin has completely contradicted him or herself. At first, it implies that Barack Obama is an evil candidate, whom God obviously does not approve of. But then it says, "We know that this election can and will glorify You! Father, place the man you would have to lead our country in a Christian way on November 4." Looking at this election in retrospect, it is obvious that Barack Obama IS the man that God would have to "lead our country in a Christian way on November 4." But wait a second. I thought Barack Obama was evil? But God chose him to lead our nation? Get your thoughts straight. This prayer is a complete cop-out, to cover their asses just in case their prayers don't work.

A study was conducted in 2006 on 1800 hospital patients who received coronary bypass surgery. The group was divided into those who received prayer for their healing and recovery, and those who did not receive prayer. In the end, there was no difference at all for the patients who received prayer and those who didn't.

It is what it is.

Pagan Blog Project P Is For The Opposite Of Proselytizing Or Just Say No To Wicca

Pagan Blog Project P Is For The Opposite Of Proselytizing Or Just Say No To Wicca
I give birth to seen a lot of gear in the childhood 18 years of mammal a pagan but I give birth to witnessed a major this week. I came with a leg on each side of a video ended by the Facebook page Dreary Charm that had a very biting message:

Say no to Wicca.

The video was posted set to rights to Facebook so you apparition give birth to to understand this link to see it.

At major Autumn makes a discreet and highbrow armor for saying no to Wicca. She explains not to command Wicca as your religion out of mutiny, to the same extent you preference to be part of a group, or to the same extent you are too feline to scrutinize other pagan paths. She also suggests researching your upbringing history to ask your descent. For illustration, if you associates were Italian than she suggests pursuing Strega witchcraft.

But partway control, her video takes a very insulting turn.

She rationalizes that she shouldn't character in Wicca to the same extent it was invented in the 1950's by Gerald Gardner. She says "Do the scrutinize."

Well I give birth to. In my approach, Gardner didn't "THINK LATERALLY" anything. He assembled the recent witchcraft beliefs, money, and traditions trendy a cohesive religion called Wicca. All of which are based on ancient practices. Close the address goes, "Gift is whiz new under the sun."

I never thought I would ever become a Wiccan naughty, but I was fully affronted by what this man meant. I found the air wild that she was telltale others to scrutinize everything equally it appears she has never hard-working the time to agreeably scrutinize it on her own.

This video also reminded me of some in the indie and hipster cultures. They garbage anything that is bulk or popular. I read an highlight afterward about the release Pumped Up Kicks by Heighten the Relations. The highlight was about how clubs that featured indie music played the release unendingly until it reached the Top 40. As in a while as it became bulk, the incredibly clubs that had played it a week ago refused to remove it.

In basic terms to the same extent everything is popular it doesn't mean it's not valid. Nor does the fact that Wicca is a new religion rearrange it. Some religion has to start anyplace. Some religion has a beginning. Some religion was "INVENTED" on some level or separate.

Not to give an inkling of Wicca today is equitably recent from the Gerald Gardner's Wicca. Sure view that as a good a thing. Sure view it as bad. Close Autumn says, near are regular recent paths in paganism but she fails to understand the regular recent traditions in Wicca. Wicca has apt and unique the same as Gardner.

Evenly balanced if you don't end up choosing to be Wiccan, an receptivity in Wicca is frequently a method of obtaining something to other pagan paths. Don't say no to Wicca.

Say Yes To Wicca And See Somewhere It Leads You.

The Daedala

The Daedala
This is the name given to two festivals held in ancient Boeotia, which was a part of Greece, in honor of the reconciliation of Hera and Zeus. According to the myth, Hera and Zeus quarreled and Hera went away to Euboea and refused to return to his bed. To trick her into coming back and on the advice of Cithaeron, Zeus dressed up a carved oak-trunk to resemble a bride and let it be known that he planned to marry Plataea, the daughter of Asopus. Hera was so angry she tore the clothes from the statue, discovered the deception, and was so pleased that the two were reconciled.

The Lesser Daedala ( ) was held every four to six years. The people of Plataea went to an ancient oak grove and exposed pieces of cooked meat to ravens, attentively watching upon which tree any of the birds, after taking a piece of meat, would settle. Out of this tree they carved an image, and having it dressed as a bride, they set it on a bullock cart with a bridesmaid beside it. The image seems then to have been drawn to the bank of the river Asopus and back to the town, attended by a cheering crowd.

After fourteen of these cycles (approx.59 or 60 years), the GREATER DAEDALA ( ) was held, and all Boeotia joined in the celebration. At its start one wooden figure was chosen from the many that had accumulated through the years and designated the "bride". The wooden figure was prepared as a bride for a wedding, ritually bathed in the Asopus, adorned and raised on a wagon with an attendant. This wagon led a procession of wains carrying the accumulated daedala (all the other images that had been created over the years) up to the summit of Mount Kithairon, where a wooden sacrificial altar was erected out of square pieces of wood.

This was covered with a quantity of dry wood, and the towns, persons of rank, and other wealthy individuals, offered each a heifer to Hera and a bull to Zeus with plenty of wine and incense, while at the same time all of the daedala were placed upon the altar. For those who did not possess sufficient means, it was customary to offer small sheep, but all these offerings were immolated in a hecatomb in the same manner as those of the wealthier persons. The fire consumed both offerings and altar


"Hera, they say, was for some reason or other angry with Zeus, and had retreated to Euboia. Zeus, failing to make her change her mind, visited Kithairon, at that time despot in Plataea, who surpassed all men for his cleverness. So he ordered Zeus to make an image of wood, and to carry it, wrapped up, in a bullock wagon, and to say that he was celebrating his marriage with Plataia, the daughter of Asopus. So Zeus followed the advice of Kithairon. Hera heard the news at once, and at once appeared on the scene. But when she came near the wagon and tore away the dress from the image, she was pleased at the deceit, on finding it a wooden image and not a bride, and was reconciled to Zeus. To commemorate this reconciliation they celebrate a festival called Daidala, because the men of old time gave the name of daidala to wooden images... the Plataeans hold the festival of the Daidala every six years, according to the local guide, but really at a shorter interval. I wanted very much to calculate exactly the interval between one Daedala and the next, but I was unable to do so. In this way they celebrate the feast."

Found at Wikipedia

Origin: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com

Who Or What Is God From Billy Meier

Who Or What Is God From Billy Meier
No Creator-God exists in this sense. The Big Bang did not come about through the strength or might of one god, but did so, simply and exclusively, through spiritual- and material-physical as well as chemical processes, that were triggered and directed by a young Universal Consciousness, respectively Creation. The term "God" has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of the world or the universe, stars, galaxies and the like, for the expression "God" has existed in the vastness of the universe for billions of years, from ancient times to the present, and it represents nothing more than the title of a person. Initially this title was "Ishwish" which means "God" when translated into our languages. But Ishwish, respectively god, is nothing more than another term for "King of Wisdom." It is a purely human title assigned to humans who were particularly knowledgeable, wise, and who possessed great mastery in everything. This term's significance, however, was distorted and falsified by humans on Earth, particularly by the early religions and those experienced in profiting from using the word. The result was that God, as a King of Wisdom, was removed and the people turned him into a Creator-God who, allegedly, had created the Earth, the sun and outer space. Numerous individuals, such as Jehovah and many others, even claimed of themselves to be Creator-Gods with the consequence that they were also revered and worshiped. One thing led to another and soon the original meaning of the word "God" was forgotten and, consequently, the purported Creator-Gods were able to victoriously march into the realm of the people's religions, sects and faiths.

Source: http://www.futurmankind.co.uk/Billy Meier/Who or what is God%3F

Tarot Runes Or Similar

Tarot Runes Or Similar

Im gonna start doing readings etc, and would like to learn either Tarot, Runes or similar.

Any tips on other things?

or Tips on Tarot reading or runes?

Thank youu

"Suggestion by Benjiman"

Then you would want to check out WWW.Sacred-Texts.com It has everything you will need to research for.

"Suggestion by mocku"

Tarot has caught on in the popular imagination better than Runes have.

If you're going to take up doing readings for money, Tarot is a much better idea because you won't have to spend so much time explaining to people that Runes are as valid a system of divination, just not as well known.

From casual observation, there seem to be a larger number of sites related to Tarot online, too.

Any system of divination is as good as any other, but you might as well make your life easy and go with something that is popular, and where there is a large resource of information available to you.

Hope that helps.

"Suggestion by Helen"

I think you should investigate each one and see which one you feel drawn to most. I have studied Tarot and I Ching and while the I Ching has been interesting and has even helped me understand Tarot better, I feel more drawn to Tarot for whatever reason. I love the pictures and the storyline (and I am not an arty person go figure). The I Ching gives much more specific advice although the method is more technical which takes the fun and the art out of it.

I am steering clear of runes for now as I don't want to be a jack of all trades and master of none. Maybe one day.

Tarot does seem to have more of a stigma attached to it unfortunately. Most people won't blink an eye if you tell them you are into runes or the I Ching but Tarot has a bad rep thanks to the gypsy fortune teller stereotype.

Recommended websites for learning Tarot:

www.learntarot.com (Joan Bunning's free online course)








She mailed me a letter and the envelope said to mail it back to Enfield,CT. if that helps at all.

"Suggestion by kentuckyredhead5353"

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i'm being stalked online n wanted to know who it was but this is what i got..

the star

the tower

king of pentacles

knight of cups

wht this mean?

"Suggestion by Bunny-Girl"

I don't know the spread you used so this is just a general meaning of the cards.

THE STAR: The stare reprsents good things. Things in your life are coming together for a big pay off. The puzzle peices are falling into place, good things are around the corner, the only thing bad is the wait.

THE TOWER: The structure that once made you feel safe also imprisoned you. It's time to break free of your box and venture out into the world, experience new things and find out whats out there. It may seem scary and devastating but those walls were ready to come down anyway.

KING OF PENTACLES: Usually represents a real person. This is a man who is clever, talented and studious. his faults? He's raw and real. He can be sarcastic at times and overly cruel. He doesn't mean to be, sometimes it just happens.

KNIGHT OF CUPS: Also usually a person. This is a teenager (or someone who acts like one) He is the kid who is always falling in the deepest love and THIS TIME ITS REAL (again). He falls in and out of puppy love more times that is probably healthy and gets her heart broken many times a year. But hey, don't dicount her feelings. She things their real. That love is intence and that heartbrak hurts.

Hope that helps.





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What Is Protestantism

What Is Protestantism
In the consideration of a theme of this character and importance, a correct understanding of the terms employed is essential. Particularly is this the case with the word "Protestant," the true meaning of which, through long years of disuse and abuse, has been largely forgotten.

It is very generally believed today that the word "Protestant" implies a narrow, bigoted, and

negative attitude. Such a conception, however, is the very opposite of the true meaning of the term.

There is in it no suggestion of mere negation. Analyzed, it consists of pro (for, or in favor of), and testari (to bearwitness). A true Protestant, therefore, is a witness for the truth; he bears testimony in favor of his cause.That which is simply negation of error is not true Protestantism.

The true Protestant will bear primarily a positive message. His attitude will be that of his Master

who said: "I came not to judge the world, but to save the world." John 12:47. His words will be the savor of life unto life, not of death unto death. His attitude at all times will be that of Jesus Christ, "Who beforePontius Pilate witnessed a good confession." 1 Timothy 6:13. In this sense Protestantism at its birth in the sixteenth century was far more than a mere negation of popery. It was the "bursting into life of latent truths of Scripture" that rent the Papacy by reason of the explosive power of life itself.


It is well to remember that Christ was the divine Protestant. Throughout His earthly life He

protested in favor of truth, and that, indeed, in behalf of all people. He was for everyone, against no one.It may be suggested by some, and rightly so, that many of the statements of Christ were of a negative character. Truly, but His negatives were but intended to give weight to the positives asserted. "You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shall love thy neighbor, and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." Matthew 5:43,44. His implied negation of the old time hatreds was expressed but to emphasize the glorious positive of Christian love. To the church leaders of His day Christ seemed to be a bringer-in of novelties, an over turner of he doctrines and customs established by traditions and ecclesiastical authority. To them His work was a negation of all the accredited church customs of the time. Quite naturally they opposed Him; but the attitude of those church leaders was due to an entire misunderstanding of the work and teaching of Christ.

He was not these merely to negative the errors of His time; He was not there to introduce novelties in place of the old truths of God; He stood for the eternal foundations. When they taunted Him with the question, "Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?" He replied: "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? You have made void the Word of God because of your tradition." Matthew 15:2-6, RV.

Jesus witnessed for the Word and the commandments of God. Hoary with age as were the

traditions of the elders, they were the novelties which had covered over and set aside the truth. Christ took a definite stand agains these traditions, and an equally definite and positive stand for the truth of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

The life of Christ is the pattern for every Protestant. As our Lord Himself fearlessly opposed

everything that was contrary to the commandments of God, regardless of the age of the error or the number of those who believed it, so must the true follower of Christ protest against error today. And it must bedone in the spirit of Christ.

The Protestantism of Christ was against error, against sin, but against no man. It was for everyone, against no one. Likewise today, with the tenderness of Him who came to seek and to save the lost, is the exposure of error to be made.

From the example of Christ we are to copy His wonderful, positive Protestantism. Every negative of Christ prepared the way for the assertion of a tremendous positive.

His negations swept away the ill-built structures of men and laid bare the foundation rock of righteousness and truth. That also is the task and the duty of every true Protestant today.

He must believe the Word of God as Christ believed it. He must keep the commandments of God

as Christ kept them. In other words, he must be a consistent believer and teacher of the foundation truths of God, his life being in harmony with his beliefs.

How much, then, is involved in this Protestantism! Clearly it is no light thing to be a true

Protestant. In a word, it means being a 100-per-cent Christian-a sincere student of the Bible, a practiser of its teachings, a lover of men, a hater of sin, a friend of God, and an obedient servant of Jesus Christ. Only by taking such a position as this, only by living such a life as this, can anyone be a true and consistent Protestant, standing on unassailable ground. The man who thinks he can be a Protestant and yetreject the Bible or some portion of it, is making a profound mistake. Likewise also the man who seeks to be a Protestant and yet is out of touch with God, is in grave danger. And from these considerations it becomes apparent that true Protestantism cannot only be anti-Catholic. If it is to be consistent Protestantism, witnessing in favor of the truth and standing against error wherever it may be found, it must also be anti-modernist, anti-evolutionist and against every evil that issapping the life of the Christian churches of today. At the same time it must be in favor of every good thing-prayer, Bible study, and all that is meant by Christian service. That is the Protestantism that is so sorely needed.

More than ever such Protestantism, with all its blessed outgrowths of righteousness and spiritual

freedom, is in danger today. Sin in a thousand forms is pressing in upon the professed servants of Jesus Christ, undermining faith, and scattering confidence in the Word of God. Materialism, money-making,pleasure-seeking, and the still subtler snares of Spiritism and Catholicism are separating men from God and breaking that contact which alone can make them strong, faithful, and stalwart witnesses for His truth.

If ever there was a time when true British Protestants needed divine help it is now; and it is for those who perceive the trend of events to pray for grace to enable them to witness a good confession. More than ever men and women are needed today who will stand like Daniel for the truth of God, and courageously contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.

Without question the hour has come for such a witness for the truth to be given to the world. This is the moment of supreme opportunity for those who still believe the simple, old-fashioned, everlasting gospel. Religions are in the melting pot. Creeds hoary with age are being scorched by the blazing light of modern knowledge. Tens of thousands are spiritually adrift, seeking truth but knowing not what to believe. Furthermore, a new generation is rising, separated from the moral habits and restrictions of the Victorian era as far as the east is from the west, and yet, with all the noble aspirations of youth, seeking some guiding star whereon to hitch the wagon of its out bursting life. All the future depends upon the lead that is given it today.

Speaking to the theological students at Cliffe Hall, Mr. Lloyd George said: "The one thing

England needs is not material things which we are bound to fight for. No; what England needs is a spiritual awakening. It is needed now more than ever. I believe there are signs that it is coming."

Not long ago the following appeared in the editorial columns of the Daily Express:

"The people are conscious of a spiritual hunger which worldly things do not satisfy. They feel a

spiritual pang which is not alleviated by material anodynes.... There is something in them that asks for more than culture and learning. Deep below the surface of education there is a desire for spiritual peace and rest and faith.... All classes are alike in their half-conscious craving for the sustenance of the inner life.

"It may be that we are on the eve of a great awakening of the religious spirit. It may be that

after a period of spiritual aridity we are entering upon an era of new faith and new hope. It may be that the people as a whole are on the verge of a great rediscovery of the eternal verities. There is a certain stirring in the depths. There is a certain troubling of the dark waters. Even a secular newspaper may be permitted to bear witness to happenings that augur well for the moral health and spiritual energy of asorely, tried people,"

All over the land, despite the prevailing materialism, there is unusual inquiry concerning the

things of the soul. It is indeed the troubling of the waters. The Spirit of God is being poured upon all flesh.

Not for many years has there been so great an interest in matters of religion.

At such a time as this, what is more needed than a restatement of the principles of Protestantism, a lifting up anew of the gospel of Christ in its purity, simplicity, and power? After all, this is what the people need more than anything else. Indeed it is what they are waiting, hoping, groping for. It is the only religion that will bring them enduring satisfaction, and could they but know it they would seek nothing else.

Such a revival of true godliness as this, is, moreover, the only way that an effective bulwark can

be formed against the inrushing evils of the age-the only way to prevent our beloved country from falling back on the one hand into paganism, and on the other into the darkness of medieval superstition.

God help the professed Protestants that yet remain in the land to witness a good confession!

source:Protestantism Imperiled


Arthur S. Maxwell

the whole document can be found here:http://www.remnant-prophecy.com/topic-Library/RCC-History/ProtestantismImperiled-Maxwell.pdf

Token Prayers

Token Prayers
"I fake I chomp mentioned as a result of that I chomp no use for New Year's resolutions. If I haven't, I'm indicating you now that I fake that each day is an transom to do contravene. I've never held, for archetype, how someone "FORCE OFF" a sustenance. I understand that one may perhaps drop and bestow taking part in to that tasty squeeze of pie or become speechless by the desire for a estate utensil with cheese and bacon. No matter what I allot to permeate is how the group gates hence open immense for extravaganza eating. Had that estate pounder? Don't chomp additional one.

So you slipped up, you ate a whole bag of Oreos, you had a cigarette. Break now. Go back to your sustenance and your billows free life and try harder, learn about yourself and what ended you do it, remove the triggers and blocks as best you can and begin anew.

Sure you're not leaving to deem until after that January 1st to do better? Of course you aren't. You're leaving to do contravene suitably now. You atmosphere be in our prayers.

"HEY SISTER MARY MARTHA, MY Give a buzz IS SANDRA. I Elucidate Innumerable BLOGS ON Religious studies AND Entreaty AND I Surface Such as I'VE Ended UP Impart After Before. I RAN Obliquely THIS Entreaty Share out WEBSITE AND I HAVEN'T HAD THE Risk TO ASK MY House of worship No matter what THEIR Position IS ON IT."

"I'M A BIT Mystified, I Conclude THAT Give ARE Specific Give support to TO A Lay Such as THIS BUT Specific CHRISTIANS Might Informant IT Questionable."


"IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A Domain TO BLOG More or less, I WOULD BE Odd TO Eavesdrop on YOUR Mind-set AND Spill the beans No matter what YOUR Position IS ON THIS Exemplary OF Entreaty Waste."

"I Convey YOUR BLOG IN MY Strait READER SO I'LL Suppress Impel, GOD Consecrate"


Questionable? A site by the separated brethren who became separated former ever since they were mad at the House of worship for exchange indulgences allows sprint to blatant tokens for praying for other sprint and hence use the tokens to get prayers for themselves read OR challenge in the tokens for Use and PRIZES.

What's to question? It's challenge people! Who doesn't whim better cash? Isn't that the peak serious thing in our lives? You can earn up to 10 an hour perfectly by reading working class prayers! All you destitution a a good pair of drink greedily and a webcam.

Oh, I disc a swoon. My cape is rotating. By chance it's my C.E.O..

I'm stationary not guaranteed I understand how it works, other than present-day is this important diagram:

Does anyone understand this? I hang on I do. Bob reads Susan's prayer and earns tokens. He uses his tokens to grind a prayer which is hence read by Alice. Bob is now devoid of tokens, but good old Alice has earned some by reading Bob's prayer. Then Alice blows her tokens on a prayer that is read by David. Alice now has no tokens, but David has a handful that he splurges on a prayer for himself, which Susan reads. Now Susan has all the rob, until she submits a prayer.

That explains everything. It seems to me you'll do fine for yourself as fancy as you don't grind any prayers. It promotes self-sacrificing conduct, don't you see?

If you destitution better welcome, you can snap on "HOW IT WORKINGS" on the site present-day and they spell it out even better, suitably down to how you can gambol the tokens unadorned and perfectly pay backbreaking composed challenge for someone to read your prayers. Free a cash a pop. No matter what a bargain!

I chomp to chomp a nap now.

And the realistically stunning part is that by submitting your prayer, you are allotment the prayer reading sprint earning up to 10 an hour to "CARRY ON OVERPOWERING TO GOD" by take effect all that applicant webcasting. AND you get to check in on them and make guaranteed they're take effect it right! I deduce this resources that they read the prayer perfectly as you submitted it. Such as the prayer that asked Our Peer of the realm to make guaranteed the Vikings topmost I skip who by 28 points, ever since, you know, you can't win the bet if the height slope is antisocial.

I destitution an bandanna. Either I chomp allergies or I chomp started to cry.

It's so raucously ironic that if present-day were dryness prizes, this would chomp to be the beater. When they may perhaps chomp done the truthful fantastically thing, the crux format existence that by position these prayers and videos, you atmosphere chomp even better sprint praying for you, they may perhaps chomp done that without any tokens or challenge.

What's my diagonal on it? Whoever put this together is ravenous (THE BEATER OF THE VITAL PUN OFFERING) on long-suffering sprint who destitution our prayers.

Too bad present-day isn't a way to conduct them all choice to the Carmelites. That's their whole job, population Carmelites. They use up approaching every sec in prayer for you and me, every one in indiscriminate and in specifics.

Or, conduct them all choice to Size, for that direct in the manner of the priest tells us "FREIGHT INTENTIONS POPULAR" and we all pray for each other's intentions, even if they shape height spreads.

The Astonishing Conclusion Of Nick Farrell Secret Chiefs Challenge

The Astonishing Conclusion Of Nick Farrell Secret Chiefs Challenge


Today is August 5 and Nick Farrell's "Secret Chiefs Challenge" is officially over!

"If I can't catch the Secret Chiefs by August 5...... they can't really exist! - Nick Farrell

Over the past month Nick Farrell, Chief of the Magical Order of Aurora Aureae and purveyor of occult fantasy novels, endowed our Golden Dawn community with a seemingly endless series of articles about the Golden Dawn's Secret Chiefs.

All of this was part of Farrell's "Secret Chiefs Challenge" in which our intrepid psychonaut challenged the Secret Chiefs to either appear to him by August 5, or consider themselves as non-existent.

During the month there was once or twice I could not resist poking a little fun at Nick, first off with the above image of Farrell acting like a dog chasing his tail.

I thought better of it the next day and took the blog post down. Low and behold, Farrell immediately stole my idea and published his own image of me chasing my tail!

Had it really come to this?

A commenter then pointed out how Farrell's entire "Secret Chiefs' Challenge" reminded her of a schoolyard. She wrote:"I notice that Nick Farrell copied your dog chasing tail image, turned it around as though the joke was his own, then called YOU a tail chaser. Watch this video as it shows the "mature" mentality we are dealing with:

Another commenter then suggested that Nick Farrell is merely envious of the vast, traditional, supplemental Golden Dawn teachings and Magick recently released by the Secret Chiefs of the A.O.'s Third Order, integrated into all grades from Neophyte up. You can read testimonials regarding these teachings HERE.


Now that Farrell's "Secret Chiefs Challenge" is officially over, I must admit I never in a million years imagined what a fantasy novel Nick would invent to conclude his "challenge." Farrell came up with an ending worthy of any soap box game show!

Let's see if we can wrap this up by revealing - once and for all - what Nick Farrell has been hiding all along behind The "Secret Chiefs Challenge's Door Number One, Door Number Two," and "Door Number Three."

Behind Door Number One, we find Nick Farrell's original story:

"Anyone who believes in Secret Chiefs is as nutty as a loon."

Then, in a fasciating flip-flop, behind Door Number Two, we discover Nick Farrell's next story:

"The Secret Chief of the Golden Dawn...

... is really the Archangel Raphael."

Oops! Does this mean that Nick Farrell has been a secret channeller of New Age Secret Chiefs all along?

Farrell The Magnificent

And now - Behind Door Number Three...


We discover Nick Farrell's latest and greatest story...

The Secret Chief of Nick Farrell's MOAA, is none other than the mysterious...

Count of St. Germain!

That's right...

Allegedly hundreds of years old, the Count of St. Germain is known in New Age and B.O.T.A. circles as Master Racoczi. Nick Farrell, following in the footsteps of Paul Foster Case, today claims that he too has met with Master R., albeit in a coffee shop in Rome near St. Peter's Cathedral.

So as not to be easily recognized, the good Count masked his thick Transylvanian accent and pretended instead to be Corsican. According to Farrell, Master Racoczi has been hiding for the past hundred or so years on the island of Corsica, living with his boyfriend, Guiseppe Balsamo, also apparently immortal, and better known as Count Cagliostro.

Giuseppe Balsomo (Count Cagliostro)boyfriend of St. Germain on Corsica

Master R. did let on, however, that not only is he...

* Secret Chief of both B.O.T.A. and Farrell's M.O.A.A. but he is also...
* Geheim Haupt of the Illuminati
* Magus Sublimissimus of SRIA
* Grand Chancellor the Order of Memphis and Myriam
* Secret Supreme Master of the United Grand Lodge of England
* Caput Draconis of the Osiris Order
* Grand Phallus of the Subterranean Order of Set
* All Seeing Eye of the Grand Orient of Horus and, of course...
* Secret Grand Poobah of the Royal Order of Buffalos!

Personally, I think Nick Farrell has missed his calling. Why is Nick still wasting time writing occult fantasy novels dressed up as history, when he could already be a rich man inventing stories for David Icke!

M.O.A.A. Secret Chief ">

The diffetence between Nick Farrell's order and the Alpha Omega could not be more clear. Whereas Farrell's Secret Chief has not produced anything by hot air and wild stories about fancy titles, the Secret Chiefs of the Alpha Omega have already put their money where their mouth is...

... providing vast amounts of additional Golden Dawn MAGICK and teachings that have been integrated throughout our entire curriculum, even in the Neophyte grade!

This is real magick and profound, traditional G.D.teachings - not just empty promises.

Click HERE to explore our Outer Order, undergraduate level Magical training program, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn!

Alpha Omega

Because we make Magicians!

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