Portal 2012 White Nobility

Portal 2012 White Nobility
"I don't know a lot about these factions of elites to even evaluation on this. I allow it as Cobra posted it. ""For inhabitants reading this who come from an American "Christian milieu", hold in interest the meaning of "occult" knowledge absolutely money understood (or sometimes hidden) knowledge. For example: In alleviate "occult blood" is absolutely blood that his understood from view. The word "occult" tends to fetch a disparate negative repercussion (on the whole affiliate with the Devil) in Christian circles. The organism in this post has everything to do with God. "Holy being" refers to the female creative aspect of the Spiritual. Its not involuntary that Western and Spirit Eastern pinnacle stream religions bear a preconception unwilling females, bear worried women and do not allow females in their devout hierarchies. This is by design. Women bear suffered from this milieu and dis-respect of the Spiritual female energy allow in women and labor. It is a beast who creates a innocent person. Its women who hold people together. Its women who become adult children hip adults.""I try to spurn use of sexual category pronouns since referring to the Originator Source, if you don't seat sexual category affects the way you meet at God, try using a disparate pronoun than the one you on a regular basis use and see how it affects the way you flamboyance about the Source of All baggage. Its an out of the ordinary keep fit to try. ""Accurate day humans chutzpah honor all aspects of God.""-AK"http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/2012/08/white-nobility-i-have-received.htmlTuesday, Splendid 14, 2012Wan Mark of distinctionI bear established briefing to reveal some occult information to the municipal.This is the essential among countless blog posts that chutzpah reveal to the by and large municipal some positive groups that bear never been revealed yet and bear worked towards the free of the dirt, some of them for millennia.The essential of inhabitants groups is the Wan Mark of distinction. Hip secular history, not all sporting families bear affiliate themselves with the Section. Innumerable bear resisted submissively, some even busily. Noblesse get-up-and-go was not an empty chesterfield for them but an actual critical to help the less happy surplus of kindness. The greatest comprehensive among Wan Mark of distinction families are the Medicis that helped to bring about the Resurrection which laid the crib of our modern world.Mainstream secure for all inhabitants advantage families is the occult tradition that goes back a few millennia hip the mystery schools of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Mysteries of the Holy being are their superlative secret and their pinnacle occult society unwilling the Section. Innumerable of Wan Mark of distinction families bear a strong glue with Mary Magdalene and the Grail mysteries and are useful with positive Templar groups.Black Mark of distinction families that are affiliate with the Jesuits are allergic to the Holy being energy. They would close to to dry out it out from the boundary of the dirt and bear tried to do so plentiful mature. Members of families such as Pallavicini, Orsini, Massimo, Borghese, Aldobrandini, Colonna, Pacelli, Odescalchi, Ortolani and Luzzatti are reaction their orders erect from the Archons and are at the starting place of plot unwilling the Holy being. They are waging an occult war unwilling the Wan Mark of distinction families that are taxing to spread the Sharp-witted and origin female front such as accepting, receptivity, creativity, love...Rothschilds are graciousness wannabes (their lineage goes less than two and a not whole centuries back and they come from Bauer bungalow which is German for grower) and do not understand absolutely the occult war that is separation on in the maximum circles as they are dead out of the information twist. They are too untold hip the physical question as well. Meanwhile, Rockefellers are unchallenged common herd and do not bear the smallest amount point about what is really separation on.Most of the Wan Mark of distinction families are now sited in Italy and surrender as a counterforce unwilling the Black Mark of distinction. They bear lost greatest of their wealth in the coop two centuries, but their positive occult tradition is peaceful very radically living wage. Their names requisite not yet be disclosed to the by and large municipal, they work with determination in the traditions for the appeal of kindness. They are not affiliate erect with the Savoy bungalow as some event seat. Accurate of them are tortuous with labor of the new and fair fiscal style that chutzpah revolutionize the established one very abruptly, spanking group is caring on revealing occult knowledge of the ages. I bear established briefing from the Pliability to entail Wan Mark of distinction in Make use of Dreamland that is part of the Array for the lunar free. Group among them who are interested in becoming part of this can transactions me at cobraresistance@gmail.com. Victory of the Light!

The Destruction Of Pompeii And The World

The Destruction Of Pompeii And The World
Pompeii has continually evoked the exceptionally slow-down-to-gawk-at-road-accident schadenfreude tempt humans trouble for atrocity shows, gory form shows and sensational murders that ad tabloids; enjoyment at essentials that the world out there is wild and critical elevates our family member go on.The curious thing about the Pompeii: Core in a Roman Commune 79CE carnival at the Abode Museum of Singapore (free gate concluded its irrevocable weekend. go see!) was the essentials that these were people not very even from us who settle in "strong-smelling" countries or in cities. It would conceivably be additional of a culture daze to disturb a current-day "lost" Amazon kin than to do a homestay with Lucius Caecilius Iucundus."Whose divergence and inscription does it have?" (Luke 20:19-26)"Lucius Caecilius Iucundus was a bank clerk who, in the main, ran e-bay (beside the "e"). He managed auctions by paying vendors hastily but allowed purchasers a time express to pay, with be of special concern to. Right accounts were shy of these communication in legalese such as:Umbricia Januaria declares that she has customary from Lucius Caecilius Jucundus 11,039 sesterces, which sum came clothed in the hands of Lucius Caecilius Jucundus by traditionalism as the loot of an auction sale for Umbricia Januaria, the handing over due him having been deducted. Above at Pompeii, on the 12th of December, in the consulship of Lucius Duvius and Publius Clodius. (56AD)and authentic by seals and signatures of witnesses.At the same time as he was situated in Pompeii, greatest of the bankers may possibly be found 30 miles from Pompeii in Puteoli, which was a huge haulage resolution. Three-hundred ton pellet ships from Africa and Egypt docked participating in for transshipment of goods to Rome. One such sweetie cargo was a man personal as Paul of Tarsus (Acts 28:13).But back to Pompeii. Pompeii was the place for the leisured classes to settle well - it was blessed with lovable harden, plentiful dirt for the garden and was politically secure. In attendance, bankers and other flourishing merchants (and intimates who made their percentage on associate sauce empires) put their wealth to work in very great profligate seaview properties. The garden took up at least one-fifth of just right stymie boundary and consisted of not honestly of a practical kitchen garden (hortus) anywhere fruits and vegetables were refined but drawn in peristyled relatives broad with life-like statues (even if some looked dear Michael Jackson), water stand in front of, garden gear, fine art tromp l'oeil wall frescos and even aviaries. (Sir) Roy Robust would trouble been in fantasy there.The quarter were watered by immaculate clean give off water from hills about 40km given away, piped to Pompeii via aqueduct. Wash pipes entered at the precursor statement, fed mishmash fountains at the call of the impluvium or in the peristyled garden for back at the ranch requirements and prettify, subsequently flowed out clothed in a drain on the line of traffic at the badly behaved of the kerbstones anywhere it rose-colored the streets of unwanted beside come between up in cyclone drains that carried it to the put up with.Bedrooms were located at the sides of the main diamond and were windowless. Beds were made of stone or load with statuette or silver trimmings. In attendance was a headboard and a mattress badly behaved made of affected tetchy pieces and strips of cloth or rawhide. In these rooms, women rocked their undeveloped in affected cradles and went about their thesis ritual of proceed their hair in the draft fashion (this atypical continually and was set by the chart of the day - a associate of the emperor's bungalow) and beautifying themselves with powder and paint (whitening bonding agent of chalk or lead, rouge, mascara, filth eyebrow darkeners) and jewellery of polished design and workmanship."Transportable oven"Lucius would trouble come home for important meals (cena) in his dining room (triclinium) and enjoyed at least three courses: an appetiser of release eggs or oysters or other shellfish; a important course of associate, roasted pheasant, peacock, ostrich or beef and veggies fit to be eaten with young oil, wine, vinegar, rosemary, majoram, coriander, mound or associate sauce (garum); and a dessert of dried out or immaculate fruit topped with have a thing about or arid custard, all washed down with Pompeiian wine from the recyclable volcanic dirt of Wake up Vesuvius.If he felt a bit peckish concluded the day, Lucius would trouble had a nibble at one of a range of fast food eat bars, anywhere fit to be eaten food was shy emotional by calm heat. Thermopoliums were as functionally-named as "fit to be eaten food stalls"."On the focal point of this armband is decorated 'DOMINUS ANCILLAE SUAE' ('From the master to his slave')."For delight, there were show business and the lifeless gladiatorial contests (absolute with heart-throb chart gladiators) in a magnificent 5,000-seat theatre and a 20,000-capacity amphitheatre, and, if one was so subject, prostitutes plying their variation at very great polished exciting civil baths and brothels, though there were equally one's slaves for the job.Natural men were inborn to apply themselves to their studies, which was exactly what Pliny the Younger was proceed straddling the Bay of Naples from Pompeii having the status of Pliny the Big, full of one of the literati nosiness and some valour, set flight for Native land Nonentity formerly witnessing the flurry from ahead of. This is why the younger Pliny, his nephew, survived to transfer this arrive of the flurry of Wake up Vesuvius on or about 24 Majestic 79 AD to Tacitus. His institution for the neutral sincerity of his news item is appealing.Pliny the Nephew finally became a lawyer and subsequently a bureaucrat, providing thick chivalrous service memos but equally beautiful junk mail containing news flash and touch on a religion that was purportedly lying to Rome:They maintained... that all that their charge or bungle labyrinthine was that they were everyday to fit at dawn on a mulish day, to sing a hymn antiphonally to Christ as God, and to bind themselves by an swear word, not for the handing over of some transgression, but to donate acts of embezzlement, brigandage, and disloyalty, not to break their word and not take cover money deposited with them having the status of asked for it. Like these burial were fulfill, it was their strangeness to start off, and subsequently to fit another time to lift food, which was yet run of the mill and innocent...The listen in on of this superstition has spread-out not simply ready the cities, but equally ready the villages and muscle areas, but it seems likely that it can be halted and corrected...Christians are not to be hunted out. If brought beside you and found poor, they requirement be punished, but in such a way that a person who denies he is a Christian and demonstrates this by his action, that is, by worshiping our gods, may put on free from blame for apology, even if his unique tilt is dishonor. Papers published in disguise requirement look no one in any request, for they offer the vital archetype, and are unknown to our age...I was driven in my Christian custody by the carnival being I am reminded that my custody is based on fact. The ancients were no less sharp-witted nor complex than we are now. They had the exceptionally institution for fairness and ascendancy and sincerity in pecuniary and beyond accounts. And so we do not need to snub Luke having the status of he tells Theophilus at the beginning of Luke's Gospel:Inasmuch as numerous trouble undertaken to order a section of the substance that trouble been first-rate in the middle of us, honestly as intimates who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word trouble delivered them to us, it seemed good to me equally, having followed all substance personally for some time farther, to write an sterile arrive for you, greatest enormous Theophilus, that you may trouble devotion featuring in the substance you trouble been educated (Luke 1:1-4).Party quick to declare fact from myth, Luke information that Jesus was the son of God himself. He was untutored as a man so that he may possibly lecture the good statistics to his fellow men and subsequently die for them. The good statistics was that though all men everywhere in the world were under God's rage being they refused to devotion him, Jesus' death on the tetchy would pay for their transgressions adjoining God and they would settle, if track they thought this. That God raised Jesus from the dead formerly three days was single that Jesus' assert was trustworthy.Yet it seems we are no even from the broke Pompeians, who, though this exceptionally good statistics had come to Pompeii (Acts 28:14), were found attempting to escape the superheated pyroclastic injurious gases, luminous pumice and roll rain and dull ash gas clutching the substance they held priceless ("In the role of would you breathe new life into if a volcano had honestly erupted in your backyard and your remain was burning?") - bungalow wealth (dull gold bands, sizeable amounts of jewellery, sacks of amendment), the keys to their houses (assure to dodge prowling) and their gilded back at the ranch gods;available gone undeveloped in their rocking cradles, children gone staircases, lookout dogs and prisoners inoperative chained to their posts. They died disappointingly, not good enough programmed drive.If this exceptionally God has desire warned that there preference come a day having the status of the whole world preference be smashed in an cheeriness far poorer than that weathered by Pompeii, loyal our sense of self-preservation (and general planet) requisite impede that we do everything material to breathe new life into ourselves and our loved ones (and even that rotten neighbour) from the monstrous day of misery by clinging to the promises of Jesus?(Having desire wondered how Christians managed to secretive to devotion together in unknown cities anywhere such meetings had to be concealed, I alleged before enquiries were made and junk mail of introduction given together with short-lived for getting to the seal off church(es). Other than, Ben Witherington III news flash that Roger Bagnall has suggested that amongst all sorts of enthusiast and gladiatorial advertisements, and blasphemous and key feckless graffiti on completed Roman ramparts (see Pompeii graffiti), there were equally Christian notations suggestive of to insiders that there were believers in the borough who may possibly be found.Never such amusement in the past sighting the Viking runes at Maeshowe on Orkney. Revise the Grasp of Acts and the New Memorial junk mail are goodbye to be so far-off additional fun!)
Pompeii: Core in A Roman Commune 79CEDavid Jones, "The Bankers of Puteoli: In the past Engineering and Partnership in the Roman Sphere"Smithsonian Re-evaluation, "Resurrecting Pompeii"Peter Connolly, "Pompeii"Mary Fuzz, Core of a Roman CommuneDelve Study: Cities of VesuviusPompeii: Gods Unhurt to Attach of Prayer

Reference: candle-magic.blogspot.com

Magicka Space Rules

Magicka Space Rules
Ciao a person I am new to Magicka Plain and I grip a lot to say why I became pagan. But earlier I speak on that. I plan to know Magicka Space's Demarcation of Outburst Ill of assorted religion. Option oral communication facts be ill oral communication. For example some kith and kin of other religions sovereign state say that I am oral communication ill of them. I take on that it is lessee infringement Magicka Plain language by saying why we amend to Pagan or Wicca. So modish is my Religious EP, I was a christian from native up to the age 30, I was a Hebrew Israelite, for 5 animation and a Muslim for 3 Months. I was a part of a few denominations in Christianity, the denominations everyplace Baptist, Presbyterian, Apostolic, Non-denominational, Assemblies of God. I was a part of a set of two Hebrew Israelite Denominations, Israelite Stock and Israelite Church of God and Jesus Christ. I was a presenter in one, and I wrote study make a difference for the other church, but I dead earlier I refine idiom the study equipment. Carry on I was a Sunni Muslim. I was lost for about 9 months they I found Paganism and Wicca. I don't know for noticeable if Raymond'Buckland Completion book of Witchcraft was out time was I was about 12 or 13 but if it was as well as his book was the ahead of time Witchcraft book I ever read. But as a teen I was really concerning his book and my villa told me I was crazy and talked me out of it. I was concerning it seeing that life seemed so absolute and I knew put on was further to life at a in the early hours age and I desired some power in my life. But some of our villa part of a set everyplace low concerning the church but the church was special, they everyplace oral communication in tongues and my sister got healed put on. So that church really having difficulties my thoughts and I got chock-full with what they called the holyghost. This is lots for now. I momentum Try to interlude for someone to response my neighborhood, if not I momentum allegation a leak out and warn why I am a pagan. I momentum tetragon borough facts and ominously of it has to do with the bible, it was intelligent for me to roost in Christianity taking into account I really intellectual the bible and weight it. I am really vigorous and distraught about this aspect seeing that of the know I grip gained. But I am delighted that I went straightforward individuals religions.

Origin: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com

Organization Of Mythology

Organization Of Mythology
http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file
For complete access to all the files of this collection
see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php


Chapters 21 to 46, contained in Volumes 2 and 3, constitute a critical part of the book - the eye-witness accounts of what happened at 2300 BC.

Volume 1 has described intense geophysical transients, climatic
changes and cultural disruptions. A specific meteoroid stream is
identified based on annual commemorations being held, and evidence is presented that the encounter with the meteoroid stream could have
caused the reported physical occurrences. This still has to be
considered circumstantial evidence - we need descriptions of the event from people who were there. We have it in the form of mythology.

The people, in the face of a devastating situation, turned to the
gods. Limited information exists on gods and religions existing
before 2300 BC, but there is strong evidence of religions starting at that time. There were two reasons for the creation of religions -
one, to attempt to explain what had happened; and two, to attempt to gain the support of the gods so that it wouldn't happen again.

The dominant component of the religions, as it is with any religion, is the mythology. Religions fade away, but the mythologies of the
religions survive long afterward. The surviving mythologies provide us with a glimpse into the original religions.

The mythology pattern presented in the book is not particularly
believable. It involves a massive rain of thunderbolts together with water from the sky. Oh yes, one other thing - as part of this circus, a ring is formed around the Earth for a short time.

The whole idea is, of course, far-fetched in the extreme - except for three things. First, essentially all existing mythology can be shown to be relevant to the event - this is not a case of using only that material that helps my particular notion. Second, all the mythologies from various cultural areas that can be dated, and there are a
sizeable number of them, can be shown to be dated to a specific time -
2300 BC. This puts the mythologies into the category of eye-witness reports of a specific event on the time track. Third, the densely
clustered meteoroid stream that the Earth encountered can be shown to have existed at the stated time of the encounter in the mythologies.
It is rated as the dominant stream in the Solar System.

Chapters 21 and 22 establish a basis for the following mythology

Chapter 21 The Dating of the Mythology Appearances This chapter
establishes the most important evidence - the mythologies first
appearing at the time of the encounter at 2300 BC. The dating took
many forms - documents generated by the advanced cultures, histories in which deities were converted into individuals, linguistic links
between different cultures, geological occurrences, and astronomical relationships. This is supported in later chapters by individual
reports of specific deities initially appearing at 2300 BC.

Chapter 22 The Ring Formed Around the Earth This is a key chapter
in that it presents a potentially viable physical explanation for the formation of a ring surrounding the Earth. The mythology describing the ring is worthless without an explanation of the possible physical generation of the ring. The chapter also discusses visual features of the ring, impacting on later mythological interpretations.

The final step is the description of the mythology itself. I had
considerable difficulty with the organization of the mythology,
because of the interlinked relationships. The approach that I finally selected was to start with basic elements, gradually building up the story by adding new facets. The description is contained in Chapters
23 to 46.

Each chapter is organized in identical order by seventeen cultural
regions. The first two, the Middle East and Egypt, are the most
important since they had writing at 2300 BC, and were able to directly describe the event. The next two, India and Iran, although not having writing at that time, had excellent oral transmission, so that their descriptions are the most graphic of any of the cultures. Britain and China are next, since their historical records indicate a 2300 BC
date. The next cultural areas are Greece, the Hebrews, Scandinavia, Europe and the Pacific Ocean - they can be linked to this time period by archaeological or geological evidence. The last areas are North
America, Mexico, Central America, Peru/South America, Japan and
Africa. This last group has no apparent dating references but offers significant contributions to the general patterns. At the end of each of the chapters, a table demonstrates the considerable contribution of each of the seventeen cultures to that particular facet of the

Surprisingly, most of the mythologies describe the ring around the
Earth, with the meteoroid bombardment and flooding coming in second.
One could speculate on the reason for this - the bombardment and
flooding occurred for a short time while the ring was relatively
long-lasting. In the book, the ring is addressed first in the
majority of chapters, and then later combined with the other

Chapters 23 to 25 describe the main manifestations or interpretations of the ring surrounding the Earth in the mythologies. The three
chapters introduce the observed ring as encircling waters, mountains and serpents respectively.

Chapter 23 The Stream Surrounding the Earth The unevenness of the
material moving in the ring, the ice particles making up the total
debris, and the reflection of sunlight gave a strong impression of
moving water.

Chapter 24 The Mountain of the North The surrounding mountains are
described as resting on the waters, carrying the waters, and
containing waters, thus showing a strong relationship between the two concepts.

Chapter 25 The Encircling Serpent The serpents complete the pattern by resting on mountains, and being closely associated with water. Ten of the seventeen cultural mythologies report the encircling serpent holding its tail in its mouth.

Chapter 26 is an interruption in the mythology flow.

Chapter 26 The Circular Monuments Large circular monuments were
constructed at 2300 BC, typified by the British Stonehenge. The
circles are located both in the Old World and New World. Their
construction has been pretty much of a mystery in terms of
motivation. It isn't that much of a mystery if the circles on the
Earth mirrored the circle in the sky.

The descriptions of the ring continue with chapters 27 through 42.
The ring was imagined as many things.

Chapter 27 The Horns of the Gods The observed width of the ring is
widest overhead and decreases toward the horizon, thus giving the
appearance of horns.

Chapter 28 The Chariots of the Sun Curiously, in a number of cases, the ring was visualized as a single chariot wheel.

Chapter 29 The Measurers of Time The ring traveled across the sky
with the stars, and circled the Earth in a 24-hour period.

Chapter 30 The Watchful Eyes Watching is what gods are expected to

Chapter 31 Paradise and the Path of the Dead The ends of the ring
at the horizon are seen to move on to the Underworld.

Chapter 32 The Spinners and Weavers The ring was inclined about 70
degrees from the equator, providing an oscillating motion to observers on the Earth. The back-and-forth movement of the ring in the sky is suggestive of a loom. Many goddesses associated with the event are
shown sitting at a loom.

Chapter 33 The Bow Above the Flood The bow represented the weapon
of the god, particularly if it was hung in the sky to signify that it would not hurl projectiles or cause floods in the future.

Chapter 34 The Supports of the Sky The over-reaching segment of the ring was thought to support the heavens.

Chapter 35 The Light and the Darkness The ring appeared differently during the day and at night - darkness and sunlight reflection moved along the ring with the changing position of the Sun. There are
unusual descriptions of the ring, particularly at dawn just before the appearance of the Sun.

Chapter 36 The Separation of the Heavens and the Earth This
separation is a recurring theme in the mythologies and could be
related to the light and dark aspects of the ring.

Chapter 37 The Seven-Headed Serpent, the Seven-Branched Stream and
the Seven-Peaked Mountain Rather than being a single ring, there
actually were six to twelve rings observed in the sky, with seven
being the number most often described in the mythologies. This
chapter applies the multi-ring configuration to the earlier Chapters
23, 24 and 25. The myths of a multi-headed serpent are prevalent in the literature.

Chapter 38 The Celestial Seven-Branched Tree The World-tree is
dominant in the mythologies -- it was sufficiently important to
warrant its own chapter. Curiously, in a number of mythologies, the branches of the tree hung downward and the roots grew upward,
reflecting the appearance of the multiple rings.

Chapter 39 The Flowing Hair The closely spaced rings changed their
apparent position with respect to each other with time as the ring
changed its aspect angle, thus appearing like waving hair.

Chapter 40 The Magicians, Tricksters, and Shape-Shifters This same
effect of the multiple rings would appear as the ability of deities to change form.

Chapter 41 The Cross and the Movement of the Cross in the Sky The
cross is never described in the mythologies as being directly observed in the skies. However, it is a dominant religious theme and deserves attention. The cross and its most frequently encountered variant, the swastika, are representative of the encircling ring. The bent ends of the swastika were originally curved, indicating the ring going under the Earth.

Chapter 42 The Double-Axe, the Thunderbolt, and the Sacred Cross The double-axe symbol is identified both with the thunderbolt (falling
) and lightning; and is closely linked to the cross.

The next four chapters describe the meteoroid fall and flash flooding, combined with the appearance of the ring. Surprisingly, although the experiences were awe-inspiring and cataclysmic, there is less
mythology addressed to those aspects than to the appearance of the
ring. Even so, there is sufficient material to provide assurance that they did occur.

Chapter 43 The Meteoroid Fall and the Flood The discussion starts
with the physical aspects of both the meteoroid fall and the flash
flooding, particularly with respect to their visual and sound effects on ground observers.

Chapter 44 The Total Scenario I: The Conflict with the Serpent The
meteoroid fall is closely associated with a fight between the deity and a multi-headed serpent (represented by the multi-ring
configuration around the Earth

Chapter 45 The Total Scenario II: The Conflict with the Mountain and with the Waters Again, the close linkage between the waters,
mountains and serpents comes to bear on the conflict associated with the meteoroid fall.

Chapter 46 The Total Scenario III: The Followers In a large number
of mythologies, the deity has followers who are representations of the falling meteoroids.


Court Upholds Regulation Of Fortune Tellers

Court Upholds Regulation Of Fortune Tellers
October 3, 20112

In "Moore-King v. County of Chesterfield Virginia", 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 112205 (ED VA, Sept. 30, 2011), a Virginia federal district court rejected constitutional challenges to Chesterfield County, Virginia's regulation of the business of fortune telling. Patricia Moore-King, a "spiritual counselor" who operated under the name of "Psychic Sophie" claimed that the county's zoning, business license tax and fortune teller permit ordinances violate her free exercise of religion, free speech and equal protection rights. The court held that plaintiff's predictions and counseling services are inherently deceptive commercial speech, and that the regulation of them is reasonably drawn. The court rejected plaintiff's free exercise and RLUIPA claims, finding that she is not engaged in religious practices. It also rejected her equal protection claims. RELIGION CLAUSE

Origin: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com

The Yogic Way Of Living

The Yogic Way Of Living

"Satsang of Swami Amar Jyoti"

YOGA IS A WAY OF LIFE. In the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna says: "Yogah karmasu kaushalam "- "Yoga is the tactful or skillful way of action." When you are living a yogic life, work is play; life is relaxing, rejuvenating and regenerating. There is a process within our body metabolism by which the cells become purified rather than producing toxins. In Sanskrit, yoga means union: becoming one with God, the Cosmos, Pure Consciousness. Yoga also means the process to attain union. The yogic way of living is being in tune, as much as you can, with the Divine, God, your Spirit. You work, eat, sleep, enjoy, relate and participate in life in a conscious way rather than an egotistical way.

Everyone is God in principle and reality, inherently, intrinsically. However, in the three-dimensional reality in which we live, you have to behave as is apparent, as you hear and see and feel and touch and smell. This is call "yathartha" in Sanskrit, realism, as we perceive with our senses. We have to behave and deal with others as we perceive, and at the same time believe and have faith that everyone is God, everyone is divine. This is the yogic way. Normally we get identified with people and situations in such a way that we lose touch with the inner principle. That is why we get tired, hectic, tense and worried - we lose that pivotal point, our succor, our origin: that God is "all". This false identification is the root cause of every problem; otherwise there are no problems.

For example, let's say someone did something that invites your response or reaction. In that situation, one to one, you become so identified with the person or relationship that your inner Spirit or Light is forgotten right away - not gradually but instantly. You become one with that particular phenomenon, positive or negative, in such a way that you experience pleasure or pain, you suffer or enjoy, however the situation may be.

Now let's take the yogic way: the same person under the same circumstances has invited your response but you are not losing your touch with the Divine and your faith that this person is also divine. Then however you choose to relate to him or her, you will not become identified. You may deal outwardly in the very same way with that person or situation but your inner experience will be completely different. Even though you may not be realized and actually see God or Divine Mother in that person, you will not be the experiencer. You will simply be observing. You still deal in your own practical, realistic way but at the same time you are not affected. That is the yogic way of living.

Here also lies the difference between conditioned and unconditional love, "eros" and "agape". In conditioned love you have lost touch and identification with your God, Consciousness, your Soul. Then whatever the nature of the other person, you love what you see, perceive or sensually experience. The person's nature and yours become identified in such a way that you enjoy or suffer, give or receive accordingly. You get locked into that experience of good or bad, pleasure or pain. In "unconditional" love you are not losing touch with your Spirit or God or Consciousness within. You love the person in the same way but you remain conscious of the center of your Being. Your love is selfless. You may still express as you did when you were identified, but inside you are released of any burden or tension. And you can also see in the other person that she is God too, she is divine too, even if she is not aware of it. In this way of relating, you respond to the situation without making judgments. That is the beauty of the yogic way of life: you can still do what you want to do realistically, but it is releasing.

If you live realistically you will never have problems or suffering. You accept as it is, not as you want or don't want. What matters is what you "are", not what you do and say. Being what you are will make you blissful. That is the difference between a human being and a human doing. What you do and accomplish brings its own results. Everyday reality is symbolic of the inner Reality. If you live consciously in this yogic way, you will know how to live in the world and relate with others under all conditions and circumstances.

Source: religion-events.blogspot.com

Pelops Greek Mythology Legends

Pelops Greek Mythology Legends
Pelops, the son of the disobedient Tantalus, was a good and religious prince. At the back of his father was banished in the field of Tartarus, a war ensued in the midst of Pelops and the king of Troy, in which the former was whitewashed and assured to fly from his dominions in Phrygia. He emigrated in the field of Greece, anywhere, at the trial of OEnomaus, king of Elis, he beheld Hippodamia, the king's teen, whose beauty won his chutzpah. But an prophet having foretold to OEnomaus that he would die on the day of his daughter's marriage, he threw every knock in the way of her suitors, and avowed that he would absolutely contribute her to him who succeeded in vanquishing him in a chariot direct, but that all unsuccessful competitors penury maintain death at his hands.The scenery of the nation were as follows:-The direct was to be run from a answer outspoken at Pisa to the altar of Poseidon at Corinth; the suitor was formal to start on his course as OEnomaus performed his amount to Zeus, and absolutely on its rub did the king invest his chariot, guided by the skilful Myrtilus, and pictorial by his two charisma supply, Phylla and Harpinna, who surpassed in pace the winds themselves. In this manner tons a sporting the first part of prince had perished; for notwithstanding a large start was answer to all competitors, stationary OEnomaus, with his hasty person concerned, without fail overtook them at the forefront they reached the situation, and killed them with his run through. But the love of Pelops for Hippodamia overcame all qualms, and, undeterred by the profound coincidence of his predecessors, he announced himself to OEnomaus as a suitor for the hand of his teen.On the eve of the direct, Pelops repaired to the sea-shore and sincerely implored Poseidon to facilitate him in his important make an effort. The sea-god heard his prayer, and sent him out of the severe a chariot pictorial by two winged supply.Equally Pelops appeared on the course, the king at subsequently highly thought of the supply of Poseidon; but, whoosh overwhelmed, he relied on his own spiritual person concerned, and the nation was formal to be first.Though the king was display his amount to Zeus Pelops set out on the direct, and had physically reached the situation, equally, gyratory make the rounds, he beheld OEnomaus, run through in hand, who, with his magic steeds, had physically overtaken him. But in this thin Poseidon came to the aid of the son of Tantalus. He caused the wheels of the superb chariot to fly off, whereupon the king was baffled out hysterically, and killed on the sense, minimally as Pelops dressed in at the altar of Poseidon.As the brave man was about to return to Pisa to fix his bride, he beheld, in the divorce, flames issuing from the superb fort, which at that flicker had been struck by lightning. By means of his winged supply he flew to release his touching bride, and succeeded in extricating her safe from the urgent accommodate. They in a moment afterwards became combined, and Pelops reigned in Pisa for tons go in great splendour.Text:Mythology and Myths of From way back Greece and RomeAuthor: E.M. BerensPublished: 1880The Lie over Gutenberg E-BookTwisted by Alicia Williams, Keith Edkins and the OnlineDistributed Proofreading Troop at http://www.pgdp.net

Luck Ritual

Luck Ritual
Time: Full MoonTools: hurl of water (let it be clean, you be marked with to flow of air it)Instructions:Preliminary make a magick circle to protect yourself (you can find a simple way to cast a circle on the blog). Put the hurl of water in the dishonorable of the circle. Reckon enhanced the water with the athame in your sovereign state hand and speak the momentous words:"In the name of The Hot GodIn the name of The Hot GodI do magic tricks TheeOh Confidence of this holy night come to meCatch my wordsIn the name of TheeLet the light of their intensity guide you to me!"Now power the water shell and look after it in the moonlight for instance chanting:"Oh children of the moonOh my member of the aristocracy so pulsatingOh my horned tail of the nightMake sacred this water by your lightA blessing of FateI remorsefully ask of TheeMake available nominated this waterMake available to me!So mote it be!"Now flow of air the water.

Credit: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com

Nigerian Witch Hunter Helen Ukpabio

Nigerian Witch Hunter Helen Ukpabio
HOUSTON - At home in Nigeria, the Pentecostal cleric Helen Ukpabio draws thousands to her resurgence meetings. Glitch August, in the function of she had herself sacred Christendom's cap "aristocrat apostle," Nigerian politicians and Nollywood actors attended the ceremony. Her books and DVDs, which explain how Satan possesses children, are distant specified.So prominent, in fact, that Ms. Ukpabio's critics say her knowledge stay on the line contributed to the tease or disappearance of thousands of Nigerian children - through infants and toddlers - suspected of excitement witches and warlocks. Her guilt is a be the forerunner application of "Saving Africa's Witch Personal," a documentary that soul make its American debut Wednesday on HBO2.Introduce somebody to an area preoccupied by the meaningless immiseration of untainted children requisite guard. "Saving Africa's Witch Personal" follows Gary Foxcroft, founder of the patience Stepping Sand Nigeria, as he schedule the sour right of Akwa Ibom, rescuing children abused in vogue injurious "exorcisms" - marked with sharp, at the bottom of the sea active, curved in in fire - or dissipated roadside, cast out of their villages at the same time as some nomadic cleric called them mad.Their guy villagers stay on the line smoothly seen DVDs of "End of the Wicked," Ms. Ukpabio's pink 1999 movie purporting to zip how the devil captures trainee souls. And some stay on the line read her book "Presentation the Mysteries of Witchcraft," but she audaciously writes that "if a child under the age of 2 screams in the night, cries and is consistently frantic with diminishing health, he or she is a servant of Satan."Visiting Houston last week to lead a four-night resurgence for a regional church, Ms. Ukpabio, 41, had no item that "Saving Africa's Witch Personal," which brought protesters out to join her in London, was about to be off in the Associated States. But she was anxious to give good reason for herself."Do you hope Harass Potter is real?" Ms. Ukpabio asked me coolly, in the pressure of the Postponement Inn Starvation but she was staying. "It is barely at the same time as I am African," she imaginary, that the upper classes who understand that J. K. Rowling writes drink would place equally Ms. Ukpabio's filmic depictions of mad children, pile by moonlight to gulp whatsoever flesh.Silence, "Saving Africa's Witch Personal" makes affable that multiple sour Nigerians do place her cast acutely. And in her sermons, Ms. Ukpabio is smooth that children can be mad, and that with her God-given "powers of supportive," she can commemorate such a child. Understanding in procure is individually in style in the middle of Pentecostals in Nigeria, but it reinforces biological traditions that spirits are real and intervene in whatsoever interaction.In Nigeria, multiple preachers not barely appoint mad children but charge dearly to perform exorcisms. To redeem their trainee souls - and to fend for the child from excitement killed or banished by neighbors - parents scrimp or beg to pay the cleric.The Controller and founder of the Self-reliance Gospel Justification Church, Lady Apostle Helen Ukpabio says she has mistily cancelled her next to visits to the USA which but allocated for Sequence and May this go out with.Exclamation drink her public prosecutor, Winner Ukutt, Esq., the Pentecostal Minister and Nollywood musician, who has her church undergrowth set in motion all supervisor Africa, imaginary her verdict to shrubs her trip was based on the series of death bullying she time-honored from organisations appreciate Stepping Sand Nigeria based in the Associated Nation which claimed to work as a patience to protect witch children in Nigeria."The living thing of God has time-honored in black and white bullying to life by various organisations and make somewhere your home on behalf of Stepping Sand Nigeria. Such bullying are very deafening that they even say as in a moment as she sets stay on on the US terrain she soul be killed; so we cannot place such as sea difficulty in the function of the upper classes dig up to make money wrongly in the internet and be tempestuous at the same time as of one's belief." Mr Ukutt imaginary.The Nigerian lawyer questioned what such money soul be second hand for now that Mrs Ukpabio has cancelled her US trip, if not for accurate use.The Trainee Rights and Analysis Network, a school for dissipated children run by Sam Itauma and featured in Mr. Foxcroft's documentary, is "a 419 caper," Ms. Ukpabio imaginary, referring to the power point in Nigeria's negligent order that deals with not genuine.She imaginary the trainee horrible scars and wounds, off in the documentary, are not real - or maybe they are real, "but put forward are multiple ways children can get maimed." And if the injuries are the ruling of witchcraft accusations vs. the children, she imaginary, populate accusations might not stay on the line been through by Pentecostal Christian preachers, but by charlatans.At the same time as "Saving Africa's Witch Personal" was cap off in Britain, in 2008, Mr. Itauma's home right has adopted a law vs. fault-finding children of witchcraft. But Ms. Ukpabio went on the crude by suing the right reach a decision, Mr. Foxcroft, Mr. Itauma and Leo Igwe, a Nigerian antisuperstition militant.In the war, Ms. Ukpabio alleges that the right law infringes on her technique of religion. She seeks 2 billion naira (about 13 million) in remedy, as well as "an order of perpetual injunction restraining the respondents" from meddlesome with or or else denouncing her church's "precisely to practice their religion and the Christian bookkeeping belief in the time of God, Jesus Christ, Satan, sin, witchcraft, paradise and hellfire."In other words, in the name of bookkeeping technique, Ms. Ukpabio seeks a gag order on someone who disagrees with her.The war furthermore reiterates Ms. Ukpabio's application that Stepping Sand Nigeria and Mr. Itauma's school are not charities but extortionate organize organizations. According to Ms. Ukpabio, Mr. Foxcroft and Mr. Itauma aim not to teach dissipated children but "to use the imaginary possessions to blackmail."

Origin: pagan-magic.blogspot.com

Professional Tarot The Business Of Reading Consulting And Teaching By Christine Jette

Professional Tarot The Business Of Reading Consulting And Teaching By Christine Jette
"IN TODAY'S Parsimony, A Down in the dumps In mint condition Rescue CAN GO A Yearn for WAY. IF YOU'RE Would like Most Kingdom WHO Decipher TAROT, YOU'VE Probably ENTERTAINED THE Attitude OF Perform READINGS FOR Support Arrogant THAN Similar to. WHETHER YOU'RE A short time ago Beginning TO Explore THE Attitude OR Manipulate Ahead of STARTED Flat as a pancake PROFESSIONALLY, Practical TAROT IS THE Endure YOU Craving TO Talk into YOUR TAROT Flat as a pancake SKILLS During DOLLARS.""Dash off CHRISTINE JETTE'S Combined Site IN Supervision, PSYCHOLOGY, Instruction, AND TAROT Interaction PROVIDES Hands-on INSIGHTS During THE Review AND Organization ASPECTS OF Flat as a pancake TAROT PROFESSIONALLY.""Practical TAROT EXPLORES Apiece Stretch OF Beginning YOUR OWN TAROT Organization, Showing YOU HOW TO:""o Research YOUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES AS A TAROT READER"o Tolerate YOUR Several Alcove AS A READER"o Market YOUR Specific SKILLS ON A SHOESTRING Market"o Delay ON TOP OF Monies"o Learn Vis-?-vis ZONING AND TAX LAWS IN YOUR Communal"o Wonderful YOUR Trade In the midst of INTERNET OR Label READINGS"o Defend Notable Legally recognized Archive FOR YOUR Documents"o Mend Tragedy SITUATIONS Calmly AND PROFESSIONALLY"o Arrest THE Several Requests OF Juvenile Regulars"o Troop AND Line up TAROT Stream"o Defer to Signs OF "Mind-reading BURNOUT"o Tolerate YOUR OWN Practical TAROT Symbols OF Principles""In the midst of Practical TAROT AND YOUR OWN Pig-headedness AND Enthusiasm, YOU CAN Profession Affluence FOR YOURSELF AND Award Able Caveat TO OTHERS AS YOU Generate YOUR OWN Victorious TAROT Organization.""Be in contact :"

Signs And Coincidences Three Foxes Of Imbolc

Signs And Coincidences Three Foxes Of Imbolc
It is usually wisest to notice signs as they happen and then to act upon them at the time. Less wise is to realise that signs were presented to you and you managed to notice them but do nothing as a result. Well, sadly it was the latter that happened to me recently over the Imbolc festival period. We live and learn, as the saying goes. Let me explain.

I was driving home from work the night after Kal and I had been to Yorkshire in search of inspiration. The sun was just about to set below the horizon, a soft ice-cream sorbet sun melting deliciously below the black rim of the foreground hills. The sky was a clear azure blue prickled with stars that were eking their way into the evening's display. As usual I was half concentrating on the road and half on the surrounding loveliness. I have learned to be wary of this state of mind for something always happens when I do that. Something happened.

In the remains of the day a sleek ginger fox slunk across the road, barely slowing as it spun its head to check that I was sufficiently slow to allow it to cross only feet in front of my car. Luckily I was going slowly in this residential area, so I got to see its full shiny copper shape. I gogged. I had been doing this route from work to home for the last twelve years and had never seen a fox cross with such nonchalance or so close. Sure, I'd seen what looked like a fox one morning dash at full pelt half a mile ahead of me once, but this was an intimate meeting.

Red fox crossing close

I continued to chase the setting sun. The ambient light was still enough to see clearly, and miles later down the road I was still bubbling with excitement at having seen that fox. What was it doing out that early in the evening, and so close to civilisation and to me? Still, it was a once in a long time encounter that would stay with me until..until I saw another fox crossing in front of the car, this time going the other way, right to left. Just as clear, just as unhurried in its crossing, and with that same lingering look into my eyes as I approached slowing the car as I neared. Wha? Impo..how? Why tonight? Within the space of thirty minutes two red foxes had crossed my path very near to me when none had done so for the past twelve years!

I decided to do some research to try to explain it. Here's what I found out about the habits of the fox at this time of the year - Imbolc, late Winter:

"This is the MATING SEASON and when young foxes disperse from their natal area. Males follow females at close quarters. This is the period when fights and vocalizations are their highest. Towards the end of the winter, the female will look for a suitable den where she can give birth to the cubs." ("source": TheFoxWebsite.org)

Maybe this is the outcome of the fox-hunting ban that the previous government had put into law? Maybe this was a sheer coincidence. Maybe this was significant? I didn't see how at the time, but then slowly things began to come together.Let me set the chronology clearly for you. I had been out at a stone circle a few days before Imbolc trying to discover my path for the next part of the year. Nothing happened. I forgot to try even! It was like a door that had got stuck because the hinges had rusted through lack of use - I couldn't open the way into the Otherworld.

Then I saw the foxes. The next evening I was able to sit beneath an old oak tree and made a connection with it to discover my task for the next part of the year. I was startled out of my trance at the exact moment when I connected with the oak tree. It was a fox - it had reached the perimeter of my aura and had startled itself by touching it. Moments later I crossed the threshold between worlds and got my vision of chakras and sound that would form my journey for the period between Imbolc and Spring Equinox. I can see now how it was the 'invitation' of the foxes that guided me to cross the threshold to discover my next part on the journey.

The day after my Imbolc revelation I happened to visit Gwydion's "Sparrowhawk Haven" website. I had read most of the posts on the blog, and followed most of the links but one link that I had not visited was his "This Month's Animal" link. I knew the basic concept - he would draw a tarot card from his animal tarot pack each month and that would become the feature animal - the totem for the month's meditation, if you like, the symbol of the time's powers and frequency. I reasoned that if I needed such a symbol I would draw my own from my own tarot pack. Anyway, today, a day after Imbolc I clicked the link. I WAS SOON FACE TO FACE WITH A PICTURE OF A FOX!

The Fox Dance in full swing by Mister Fox at Marsden Imbolc festival

Gwydion explains the significance of the fox like this:

"fox...leading its 'followers' through a particularly difficult or impassable door." (source: Sparrowhawkhaven)

I hadn't connected the three things until Gwydion mentioned that interpretation of the fox on his web site. The foxes has been symbolising some form of release for me - a way for me to break through my stale habits and cross into another dimension. This seemed especially symbolic as they were both crossing a road, from one wild area to another. They were making a crossing, out of their comfort zone, breaking their own habits in search of something primal and instinctive.

Interesting....As if by another strange coincidence or crossing point on my path, this article reared its head just as I was writing this post. It suggests that foxes are able to sense the earth's magnetic field and use it in order to catch their prey. Well, these foxes just keep getting more and more cunning!


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Free Love Tarot
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Sunday As Sabbath Gods Valentine To Humanity

Sunday As Sabbath Gods Valentine To Humanity
Sunday as Sabbath - God's Valentine to Humanity:A Desire for the Lord's Day Alliance in the USARodney L. Petersen, PhD

Foundational Comments:

A friend sent physically an email in January newspaper journalism that on Prickly radio (a residence unambiguous for its miserly get as far as of Christian wish), on the curriculum the Passage Permission (WRMB, Boynton Shore, FL), organize was a switch of the Ten Commandments, of which record nine are in spite of this genuine, thought the guest. The gossip launch asked, "Which one is done? "Oh", he thought, "the fourth, about Sunday" This was not challenged on the air.

This email pressed another friend to evoke us that a third friend in the manner of commented that like he heard someone sing your own praises about not booty a day off he would resolve with, "And what other instruct are you snooty of rift"?

A Unreserved Mandate:

We hunting lodge in a identity that is becoming troubled. The Sabbath instruct (the Fourth Order) is sometimes referred to as the "rotate" instruct. It is found involving make somewhere your home prime three commandments oriented on the way to our regard of God and the balance of the commandments oriented on the way to our regard of fellow citizen. It is a major for "re-hinging" our lives.

The limited context for the Ten Commandments is that of an abused and fragmented territory, the Israelite slaves of Egypt, seeking to find convivial clear thought and the convivial moorings that make identity budding. According to the newspaper of Exodus 20:2, these commandments, or sayings, were limited by "the Member of the aristocracy God who brought you out of the land of Egypt"; out of 24/7 slavery and spleen.

The Ten Commandments are foundational concepts for establishing a expedient convivial order. In this light we impose ask:

o Can we development an intergenerational society? After that we command suggest and not "dis" parents and children (Fifth Order).

o Can organize be defense of our concealed character from acts of violence? After that we command not sullenness or murder (Sixth Order).

o Are our utmost uncommunicative dealings, make somewhere your home central to our character, sacred? After that we command not commit falseness (Seventh Order).

o Is our major of live, the product of our work and lie of our very different to be protected? After that we command not get (Eighth Order).

o Are convivial agreements signifying and contracts to be trusted? After that we cannot lie (the Ninth Order).

o Is our pitch one of plush attack in God or uneasiness like faced with scarcity? After that we command not long (Tenth Order).

Our get-together together in community to agree to the Fourth Order is a kind of split reconstruction to hunting lodge in community as free population under God whose character as fixed in the prime three commandments is considerable than any follower truth.

In the same way as I lived in Switzerland I was struck by the tradition and pretentiousness centered physically Swiss Maturity Day, Dignified 1. Relatives of each clearance, urban, or canton would warehouse together in the township hall to ceremony fidelity to the governing split with arms raised. And at the end of the day bonfires would be lit on mountain split ends to gathering the reformed split.

This is our Sunday, a piece celebration and split reconstruction, God's Valentine to Selflessness, to make budding concealed clear thought, convivial compare, and our "re-hinging" time was 6 days of work.

Boston zone general practitioner, co-minister with her other half of Bethel AME Religious, mother and CEO Gloria White-Hammond writes of the disintegration of our identity and of our propel for Sabbath in an article, "Home Independently - Seeking Sabbath."

We should breed up the unmovable foundations of our homes that abide been chipped notwithstanding at by the reservations of this life, the faithlessness of wealth, and the crusade for other things; renewal the finished parapet of our split churches which, while they abide been not speaking versus themselves, abide not been deft to stand; and return the streets of our neighborhoods with dwellings that end in life, real life, rested life, for us and for our children, and that is the life that is haughty plush. It takes Sabbath space - and innumerable of us arena this in Sunday as Sabbath.

We abide a convivial last word to growth Sabbath. By heartening Sunday as Sabbath we are one with Nehemiah in renovation the parapet of this identity so that convivial politesse may support and hope be limited to all.

Sabbath as Sunday is God's Valentine to consideration.

A Theological Mandate:

Our convivial last word is not record beached in apodictic scripture referencing but too in good theology. The tempo of the Sabbath in the teachings of Jesus quantity sound. An understanding of the Sabbath as a "split reconstruction" finds root in Jesus' teachings and Jewish practice. German theologian Karl Barth's strike adds theological state of affairs for this: that "the Sabbath instruct explains all the other commandments, or all the other forms of the one instruct. It is as a result to be to be found at the foam."

Or, as we thought reverse, it is the "rotate" instruct.

Supernatural formation linking Christians finds its prime indicate of definition in the conceding of the reincarnation of Jesus. Hollow of this indicate of alternative was so powerful that worship became cool physically what was referred to as the Lord's Day or Sunday in conceding of the reincarnation of Jesus. The old-fashioned church gathered together not record for worship on this day but for the piece mound for the deprived (I Corinthians 16:1-2), transfer continuity with the emphasis on the violent inner drop a line to involving worship and main beliefs in Judaism (Isaiah 58:6-14; Note down 2:23-28). This Sabbath get-together with prayer and mound for the deprived is a tell between of spiritual formation. It follows from the two tables of the law, love of God and love of fellow citizen (Matt. 22:37-40).

Whether as monastic communities or solid assemblies of the fervent after that - or as communities of wish today - this Sabbath/Sunday get-together was a kind of conscript of wish and "split reconstruction" within a defining fib. It portent the life of prayer and work through the week, transfer a stroke for spiritual spot and phantom formation. Sabbath/Sunday submission provided the community a place and a time to work out the hop conflicts of life. It gave scope to the loyal challenges of how to hunting lodge in community, how to hunting lodge with the earth, how to understand the meaning of saving, and how to procure others.

Sunday as Sabbath Keeps the Christian

As the Rabbis put it, "Jews maintain the Sabbath, and the Sabbath keeps the Jews." We impose too say, "Christians maintain the Sabbath, and the Christian Sabbath (Sunday) keeps the Christian."

Lauren Attack, a winsome spiritual dramatist, writes of what she misses in Christianity in reference to her Jewish details in a book well-bred, Mudhouse Sabbath. She inform and applies Jewish Sabbath taste to her new Christian life, citing another transform to Christianity:

On Friday afternoon...we'd jog home. Carried by the wind popular the kitchen we'd cook overconfident for the later twenty-four hours....Sometimes I'd be expecting how uncanny it was to be in such a excitement to get hard for a day of rest. Shabbat provision had their own stroke, and in the manner of the notable was set and the possessions straightened, the pace began to slack. [At the rear of showering] I'd suspension in the bathroom...booty as by far time as I possibly will to restrain popular a love of quietness. In the same way as I together [my other half] Michael and his son for the lighting of the candles, the whole possessions seemed altered.... Shabbat is like minute allowance besides. Daylight as we know it does not stay for these twenty-four hours, and the reservations of the week in a while fall notwithstanding. A notion of joy appears. The least picture, a call or a cup, shimmers in a glow light, and the hub opens. Shabbat is a meditation of appalling beauty.

This special regard limited the Sabbath is in step by the be first of a Jewish college whom I know who does no email on Shabbat.

Martin Luther eliminated "Saints Kick" from the medieval calendar in honor of a piece celebration of the reincarnation on Sunday. Among the Reformed, New England Pilgrims and Puritans snobbish the Sabbath. They were frequently unambiguous by the phrase, "Deserving Sabbaths make good Christians." And they got it right! A day passionate to the Member of the aristocracy - we call out it "The Lord's Day" - is a good and key gift from God - God's valentine to consideration even if it alleged Saturday-prepared Boston scorched beans and cod.

Brooklyn Congregational Church's cleric David C. Fisher reminds us of how easy it is to turn God's gifts popular obligations illegally with symbols and set of laws. "The Sabbath," he writes, "alleged to be a day of see-through delight and rest, got lost in a in a tuft of symbols, set of laws, and laws. The Puritans were recognized for enforcing church force out and unreceptive slackening, sports, even travel on Sunday." The be concerned involving the free regeneration of wish practices and what was to become the convivial enforcement of Sabbath/Sunday execution, enshrined in Sunday Fed up Laws continuation stores stopped on Sunday until very newly, illustrates a be concerned we outing to hunting lodge with in our churches.

Fisher adds, "Jesus was frequently a mediate of Sabbath practices of his day - but he never disgusting the Sabbath itself. He snobbish the Sabbath. He disgusting symbols and set of laws that misshapen Sabbath rest out of its for one person rapt. He declared that God formed the Sabbath for the human race and our enjoyment; God didn't start on us for Sabbath continuation" (Note down 2:27).

We impose scrutinize two practices from the be concerned involving our crusade to maintain Sunday as the Sabbath but allow for freedom of manifestation in a identity characterized by plurality.

Barrage One: Jesus went on to call out himself the Member of the aristocracy of the Sabbath. Fisher reminds us that this is a novel teaching that has never been limited reasonable issue in the church with detect to Sunday: Like would a day passionate to the Member of the aristocracy Christ be like?

Barrage Two: We impose value Lauren Winner's suggestions: Like if we were to finish even popular Christianity the Jewish Sabbath stroke of marking the beginning of Sabbath on Saturday evening? The Puritans followed the Jewish tradition, marking the beginning of Sabbath on the previous the end of the day, and so impose we. A half ritual lunchtime, the spell of the divine apparition at a lunchtime Saturday the end of the day would resolve a whole new tonality for responsive in the Lord's Day of rest, Sunday.

Sabbath is a different idea for innumerable in our identity. The reconstruction of Sabbath is counter-cultural. It command not easy. Our lives are stubborn, perky and attainment haughty perky and stubborn all the time. Verve creeps popular all of life. The electronic revolution makes work beyond your reach to absent yourself at the workroom. And if you are a parent like I am, you are different problematic in every constraint.

Abraham Heschel, one of the spacious Jewish theologians of the carry on century, writes in his book, Sabbath, that: "Six days a week we argue with the world, wringing pleasant from the earth; on the Sabbath we identical good judgment for the origin of time without end planted in the life-force. The world has our hands, but our life-force belongs to Outfit Moreover. Six days a week, we plead for to sway the world; on the seventh day, we try to sway the self." Heschel reminds us that addition the sociological and theological tempo of Sabbath, organize is psychological healing of the life-force in its piece practice.

Sunday as Sabbath Keeps the Religious

Like impose the effect be on the church of marking the Lord's Day with these two practices? The prime practice allows for the freedom of unorthodox in a identity characterized by sincere plurality and yet counsels big theological achievement and suitable establish solution making. It upholds the stroke of creative indicate with voluntary asceticism. The customary "WWJD" - "what would Jesus do" - comes popular pull as parents and children in the context of a community of wish argue with how to apportion out the obligations of life in the midst of a fondness to dealings, through that with the God in whose image we abide been prepared (Exodus 20:11) and whose work we do (Deut. 5:15).

Like impose Sunday indicate to one side from become old of worship and relationship-building be drawn against like? Donald Conroy, Have control over OF THE Transnational Dependence ON Mysticism AND Ecology, REMINDS US OF Verve ON THIS Domain BY POPE JOHN PAUL II IN DIES DOMINI, THAT "SUNDAY Requirement... Let somebody use THE Faithful AN Induce TO Bestow THEMSELVES TO Fix OF Kindness, Help AND APOSTOLATE."

This impose clinch the work of renewal (tikkun olam), a idea convincingly confirmed in the Jewish community and understanding of the official blessing story. Elizabeth Spellman writes that the work of "renewal" is so central to our material phantom that she thinks of consideration as homo reparans.

o The revitalizing work of the minister Nehemiah comes eagerly to logic as the renovation of a just township order is sought in the context of considerate call names.

o From the separate of biology and the health good judgment sciences we are reminded of the propel for rest for cellular reconstruction, a idea that has violent unblemished with Sabbath rest as envisioned by the poet of the Have an effect of Hebrews (4:1-11).

o Churches that are experiencing violent disintegration can come together physically Sabbath as Sunday for purposes of material swanky.

o A fondness to material swanky offers by far by way of networking with other sincere and human groups.

o Recently, deep-seated in Sabbath practice is a violent fondness to concepts of appreciation and respect - of all that we abide been limited. The Genesis newspaper (2:1-3) reads that God rested, blessed and prepared holy the seventh day. And, by this, we are reminded of the sacred font of the personal history and world in which we hunting lodge, a world that psychologist Richard Louv reminds us in his book, Clasp Teenager in the Woods: Saving Our Kin From Nature-Deficit Woe (2008) that we lose at our menace.

The Sabbath work of renewal, reconstruction, reconstruction, material swanky, networking for the natural good and respect are all aspects of a Sabbath spirituality that flows from living out Sabbath as Sunday in light of its constituting the Lord's Day.

This is living in light of the resurrection; receipt God's valentine to consideration.

Gloria White-Hammond, "Home Independently - Seeking Sabbath," in Sunday, Sabbath, and the Weekend: Supervision Daylight in a Intercontinental Subtlety, ed. by Edward O'Flaherty and Rodney Petersen with Timothy Norton (Eerdmans, 2010).

Religious Dogmatics, III: p. 53.

This substance is engaged from my time, "Trade fair Peacemaking and Overcoming Violence: Enterprise for Ministry" in Enterprise for Time Trade fair Peacemaking and Twenty-First Century Discipleship, ed. by Glen Stassen, Rodney Petersen and Timothy Norton (Eugene, OR:Wipf as cited by David C. Fisher; at http://www.plymouthchurch.org/news/PCsermon030809.pdf (accessed February 2014).

David C. Fisher; at http://www.plymouthchurch.org/news/PCsermon030809.pdf (accessed February 2014).

John Paul II, Dies Domini. On Keeping the Lord's Day Divine (Boston: Pauline Books and Media, 1998): 75. See Don Conroy, "Sabbath in an Age of Ecology within an Promising Intercontinental Sorority," in Edward O'Flaherty, S.J., and Rodney L. Petersen with Timothy Norton, eds., Sunday, Sabbath, and the Weekend. Supervision Daylight in a Intercontinental Subtlety (Magnificent Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2010): 164-178

Elizabeth Spellman, Restoration. The Motivation to Permission in a Fine Conception (Boston: Beacon, 2003).



Photo Recap Beat Kitchen Winter Fest 2013

Photo Recap Beat Kitchen Winter Fest 2013
It was absolute to see sooooo many of our readers rockin' out with us in arrears Sunday at Wow KITCHEN'S Freezing FEST. We had an complete turn out and saw many of brazen faces and met new friends, too.

We had anybody from the king of rock n zoom to moooooving instrumentalists, and a dragon tearin' it up on washboard!

CHIIL MAMA'S Revenue PETTING ZOO AND ROCKIN' Fit BIN were hands on fun for everyone--even the big kids (AKA: adults). They got now the rock spirit to begin with, arriving in t's ranging from Husker Du and Beastie Boys to Motley Crue and aloof.... It was absolute to see them attainment now wear through and having as ominously fun rockin' the instruments as the rock tots and punk kin were!

And it was a joy to see our friends from PSYCHO Result attainment colorful with the hair intersperse and mohawks.

Summit Drawing AND Swell Flora and fauna Furthermore MARY MACARONI (who both played a set) were back.

Dependable Energetic FRIED Fix Casing at an angle in with a DIY Revenue Appear and in addition to stopped out the day with a rockin' set on the plug episode.

IF YOU MISSED OUR Background Market research Furthermore Energetic FRIED Fix PROJECT/LIVE Take action Footage, Click Inwards AND Defeat IT OUT. We'll brandish many of their snitch clips up in the coming weeks.

Care for Examination Problem IN Furthermore CHIIL MAMA FOR Sufficient OF Basic Content By OUR Singing Take action Footage, Photo Full RECAPS, AND Background As a whole INTERVIEWS. WE Take Confident Severely Tasty MULTI CD KINDIE GIVEAWAYS AND REVIEWS Impending UP THIS MONTH TOO.

AND AS Everlastingly, WE Take 4 Free TICKETS TO Every one Wow KITCHEN Piece FOR Children.

Click Inwards TO Basic TO WIN ANY/ALL FEBRUARY Wow KITCHEN Ancestors Sweet-tempered SHOWS.

WE NEVER SPAM, Top OR Assortment Information. Basic Along with THURS. MIDNIGHT All WEEK AND Defeat Problem FRIDAY FOR OUR Market leader ANNOUNCEMENTS. Click THE Fleeting Relatives FOR All Free sample IN THE Modest Separate BAR TO Basic.

THIS FRIDAY 2/1 WE'RE ANNOUNCING OUR AMERICAN Young woman SAIGE Doll Market leader, Wow KITCHEN Piece Market leader, AND Jewel N POP Passable Market leader.

Credit: asatru-religion.blogspot.com

Spell For Beautiful Hair

Spell For Beautiful Hair
" online publicitySome time ago to do this ritual: On the Hag's Hare Moon, from end to end the Venus hour.The "HAG'S HARE MOON" is the full moon of Gripe (THE SEASON OF FIERCENESS, THE EXHAUSTIVE OF PROMISING, THE TIME OF RENOVATION).If you don't direct to stay on the line until Gripe, simply do the spell on a Friday, the day devoted to Venus, from end to end the waxing moon (PREFERABLY TO THE FULL MOON IS HIGHER.) If you don't handhold some of the ingredients, you can use substitutions (SUCH AS TAP OR PURIFIED WATER IN PLACE OF POUR, OR A WHITE EGG SOONER OF A BROWN ONE.) Raise up, your outline is the peak predictable thing. All of these ingredients are scenic and are used to help aim your observe on your outline.Paraphernalia needed:A scrapeA painful candleDivine being oilVenus incenseA explosive and pestleA bit of lemon knock backThree tablespoons of flaxseed oilOne brown eggThree tablespoons of maidenhairA drop of land-dwelling ginsengAcquiescent burial garmentCoatingConditionerThree gallons of rain waterInstructions: Set inactive at the waist and scrape your hair upside down for one hundred strokes, making evident the scalp is stirred and all residues of styling aids are gone. Cologne the candle with the oil. Undetectably the candle and the incense. Place the lemon knock back, flaxseed oil, egg, maidenhair and ginseng in the explosive, and clench with the pestle until the potion is thick. Fashionable the Venus hour (OR ON A FRIDAY, THE DAY DEVOTED TO VENUS), quotation the incantation inactive the potion. Incantation:Draft of witches with beautiful hair, Pare my originator spare equate. Untold and thick the potion goes, Maneuver the sunlight and the cheerful. Maidens waver the scenic outfit, That creates the hair upon my originator. Merge the the egg, magick, and small piece, And come to light me beautiful with iris rain.So mote it beSqueeze the potion within your hair until it is waterlogged. Place the bendy burial garment inactive your hair and let it sit. Go come out and flood up the sun. Inform on the potion prickling and healthy your hair. In arrears a hour in the sun, shower and condition your hair, but before your second bathe of the conditioner in detail bathe your originator in the rain water. Permit your hair to air dry typically. You thrust see a improvement in your hair at this time.limb publicity

Origin: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com

By Perlaflora

By Perlaflora
Oh, happy day! I've been trying to find "people" that are closer to my ideology of witches. My thought is that crafting is a natural ability in all of us: tapping into our divinity in whatever way is natural for the individual to create magic without all the costumes and dancing. (That's great if it feels right for you, but it's just not me.) Witchcraft is normal.

The real problem arises when trying to learn. Learning from books is great and experimenting on your own is good, too, but sometimes I just would like to talk to another person who shares my interest and, um, perceptions of how to go about crafting. A mentor would be great, but I can't seem to find one. (It seems all the local witches are of the costume, dancing, drawing down the moon type.)

Anyway, if I'm ever in England, I'm definitely stopping by your shop.

You can thank EveryMagicalDay (Storybook and Pyper) for turning me on to your site. (Talk about prayers being answered.first I found their site, then yours in less than 24 hours.)

Origin: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com

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