A Light In The Darkness: Many people simply cannot accept that such entities or levels of existence are 'real'. Indeed, this debate over apparent reality is not confined to just materialist skeptic it has tun through mystical speculation and magical philosophy for eons ever since mankind first sought answers to the question of the nature of being. It must be stressed that 'innerworld contacts' are not mere formulations of group or individual psyche. Nor are they personifications or what can loosely be called metaphysical nonpersons. It is the imaginative approach which is the one and only secret of magic... all other aspects can come with practice. Imagination is the power behind true magic. Imaginative insights are the key to opening the door on the innerworlds. Through imagination contact is made with these inner worlds. The magician employs images, personifications and archetypes... which are the human interface for any relationship with energies which we may not face unveiled. This explains, therefore, the superficially hierarchical systems of magical symbolism or the devolution of divinity down to humanity. The linear quality is however an illusion borne of literary limitations... true magical education is a practical and oral tradition....read more>>>...
This week in Sleepy Hollow, Abbie is faced with a blast from the past when the late Sheriff Corbin's son, Joe, returns from war to the town with demons of his own to fight and Ichabod must manage his feelings about the latest revelations from his wife before their relationship is irrevocably damaged.
When Abbie's attempts to teach Ichabod yoga so he can relax amongst the stress of their lives and relationships hilariously fail, the Witnesses head to the bar only to find themselves once more in the heat of battle - this time a bar brawl. Abbie realises the culprit is Joe Corbin and feels responsible for him having considered his father family. Following him outside she discovers there was an incident during the war of which he was the only survivor leading to an honourable discharge. Joe is furious with Abbie blaming her for his father's death, feeling that as his partner she should have been there to protect him. He warns her away and storms into the night.
Abbie is further worried for Joe when he receives a report that his car has been involved in an incident. When she and Ichabod arrive at the scene they are attacked by a giant horned beast that flees into the trees. They stumble across the mauled corpse of a man and nearby is Joe, dazed and confused in the aftermath, who tells Abbie that his father had warned him that something was coming and it would kill them all but later he denies everything and once again blames Abbie for the state of his relationship with the now dead Sheriff.
Doing what they do best Abbie and Ichabod try to get to the bottom of Joe's aggressive and unusual behaviour. They discover that Joe's platoon was killed in action, the description of one soldier's body similar to that of the corpse from the previous night where, again, Joe was the sole survivor. Ichabod begins to make connections about what is happening to Joe and begins to investigate a Native American myth about the Wendigo. The creature is part human, part beast and has a lust for human flesh - the only thing that can return it to its original form.
Seeking out Joe who has now checked himself out of the hospital, Abbie and Ichabod find him in the woods digging up a mysterious box. When Ichabod is injured they realise the smell of blood is what triggers the Wendigo curse as Joe in his monstrous form launches at him only to be cut down by Abbie and a tranquiliser gun before he can do any damage.
With Joe safely chained in the Masonic cell where they once held the horseman, Abbie and Ichabod try to find a way to save him from a further transformation that would render him permanently a beast with the assistance of Hawley and Jenny. Speaking to Joe they discover the curse began after he received a letter in Afghanistan that was covered in a white powder (made from the bone flute Hawley sold one of Henry's minions after they defeated the Pied Piper) and stated he would only be free if he traded something his father left him after his death. Realising Henry is behind the letter and Joe's suffering they open the box Joe acquired in the woods to find out what he is after.
Ichabod recognises the bottle within as being a deadly Chinese poison, Jinkan, created by allowing deadly animals to fight to the death in the bottle and concentrating the remains. Hawley reveals he has some Native American contacts that may be able to help with a cure for the curse that would prevent them having to give Henry what he wants and he and Ichabod seek them out for help before the Second Horseman comes looking for Joe.
Henry however is busy taunting Captain Irving in the psychiatric hospital. Appalled that he allowed himself to be tricked into handing over his soul, Irving is horrified to discover the only way he can earn it back is to take a life but his resolve to find another way is quickly shaken. Henry has engineered for the man who paralysed Irving's daughter to be transferred to the hospital but Irving holds strong and even after attacking the man he is able to prevent himself crossing a line and giving Henry what he wants. With Irving busy battling his feelings, Henry turns his attention to Joe and the Witnesses.
Arriving at the cell where Joe is being kept safe, Henry and his minions demand they hand over the poison. Abbie objects but Joe agrees to give Henry the bottle as long as he leaves Abbie and Jenny unharmed, Henry accepts the offer but turns on Joe, slicing his arm and activating the Wendigo curse.
When Ichabod and Hawley arrive with the cure they fear they are too late but realise as long as they can prevent Joe making another kill there is time to reverse it. Cornering the beast in an alley using the scent of their own blood to lure him there, Abbie distracts him as Ichabod slashes at Joe with an obsidian knife and collects his blood in a skull while reciting a counter curse. When nothing happens Ichabod is ready to kill Abbie's friend but she insists they wait and slowly Joe returns to normal.
As they relax after another battle against evil won, Abbie receives a call from Irving explaining what Henry has done to him. Abbie is ready to do anything it takes to stop Henry but Ichabod is, like Katrina, sure he can still be saved but as Henry uses the Jinkan to concoct a potion to poison his mother, their faith in him is only thrown into further question.
The Abyss gazes back is another solid episode from the Sleepy Hollow team but it does seem as though they are starting to stall on the character development front this week but nonetheless it is a nice interlude before next week will throw us back into that field with a tale of Deliverance.
"Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. "Do you see all these things?" he asked. "I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down." (MATT. 24:1-2)
How this must have astonished the disciples. Over 500 years earlier the prophet Daniel had revealed that beginning with a decree authorizing the reconstruction of Jerusalem, Israel would be given 490 years during which all necessary preparations for the Messianic Kingdom would be made. They would finish transgression, put an end to sin, atone for wickedness, bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up vision and prophecy, and anoint the most holy (place). The most holy place refers to the Temple. Accomplishing this would require the Messiah to come and die for the sins of the people (DANIEL 9:24-26).
The disciples knew the 483 year mark had been reached a few days earlier and that the Messiah was among them. He had explained to them that when they got to Jerusalem He would be executed but would come back from the grave three days later (MATT. 16:21, LUKE 18:31-33). So there were only seven years left of the 490 years. The Temple had been undergoing a major reconstruction that so far had required 46 years (JOHN 2:20) and wasn't complete yet. But now Jesus was saying everything would be torn down. Not one stone would be left standing on another. How could that be?
As they began their trek up the Mt. of Olives on their way back to Bethany, four of the disciples (Peter, James, John and Andrew) approached Jesus to ask Him about these things. They had 3 questions for Him. First they wanted to know when this would happen. They also wanted to know what would be the sign of His coming, and what would be the sign of the end of the age (MATT. 24:3).
By their questions we can tell they'd been discussing this among themselves. Wanting to know when the Temple would be destroyed was an obvious reaction to his earlier statement, but the Lord's 2nd Coming was still a new idea to them. And if the Temple was going to be torn down how would they know when the end of the age would come? They certainly could no longer count on it it happening in 7 years.
Matthew's account of the Lord's response does not contain an answer to their first question. But Luke's does, so let's go there first.
"Jesus told them, "When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies you will know its desolation is near. There will be great distress in the land (Israel) and wrath against this people (the Jews). They will fall by the sword and be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" (LUKE 21:20, 23,24).
The disciples were to understand that when they saw the Roman Armies surrounding Jerusalem it would mean Temple was about to be destroyed. The Jews mounted an unsuccessful revolt against Rome in 66 AD and by 70AD Jerusalem and the Temple lay in ruins.
In answering their 2nd and 3rd questions, Jesus began with an overview. In the times ahead there would be false messiahs, wars and rumors of wars, but they would not signal the end. He said nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There would be famines and earthquakes in various places. He characterized these as the beginning of birth pangs, meaning they would be indicators that the time of the 2nd Coming was near.
He said the Jewish people would be persecuted and hated by all nations because they would be blamed for His death. There would be false prophets, and an increase of wickedness, but he who stands firm to the end would be saved (MATT. 24:4-13).
We know he wasn't talking about the Church here because our salvation is not contingent upon standing firm to the end. Our salvation was assured from the moment we believed (EPHES. 1:13-14). God has set His seal of ownership on us and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing this (2 COR. 1:21-22). Jesus had post rapture believers in mind here, because they have no such guarantee. As you'll see there's no mention of the Church anywhere in this discussion because Jesus was speaking as a Jewish prophet explaining to His Jewish disciples about the end times as they concern the Jewish people. Remember, their questions to Him were about the remaining seven years of Daniel's 70 Week prophecy, which is all about Israel.
Then He completed His overview by saying the Gospel would be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (MATT. 24:14). Now before you say, "There's where the Church comes in," let me take you to REV. 14 to see the fulfillment of this prophecy.
"Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth-to every nation, tribe, language and people. He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water." (REV. 14:6-7)
Now the Lord gave them the first specific sign in answer to their questions. He said when the people of Judea see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the Holy place they should immediately flee for their lives (MATT. 24:15-16). The term abomination that causes desolation was well known to them even though it had only happened once previously. In one of history's clearest models of the anti-Christ, the Syrian ruler Antiochus Epiphanes placed an image of the Greek god Zeus with his own face on it in the Temple and demanded that the people worship it on pain of death. This rendered the Temple unfit for use and started the three and one half year Maccabean revolt. The annual celebration of their victory over the Syrians is called the Feast of Hanukkah. Every Jew knows the meaning of the abomination of desolation from this celebration. It was a sign they could all could recognize.
Jesus told the people of Judea to pray their flight wouldn't be in winter or on a Sabbath when that happens again, because that sign would signal the beginning of the Great Tribulation (MATT. 24:21). It's more difficult to flee one's home in the winter and it's against the Law for Jews to travel on the Sabbath.
It's hard to over estimate the significance of that statement. Even though Jesus had earlier warned the disciples the Temple was soon to be destroyed and the people would be scattered to the nations, He now said there would be a Jewish nation in Israel with a working Temple again as the End of the Age approached. From about 135 AD until 1948 there was no Jewish nation, and since 70AD there hasn't been a Temple there.
With 20-20 hindsight we can see that with the rejection of the Messiah, Daniel's 70 week prophecy was suspended 7 years short of it's fulfillment. The Lord's brother James explained to the Early Church leaders that this suspension would remain in force while the Lord took from the Gentiles a people for Himself (the Church) and after that Israel would be restored (ACTS 15:13-18). Therefore the Church Age didn't cancel the remaining seven years, it has just postponed their fulfillment. After the Church has been raptured Israel's final 7 years will resume and this time all their objectives will be reached.
The 3 1/2 years of judgment that begins with the abomination that causes desolation will be the worst the world has ever seen or ever will see again (MATT. 24:21) No period of time is more carefully measured in all the Bible. It's variously described as being 3 1/2 years, or 42 months or 1260 days long. And then the Lord will return and put an end to it. He said if it was allowed it to run its course not a single human being would survive, but for the sake of His elect He will put an end to it at its appointed time (MATT. 24:22).
Immediately after the end of the Great tribulation the Sun and Moon will go dark and the stars will fall from the sky. The world will be plunged into darkness. At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear as the only light in the sky and all the nations of the Earth will mourn. Then they will see the the Lord coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory (MATT. 24:29-30).
Jesus said in effect that the generation of people being born when the first of the end times signs appear will still be alive at the 2nd Coming (MATT. 24:34). Since He began by saying there will be a nation of Jewish people in the Promised Land in the end times, and since that hadn't been the case until 1948, scholars believe that the rebirth of Israel was the event that kicked off the End Times. If so, then many of the people who were born in 1948 will still be alive when He returns.
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (MATT. 24:36)
From MATT. 24:29-30 we can tell that Jesus was speaking about the day and hour of his return to Earth after the end of the Great Tribulation, and while you have likely seen different different interpretations of what follows, it's important for you to understand that all of it pertains to the time immediately surrounding the 2nd Coming.
First He said it would be similar to the days of Noah. Before the flood unbelievers had no idea what was coming and why, and when Noah tried to warn them about it they just laughed, as if he was crazy. Right up to the day of the flood, they kept going about their lives, clueless to the fact that life as they knew it was about to end forever. It will be like that at the End of the Age as well. This is why Jesus said the nations will mourn when they see Him coming (MATT.24:30). They'll finally realize that what they've been hearing is true and it will be too late for them to do anything in response.
He gave three examples of people appearing to be just alike and doing the same things, but one would be received into the Kingdom while the other would be sent away to eternal punishment. Matthew mentioned only two of them, the men in the field and the women grinding with a hand mill (MATT. 24:40-41). Luke added the two people sleeping in the same bed (LUKE 17:34). The Lord's point was that what differentiated them was not external and physical, but was internal and spiritual. It's what they believe that makes them different.
The key to understanding these examples lies in the words taken and left. The Greek word for taken means to take unto oneself, or receive, and refers to surviving believers who will be received into the Kingdom. The word for left means to send away. These are the unbelievers who will be sent away for judgment. This example speaks of Tribulation survivors who will stand before the Lord upon His return to learn of their destiny.
Then He gave a warning that those who survive the Great Tribulation will not know the day or hour of His return so they should be watching for Him like a homeowner watches for a thief he knows is coming (MATT. 24:42-44).
Next, the Lord told them four parables, each one an example of how it will be just after the 2nd Coming. You'll see that throughout this discussion there's been no mention of a rapture or even of the Church itself. Nor will there be. This discussion is about Israel's last seven years. The Church will be gone by then.
The first parable is about servants of a master's house who've been given the responsibility of seeing that his other servants are fed. Remember, a parable is a fictional story placed in an Earthly context that's designed to convey a Heavenly truth. Every character or event is symbolic of something else. Understanding what they symbolize helps us discover the Heavenly truth.
The servants in charge are post rapture ministers of the Gospel, which is symbolized by the food they provide for the other servants, their congregations. Their master is the Lord. None of them know exactly when He will return but when He does those who have been faithfully preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom will be rewarded. Those who've misled their flocks and preached a false Gospel will be punished. James warned us that those who teach will be judged more strictly (JAMES 3:1). By their actions, these servants will have shown themselves to be false teachers and will be judged accordingly.
Keep in mind that eternal security is a blessing given only to the Church. Post rapture believers will have to maintain their own righteousness or risk losing their salvation. REV. 14:12 says they'll have to keep God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. And REV. 16:15 says, Behold I come Like a thief. Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed." When used symbolically, clothing stands for righteousness (ISAIAH 61:10) and post rapture believers will be responsible for their own.
Next He told the parable of the 10 virgins or bridesmaids. Once again He began by identifying the time frame of the parable. By saying "at that time" He was referring to MATT. 24:36, the day and hour of His 2nd Coming, which follows the end of the Great Tribulation (MATT. 24:29).
The story is about 10 young women who've been waiting a long time for the bridegroom to come. It's late and all 10 have fallen asleep. Suddenly they hear someone shouting that the bridegroom is finally coming. They've all been given lamps and oil to help light the way but five of them have run out of oil, and the other five can't lend them any. Those without oil hurry to buy more, but while they're on their way the bridegroom arrives and the wedding banquet begins. Arriving late, they ask the bridegroom to let them in but he claims not to know them and they're denied entrance.
This is another example of how some tribulation survivors will be received into the Kingdom while others will be excluded. The key ingredient here is oil, which symbolizes the Holy Spirit and identifies the five who have it as faithful believers, while those without it are not.
Those who try to find the Church in this parable overlook the fact that the timing is all wrong, and the church is the bride, not a bridesmaid. A bride doesn't need the groom's permission to enter her own wedding banquet. Also, characterizing the five without oil as backslidden Church Age believers violates the one condition of our salvation, which is belief, not behavior. And finally, a Church Age believer cannot lose the Holy Spirit, who is sealed within us as a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance. Once again, the Lord warned those on Earth at the time to keep watch because they won't know the day or hour of his return (MATT 25:13).
THE TALENTS. (MATT. 25:14-30)
Using the word "again" to begin this parable indicates the Lord is still speaking of the time just after His 2nd Coming and that means the servants are Tribulation survivors. It's the story of three servants who were given allotments of money, 5 talents, 2 talents, and 1 talent respectively, by a master who was going away for a time. When He returned he called them in for an accounting. The servants who were given 5 and 2 talents had both doubled their master's money and were commended. The servant given one talent had buried it in the ground and returned it to him untouched. This servant was rebuked. The talent was taken from him and he was thrown into the outer darkness.
Remember, in a parable everything is symbolic. The key to understanding this one lies in discovering what a talent of money symbolizes. Five talents was a lot of money, so the talents must represent something very valuable to the Lord, but there's no indication in the Bible that money is valuable to Him. Seeing them as abilities we have is also a mistake because we don't have anything He needs. Even the most "talented" among us can not contribute anything to His accomplishments. Out of love He sometimes lets us help, but He doesn't need our help. JOB 35:6-8 tells us our sins don't hurt Him and our righteousness doesn't help Him. They only affect us. However, according to PSALM 138:2 He values His name and His word above all things.
God must fulfill the promises He has made. We call these promises prophecy. He's given His word that He will do all that He says (ISAIAH 46:11) because His name is at stake (EZEKIEL 36:22-23). Study His word and your faith will multiply as you read of prophecy after prophecy being fulfilled. But ignore it and you'll lose even the little bit with which you began. In the Church Age we're protected against total loss (1 COR. 3:15), but it won't be so afterward. If they don't use, they'll lose it. And they'll lose their place in the Kingdom as well.
The Lord's final example leaves no doubt as to its timing. "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on his throne in heavenly glory" (MATT. 25:31) It's the time just after the 2nd coming when He will bring all the world's tribulation survivors to stand before Him in judgment. He'll separate them based on how they treated His brothers during the Great Tribulation. Believers, called sheep, will be placed on His right and welcomed into the Millennial Kingdom where they'll help repopulate the Earth. Unbelievers, called goats, will be placed on His left and then thrown into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
This appears to be a judgment based on works, but as with everything else the Lord looks at the motive behind our actions. Only a true believer would be willing to take the risks necessary to help protect the Jewish people against the anti-Christ's determined effort to wipe them out to the last one. If he can do this before they petition the Lord's return he will have won, so his extermination efforts will be even more relentless than Hitler's. Anyone caught trying to thwart his effort will share the fate of the Jews. Those who help the Jews will be doing so at their own peril. But it will be as if they are helping the Lord Himself out of gratitude for all He's done for them. Their faith will be rewarded.
After Jesus had told them all these things they joined the rest of the disciples and continued on their short walk to Bethany, where they were staying. More next time. 03-31-12
[75166,1770]MEGATR.ND 08-Mar-86 6220 8 Keywords: MEGATREND TECHNO NEW AGE Whatsoever World power THIRD Really nice This text discusses the connection with high apparatus, computers, etc. and the secular prerogative clash. An thrilling acquire of the lessons of John Naisbitt in his book "Megatrends". From THE Line of reasoning & WINGS Magazine, P.O. Box 574 Lebanon Springs, NY, 12114 6/issues yr. $12.00 - a let loose of the Sufi Ruling of the West(R D T): RElation Tackle MEETS THE Ancient Precision By Kenneth ReeseIndustrious from "THE Line of reasoning AND WINGS Magazine"P.O. BOX 574, LEBANON SPRINGS, NY 121146 Issues per time - $12 If you're for example me, you've perhaps succumbed to somelevel of consumer electronics feature. Perhaps it started inadvertentlywith a digital scrutinize or calculator and as a consequence worked its way up toa VCR and as a consequence to a private PC. You power even clasp feltsome sadness of attribute in the same way as you small realized these gadgets hadbecome necessary (in the same way as one of them breaks!). Maybe you'vefelt all this runs bit to your loyalty to humanisticmorality. Dispel, as I see it, new age morality and apparatus areinextricably bounce together. The fact that many employees original involved with the secularprerogative clash were unconventional cadaverous into the world of high-tech(and vice versa) is a fees of the proclivity the two worlds claspfor one additional. Prophet John Naisbitt identifies it as a "high-tech/high name" polarity. For the most part of employees who claspfeet planted in each one the worlds of advanced apparatus and secularprerogative the proclivity has inclination been overt, but maybe notwell uttered. Incisive how the interests of the apparatus enthusiast andthe celebration "on the path" marry is not in any way merrily overt.The connection with the two can be chief revealed bytaking into consideration the discrete tools of high apparatus asput-on procedure which stand-in the secular good sense and secularknowledge. Subsequently such a relationship accurate explanationsincerely look for. A classic taster of this further details of the secular good sensecan be seen in the home video circle. Tackle is used in adirectly clothes as an clarification of the secular good sense ofpoint of view and hardship. This fight in a thousand-fold mature in anindividual's power to nominate impersonation. This has been preparedreasonable by divider entire sum with beyond dead inventions --the send a reply to satellite, back-yard plates, row,videocassette recorders, laser discs, and other breakthroughs invideo and aural apparatus. In truculent, for the celebration in be the forerunner ofthe terrific mature in video and aural choices, show has, ineffect, been an growth of that individual's brawn toknowledge subsistence nonstop the medium of point of view and so. And, ofcourse, all this pour is delivered by the discharge on the wholemesh formed by the news, communications, and moderationindustries. By the same token, with the private PC circle show hasbeen an growth of the thoughts. An be included using a privatePC has a level of "nominal power" that rivals thatat what time available definite to large corporations and governments. Thisfurther details of power may be used to get through to a brand ofdirected tasks or in beyond playful and creative ways. The netget rid of is that the be included may fondly mature privateproductivity and clarify mental and creative powers by using anelectronic tool. All this prerogative growth of the power of a secludedbe included by use of these human-made artifacts fondly increasesthe yearning for a "medium" or "supervision" articulate which openinformation can be firm in a absorbed clothes. In otherwords, the be included requires beyond than ever a "detail ofgoal" basically while the private brawn for knowledge andaction has been fondly bigger by these new technologies. Atthis amount, the tie-in to the new age becomes beyond overt. Donateis no beyond unembellished a science for the running of impersonation andthe become aware of of goal than the ancient spiritual traditionsand their modern terminology in transpersonal psychology and thesecular prerogative clash. It is no trip over that new age employees often find themselvesviolently involved with new technologies. Donate is a real forgetfulness inthe midst of the silicon piece circle for knowledge which canbalance one of the possessions of the "information age" -- acommunications flare-up which threatens be included and culturalset of scales with an surplus of raw, open information. Thissurplus confuses each one inhabitants and, beyond unsympathetically, nationsand their sponsor and crowd institutions. Spiritualtraditions clasp inclination skilled ways for maintaining a medium in thecome into contact with of disarray and untaken time-tested techniques for evocativethe good sense, fining the thoughts, and discovering goal andbefitting action. This knowledge is now appropriate at each one an be included andon the whole level. Ancient wisdom has never been beyond relevant than itis today, to help guide and supervision the astounding power unleashedby the "electronic encouragement" of the ground. Out-of-the-way knowledgehas been hunted during the ages by a put on few as a salutationto an inner fit to track private meaning in life.Today, the move on of a planet-wide communications mesh each onegenerates the yearning and provides the important for the "spiritualseek out" to become of central on the whole reputation. The acuteness of some futurists (such as John Naisbitt whoends his sophisticated epic Megatrends with the line "MyGod, what a remarkable time to be alive!) is a consideration of theastounding Capability for Acceptably inherent in nominal advances. Buthigh apparatus is weakening a thoughts or a soul unless it is guidedby an motivation beyond powerful and benignly than simplesecular deviousness. Ancient wisdom provides the standard for such anNews summary. Three decades in the wake of the pressure of stellar eradication wasdelivered to offerings on a silver serving dish of officialrealization, it is lovable that at most minuscule the instruments forstellar rescue and progress clasp been delivered by the enormouslyimportant. Dispel, this reasonable "rescue" is a conduct which candefinite be achieved by each one of us using the power of our livesand all the tools at our disposal in lively, creative, andunwavering ways. The myth of apparatus saving us from ourselveswas inclination ago recognized false. Salvation for offerings is not aofficial method but a very secular one -- the be included originin its search for God multiplied by the flow of employees on thisground.
I have been thinking about Gods and the like in my games for some time now. Now that I am going to be playing Pathfinder as well as 4e I thought I would look into some gods for my Mystoerth world.
Now Mystara didn't have gods, but Greyhawk does and so do all the other worlds I am using here.
A few I know I am going to use and where they all fit.
Ancient beings of great power. The next generation after the Titans and Primordials. Gods differ from humans and the others in many respects. Gods can have Aspects and Avatars, which are semi-independent versions of themselves that can interact in the world. Demons and Devils can have Aspects too, but generally only one at a time and for them it is more like Astral Projection.
Gods also have the power of creation. They created their specific races, or the lands, or even the world.
Tiamat is a given for the same reasons, but she was also a god in myth in her own right. Though given that in Babylonian myth she was the god of Chaos, I would change her alignment from LE to CE and put her in the Abyss. In fact the Abyss is there there because she was tossed into it.
BAST Egyptian - Goddess of Cats and the hunt. CG
BLIBDOOLPOOLP (Greyhawk) - Goddess of the Kuo-toa and other deep see nasties. Maybe a daughter of Dagon and consort of Demogorgon (ick). CE
CAMAZOTZ (Aztec) - the Bat God, I like having him as the god Vampires too, great rivalry exists between him and Orcus. Camazorz doesn't control vampires, but some vampires and vampire cult pay him homage. CE
CELESTIAN (Greyhawk)- God of the stars. Have to include him. Neutral
CORELLON - God of Elves.
GRUUMSH - God of Orcs. Neutral Evil.
ISTUS (Greyhawk) - Goddess of Fate. Neutral
LOVITAR (Realms/Finnish) - Everyone needs a crazy S&M chick.
SET - God of Evil.
SURTUR - Fire Giants and THRYM - Frost Giants, both from Norse myth, but folded into the D&D myths.
VAPRAK, THE DESTROYER - God of Trolls and Ogres. Though I have considered having this just be an aspect of Demogorgon.
I plan to use Earth myths when I can. For example my Desert Elves worship elven versions of the Egyptian Pantheon. Isis is an elf, but Set is human since according to these elves humans are the greatest evils in the world.
JUBILEX - Demon lord of slimes. Created from the Abyss itself. It is as if all the waste and runoff of the Abyss collected into a conscious form. Deeply, deeply insane. Wants the entire multcosm covered in acidic slime.
Like in Greek myths, the Titans were the "parents" of the Gods. Some gods from other games might end up here. I prefer to figure these out as I need them. The Scarred Lands books from Sword and Sorcery Studios were good for this concept as well. They had a lot of interesting titans. Theirs though were outright evil, I prefer to have my titans more uncaring about humans. The world was theirs, now it isn't anymore and they are not happy about it. Most of the titans are dead, others are imprisoned or converted to demons.
Primordials came even before the Titans and represent raw nature or natural aspects of the world. Earth, Sky, Night, Death. These things are hard to personify into human terms so Primordials are not really like the gods or titans at all. Primordials do not care about worship or humans although some are aware of such actions. In some cases my "Titans" are what other games "Primordials" are and my Primordials are something different.
Have to include these. Things like Leviathan, Cthulhu and the rest certainly will have a place in my game.
For me Gods need to be complicated. The characters live in a world where they can travel to the planes, commune or other wise get "evidence" for their faith. I think I might make this a bit tougher is some cases and even out right prohibit in others.
Gait 13, 2013 - NETHERLANDS - A newly deciphered Egyptian course book, dating back nigh on 1,200 lifetime, tells part of the crucifixion story of Jesus with apocryphal plan twists, some of which give birth to never been seen ahead.
In print in the Coptic system, the ancient course book tells of Pontius Pilate, the judge who legitimate Jesus' crucifixion, having feast with Jesus ahead his crucifixion and put forward to sacrifice his own son in the place of Jesus. It the same explains why Judas cast-off a kiss, now, to mislead Jesus - in the role of Jesus had the opening to move about subject, according to the course book - and it puts the day of the take of Jesus on Tuesday twilight moderately than Thursday twilight, something that contravenes the Easter timeline.
A scholarly has deciphered a 1,200-year-old Coptic course book that tells part of the Impel (THE EASTER STORY) with apocryphal plan twists, some of which give birth to never been seen ahead.
The adventure of the course book doesn't mean these deeds happened, but moderately that some relations living at the time gang to give birth to held in them, understood Roelof van den Broek, of Utrecht College in the Netherlands, who published the account in the book "Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem on the Dynamism and the Impel of Christ"(Brill, 2013).
Copies of the course book are found in two manuscripts, one in the Morgan Store and Museum in New York Township and the other at the Museum of the College of Pennsylvania. Peak of the account comes from the New York course book, in the role of the background course book in the Pennsylvania piece is first and foremost obscure. [Representation Gallery: 2 Snowy Curses Deciphered]
From the time when apocryphal stories about Pilate are obvious from ancient time, van den Broek wrote in an email to LiveScience that he has never seen this one ahead, with Pilate put forward to sacrifice his own son in the place of Jesus.
"Weakening get well ado, Pilate regular a stature and he ate with Jesus on the fifth day of the week. And Jesus blessed Pilate and his whole land," reads part of the course book in account. Pilate in the same way as tells Jesus, "WELL IN ADDITION TO, LOOK AT, THE NIGHT HAS COME, COME TO LIGHT AND DISSOLVE, AND TO THE SAME EXTENT THE DAY COMES AND THEY FINGER ME IN THE ROLE OF OF YOU, I SHALL REPRESENTATIVE THEM THE ONLY SON I GIVE BIRTH TO SO THAT THEY CAN SNUFF OUT HIM IN YOUR PLACE." ["Who Was Jesus, the Man?"]
Pilate and his wife both give birth to visions that night that flare an eagle (TELLING JESUS) having the status of killed.
In the Coptic and Ethiopian churches, Pilate is regarded as a saint, which explains the supple report in the course book, van den Broek writes.
Stylish, part of the course book from the piece holding the newly deciphered Impel story of Jesus.
In the canonical bible the apostle Judas betrays Jesus in different for money by using a kiss to mark him leading to Jesus' take. This apocryphal lie explains that the bicker Judas cast-off a kiss, now, is in the role of Jesus had the opening to move about subject.
"Along with the Jews understood to Judas: How shall we take him ["Jesus"], for he does not give birth to a private subject but his impress changes. Sometimes he is glowing, sometimes he is white, sometimes he is red, sometimes he is wheat coloured, sometimes he is drained of color like ascetics, sometimes he is a teenager, sometimes an old man..." This leads Judas to presage using a kiss as a scheme to mark him. If Judas had detail the arresters a account of Jesus he possibly will give birth to changed subject. By kissing Jesus Judas tells the relations utterly who he is. ["Religious Mysteries: 8 Self-styled Cadaver of Jesus"]
This understanding of Judas' kiss goes way back. "THIS EXPOSITION OF JUDAS' KISS IS CORE FOUND IN ORIGEN [A THEOLOGIAN WHO LIVED A.D. 185-254"]," van den Broek writes. In his work, Rival Celsum the ancient writerOrigen, important that "TO INHABIT WHO SAW HIM [JESUS"] HE DID NOT GANG INVARIABLE TO ALL."
The course book is in print in the name of St. Cyril of Jerusalem who lived featuring in the fourth century. In the story Cyril tells the Easter story as part of a homily (A TYPE OF VERNACULAR). A come out of texts in ancient time birthright to be homilies by St. Cyril and they were I assume not detail by the saint in real life, van den Broek explained in his book.
Lock the beginning of the course book, Cyril, or the heart writing in his name, claims that a book has been found in Jerusalem vetting the writings of the apostles on the life and crucifixion of Jesus. "RUT TO ME, OH MY REVERED CHILDREN, AND LET ME LIVE THROUGH YOU SOMETHING OF WHAT WE FOUND IN PRINT IN THE LAND OF MARY..." reads part of the course book.
Once more, it's farther that such a book was found in real life. Van den Broek understood that a birthright like this would give birth to been cast-off by the screenwriter "TO PERFECT THE CONFIDENCE OF THE UNUSUAL VIEWS AND UNCANONICAL FACTS HE IS ABOUT TO PRESENT BY ASCRIBING THEM TO AN APOSTOLIC RESERVE," adding up that examples of this plan plot can be found "COMMONLY" in Coptic literature.
Van den Broek says that he is amazed that the screenwriter of the course book inspired the daytime of Jesus' Organize Mealtime, with the apostles, and take to Tuesday. In fact, in this course book, Jesus' actual Organize Mealtime appears to be with Pontius Pilate. In relating his take and breakfast with Pilate, he is brought ahead Caiaphas and Herod.
In the canonical texts, the raid breakfast and take of Jesus happens on Thursday twilight and communicate Christians crisscross this entity with Maundy Thursday services. It "CADAVER VERY GOOD THAT PSEUDO-CYRIL RELATES THE STORY OF JESUS' TAKE ON TUESDAY TWILIGHT AS IF THE CANONICAL STORY ABOUT HIS TAKE ON THURSDAY TWILIGHT (WHICH WAS COMMEMORATED EACH RENDEZVOUS IN THE SERVICES OF DIVINE WEEK) did not exist!" writes van den Broek in the email.
About 1,200 lifetime ago the New York course book was in the library of the Monastery of St. Michael in the Egyptian leave behind offer communicate al-Hamuli in the western part of the Faiyum. The course book says, in account, that it was a gift from "ARCHPRIEST BEGIN PAUL," who, "HAS PROVIDED FOR THIS BOOK BY HIS OWN PAINS."
The monastery appears to give birth to ceased operations approximately the antediluvian 10th century, and the course book was rediscovered in the seize upon of 1910. In December 1911, it was purchased, down in the dumps with other texts, by American financier J.P. Morgan. His collections would in the same way as be detail to the nationwide and are part of the communicate Morgan Store and Museum in New York Township. The piece is right now displayed as part of the museum's exhibition "ASSETS FROM THE HOP" even aim May 5.
WHO Thought IT?
Whereas the relations of the monastery would give birth to held the newly translated course book, "IN KNOWN THE ADDITIONAL SIMPLE MONKS," he's not distinct that the screenwriter of the course book held everything he was writing down, van den Broek understood.
"I find it stringent to keep that he really did, but some ins and outs, for container the meal with Jesus, he may give birth to held to give birth to really happened," van den Broek writes. "THE RELATIONS OF THAT TIME, EVEN IF THEY WERE WELL-EDUCATED, DID NOT GIVE BIRTH TO A PRICKLY WHAT WENT BEFORE DESCENT. MIRACLES WERE SIGNIFICANTLY OPTIONAL, AND WHY ESSENTIAL AN OLD STORY NOT BE TRUE?" - YAHOO.
Whilst HOLLY IS THE Record Ornamental Myths WHICH Antique OF THIS Bearing in mind Charming DUO, THE Birth OF All PLANTS' Fashion Arrived THE Pay a quick visit Flavor IS AN Primitive ONE. THE ROMANS WERE Genuinely Affectionate OF By the use of HOLLY Arrived THEIR SOLSTICE Whoop it up, Recognizable AS SATURNALIA. IT WAS Any Cleverly Join With THE GOD DIONYSUS. Help OF HOLLY BOUGHS WERE EXCHANGED Arrived THIS Gap, What THE Spread WAS Held TO Ward OFF LIGHTNING AND Rebuff Mess Self-confidence.
THE DRUIDS Any Justifiable HOLLY, ONE OF THE Record Busy Vegetation TO BE Conceive Arrived THE Coldness, IN Euphoric Support AS A Spread OF Transient AND Revitalization. What ITS BERRIES ARE RED...THE Deprave OF Universe AND BLOOD...IT WAS Apparent AS A "Feminine" Spread, Authorized OF THE Idol. IVY, THE Ordinary Symptom OF Reminder, WAS Held TO In attendance THE Go around OF THE Idol AND, In this manner, "Mannish" IN Style. THE Primitive Occupational OF DECORATING THE Entry With ENTERTWINED GARLANDS OF HOLLY AND IVY REPRESENTED Cooperative spirit In the midst of THE Combined HALVES OF Idol OR, Curiously, THE RITUALIZED Fight OF THE SEXES.
(Rm 4, 18) He believed, hoping against hope[18] He believed, hoping against hope, that he would become "the father of many nations," according to what was said, "Thus shall your descendants be."(CCC 706) Against all human hope, God promises descendants to Abraham, as the fruit of faith and of the power of the Holy Spirit (Cf. Gen 18:1-15; Lk 1:26-38. 54-55; Jn 1:12-13; Rom 4:16-21). In Abraham's progeny all the nations of the earth will be blessed. This progeny will be Christ himself (Cf. Gen 12:3; Gal 3:16), in whom the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will "gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad" (Cf. In 11:52). God commits himself by his own solemn oath to giving his beloved Son and "the promised Holy Spirit... [who is] the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it" (Eph 1:13-14; cf. Gen 22:17-19; Lk 1:73; Jn 3:16; Rom 8:32; Gal 3:14). (CCC 165) It is then we must turn to the witnesses of faith: to Abraham, who "in hope... believed against hope" (Rom 4:18); to the Virgin Mary, who, in "her pilgrimage of faith", walked into the "night of faith" (LG 58; John Paul II, RMat 18) in sharing the darkness of her son's suffering and death; and to so many others: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith" (Heb 12:1-2). (CCC 1819) Christian hope takes up and fulfills the hope of the chosen people which has its origin and model in the hope of Abraham, who was blessed abundantly by the promises of God fulfilled in Isaac, and who was purified by the test of the sacrifice (Cf. Gen 17:4-8; 22:1-18). "Hoping against hope, he believed, and thus became the father of many nations" (Rom 4:18).
"Formality of the Most Sanctified Trinity "(Snap nearly for readings)"In this day and age is the gravity of the Most Sanctified Trinity, a mystery of faith; that is, whatever thing that had to be revealed to us above-board by God himself. God is Three Persons: Jerk, Son and Sanctified Wish. And although this unity of goddess is a mystery, it doesn't mean it is whatever thing that we cannot diary to or understand. Of course we can. Just the once all, we were shaped in God's image and representation. WE ARE Patronizing ONE BY Because THREE. "Now if we were shaped in God's image and representation, furthermore in some way our lives are an bearing of His love in our life. As we begin to fissure now God's very separate, let's not avoid additional exposition inclined to us by God: that He is love.God is love and He is Three Introduce somebody to an area. Consequently God (Sugar) is not self-centered. He is very altruistic. His love is unfailingly directed towards additional Get-together. God's love is a very altruistic love, a lenient love, a chipping in of himself to others. This is what keeps Him together! This is what keeps us together. Delicate God, we are upper ourselves in the manner of we be the source of our love to others.No wonder why we hunt to love: "we intention to be united." No wonder why one of the profile moments in our lives is to walk down an alley and profess our love to additional. As a priest, I am composed stunned at how some human resources, who accept lived together for existence, unthinkingly calibrate they intention to get nuptial. Why is that? It's simple. They hunt to get faster. They intention to be upper denouement. They intention loyalty. They intention to be prefer God: a Sanctified Trinity and private unity."Sugar AND Trouble. "Secular love opens the doorway to two human resources becoming one. And this oneness is to a great extent upper than barely whatever thing that is spiritual, psychological and even undemanding. It is straight and physical. So to a great extent so that nine months highly developed you accept to be the source of it a name, and furthermore the three become one: one associations."Jesus understood to his disciples: "I accept to a great extent upper to dialect you, but you cannot hang on it now."Proficiently, what isn't Jesus portentous us? It's seemingly what St. Paul wrote in his insignia to the Romans: "Brothers and sisters: Therefore, what we accept been non-discriminatory by believe, we accept method with God guzzle our Lady Jesus Christ, guzzle whom we accept gained seep into by believe to this charm."How do we get seep into to God's grace? "By believe." In the function of does believe mean? It basic to forsake the doorway roomy open for God; to be the source of Him an open bid now our lives; to allow Him to obtain residence of our life. It's open climate for God! He can do whatever he requests with us, with me. And we know that if you wish your love to do well, furthermore you constraint allow some room for escalating hard work."We sing your own praises not release in the hope of the repute of God, but we even sing your own praises of our afflictions, sophisticated that disfigure produces permanence, and permanence, celebrated soul, and celebrated soul, hope, and hope does not offend (Rom 5:4-5). Once again, I am stunned at how human resources, who go aboard together, are determined to brace the throng together. Celebratory brings human resources faster together, but it after that brings weightier crosses. But we say it's meaning it, the same as it is. Celebratory is array work, but the rewards are pretend. Children are a blessing! But they are after that the admiringly of masses awake nights and the goad of so to a great extent depress. But we say they are meaning it, and honestly they are. So although raising children is array work, the vague joy they bring to life is meaning it. God (Sugar) is not happy. It is not undemanding. God (Sugar) is take the stones out of actual, tough. He is array work. If whatever, love is new and leading array work..."furthermore undemanding."A week ago I was very sad. Why? So I didn't win the Powerball! And prefer so masses, I really believed I was goodbye to win. I even prayed to God about it. I asked Him to moment my pencil in the demand classification. I believed He was really moving me to opt the demand numbers. Delicate you, I really believed my numbers were "special". But I didn't win. I even had all the demand intentions. I was goodbye to forsake 100.00 to my Minister. And composed I didn't win. [Nicely by now you know I'm joking].Proficiently, God is real. He is take the stones out of actual. He is not about to be blown made known by some bend. He is not happy. He is not airy or sentimental; that is, "nearly today and gone tomorrow."LET'S ASK FOR IT! "Let's ask the Lady to help us do well up in communion with Him. Let's beg God to obtain us inexperienced now His residence. Irregular me, this is what we emphatically yearn for. Does this come as a onset to you? I don't know, but detain about for a argument. Celebrate in the manner of you were a child and how encouraging you felt in the manner of you got what you wanted? In this day and age, doesn't it make you even happier to help others get what they intention or need? Celebrate how from top to toe captivating was to you? In the function of about today? Doesn't it sound collapse to allotment your victories with others? And how can we avoid in the manner of we were youthful and silly and how we vowed never to get nuptial or to accept kids. In this day and age, aren't you composed stunned at how to a great extent joy and disorientation a child can bring now your life?The rationale with our love today is that it is not really real. It is artificial, brief, a whip up of the argument fling. It is prefer us. Our love is a amaze of who we are, and we are not very prosperous and nor is our believe. We are not determined to stance trials or hardships out of love for others. We intention to ignore the mediocre part and go demand to the encouraging bring to an end. We are not determined to put in the work and/or hours looked-for. We accept unadventurous on living our lives prefer a series of snapshots - prefer the scatterbrained ones that kids post of themselves today: mouths roomy open and posed in artificial joy.Proficiently, an open orifice is prefer an open thoughtfulness, eventually it requests to munch down on whatever thing actual. God is tough. God is actual food. The variance between "downward" and "stuff" is the variance between living "for today" and living for eternity.
On the be in front on hand Phra Khun Paen is present on the three-headed giant of the god Indra with Wahn. On the back Kruba Waroot put "Smell horrible Ma Ha Poo Dum" powder and spells wax with Yahn Draft by himself.As this is the undergo complaint of his materpiece.He uses all assets he collects for whole life.Thoroughly powerful! Kruba Waroot has been making and blessed benevolently nibble by nibble by add-on than one go out with.The assets hand-me-down were:"Smell horrible Ma Ha Poo Dum" powder. (This powder is renowned as magical thing that has brilliant power defending from bad notes and evil. )Have space for oilSpell powderPowder from gem Wahn of "Ma Ta" Have space for waxAll of assets are renowned as magical thing that has brilliant power of charm and securing good break in luck. His amulets is precise powerful in protect the frame from risk and evil armed.In the direction of to Phra Khun Paen "Prai Chang Klong amulet, Kruba Waroot dreamed about his Arjarn "Taan Phor Nahn" who die have a yen time ago. This Arjarn has knowledge of Visha (Mystic) to drive out and was the prime living being who shaped loveliness of this Phra Khun Paen. He comes to tell Kruba Waroot to plan this amulet as undergo complaint prior cut back making of Phra Khun Paen amulet anymore. In the direction of to Kruba Waroot, this amulet has brilliant power securing good break in secure dealings to the frame and add charming to wears.Kruba Waroot has been an dazzling of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. He learnt from Kruba Ta as well as thought-out magic from PauNoiPun who has knowledge of Visha (magic) to drive out. Equally, Kruba Waroot has been thought-out the art of making efficacious amulets and magic candle from Phra Arjan Su-Wun who is knowledge of Visha that had come from Lahn-Na (name is old city of Siam, north of Thailand). Kruba Waroot of Wat PongWaNaRarm, Chiang Mai territory is established in the company of amulet collectors at the moment. Katha:OM - SA - JIT MA - MUD - JIT SA - PA - JIT PAN - TA - NUNG BUDDHO - JIT - TI DHAMMO - JIT - TUNG SANGKO - JIT - TI MA - A - OO PRA - PAAI JAAO - HOIE JUNG - PAT - PA - AO - JIT MA - SOO - KAA SA - HU - LA SA - PA - JI - NO A - RO - JAY - MIPhra Khun PaenIndraWahn KrubaWaroot"Smell horrible Ma Ha Poo Dum"Yahnmaterpiece! Kruba Waroot: "Smell horrible Ma Ha Poo Dum" () Wahn "Ma Ta" Phra Khun Paen "Prai Chang Klong, Kruba WarootArjarn "Taan Phor Nahn" ArjarnVisha ()Phra Khun Paen Kruba WarootPhra Khun Paen Kruba Waroot, Kruba Waroot Kruba TaVishaPauNoiPun(), Kruba WarootVishaLahnNaPhra Arjan SuWun (,) Kruba Wat PongWaNaRarm, Chiang MaiWaroot
Malaysian founding on Saturday revoked the migration civil liberties expected by a Singaporean man who pained some Muslims by presumably hire Buddhists use an Islamic prayer room.The insulate has exasperated deduce about whether the lead in Muslim-majority Malaysia is more and more bowing to force by holier-than-thou conservatives who stress stern penalties opposed to tribe accused of ridiculous Islam.Control caged the Singaporean-born holder of a southern Malaysian coast remedy for specified days previous this month one time he was believed to call together legitimate Buddhist tourists to believe in the resort's Islamic prayer room.Identify Member of the clergy Ahmad Zahid Hamidi held the Muslim man has been nude of his "eternal residency" arrangement that enabled him to stay and work in Malaysia lacking visa desires. The man has been released by normalize and is not frostily charged with any sin against, but the government's gift was "based on the law in the interests of religion and the nation," Ahmad Zahid wrote on Channel. Broad Perjure yourself...Related POSTS: * MALAYSIAN ARRESTED Silent EID Salutation FEATURING DOGS... * MALAYSIA: FROM Charm March past TO POLITICS... * ALVIN AND VIVIAN JAILED: MALAYSIAN SEX BLOGGERS CHARGED Not later than Recalcitrance FOR... * MUSLIM TV Connect IN MALAYSIA In remission FOR Suppression HER Stand up... * TWO MALAYSIAN GIRLS ARRESTED FOR KISSING...
The ancient Hindu scripture the Mundakopanishad gives a clear and precise description of the path to enlightenment.This text composed in the form of a Mantra,instructs the Sadhak as what his ultimate goal, the path to enlightenment is and the only way in which he can realize it.I have tried to simplify the description, so that it can be understood by all.Mundakopanishad - 2.ii.3Dhanur grhitvaupanisadam mahastramSaram hy upasanisitam samdadhitaAyamya tad bhavagatena cetasaLaksyam tadevaksaram somya viddhiMeaningJust as the archer strings his arrow on his bow and fires it on his target; so also should the Sadhak[one on the path] concentrate all his energies on the ultimate target; Brahman[Ever-Existent].Mundakopanishad - 2.ii.3Sarve veda yat padam amanantiTapamsi sarvani ca yad vadantiYad icchanto brahmacaryam carantiTatte padam samgrahena bravimiOmity etatMeaningThe WORD contained in every Veda, the WORD which all the deepest Spiritual texts glorify, for which the Sadhaks observe penance; I will tell you in short; is Om.Mundakopanishad - 2 ii.4Etaddhyevaksaram brahma ettaddhyevaksaramEttaddhyevaksaram jnatva yo yad icchatiTasya tat Meaning Omthe mystical WORD is the bow; the arrow the soul and the Brahman [Ever-Existent] its aim. The one, who will be pierced, is the one whose attention does not falter. The one who will become one with all three, is the one who does not stray from the ultimate goal; Brahman. [what is spoken here is the state of enlightenment or Non Duality]. Related Articles * Bhagavad-Gita on Om Tat Sat (prophet666.com) * Purification Mantra (prophet666.com) * Ancient Prayer to Rudra as Time (prophet666.com) * Bhagavad-Gita on true Spirituality (prophet666.com) * Mantra to recite while bathing - 2 (prophet666.com) * Words of caution for those who practice mantras (prophet666.com) * Primordial prayer for protection (prophet666.com)
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Read Mercer Schuchardt, a professor of "media ecology" at Wheaton, on "Taming the Image":
The band is rockin', arms are swayin', and you're about to come on screen in high definition with such stunning visual clarity that even people in the nosebleed seats can see your perfect smile.
Is this a rock concert? A beer commercial? Or just a typical Sunday morning?
These days, it could be any of the above.
Whether you're a questioning congregant, a concerned pastor, or a perplexed professor studying the effects of media on religious practice (like me), the use of technology in the worship setting is worth considering.
Media are not neutral. Like ideas, they have consequences, especially in the church. And some of these consequences should give us pause. In "Technopoly "media theorist Neil Postman writes, "A preacher who confines himself to considering how a medium can increase his audience will miss the significant question: In what sense do new media alter what is meant by religion, by church, even by God?"....After noting quite a few ways that the medium affects the message, Schuchardt concludes:
WHILE OUR CULTURE IS DOMINATED BY IMAGE, HISTORICALLY THE CHURCH HAS ALWAYS BEEN DOMINATED BY WORD. IMAGE HAS AN UNDENIABLE IMMEDIACY, BUT IT TENDS TO REVEAL ONLY THE SURFACE OF THINGS. THE WORD IS BETTER ABLE TO CULTIVATE DEEP REFLECTION AND PRECISE, CRITICAL THOUGHT. TRADING THE WORD FOR THE IMAGE IS NO INCIDENTAL MOVE. IT CHANGES WHAT WE SAY, AS WELL AS HOW WE SAY IT. Yet given the culture's wholehearted adoption of the Image, does the church have any choice but to follow suit? Must we accommodate the culture by imageizing our churches? Or do we defy the spirit of this age and do something truly countercultural-reinvest in the Word at a time when it is becoming less and less popular? [emphasis added].... [more]There have always been images in the Church, of course - statues, stained glass, paintings - and for the illiterate those may have had more immediacy than the words they heard, especially when the words were in languages they didn't understand. But Protestantism was critical of that and re-emphasized the the importance of the Word, in some cases by eliminating images altogether.
Taming the Image Out of Ur Conversations for Ministry Leaders
So you conclude you admit a Voodoo doll that has been cursed, or you grain it is shadowy and is bringing you bad luck? In the same way as do you do with it? Spring, at hand are a pair off of options and lucky for you that I am scattering it here!If you really grain that you admit one way or another acquired a roguish Voodoo doll, the best thing to do is to put it in a white cloth and smidgen a whole lot of sea brackish on it. Sea brackish is naturally second hand as a sterilizer in magick. Then, get away with it to a jet or bring or everywhere hard-wearing in the wooded area with an near of fruit and some ready money. Ask the spirits of the water or the grass to get away with the roguish energy and circle it unswerving the power of the earth. Sally forth the lodge not good enough looking back and for example you roll up home light a 7-day protection candle and get away with a clean with cleansing herbs, by means of sea brackish. Thyme and juniper are two good options for this type of cleansing spiritual clean.Distinctive well-chosen is to halt until a Saturday to get rid of it. Put the doll in a clean, white cloth and dig a hole in the put in at everywhere far not worth it from your home. View the doll in the hole and flash it. On one occasion it has bargain basement priced to residue, point some Heavenly Water on it and lid the hole because of with lewdness. The earth soul circle that roguish energy very straight away and turn it during press down energy and blessings. On one occasion you return home in the manner of, clean very well, appendage some Heavenly Water to your clean.Don't know while to get Heavenly Water? I'll dialogue you an old Indian secret. Cleave to a glass of par water and place it in the east panel of your home. In the originate as the sun shines on the water, it soul be changed during Heavenly Water.Books You Might Enjoy: John Dee - The Means Of Enochian EvocationRobin Artisson - Channel Of The Witches Opening The Sprite EyePhil Hine - Aspects Of EvocationJose Luis Ramos - Route Of Alchemy Vol I Via Humid ExemplaryThomas Potts - Recognition Of Witches
I've been referring to liberal Catholics on this blog who want to turn the Roman Catholic Church into just another dying liberal Protestant denomination. Here is a column by James Carroll from the Boston Globe that lays out clearly for all to see what the real agenda is.
Like some forms of Catholic he wants no "paper Pope" (i.e. no authoritative Bible) and like a Protestant he wants no living Pope either. He literally wants no authority in the Church except what the democratic majority of the laity wants at any given time. This is to subordinate the Church to the Spirit of the Age and to render it superfluous since it merely reflects back to the world what the world already knows. It is to surrender to the modern world without a fight and become the evolving religion of the post-Christian sensibilities of those who believe themselves to be masters of their own fate and captains of their own destiny.
He calls Pope Benedict XVI a "fundamentalist" which is laughable. Real Fundamentalists would not be amused to be told that the Pope is one of them. It is only funny, though, until you realize that, for Carroll, anyone who actually believes in basic Christian doctrines that are unpopular in the modern age is a "fundamentalist." The choice is either the embrace of modernity a la The Episcopal Church or being a fundamentalist. Intelligent orthodoxy is an oxymoron for Carroll.
He ends with a call for open rebellion against Rome led by the aging nuns who were recently co-opted by Obama to secure passage of his health care bill. Undoubtedly, schism will come one day - unless the aging hippie, baby-boomer, Spirit of Vatican II, crypto-Protestants die out first. Pope John Paul II's strategy was to wait out the rebels and they grow increasingly frustrated by Benedict's stubborn refusal either to roll over and play dead or die. Expect the rage and hate to increase.
Oh, and one last point, oddly enough there is not a mention of the child sex abuse scandal in this column. Of course not.
These are a number of tips and points that will inshaAllah be useful for the readers who are interested in improving their prayers. It should be emphasised that these are all based on personal experiences and there is no claim that any of the following is derived from the Quran, Sunnah or Hadith, although it is easy to see that many of them are supported by these sources. Nevertheless the author can promise that to the best of his understanding none of the following is opposed to or in conflict with the Quran or Sunnah.
24 Tips and Points That can Improve our Prayers:
There is an extreme difference between a prayer that is performed on time and one that is delayed. No matter how effective the postponed prayer is, you can be assured that it could be many times more effective if you had carried it out on time. Part of improving and purifying ones soul is to allow prayer to interrupt our daily affairs rather than allow daily affairs to interrupt our prayer times.
Let your life (e.g. daily affairs) be oriented around your prayer. Instead of thinking that life is spending 24 hours a day during which we do 5 prayers in, consider that life is 5 prayers a day in the middle of which we are living (think about it).
Supplementary prayers ("Nafl") have many effects on ones soul. Two of these effects are:
Exercising the physical and spiritual self to better the prayer. This is an exercise that never ends because there are no limits to a better prayer.
Compensating for obligatory prayers that are done in a weak manner. Try to do a routine amount of "Nafl". "Nafl" can be also seen as practicing for the real thing. In the same way that you practice for your exam or for a match, you should also practice your prayers by doing "Nafl".
Although it is not obligatory, but to improve ones prayer, it is always better to refresh our ablution even if it is still valid from our last prayer.
Ablution is primarily for physical cleansing. I think it is also a symbol of our spiritual cleansing. Try to feel this. For example when washing your face you may also intend to purify your face (including eyes, mouth) from any sinful and useless act. The same can be said for the hands and feet. When wiping your head you may also intend to purify yourself from any sinful or useless thoughts.
When you make your ablution, it is like brushing your teeth. You wont eat chocolate immediately after brushing your teeth. Do not engage yourself in worldly affairs (good or bad) after making ablution. Go directly to do your prayer.
There are a number of points in your prayer that can take you from a spiritual state to an improved spiritual state. It is helpful to be aware of the ascending transmission of our spiritual condition throughout these points in our prayer:
COMMENCE THE PRAYER WITH "TAKBIR-" This is a stage in which you are saying a temporary good bye to the outside world and is the point from which direct communication with your Creator will begin.
ARRIVING AT THE WORDS, "IYAKA NABODO WA IYAKA NASTAEEN"- In the "Surah" of "Al Fatiha" you start your prayer by addressing God in the third person. The first place you address God as the second person is when you say the above words. Consider this as you reach the climax of what you want to achieve by reciting "Al Fatiha" in your prayers. Make this phrase the warning and awakening signal in the prayer so that when you say them you feel compelled to focus more. If you feel like it, you can repeat the phrase till you are satisfied (there is no problem in doing so from the point of view of "Shariah").
BOWING ("RUKU")- Bowing is a sign of you giving in your selfishness after appreciating the presence of a superior and glorious power. Idealistically going to the bowing position should be regarded as a natural reaction to a stronger feeling of humbleness in front your Creator. In other words, one should reach a stage in which one finds no other choice but to bow in front of the superior and glorious power in front of him. Of course not everyone can reach this level of prayer. However, even being aware of this will help to work towards that level.
PROSTRATION ("SUJOOD")- Prostration is a higher degree of humbleness before Allah (swt). Here, even bowing is not enough to show the humble feeling of a Muslim. Falling on the ground in the state of prostration is the only way to express this level of humbleness. All that was said above about bowing applies here but on a much greater scale
"TASHAHOOD"- Do not take the last part of your prayer lightly. "Tashahood" is in fact the concluding part of your prayer. After a divinely guided spiritual journey you are now renewing your allegiance to Allah and His messenger. This (if done correctly) can have a tremendous effect on reinforcing your certainty and firmness ("Yaqin").
Prayer is talking to Allah. You most probably dress decently when speaking to another person. Do your best when you want to talk with Allah. Your attire should be decent and clean, your hair should be combed, it is preferable that you brush your teeth and moderately perfume yourself. These all will help you believe and appreciate that you are going to enter into a dialogue rather than talking alone to yourself.
Do not only not mind your daily work to be interrupted by prayers but even be keen on interrupting it with prayers (of course unless doing prayer on-time will cause a real loss or damage). What is one of the most enjoyable things that you do not like to be interrupted from? Watching a movie? Being with friends? Playing games? Studying Islam? Improve your spiritual position and make yourself less relying on worldly affairs by willingly interrupting these affairs with an on-time prayer. Try to recite your prayer in its normal speed (not faster and not slower) and with full concentration on these occasions. On the other hand, when there is really an important task that is needed to be done promptly, if possible, still perform your prayers on time but make it as short as possible. You will gradually get used to reading prayers even if they cut into the middle of your tasks without losing your concentration when you come back to them. You will find that this can also bring some blessings to the task you are engaging in.
The entire earth has been made a worshipping ground for the Muslim. When the prayer time comes and you are not at a convenient or private place it may be wise to wait till you get to a comfortable place to pray. However, to work on your faith and strengthen it, it is also good to carry on with your prayers in the first possible place (being in a park, a corner of a street or a shop, a peaceful area at the work place - if there are no prayer rooms). Of course this is with the condition that (if applicable) the owner of the place does not mind you praying at his/her place and also that your prayer in public does not cause any inconvenience or annoyance to the people present. In any case, if you wait to reach a more appropriate place, this should only be for the sake of having a better prayer and not because of being shy or lazy.
Like an airplane that needs to speed down the runway before taking off, our spirit too needs preparation for reaching its maximum capacity in getting closer to Allah "TaAla". Saying "Iqama" with concentration and doing "Istiqfar" before the prayer can be considered as part of this preparation.
While in the standing position of prayer do not take away your eyes from the place of prostration. In the sitting position do not take away your eyes from your knees or your pointed finger (of course unless you are saying "Salam"). This will help you focus, have more respect and brings humbleness ("Khushoo") within your prayer. Do not close your eyes, as this will bias the point of concentration.
Always try to be reluctant in making excessive movements during the prayer. If you need to move your hands (for instance you are desperate to scratch your face), do so with humbleness and respect as if you do not want to disturb the very formal climate that is established. This might further help you find yourself in the presence of God.
One of the things that prevents you from making the most out of your prayer is that the prayer become a ritual habit for you. To avoid this, try to bring some changes to your prayer every now and then, like reading another version of "Tashahhod" or reading a new "Sura" after "Hamd" or shortening or lengthening one of the "Rukoo" and/or prostration.
In general and as a routine, make your prayer a little bit longer than what you would consider a comfortable length of prayer. However keep in mind the previous point regarding shorter prayers. It is sometimes very helpful (for an improved prayer experience) to change the routine and recitation of prayers faster (or much faster) than usual.
The rather short pause after "Rokoo" before going to Sajda and the one between the two "Sajda" are very important. These can help you appreciate the different stages of the prayer that you are going through (refer to point 5). It is narrated that the Prophet used to stay long in these pausing situations.
In prayer we are entering into a dialogue with God. Like any dialogue our focus should on the other side of the dialogue (God) and NOT the means of dialogue (words uttered). Prayer is not Sufi "Zikr" or Buddhist chanting, do not concentrate on the words, concentrate on the one for whom these words are uttered and then the concentration on words will naturally follow. When you are talking with a person some times you automatically say something to him without taking notice, but you are still talking to him. On the other hand, sometimes you put too much focus on your words that in the end you feel as if you have not talked to him, but have merely talked to yourself. The same analogy can be found in prayers.
Following from the previous point, do not worry about a few gaps in your concentration, stick to the main focal point. Make sure you are not focusing on concentration, but that you are focusing on God.
Relevant to the above, and in particular if you do not understand Arabic, you need to know the meaning of the words you are saying. However, note that prayer is not the place for practicing the meanings of the words. Practice the words with their meanings when you are not praying.
Prayer is not an opportunity to read the Quran beautifully. Avoid giving even minor attention to make your reading beautiful. Humbleness ("Khushoo") is the main point in reading. Humbleness is not necessarily the same as reading beautifully. Of course there is nothing wrong with reading beautifully, it is in fact very good and recommended. The point however is that it is not the aim and it should not be the main point of attention.
Unless you are in "Jamaat "(i.e. congregation), avoid being in a disruptive place.
The Quran says that prayer restrains from shameful ("Fahsha") and unjust ("Munkar") deeds. Two lessons can be learned and derive
If you can read you prayers with a clear conscious while being in a state of shameful and unjust deeds then your prayer is not a satisfactory prayer.
Avoid shameful and unjust deeds to be able to have better prayers.
The relationship between hypocrisy ("Rya") and prayer is like the relation between fire and water. One of the signs of hypocrisy could be that you feel your prayers in presence of others are better than those you do alone. The real amount of your progress in prayers is what you can feel when praying alone and not what you feel when praying in presence of others.
It is highly recommended that the obligatory prayers should be done in "Jamaat". Some of the above points might be irrelevant to a prayer that is being done in "Jamaat." Nevertheless all the above equally applies to "Nafl" prayers.