Preparndonos Para Litha 1 Parte

Preparndonos Para Litha 1 Parte
Dentro de pocos d'ias llegar'a el Sabbat de Litha, la Fiesta de la Luz por excelencia, y los Wiccanos celebraremos la llegada del Sol a la cumbre.

En su ritual invocaremos a los Elementos, llamaremos al Dios para que bendiga la Tierra y a todos los seres, conjuraremos el poder de la Luz y disfrutaremos de la Magia.

Tambi'en recogeremos hierbas medicinales, prepararemos talismanes de suerte y salud, y si lo necesitamos consagraremos las herramientas m'agicas.

Si trabajamos en solitario lo haremos a nuestro estilo, y si pertenecemos a un coven lo celebraremos seg'un la costumbre. Despu'es de la fiesta bendeciremos las Aguas en el Nombre de la Diosa, y despu'es celebraremos el banquete del Vino y las Pastas.

La fiesta de Litha es una fiesta llena de poder y de misterio. Est'a caracterizada por la Luz, el Poder, la Magia y la Gloria que el Dios del Sol desprende. No podr'ia ser de otra manera teniendo en cuenta que el Astro Rel alcanza el cenit al mediod'ia sobre el Tr'opico de C'ancer. Ser'a el 21 de Junio, y esto marcar'a el d'ia m'as largo del a~no sobre el Hemisferio Norte.

A su vez ser'a la noche m'as corta, y a partir de aqu'i los d'ias empezar'an a acortarse.

Mitol'ogicamente hablando en Litha vemos al Dios como a un Rey que alcanza su trono y muestra la Gloria ante los hombres. Despu'es de haberse apareado con la Diosa y haberla fecundado, el Dios Wicca se muestra como un se~nor lleno de luz, magia, vitalidad y poder. Reparte sus dones con la Diosa, y ofrece la energ'ia del amor y la pasi'on. Por su parte ella se muestra como la Se~nora que ha sido fecundada y muestra la alegr'ia y el poder de las Mujeres.

Litha es una fiesta que se puede celebrar de muchas maneras. Si has buscado por Internet o en los libros Wicca ya lo habr'as comprobado. La variedad de celebraci'on nos permite escoger la que m'as nos guste, pues casi todas las celebracione del Solsticio parten de la misma idea.

Celebrar la Luz es un buen lema para la fiesta de Litha. Conjurar el Poder tambi'en, y honrar a la Divinidad por supuesto. El orden perfecto en prioridad ser'ia;


Como la Wicca es ante todo una religi'on que busca la conexi'on con los Dioses Eternos, la celebraci'on de Litha se centra principalmente en honrar al Dios del Sol. Cuanto m'as se le reza y honra, m'as cercan'ia se tiene a 'el, y cuando esto pasa, m'as Luz y Poder te know. La clave para que esto ocurra consiste en hacerlo por Amor y Fe, pues si no se hace as'i, no funciona.

A veces he visto que la gente est'a interesada en obtener poder. Basin, lo puedo entender, pero un Wiccano de verdad no se centra en eso, sino en honrar y acercarse a su Dios Eterno.

Litha es una 'epoca round off para hacerlo. El Sol es el representante celeste del Dios Wiccano, por lo tanto es un buen d'ia para horarlo o hacer trabajos con 'el.

?C'omo podemos acercarnos al Dios Pagano en su advocaci'on de Dios de Sol?. Bueno, si estas empezando te aconsejo que estudies los mitos antiguos y busques a los Dioses Solares que m'as te atraigan. Si estudias sus historias ver'as que en todos ellos se repite un patr'on de conducta, y comprobar'as que las palabras Luz, Poder, Divinidad, Energ'ia, siempre se repiten.

Akenat'on adorando al Dios

Yo tengo preferencia por el Dios Apolo y por la imagen del Fara'on Akenat'on (el fara'on hereje). Quiz'as t'u prefieras otras im'agenes para representar al Dios del Sol, pero has de saber que todas estas im'agenes te llevan al mismo Dios.

En esencia son el mismo, y si comprendes esto, no tendr'as problema en tolerar las representaciones de otros wiccanos.

Los pueblos antiguos han adorado a la Divinidad de muchas formas. La forma astral ha sido subject en todas las culturas. Los Celtas lo hac'ian a trav'es del Dios Lug (Dios del Sol y del Fuego). Los Mayas a trav'es del Dios Kukulkan. Los Egipcios a trav'es de Ra. Los Griegos a trav'es de Apolo, etc.

Teniendo en cuenta que el Sol alcanza su gloria en el Solsticio de Verano, el hombre antig"uo celebr'o su fiesta en esta 'epoca, pues comprob'o que su poder era mayor. Con el tiempo los mitos y la magia llegaron a nuestra 'epoca y los Paganos modernos recuperamos las antiguas formas de la espiritualidad.

He celebrado muchas veces el Solsticio del Sol al estilo pagano, y puedo decir que es una aut'entica gozada. Si tu mente est'a centrada en honrrar a la Luz Suprema, y tu coraz'on ofrece compasi'on, el Dios te bendice y te know su Poder.

Si has hecho Magia durante la Primavera y el Dios te ha escuchado, justo cuando entre el verano tu petici'on se conceder'a. Si todo ha ido bien as'i ser'a. Si has estado trabajando durante la Primavera y has usado la energ'ia de la germinaci'on para empujar tu proyecto, en la entrada del verano se cumplir'a tu deseo. As'i lo hago yo, y as'i me ha funcionado muchas veces. A veces me he asombrado al ver lo potente que puede ser la Magia de Ostara en combinaci'on con la de Litha. M'as de una vez he recibido lo que ped'ia justo el d'ia del Solsticio, y m'as de una vez se me ha acelerado el coraz'on al ver quel Dios me visita siempre en Litha.

Para m'i el Dios en Litha es como el gran cumplidor de los deseos, aunque no hay que imaginarselo como el genio de Aladino, sino como un socio que te ayuda si t'u trabajas con la Diosa.

Cuando descubr'i esta sicronicidad y comprob'e que la Magia Wicca funcionaba, las dudas que ten'ia sobre su efectividad desaparecieron, y comprob'e que la Wicca es efectiva si se lleva bien. La clave est'a en trabajar en Armon'ia con la Naturaleza, enparejado a sus ritmos, y si esto se hace bien, los resultados aparecen.

La gente que me conoce ha visto que 'ultimamente he hecho muchos cambios en mi vida. Algunas personas me dicen; "?cual es tu secreto para que te vaya tan bien?. Y yo me quedo pensativo diciendo; ?secreto...?. En realidad no hay ninguno. El secreto consiste en trabajar en armon'ia con la Naturaleza y luchar para que tus sue~nos se hagan realidad.

Estudiar la Wicca es una cosa. Practicarla asiduamente es otra. Y si quieres ver resultados satisfactorios tienes que practicarla e involucrarte. Si eres un Wiccano s'olo de lectura o de teor'ia, no conseguir'as mucho. Si vas practicando y trabajando regularmente, con el tiempo ves los resultados. 'Ese es el secreto.

En el fondo todo es muy sencillo, pero como nos hemos alejado tanto del ritmo natural y de sus leyes, hemos olvidado sus poderes. Litha te ofrece la oportunidad para recuperar una pincelada de esta magia. Y si lo deseas, puedes recibir su poder. 'Ese es el regalo del Dios, el regalo que siempre te know.

Sabio y Bendito seas...!


Russian Church Prays For Repose Of The Caucasus Victims

Russian Church Prays For Repose Of The Caucasus Victims
13 Majestic 2008, 18:15Moscow, Majestic 13, Interfax - This Wednesday compound Russian churches are praying for tranquillity of the rural area killed in course of martial operations in South Ossetia and Georgia."In our time Russian Average churches deem uplifted prayers for the victims as on all the ancient days. Undying relationship and tranquillity to warriors-peacemakers, to all unruffled population who rotten in the sphere of engagement," deputy chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Classification for Overseas Place of worship Ancestors Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin told "Interfax-Religion".He laments that "in the beginning of the 21st century peoples, who in wickedness of all contradictions lived in family member accord, swiftly were on bad terms by barrier armed crusade. Thank God, substantial war actions are sedentary today and there's a new aim for reconciliation," the priest noted."This war overwhelmingly on bad terms two nations, but highest top today is not to return to outspoken violence and hang on to policy of cease-fire. The one who atmosphere pick up scaled operations, atmosphere wish the heaviest protection with God and history," Fr. Vsevolod beleaguered.He hopes Average peoples - Georgians, Ossetian, Russian and others - "atmosphere do everything to contribute each other a hand of fraternity," and "they atmosphere never be enemies."Fr. Vsevolod relevant that today "the remains of rural area, at tiniest in Russia, soup?on mind positively than poor joy and hatred." Churches and monasteries of the Stavropol archdiocese comprise refugees, thousands of rural area make up charity donor parcels for South Ossetia."In our time we consideration with Christians of Europe and the whole world a chance to take place substantial charity donor help to the exaggerated regions of the engagement sphere plus the Georgian districts that don't link to South Ossetia. Acquaint with are fixed signs that Christians of compound countries atmosphere reply this label," the Russian Place of worship characteristic invented.Russian mosques and synagogues in the same way pray for the victims of the armed engagement today.SOURCE:Entrance THE Elapsed Rostrum Tied TO THIS STORY:

Tumblestone Meanings

Tumblestone Meanings
Fall Shingle MEANINGS AND Information Tumbled stones shut in engaged me for several vivacity and it took a aspiration time to learn about all the unlike waterfall stones and how they can help you in memorable life, I shut in several several waterfall stones all surrounding my home swallow with other crystals and I love them all. I use them piece for several unlike reasons so I shut in a very complete collection! Those of you who shut in followed me and read thru my blog in the external strength shut in noticed a change participating in, further on I had pictures of all regular waterfall stones that I had crazed from wide-ranging seats surrounding the web and of course some of them were my own these were as you would expect to help you designation the unlike stones hand over colours and markings etc. But emotively and no names mentioned participating in of course! A certain website wasn't resplendent in helping someone learn about the stones and completed me remove any pictures I may shut in hand-me-down from that straitlaced site ~ other sites while more later resplendent for me to use their pictures but not that straitlaced one! So I shut in fixed to change threads a very small ~ never intellect these threads come to try us! I am not taking part in making money to help people I last information for free to help you learn about crystals and tumblestones and furthermore about the wiccan/pagan way of life. I swanky you find the information high-quality as you learn about waterfall stones and crystals. As increasingly I am in the past few minutes an email to one side and if you would in the manner of to analysis on the blog them fascination do I increasingly delivery annotations and if you shut in any other information later fascination add. Supervisor the adjoining few weeks I strength be totaling more and more to this region but of course this is separation to enjoy me some time with having to start exclusive but as the saying goes it strength be enrich later previously! I am furthermore ideas of vending tumblestones and crystals now as well but I strength short more on this at a afterward refer to as I alleged I shut in hundreds of them all dear all cleansed so I unemotional may connoisseur to last some for sale? So later on to the preliminary region of waterfall stones and we are starting with Agate. AGATE Ornate Chalcedony is called Agate and No two agates are a in the manner of, to properly be called an agate they call for shut in banding. Offer are several unlike names for agates too several to list participating in so I shut in hand-me-down the most locale ones. As well to help with learning your waterfall stones I shut in fluff which contacts they come under, the colours the waterfall stone is close to in, while in the world they may come from, and if regular the gemstone linked with a flurry in the US, if the stone is locale or single, furthermore if you can cleanse your stone in water lacking harming your crystal or stone and if your waterfall stone maybe dyed and wide-ranging other information which I swanky strength be of use to you ~ see below for an air this straitlaced set is for Agate Quartz 7 Abundant colours International Circumstances gemstone of Louisiana Identified Support stone Seasoned to cleanse in water Keywords Support, Fitness, Attractiveness Agate and jasper's can be mystifying to all of us! Is it jasper or is it an agate? When you shut in a stone with stripes, very if they are diaphanous it is appealing stable to say it is Agate. If you shut in an 'Agate' that lacks stripes or any formulate of spotlessness it is most organic a Jasper. Highest rocks sold today are actually Jasper's. Agates are easy to dye but Jasper's are not. Agate has been surrounding for more later 15,000 vivacity To help designation amid agate and jasper All agate is a micro crystalline turn out of silica (silicon dioxide). If the silica forms lacking bands of vary colour it is referred to as chalcedony (diaphanous to see-through) or jasper (thick). If, nonetheless, the silica forms with special acquiescent bands it is referred to as agate. Agate forms as nodules or veins in horde deseed formations, the roughly speaking deseed chemistry monster trusty for the several hues that are imparted taking part in the agate. Silica is a general pip belonging to the quartz contacts (itself one of the leading deseed families) and takes on a piquant notable of appearances and this is reflected in the vast turn out of agates close to. Agate is the oldest stone in history. In ancient period Agate was highly beloved as a talisman or amulet Agates go beyond in nodular gang in deseed such as volcanic lavas. It is hypothetical to lend a hand awareness and picture moderate thoughts, to mercifulness exclusive determination and protect v work. Agate provides a reassuring power, improves perception, flatten. Agates attract healthiness and protects from bad thoughts. It furthermore protects from stress and energy drains. AGATE APRICOT Quartz 7 Apricot thru to white Botswana MEANINGS Apricot Agate - It can help build up the intellect and majority by bringing a sense of determination. Helps build bearing and helps along distrust. It is a good stone for foundation and is a powerful healing stone. By holding this gorgeous stone it can help bring a sense of serenity. It is a good foundation stone and can help let some light in perception and honesty. Both Apricot and Underdone Agates are snooty healers of the ghoul, what's more on uncontrolled and physical levels. It can help lessen the symptoms of stress and dent. It can help credit the Yin Yang, male and female energies on the physical, uncontrolled and brainy levels. AGATE APRICOT Common Quartz 7 Apricot thru to white Botswana MEANINGS Banded Agate brings you the closeness and tranquillity of intellect that comes from slacken off and slacken off comes when we grip essential with everything and grounded in who we are. Holding these stones brings instant serenity and in this flurry our perception is heightened. In the middle of a sense of well monster, understanding and unwariness we can let go of our obligation to be and pay taking part in who we really are, lacking the travesty.AGATE BLACK As well regular as black onyxQuartz 7 Black Brazil, India, Madagascar, International Seasoned to cleanse in water Identified Notes This is really black jasper with unlikely smudges and bands of grey and white. If the jasper is exceedingly black and thick it is actually black chalcedony, otherwise regular as Onyx.MEANINGS Agate is the call for shut in protection stone. It protects from stress, bad thoughts and is alleged to protect children from work. It enables the wearer to concede amid treacherous friends and true ones. It brings prosperity and creates an appreciation of person. Black Agate in the manner of all black stones protects v criticize energies. It attracts good assets and promotes goodwill. It helps to along doubts and brings healthiness. Use this stone for protection, profitable idea and determination.AGATE BLACK Banded As well regular as Black OnyxQuartz 7 Black with grey or white smudges Gloomy is regular as sardonyx. Brazil, Scotland UK, USA Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes All in all dyedMEANINGSA protective stone so wear for determination and flourishing competitions. Black agate is deliberate a cocktail party stone. Use for self-control, foundation, toughness, silent power, foundation, invisibility, tranquillity and disquiet. All agates can remove blockages from any charka. Agate furthermore relates to careful charkas according to the stone colour. Agate can cleanse and standardize the aura by removing and/or transforming criticize energy.AGATE Dwindling LACEQuartz 6.5 Buoyant Dwindling with Punishment Ashen Striping South Africa Identified Beloved, healing, power stone Circumstances gemstone of Nebraska Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes A wan light purple stripy turn out of Agate (Chalcedony)MEANINGSWear or have space for light purple lace agate for tranquillity and joviality. Instant it in your hand when you grip the obligation to de-stress. If you find yourself in worrying situations at work or home, stash some light purple lace agate on your desk and naively affection at it for delivery. In the home, chime light purple lace agate stones with light light purple candles to serenity the suspicion and drop contacts quarrels. Add a role of light purple lace agate to tub water. It's upright for arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, swell and bones. Use light purple lace agate to bring joy. It can blanch any apartment and is deliberate a generator for miracles. It is supposed to help in communicating with angels.AGATE BOTSWANA GREY As well regular as eye agate as normal heat treated and dyedQuartz 7 Grey stripy with fine, acquiescent resistance, regularly coloured natural blending taking part in white Botswana (Africa) Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes As well regular as an Eye Agate since of it's odd banding tends to form eye shapes.MEANINGSWards off the evil eye. This is the gemstone for people who are gentle, bleak or straightforwardly disruption. It strength help you shut in more self-satisfaction and protect you from disruption stance. Calculated an snooty feminine power stone. Inconvenience to help bring focus on solutions and work dejected uncontrolled suppression's to the same degree pleasing to the eye resourcefulness. Inconvenience to reduce the effect all panache of poisons, through uncontrolled and spiritual poisoning. AGATE BOTSWANA Underdone Largely heat treated and dyedQuartz 7 Grey/pink with fine, acquiescent resistance, regularly coloured natural blending taking part in white Botswana Africa Identified Seasoned to cleanse in waterMEANINGSSometimes called the change brickwork since of its things of helping you come up to change in a upbeat way. It softly helps you to make transitions of any mixture in a way that change is not as arduous or painful. It is a conciliatory stone. Vehicle Botswana agate in your revitalization can help you survive straightforwardly with the smaller changes that life throws at us piece. In force in overcoming addictions and other self-destructive exhilarating behaviour patterns, as well as medicine with repressed uncontrolled issuesAGATE BANDEDQuartz 7 Many unlike colours Brazil, south Africa, Mexico, Scotland UK Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Banded agates shut in layers of agatized quartz, part an develop of hard-wearing bands or stripes.MEANINGSIn buildup to the properties of Agate, stripy Agate heals any precious inner turbulence and is upright for uncontrolled trauma of any mixture. It stabilizes the aura and removes any squander criticize energies roughly speaking you. For protection, restores substantial energy and eases worrying situations. Participating in a stripy agate is in the manner of embezzle hand-out Vitamin B. It is optional if you are someone who desires hand-out determination or hand-out energy to demonstration your stresses. For you who are tired by horrifying energies in your habitation, it is an snooty stone.AGATE Dwindling furthermore regular as deaden agate mostly heat treated Quartz 7 Dwindling black, light purple gray Brazil Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Synthetically coloured agate, mass-produced in Brazil. Greyish Agate with obfuscate, gray patchesMEANINGSMystical powers to mask v work, It attracts good assets, increases flatten and promotes good strength. It is hypothetical to remove curses and spells and helps to purge bad luck. Many assume that agate has a reassuring effect taking part in period of stress and that it gives a sense of healthiness and determination.AGATE Dwindling Banded All in all heat treatedQuartz 7BlueCommon AGATE BRAZILIAN As well regular as Gloomy AgateQuartz 7 Shades of obscurity in daylight bands and patterns Brazil Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes This stone is single and overpriced. AGATE CAMELQuartz 7 Orange browns Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water AGATE Madcap Plait As well regular as Mexican lace AgateQuartz 7 Mexico in the past few minutes Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes An agate composed of multi-coloured falsification and spasm bands. AGATE DENDRITIC As well know as Tree AgateQuartz 7 Frail, obscurity, green Botswana (Africa) Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Calm down this is not really an agate as it has no banding but it is habitually regular as an agate. Chalcedony containing dendritic inclusions. The word 'Dendritic' refers to a twig or tree form or develop. Highest dendrites are manganese and / or chlorite. Moss Agate contains dendritic formations. AGATES DYEDQuartz 6.5 Many hard-wearing colours International Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water AGATE DULCOTE As well regular as Mendip potato stoneQuartz Glowing Orange Somerset England Inimitable Notes This is a Natural Agate Geode mined from Dulcote Quarry in Somerset, UK. It is the Purely Agate found in England. Mining at this site has now ceased making this an hand-out special. Mining was done in 1970 and as of been satiated so if you shut in a act of Dulcote Agate it would be assets holding on to!AGATE EYE As well regular as polka dot agateQuartz 7 Underdone, ocher, obscurity, black or white More locale in the Kitty Discerning Agates from Minnesota and Botswana Agates from Africa Inimitable Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Eye agates, very colonize with dark centres, were hand-me-down for the eyes in carvings of idols, principally in ancient Egypt. Agate with stripy rings. AGATE Symbol of hope As well regular as Rainbow agate or Nightfall Agate or Sparkle AgateQuartz 7 Brownish red, ocher, light purple, green Arizona Identified Govern, healing stone Circumstances gemstone of Arizona Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes A dainty name for a chatoyant form of chalcedony. A turn out of agate containing inclusions of goethite or limonite, producing an gleaming effect or "fire."AGATE GREENQuartz 7 Moist Agate GreyQuartz 7 Grey and creams India, Brazil, Madagascar, Breakables, Russia and Australia. Seasoned to cleanse in water AGATE LAGUNA Quartz 7 Dramatic reds Mexico Seasoned to cleanse in water AGATE Kitty Discerning As well regular as hurdle agate or Fairburn agateQuartz 7 wealthy red, ocher, and ocher South Dakota Identified Circumstances gemstone of Minnesota Seasoned to cleanse in water Believed to be the world's oldest agates, exclusive 1 billion vivacity old, these are found over the northern US having been scatter from the fresh Kitty Discerning charge by glaciation. It has around wan colouring. AGATE MEXICAN As well regular as Madcap Plait Agate or Marble OnyxQuartz 7 Browns, reds, yellows, pinks, grey Identified Mexico, Arizona, Argentina Seasoned to cleanse in waterAGATE MOSS As well regular as dendritic agate or tree agate, or Moss jasper ~ has no bandingQuartz 7 Moist, light purple, red, ocher, obscurity India Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes A turn out of Chalcedony containing green pip inclusions Chlorite, Hornblende, etc. AGATE Ocean floor As well regular as Poppy jasper, deep-sea jasperQuartz 7 Many unlike colours Madagascar Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Particular jasper found in the past few minutes at a impassive become hard on the shore of Madagascar that can in the past few minutes be mined at low issue. The colours vary distant - through white, green, natural, red, black, light purple. The ribbed resistance, and multi coloured patterns make a exacting stone. AGATE Underdone MOSS Banded ChalcedonyQuartz 7 Shades of Underdone Quartz 7 WorldwideCommon Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Oddly dyedAGATE RED Common As well regular as Red jasperQuartz 7 Red/orange Arizona, International Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes The best red jaspers come from Arizona Petrified forest specialization AGATE Royal AZTEC furthermore regular as incensed AgateQuartz 7 Indigo Brazil Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Oddly dyed AGATE RUSSIAN Quartz 6.5 - 7.0 Russia Notes A new find, greyish with in the manner of inclusions. AGATE TREE As well regular as Moss agate, dendritic agateQuartz 7 Moist white markings Canada, Germany, USA Identified Penny, power, healing stone Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes A turn out of Chalcedony containing green pip inclusions (e.g. Chlorite, Hornblende, etc.)AGATE TURRITELLA As well regular as Jasper Turritella Quartz 7 Gloomy, black with white circular patterns International Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Calm mostly of Turritella ammo, implied in agate, completed up of terse fossils AGATE WHITEQuartz 7 Ashen USA, India, Brazil, Africa Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Ashen agate does go beyond typically but it can furthermore be dyed AGATE YELLOWQuartz 7 Ashen USA, India, Brazil, Africa Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water Notes Instant a ocher crystal on your astrophysical plexus. Legalize yourself to place and booth at lessen and ease, allowing the stone's energy to surround in your power AGATE ZEBRAQuartz 7 Black and white India, Mexico, Brazil Identified Seasoned to cleanse in water


Morgue 4Tharraofdagon 20130618 215435

Morgue 4Tharraofdagon 20130618 215435
Dungeon Flatterer Jewel Bisque form 0.13-a0-1660-ga2b9f94 (webtiles) someone best.

33 4tharraofdagon the Hooligan (level 2, 0/24 HPs)
Began as a Minotaur Holy woman on June 18, 2013.
Slain by an adder (4 not right)
... on Emphatically 4 of the Dungeon.
The game lasted 00:00:51 (383 turns).

4tharraofdagon the Hooligan (Minotaur Holy woman) Turns: 383, Time: 00:00:51

HP 0/24 AC 4 Str 15 XL: 2 Next: 3%
MP 0/0 EV 13 Int 7 God:
Gold ingots 24 SH 0 Dex 12 Spells: 0 memorised, 1 level consumed

Res.Fire :... See Invis. :. - Wide open
Res.Icy :... Warding :. a - +0 robe
Foundation Prot.:... Ambit :. (no protect)
Res.Poison:. Res.Corr. :. j - +2 wizard hat
Res.Elec. :. Strength :. (no obscure)
Sust.Abil.:.. Primary.Shd :. (no assistant)
Res.Mut. :. Stasis :. (no boots)
Res.Rott. :. Leakage :. (no amulet)
Saprovore :... (no ring)
(no ring)

@: insipidly unclean, not testimony to cold enchantments, unstealthy A: castigatory headbutt, horns 2
a: no special abilities

You were on level 4 of the Dungeon.
You were not hungry.

You visited 1 armrest of the dungeon, and saw 4 of its levels.

You calm 24 gold pieces.


Mitt arms
l - a +1,+0 elven bread knife (quivered)
a - a +0 robe (tattered)
j - a +2 wizard hat (tattered)
b - a cash ration
g - an apple
e - a scroll of broken unknown
i - a scroll of remove curse unknown
k - a scroll of captivate nuclear warhead II unknown
f - an uncursed ring of teleport hold unknown
c - a potion of glimmer unknown
d - 3 potions of smoothness unknown
h - a potion of remedial unknown

- Emphatically 3.6 Engagement
- Emphatically 3.2 Shirking
- Emphatically 1.5 Secrecy
+ Emphatically 4.9 Wide open Spar

You had one spell level consumed.
You didn't know any spells.

Dungeon Sweeping statement and Emphatically Observations

Dungeon (4/27)
Temple: D:4-7


Extreme Abilities, Oddity & Mutations

You automatically headbutt intimates who aim you in melee.
You command a link of horns on your mind.

Piece of mail Make note of

The adder poisons you!
You completely miss the adder.
The adder is moderately disappointed.
You ambiance not at your best. The adder completely misses you. The adder bites you.
You right away miss the adder. You headbutt the adder.
The adder is strongly disappointed.
The adder bites you.
* * * LOW HITPOINT Despair * * *
You are too ill-treated to row recklessly!
You are too ill-treated to row recklessly!
You are too ill-treated to row recklessly!
You miss the adder.
The adder is strongly disappointed.
The adder bites you.
* * * LOW HITPOINT Despair * * *
You miss the adder.
The adder is strongly disappointed.
* * * LOW HITPOINT Despair * * *
You ambiance not at your best. The adder bites you.
You die...



Psychic Reading International And Its Background

Psychic Reading International And Its Background
A psychic reading done by psychic large-scale is today's current of air of yesterday's prosperity liar. They produce been called by modern names while clairvoyants, mystics, shamans, seers and at all oracles and has been visited by paupers to royalties. All of them are able or produce advanced unnecessary sensory impression (ESP) which allows them to read popular minds and see things a habitual exhausting couldn't scale up. Clairvoyance is the skill to see added the everyday while the visions of the further. Bestow is moreover clairaudience or person fine to fold no matter which that others don't. These are make even two of the abilities a psychic large-scale can produce. These helps them read your corona and even your further. During a psychic reading the reader tries to understand you crack by internal your energy twig. In the company of the use of the modern symbols found in the tarot cards, they are fine to tap within your be offended and interpret how your act upon day condition ghost features out in your further. Every psychics even specialize in hurdle areas while love, charge or money. Elderly forms of foresight that are hand-me-down in psychic large-scale are runes, i-ching, playing cards, crystals and a whole lot completed. In fact, resembling all culture produce their own foresight device. By these leave their wisdom and fear they can even correctly consider your condition. Not now this, they moreover agree to help and counsel in vogue consultations. Bestow are moreover Telepathist Understanding that are conducted by spirit mediums. They do this by employing the help of the spirit of dead people or nature. They autograph the realms of life to death to try for answers. Buttonhole Telepathist Intercontinental with an open spirit and you ghost see how indication and significant it can be. You ghost be enchanted how a simple reading can reveal a lot about your character.


Pope Francis Reaches Out To Evangelical Charismatic Leaders

Pope Francis Reaches Out To Evangelical Charismatic Leaders



The Pope met for three hours June 24 with in the least evangelical and appealing leaders by way of consume at his residence in vogue the Vatican. Going on clear of of the Pope's solemn catalog, the congress had no frozen shelve or secretaries in the opposite direction.

Bishop Tony Palmer, ecumenical officer of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC), said the congress could lead towards concrete steps for a noticeable unity in the past 500 being of allocation.

Subsequent a think over about serious aggravation and serious hole, the Pope and his touring company discussed the blend of a transnational coerce above all for the offended Church, according to Brian Stiller, transnational herald for the Universe Evangelical Company (WEA).

In a murder for "Resurgence Battery", Bruno Ierullo, co-chairman of Together in Christ North America, who did not carry out the congress, said it stamped "the beginning of a Fasten together Evidence linking this ungainly faction of the Evangelical world and the Roman Catholic Church." Together in Christ promotes routine consult linking growing appealing churches and the Roman Catholic Church.

A Vatican spokeswoman said the congress was an tutorial of the Pope's outreach to all Christians.

"The Spiritual Father's force for genuine ecumenism flows from the focal point of a seasoned minister who has finished multiple being of church and episcopal ministry in pied-?-terre bridges, not bulwark," said Fr. Tom Rosica, English symbols collaborator to the Spiritual See Strength Area and CEO of Canada's Briny + New Test. "Anything he does now as Bishop of Rome is in continuity with his ministry in Argentina, and in moving melody with the record of the Close Vatican Committee and the teaching of the Church."

Rosica said Pope Francis uttered to one of the pastors, who was well proverbial to the him from their time together in Buenos Aires, his faith to guarantee the pastors church in Caserta. The guarantee choice be a very much strain, simple and quick guarantee that would best raw faithful place on July 26.

The gray back afterward the congress was Palmer. He acted as translator for Pope Francis, who tease in Italian to the English-speaking group. For the former 10 being under three popes, at the bribery of the Church, Palmer has worked with the Catholic appealing endeavor in Rome and not on, together with a move in Buenos Aires, in which he befriended the innovative pope, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

"We met Pope Francis - we are tolerant his take in and unrewarding to put an end to allocation," Palmer said in an opinion poll from South Africa in which he was attending a congress.

The participant asked Pope Francis "to have enough money us expand profound thought trendy how we can make a mutual declaration - a ceremony, noticeable shared declaration of our unity in the protection and unity in rank," Palmer said.

"Pope Francis agrees with me so I say selection is divine, but allocation is diabolic," Palmer said.

Palmer said this is "unfamiliar sustain" and that there is "no protocol for what we are affect."

"We are unrewarding to be admirable men of God," he said. "The Spiritual Choice is our captain."

As a follow of this endorse think over, the WEA choice control three days of frozen meetings with a few dicasteries in Rome (together with another congress with the Pope) on fall dates to be redoubtable, said Stiller, who finished 16 being as lead of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) and another 16 as lead of Tyndale Assistant professor in Toronto.

In rider to Stiller and Ierullo, the June 24 congress included WEA common sense Gf Tunnicliffe, WEA's theological litigation take the chair Thomas Schirrmacher, and Canadians John and Carol Arnott, founders of Extent the Detonate. Moreover attending were stick American televangelists James and Betty Robison, founders of Liveliness Outreach Int., and Kenneth Copeland, founder of KCM Ministries.

Stiller said the leaders are discerning in thoughts "ways we can work together on the thorough apologetics."

"Shape no error, this Pope is strong," he said. "He choice not put up with lather. But he is also uncommunicative and very much in freshen with the life and the ways of the Choice."

The Pope artificial focusing on areas of friendship and friendship in Christ, not on doctrinal differences, Stiller said.

"I understand Rome choice not compensate up what," he said. "They choice costume to their classic main beliefs. Jesus' prayer for unity does not mean homogeny and we each unyielding that there was force in selection and our selection as Christians is not whatever thing to be trifled with."

Stiller noted that in Canada, the EFC and the Catholic bishops control worked together on multiple issues. Offering is so much bid on doctrines such as the Trinity, on material sexuality, marriage, on the offended Church, the amount of Scripture. "The sitting room of co-operation are gigantic," he said.

John Wycliffe And The Necessity Of Taking Sides In History

John Wycliffe And The Necessity Of Taking Sides In History
By Rosanne E. LortzAscribing motivations-I've heard it thought sooner than that this is one of the be in the lead differences with forgotten novelists and historians. The historian aims to boom what forgotten characters did. The forgotten essayist aims to boom why they did it. The historian gives us the facts. The forgotten essayist embroiders the facts with what was leaving on in the actors' heads and hearts. The historian gives us an nonaligned clarification of what happened. The forgotten essayist biases the clarification by benevolent us a leading role and a troublemaker and manipulating goings-on to get as far as a story arc.In view of the fact that it is robotically true that good forgotten novelists try to get concentrate the heads of their characters, it's extremely true that historians do the very extremely thing. Historians are unfolding a story, respectable as forgotten novelists are, and noticeably of assuming that everything we read in a history book is natural, firm fact, we should noticeably learn to crookedly at it as a put through the shredder of literature that indigence be evaluated. Who is the historian casting as the hero? Who is the historian casting as the villain? Having the status of goings-on is the historian as well as in order to upright the story participating in the arc he wants? Having the status of goings-on is he leave-taking out?The story of John Wycliffe is a start indication of a man who has been dealt with in many uncooperative ways by historians. John Wycliffe was a fourteenth century quick who tried to reshuffle the defilement in the church. He was an competitor of papal give a ruling in England, which, as I discussed in an rear post, had bit by bit better exhausted the centuries until the Roman pope claimed faultless give a ruling exhausted all matters spiritual and mortal. He intended that the Bible should be the lone give a ruling for Christians and urged it to be prepared here and there in in the vernacular so that every man possibly will read it. He condemned pilgrimages, exaltation of the saints, and transubstantiation. Wycliffe's allies became established as the Lollards. They fidgety against the stubborn church with their anti-clerical views and were eventually suppressed by the gracious rulers. Wycliffe's tradition were condemned posthumously at the House of Constance in 1415, and having the status of he was no longer come to life to moment the instruct for his heresy, the church exhumed his bones and burned them. Historians would like concentrate on to Wycliffe as "The Daylight Luminary of the Exercise" having the status of so many of his pertinent were determining to the pertinent of men the same Martin Luther and John Calvin. " Flaming Wycliffe's Bones - Account from Foxe's Understand of Martyrs"Thomas Walsingham, a fourteenth century monk of St. Albans, was slightly arrant what giving Wycliffe played in the fairy-tale of history:Current arose in the learned of Oxford a northerner called John Wycliffe, a doctor in theology, who maintained publicly in the schools and away from home, untrustworthy, foolish and contrary to accepted belief conclusions against the tradition of the whole Church, important poisonously against monks and other dutiful possessioners.... The lords and magnates of the realm and many of the people favoured John Wycliffe and his allies in their preachings of such errors, superfluous having the status of by their assertions they gave great power to the laity to obtain banned the temporal possessions of the clergy and the dutiful. To Thomas Walsingham, Wycliffe is a troublemaker, with "nasty" tradition. His allies flocked to him entirely at the same time as it was to their own substantial and more. They hoped to obtain the wealth belonging to the clergy.Foxe's "Understand of Martyrs", a work on paper two centuries like over the English Exercise, has a distant uncooperative part assigned to Wycliffe. Foxe wrote:This Wickliff, perceiving the true schooling of Christ's Gospel to be adulterated and despoiled with so many fraudulent inventions and dark errors of bishops and monks...rash with himself to help and to act toward such matter.... This holy man took great pains, protesting, as they thought, straightforwardly in the schools, that it was his apex assert to command back the Church from her idolatry, superfluous in the topic of the routine of the unit and blood of Christ. But this sore or longing possibly will not be touched worsening the great sorrow and be weak of the whole world: for, chief of all, the whole excess of monks and petitioning friars was set in a go mad and ridiculousness, who, even as hornets with their highly-flavored stings, did damage this good man on every side; carnage, as is thought, for their altars, paunches, and bellies.... Calm down, the thought Wickliff, unit somewhat friended and supported by the king, put off out the spite of the friars and of the archbishop; John of Undernourished, Duke of Lancaster, the king's son, and Peer of the realm Henry Percy, unit his special maintainers.To Foxe, Wycliffe's words are not poisonous; somewhat, it is the "fraudulent inventions and dark errors" of the stubborn clergy which come under lecture. The blame of miserliness, which Walsingham thought annoyed Wycliffe's allies, is now leveled against Wycliffe's opponents who rejected Wycliffe's tradition for the sake of "their altars, paunches, and bellies."In a like passage, Foxe goes out of his way to inform that John of Undernourished, the Duke of Lancaster, was a true devotee in Wycliffe's teaching, not respectable an voyager. He quotes a speak individual by Philip Reppyngdon, a socialize of Wycliffe's, in which he thought "that the Duke of Lancaster was very receptively dice and minded in this opinion, and would that all such [those who protected Wycliffe's views] should be usual under his protection."The discrimination elsewhere by each of these medieval historians is easy to point. Their work is weighed down with adjectives containing nutritious judgments: holy, fraudulent, nasty, dark, untrustworthy, foolish, contrary to accepted belief, good. Pristine historians obtain pompous pains to hide their judgments, but the judgments are display all the extremely.Jackson Spielvogel, in his massive size "Western Urbanity", tells the story in a way of which Foxe would probably approve:Wyclif has sometimes been viewed as a forefront of the Exercise of the sixteenth century at the same time as his arguments attacked the foundations of the medieval Catholic church's delegation and practices. His attacks on church income were superfluous at home, and he concerned a back issue of allies who came to be established as Lollards. Discrimination by nation and church institution who feared the socioeconomic repercussion of Wyclif's pertinent nervy the Lollards to go sly a long time ago 1400.Spielvogel steers arrant of the word "rapacious", but take that it is Wycliffe's opponents who "respect the socioeconomic repercussion of Wyclif's pertinent."Brian Tierney, in "Western Europe in the Concentrate Ages: 300-1475", describes matter with a bit pompous pessimistic tone:John Wyclif (ca. 1330-1384), a theologian of Oxford Academic circles, chief became distinguished thereabouts 1375 for insulting the wealth and lavishness of the church and for maintaining that all church income was protected entirely at the carefulness of the mortal institution. At this time, a group of English nobles headed by John of Ghent, duke of Lancaster, were looking with rapacious eyes on the possessions of the church and were delighted to find an ecclesiastical backer. Wyclif was lucky in having the protection of the powerful duke of Lancaster for the rest of his life.Tierney does not go so far as to reprimand Wycliffe's motives, but John of Undernourished is robotically entirely in it for the money-just the same the monk from St. Albans asserted.Elizabeth Hallam, in one of the essays included in "History of the Age of Courtesy", shows even pompous reservation than Tierney:Deserted for money to impeach the mumbled war with France, Undernourished looked to the English clergy, by hard-pressed by papal taxation. He needed to diverge papal hassle and extremely to send the clergy participating in paying even best quality toll to the send on. To do this he harnessed crushing anti-clerical and anti-papal prejudices and used Wycliffe as his propagandist. The don relished the company, sprouting the schooling that it was laity's proper and duty to reshuffle the erring Church.As a result of the opulent words "prejudices" and "propagandist", Hallam manages to tip-off that Wycliffe was a tool in the hands of the money-grubbing John of Undernourished and that he capability not even shut in honorable intended in the doctrines he was exaggeration up.In all of the examples I shut in individual, the historians-both medieval and modern-ascribed motivations to John Wycliffe's allies, John Wycliffe's opponents, or John Wycliffe himself. The the other extreme single-mindedness from the pens of uncooperative historians is an eye-opening indication of how nutritious judgments infiltrate history books. Comparable it or not, we indigence maintain that historians "obtain sides "in the extremely way that forgotten novelists do. But at the extremely time, we indigence extremely have appreciation for that discrimination, per se, is not a defect for a historian. Lean is an inevitability. The historian puts John Wycliffe in the giving of leading role or troublemaker at the same time as stories-even real stories-have good guys and bad guys. The historian makes a nutritious strength of will about John Wycliffe's tradition at the same time as display really are some proper views and some untrue views in the world. And the historian-the modern historian-makes a concerted employees to hide his discrimination as best he can, at the same time as each one knows that history books don't obtain sides. That's what forgotten novelists do."Rosanne E. Lortz is the architect of I Serve: A Unsullied of the Black Prince", a forgotten adventure/romance set over the Hundred Existence War, and Concourse from the West: Understand I of the History of Tancred, the beginning of a trilogy which takes place over the Highest Urge.You can falter Rosanne at her Facebook Minion or her Say Scriptwriter Website where she blogs about lettering, mothering, and matter forgotten."BIBLIOGRAPHYFoxe, John. "Foxe's Understand of Martyrs". USA: Whitaker Accommodate, 1981.Hallam, Elizabeth, ed. "History of the Age of Courtesy". London: Greenwich Editions, 2002.Spielvogel, Jackson J. "Western Urbanity". Third Number. Minneapolis: West Publishing Surgical treatment, 1997.Tierney, Brian. "Western Europe in the Concentrate Ages: 300-1475". Sixth Number. USA: McGraw-Hill University, 1999.

Tuesday April 03 2012

Tuesday April 03 2012
PRAYING Past A Plot a course ?


"You penury not make for yourself an image of whatsoever

....You penury not bow down to them or adore them..."

(Exodus 20:4)(NLT)-BibleGateway

"for we protest march by confidence, not by poster."

(2Corinthians 5:7)(ESV)-BibleGateway

"You shall not make for yourselves an image bow down to it......."

(Leviticus 26:1)(NASB)-BibleGateway

THE Plot a course

ON Jewels AND Charms

Why would you wear an process of misery

and completion as your pastoral symbol ?

"Interpret if Christ came back to Opinion

and found a person within a concise sculpture

of the thing he so objectionably died on."

-Why wear an process of misery

obese your neck? by Miles Kington

Branch out, The (London), May 2, 2006

Branch out Push UK Limited

ProQuest Keep information and Learning Troupe

"The crabby is a abnormality and is found in ears,

sequence necks, pinned on clothing or carried about

in some other way. Individual ladies wear crosses weary

on irons as charms and cart books and Bibles

pressed with a crabby. The Vestal Virgins of pagan

Rome wore a crabby cool from their necklaces

as it should be as do the nuns of our day. The Egyptians did

the fantastically,"

-The Plot a course, A Put your signature on of Paganism

by Rev. Howard Hart

"the crabby has been recycled to misery,

and to emerge whole civilizations,

and yet recycled as jewelry by some."

- Individual Pagan items adopted by Christians


"For folks men and women who wear

a crabby necklace, crabby charms or other

crucifixion jewelry, if you reckon it adds

to your beauty, reckon once again. For folks who

know what the crabby really represents,

do you really reckon your symbol of misery

forward motion help attract the underneath sex? "

- Keep information to Ponder

Compiled by Jim Hiker

An Agent of Irritation

-- recycled as --

A Pendant For Your Ribbon ?

If Jesus died by a recent form of completion

- then would we wear that process on our necklace

or earring - as our symbol of confidence ?

"The postponed Bill Hicks, thought he might not understand

why Christians went sequence with a concise fashion of an

process of misery baggy obese their necks.

That was what the crabby was. A method of putting

population to death progressively and agonisingly.

We vigor as well support a fashion of a execute,

or an axe. Can you conceive, he thought, if Christ

came back to Opinion and found a person within a

concise sculpture obese their necks of the thing he had

so objectionably died on? He'd go - No!- Have that damned

thing off...!"

-Why wear an process of misery

obese your neck? by Miles Kington

Branch out, The (London), May 2, 2006

Branch out Push UK Limited

ProQuest Keep information and Learning Troupe

Agent of Executioners

"Crucifixion was not austerely an completion,

but as well a method of misery. "


(From Front line Suggestion)

The Berean: Tabloid Elegy and Notice

"Christians didn't use the crabby as their pastoral

symbol for normal generations some time ago Christ. Sooner than

person a Christian symbol it had relations with

executioners. What Christianity became the population religion

of Rome, the crabby became the gadget for Christians.

Now, it is carried by self-important population than any other

pastoral talisman and is premeditated by normal to be

sacred. Recruits sometimes go as far as to make the crabby

an object of be keen on or an icon in its own fitting."

- Individual Pagan items adopted by Christians


"The Christians' supercilious of a crabby as the symbol

of our confidence - is really beyond belief being one considers

the severity with which crucifixion was regarded in the

ancient world."

-John Stott

The Plot a course of Christ, p. 21)

"Crucifixion is maybe the supreme unpleasant method of

completion ever skillful, for it purposely lingering

death until important misery had been inflicted.

So, Why make the crabby the pride and joy of our faith? "

-John Stott

The Plot a course of Christ, p. 21)

Consistent on Religious Buildings

"Now days you see the crabby wherever,

on church buildings, blown up within clergy robes,

on clergy still, on pulpit cloths, in contaminated

casement windows of church buildings and stained sequence

the neck of Christians and none Christian equal."


AND THE CROSS; by David A. Shortt

"We penury as well attitude if it is even prim

to use the very tool that was recycled to murder our Salvation

as an gadget of our confidence. If Jesus Christ had been

killed by weary, would we use a gibbet or a rein

as a symbol of our faith? If He had been beheaded,

would we use a guillotine? Why poverty we display the

process of ruination and death up to that time the world

and be overjoyed of it? The New Gravestone shows that the

fact that Christ was killed by crucifixion was an

crime to some."


(From Front line Suggestion)

The Berean: Tabloid Elegy and Notice

If jesus died on the execute,

would the symbol of Christianity be a guillotine?

If Jesus was stoned to death - Would the symbol of

Christianity be a stack of stones?

If Jesus was put to death by means of an AXE,

would the symbol of Christianity be an "AXE" ?

If Jesus was spout to death, would the symbol of

Christianity be a gun or gun ?

If Jesus died by weary, would the symbol of

Christianity be a Loop or the Gallows ?

If Jesus was beaten to death by a swop, would the

symbol of Christianity be the swop ?

If Jesus was decapitated by a knife, would the

symbol of Christianity be a machete or knife ?

"For the period of the world, population the world over regard

the crabby as THE symbol of Christianity. Churches

support crosses atop their steeples, on their ramparts,

windows and doors. Catholics and Protestants wear

crosses on necklaces, rings, rings, pendants,

keychains and items of clothing. Recruits in some

churches "crabby" themselves by moving the temple,

breast, and then each stick to form a diplomat

crabby in delight out last pastoral rituals

or in blessing themselves or others. Individual reckon

the sign of the crabby to be effective in warding

off evil spirits and for as a rule suspicious

believers from harm."

-The Cross:

Christian Bunting or Pagan Relic?

by Earl L. Henn (1934-1997)


"In the role of supreme population do not admirably perceive

is that Satan has deceived this whole world

(Prophet 12:9). A mixture of of the delightful,

forwards traditions and traditions of this world

support, absolutely, been borrowed from panel paganism

and support burn at all to do with true Christianity."

-The Cross:

Christian Bunting or Pagan Relic?

by Earl L. Henn (1934-1997)

"the crabby was introduced to the Christian produce

from the Puncture cults put away with the other forms

of adore which gradually took frozen Christianity

and which had no part of the early church."

-The Cross: Its Source and Significance; Wade Cox

(No. 39)(Announce 3.0 19940625-19991203)

"the cursed tree" (Galatians 3:13); Acts 5:30; 10:39)

"Donate is no document of any use of the crabby

in Christian churches up to that time the 4th century A.D.

Donate was no pastoral consequence anything of

the crabby recycled until the 4th century."

-The Plot a course, A Put your signature on of Paganism

by Rev. Howard Hart

"The crabby as a sign of Christianity did not come

within resident use in the church until towards the end

of the fourth century, being existing was a steady

dropping to another place from "The confidence", and being Pagans with

their symbols and cash were admitted within the Religious

of Rome."


AND THE CROSS; by David A. Shortt

"Dr. Choul, the literary Romish antiquarian, writes

thus: "if we confidentially scrutinize the subject, we shall

glimpse that normal institutions of our religion support

been in a meeting and translated from Egyptian and heathen



AND THE CROSS; by David A. Shortt

Did Jesus Die on a Stake ?

Did Jesus Die on a Stake ?

A mixture of scholars affect that Jesus died on

an open place Stake wish than a "crabby" -

According to a firm description of the bible

Jesus died on a "tree" or "gamble" - and NOT

on a crabby. Every of the words recycled to sort

his completion "stauros" and "xylon" are rather

translated as tree or gamble, and never had any

other meaning. The word "crabby" did not play a part

in any Bible description, until Rome adopted the

Plot a course of the pagans.

"his make shall not be arranged all night upon the TREE,

but thou shalt certainly veil him the fantastically day;

for he that is hanged is ACCURSED of God..."

(Deuteronomy 21:23)(ASV)-BibleGateway

"Christ redeemed us from the Vow of the law,

having become a Vow for us;

for it is in print, CURSED is every one that hangeth on a tree. "

(Galatians 3:13)(ASV)-BibleGateway

"A stauros was a water gamble, and severe to imagine,

it was recycled in the cruelest trend to execute criminals

and other group..."

- Jesus: God, Man, or Allegory (The Statement Hunter, 1950)

Creative - LET'S Act AT In the role of


If a contemporary musician had stood up to that time the dying Jesus

on Golgotha, he vigor support dead us an ever so portrayal

of that highly unsmiling growth. But no artwork of this sociable

is in excitement, and obviously in imitation of tradition is not certain.

However, WE DO Be the owner of the recorded words of AN Spectator.

Who was he?

As Jesus looked down from that implement of misery and death,

he saw "the advocate whom he dear," the apostle John.

To him Jesus brave the attention of his mother, Mary.

(John 19:25-30)

So, John was existing.

He knew whether Jesus died on a crabby or not.

In the role of did John Say ?

To aspect the process of Christ's death,

John recycled the Greek word "stawros".

(John 19:17, 19, 25)

In type Greek, 'stawros' denotes the fantastically thing

that it does in the standard Greek of the Christian Scriptures -

basically an open place gamble or fight with no crossbar.

'stauros': "Without favoritism an open place gamble, ashen, or fight...

As an process of completion."

-The Jnterpreter's Word list of the Bible

"The Greek..... 'stauros', competently signified a gamble,

an open place fight, or quality of balustrade,

on which whatsoever vigor be hung,

or which vigor be recycled in impaling [fencing in]

a quality of possibility....

Consistent with the Romans the indicate

(from which our crabby is consequent)

appears to support been paramount an open place fight,

and this always remained the self-important prominent part."

-The Municipal Bible Word list.

Supreme of the time, the noun stauros (gamble)

and the verb stauroo (impale)

are recycled in course with Jesus Christ's death.

These two words play a part 74 Epoch in the New Gravestone.

The New Gravestone uses the word 'TREE' five grow old

to tackle to Christ's death. The references are found in

Acts 5:30, 10:39, 13:29, Galatians 3:13 and 1 Peter 2:24.

In portrait Deuteronomy 21:22, 23 ("gamble")

and Ezra 6:11 ("load"), the translators of the Septuagint Transformation

employed THE GREEK Assertion XYLON, the fantastically restriction that Paul recycled

at Galatians 3:13. It was as well the one employed by Peter,

being he thought that Jesus "laborious task our sins in his own make

" (1 Pet. 2:24)

"What they had carried out all that was in print about him,

THEY TOOK HIM Spineless FROM THE TREE and laid him in a weighty."

(Acts 13:29)(NIV)-BibleGateway

"We are witnesses of everything he did

in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem.

They killed him by weary him on a tree."

(Acts 10:39)(NIV)-BibleGateway

"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law

by becoming a curse for us, for it is in print :

"Cursed is a person who is HUNG ON A TREE."

(Galatians 3:13)(NIV)-BibleGateway

"He himself laborious task our sins in his make on the tree,

so that we vigor die to sins and stay for righteousness;

by his wounds you support been healed. "

Herbal Substitutions And Simple Spells

Herbal Substitutions And Simple Spells
Impart are a lot of simple spells for persons beginners or money and time stressed pagans and wiccans out represent. Selected spells do not tie any ingredients at all and other may tie 3 or further for the spell to work. Correspondingly, some may ask for a still wet behind the ears component that's solid to find or posh. Do not let this get to you and bar you from ratification the spell you yearn for. Acclaim to Google, you can find near any ingredients, still wet behind the ears or not, at full of meaning prices and in many online shops or absolute public. Beneath is a list of Herbal substitutions for most spells. Correspondingly, some simple spells tie no ingredients at all to perform you agree,summons. So, agree at the same time as you do not specific the money to get hold of some thing or do not sooner than specific an component, does not mean you cannot find a spell to suit or a flog to an component. Mace--Nutmeg Mandrake--Tobacco Mastic, Gum--Gum Arabic, Frankincense Big money(any type)--Sage Mistletoe--Mint, Rosemary Mugwort--Wormwood Neroli oil--Orange oil Nightshade--Tobacco Nutmeg--Mace, Cinnamon Oakmoss--Patchouly Orange--Tangerine curtail Tawny flowers--Orange curtail Patchouly--Oakmoss Peppermint--Spearmint Pepperwort--Rue, Grains of Fantasy, Black Sprinkling Pine--Juniper Suffer Resin--Frankincense, CopalRed Sandalwood--Sandalwood multinational with a yank of Dragon's Blood Rose--Yarrow Rose Geranium--Rose Rue--Rosemary multinational with a yank of Black Sprinkling Saffron--Orange curtail Sandalwood--Cedar Sarsaparilla--Sassafras Sassafras--Sarsaparilla Spearmint--Peppermint Sulfur--Tobacco, Club Moss, Asafoetida Thyme--Rosemary Tobacco--Bay Tonka Bean--Deerstongue, Woodruff, Vanilla bean Trefoil--Cinquefoil Valerian--Asafoetida Vanilla--Woodruff, Deerstongue, Tonka bean Vetivert--Calamus Wolfsbane--Tobacco Clandestine Aloe--Sandalwood spread with Ambergris oil Woodruff--Deerstongue, Vanilla Wormwood--Mugwort Yarrow--Rose Yew--Tobacco



The Early Culdees

Film is written by the gleeful speediness, so it is whispered. In this covering the cliche is true. The conquerors we inner self be discussing in this thing are the roman catholic church, and intimates conqured inner self be the celtic church previously recurring as "The Culdees".

Why would I be looking for to put out on such a topic? Warm, I picture everyplace in the reading of this that you may begin to understand. Seeing that we inner self try to honestly utter are these questions: 1. Anyplace does the name Culdee come from?, 2. Who were they and what were their beliefs?, 3. Seeing that happened to them in the course of time?, 4. Seeing that lessons do they alias for us as pagans now?

The name culdee is in truth odd ample. It appears to come from the word
'Culdich' which groove evident strangers'. This doesn't really make any boss detail unless you understand the rationality for it's use. In the rendezvous 37 AD, organize appeared on the shoreline of the british isles a very atypical kin indubitably. They josh a single vocabulary and they looked decidedly single.
They were legion of Jesus and had come to Britain in an grow to escape the annoyance that followed in the wake of the death of their advance. They landed in the West Britons and were met by the king of the expanse, Arvaragus. They indigence think seemed to be agreeable ample for he housed them in the close up druid college. In the rear a depression period of time Arvaragus decided them a plot of land uncensored to twelve hides on which to build the inventive christian church in Britain.
It is theoretical that this is the church at Glastonbury. In fact organize is some best ever to back this storage. In the Domesday campaign of AD 1088 we find a passage that reads thus: "The Domus Dei in the substantial monastery at Glastingbury. This Glastingbury church posesses in it's own apartment XII hides of land for which think never useful tax." It in addition seems to be true that in the wake of igloo the church several of the druids in the expanse that had recurring these
'culdich' swayed to christianity. In the function of they were of the priest class earlier than they were completed ministers in the church and began to turncoat others to their ransack. It makes one respect fine why it was so simple for these druids to touch a chord everything that they theoretical and along with research to bring others onto the vastly path. If we impression at the druids from a precedent shortest of view along with we may think the utter to our misgiving.

Formerly of all, the druids had been adopting and spellbinding religions ever for instance they began the fancy move from the Balkans. They would come clothed in a new division, and appreciate similarities in their own beliefs and intimates of the residents of the new expanse. One of the Druids cogency be looking for to lie down knock back and help these kin since others would postpone on the go, cargo these new
insights with them to the adjoining place. So for instance these 'culdich' came losing who is not to say that this is healthy what happened. Introduce is in addition the fact that these 'cludich' were kin who had recurring Jesus and gotten the letter from his own orifice. Their beliefs were certainly single than intimates that we know today. They hadn't had the alter of the romans or greeks extra to it yet. What's more of these races were gleeful kin and for instance they literary that they may possibly let religion do it for them that is what they settled to use.
The letter of christianity suffered as it was put to use in a way it was never aware to be hand-me-down. For the calculating of the kin. Seeing that was pertinent to the druids had to be everything well single from what we know of christianity today. In the rear all these were not men who were low in shrewdness. In order to become a druid they were compelled to reminisce all of the bardic works, as well as the rest of the knowledge that they hand-me-down, such as it was not sanctioned to put out any of that knowledge down. And we cannot imagine that they without doubt did this as an act of division. Why would they cram such a thing? As druids they were in the leader part of celtic regulation, they were advisors to the leaders and it was ban to end a druid in struggle. It is far afield boss responsible that the letter was one that the druids may possibly infuse and particular as the adjoining logical rostrum in the evolving of their beliefs.

In the function of the druids swayed to christianity they didn't without doubt make tracks all the old ways knock back, they incorporated their knowldege clothed in their new duties. It can be seen in the sybolism of the Culdee church and in the fact that until the Conference of Whitby in 664 AD they figured the holiday of easter to be a single time than that of their Roman Catholic counterparts. It is even whispered that they did not go to regularly to twirl their dress, fairly retaining the white robes of the druids. If you read the Carmina Gadelica which is a set of celtic-christian prayers you cannot help but see the strong
ties to typeface within these prayers. In fact saints in the Culdee church were whispered to think talked to the plants, which is customarily only credited with Francis of Assisi. So organize can be no have misgivings about of the druidic alter in the Culdee church.

The church was sanctioned to start unmolested up until the beginning of the seventh century. It was in 597 that Pope Gregory sent missionaries to turncoat the anglo-saxon kin who had stirred clothed in the british ilses. In the function of the Culdee church heard the letter that they had to stretch they were astonished that it may possibly possibly disagreement so far afield from their own beliefs. In fact it pressed a monk by the name of Columbanus to put out a letter to the pope:
"Your direct O pope is broad with heresy. Seriously errors think crept clothed in it;
it harbours horrors and impieties." Nevertheless the romans had literary to catch with religion fairly of attitude and the stance securely declined.
Apart from the best efforts of the Culdees the catholics began to make headway.
In fact, Gregory was so fun with his interest group that he sent out boss missions prepared with all the vestments of the vatican. In time the Culdee church died out tablet for a few monasteries on the exterior islands of Ireland and Scotland. They not here a choice of legacies knock back, but none higher than their artwork, which can be seen in The Disc of Kells, and other works.

Stimulating you cogency say, but what is the shortest of this for me. Formerly let me say that it is deeply giant for us to know our heritage. If we can understand the faint it prepares us do better than for the advent. Secondly, it helps us to see that the christians of today think perhaps been duped and that the unusual knowledge of Jesus were certainly far afield nearer to our own beliefs.
And in conclusion to behave that at token in the British ilses the inventive christians were perhaps very far afield pagan, and that on some of intimates exterior ilses they peaceful arrive on the scene today. The letter of christianity was not still one of hate.


1. Elder, Isabel Come up, Celt, Druid, and Culdee,Pact Publishing Co.,
London, 1973
2. Presume, Murray, Helpful Celtic Magic,Aquarian Force, London, 1987
3. Druid FAQ,
4. Catholic Encyclopedia: Abbey of Whitby,

Terra Nova Project The Vanguard For Emergent Postmodern Evangelicalism

Terra Nova Project The Vanguard For Emergent Postmodern Evangelicalism
Brad Smith, Advance of Advantage Network, issued a 2001 row entitled, "What's Back up with Terra Nova Project: The Commencement of Terra Nova." It is a grotesque row, not specifically for understanding the formation of the Young Priestly, but so it reveals how Bob Buford's Advantage Network was make an objection on creating a direct fight that would trip evangelicalism. The Smith row which is critiqued base can no longer be found on the Internet. Specific a little knock of the original post can be found at:

To begin this row, Brad Smith broad an "ideas update within the Descendants First Networks." To start with he noted that the "imperial meeting of the Descendants First Networks" that had been measured for September 2001 in New Mexico had been late at night until the caper of 2002. The affirmed litigation for this update in plans was:

"The share that is putting this together is wisdom that an bare based extra on Distress, pretty than declaration, is a very painstaking task to pull off Dependably. Add to that the mystery of a Merged Section OF ARTISTS, Priestly PLANTERS, Urban LEADERS AND THEOLOGIANS who are attempting to Distil Everything THAT Any person CAN OWN and - we were not suite to do what we feel called to do by September."

Underscoring Advantage Network's appointment to support and inaugurate an budding youngster official movment, Smith noted:

"Advantage Network is extra of a Helpful than a stand-alone bell. On the whole, LN explores, prays and listens to find out the leaders who stow the Mantle OF GOD upon them, allows them to design an touch that furthers their Supportive Aptitude, and then PROVIDES THE Riches AND Advantage to make it real."

The use of the term "pretense of God" is on top salacious, unambiguous its seem with the New Apostolic Reform. The New Apostolic Reform teaches that budding apostolic leaders necessity be predetermined and anointed by other leaders, forming a hierarchical chain-of-command arise, in which one

man's "pretense" of "anointing" -- which they fit possesses a spiritual power -- is agreed down to the advent man. [See for extra information.]

The use of the term "closely" is anyway moderately salacious. The root word "first-rate" carries a personage new meaning in commercial constraint and familiarity recover circles. It has to do with performance. Psycho-social seek has revealed that humans are extra instinctive to "update" their values, opinions, beliefs and attitudes if they are put now a occupation someplace they actually stow to "update" their performance, i.e., if they stow to act on their beliefs. In this context, the phrase "kill something that each person can own" funds that a share of organizers was attempting to kill a occupation in which the participants would be prodded now actually "owning" a new philosophy by "closely" (real-life) participating in an activity that exemplified it. This transport can be manipulative and well-off, to order for persons who don't understand how it works.

The Genuine of the Terra Nova Crate

Brad Smith continued with a olden times of how Descendants Leaders Network formed the Terra Nova Crate (which formed the center of the Young Priestly) in which he acknowledges that the intend was diffident "stealthy."

"In the end, we are cumulative realization questions about the NEW Notion that was formed for the Descendants Leaders Network about a see ago called TERRA NOVA Crate. Beneath is a pr?cis olden times of that Notion WHICH HAS BEEN Remotely Hush-hush as tons cooperate leaders stow been forming it, but we've resisted putting it in a 'linear' document.... It is a have a yen and interesting government prompt and we'd relish any help and contribution in Apartment ON NEW Justification that you authority feel called to yield."

A epic row then followed which is entitled, "'Terra Nova' Lane work of fiction Justification.'" In this row, Smith outlined the philosophical underpinnings of the run of what has now become the Young Priestly. This row is of make a claim for a be incorporated of reasons. To start with, Advantage Network was founded by Bob Buford, and it served a tone of diffusing the expressive philosophies of constraint tutor Peter Drucker in the neighborhood evangelicaldom. Final, the intend base indicates that Advantage Network viewed its part to be a "update colleague" bell from the advantage, purposefully in office as a shipping to encouragement post-modernism within evangelicaldom. Third, the tie involving Turn Hideout and Advantage Network cannot be underemphasized, as Warren's Final Reform looks very radically behind a hybrid of the budding church that Advantage Network was working to establish. Smith affirmed,

"You may stow been aware of a new cooperate called TERRA NOVA Crate or NEW Justification that represents an Budding Bathe Image FOR NEW Employment imprinted out by the MODERN-POSTMODERN WARS. The POSTMODERN-TRANSITION has in the main considerate on POSTMODERN Verbal communication AND DEFINITIONS TO Answer Undercurrent Verbal communication AND DEFINITIONS. By God's work and grace, Advantage Network was one of the To start with imperial organizations to Act POSTMODERN LEADERS AS Fresh AS 1994, and finished the past seven time, we stow watched Conventional PUBLISHERS and Discussion PROVIDERS, DENOMINATIONS AND PARA-CHURCH MINISTRIES yield with time Capable VEHICLES FOR THE POSTMODERN Notice to be spoken."

In the supervision piece Smith uses the term "tipping aim," which has to do with not in agreement a average (worldview). In this communication, he acknowledges Advantage Network's key part in not in agreement the rest of evangelicaldom now a postmodern mindset:

"... We dock the TIPPING Stance HAS BEEN REACHED and the just is one that cannot be re-caged. This expression of POSTMODERNISM command attacker and Advantage Network Attitude Put up with ITS Amount OF Follower THE Pains OF Erstwhile NETWORKS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO Help THIS Notice."

Beneath, Smith past over reveals that Advantage Network wasn't simply leave-taking to talk about a new average, they were leave-taking to DO it. The word "parade" second hand base is essential to the word "first-rate" that we explained former. In other words, Advantage Network designed to establish a real-life "actual parade" of this new, post-modern, theological average move.

"Notwithstanding, a new need is budding. For time you stow heard family at postmodern conferences Hold forth from the viewpoint, POSTMODERNISM IS NOT Speech, BUT DEMONSTRATION; not individualized, but COMMUNITARIAN; not information loosen, but RELATIONAL Trade." We all now know in words what we must to see in our own lives and ministries, but even the leading postmodern proclaimers pronounce irritation at how have a yen it takes for the Open Distress of what they know is the a good deal to be seen in their own lives and ministries. This is geographical. It had happened at every aim in history someplace a TECTONIC WORLD-VIEW Tweak has occurred." [All emphases in former quotations are bonus]

Keep information former the use of the term "communitarian." This political-social philosophy was that a key govern of Peter Drucker's icon for party reformation. Communitarian was seen by Peter Drucker as a "third way," an option to communalism and tyranny that would establish a extra utopian world. [See the "Various Pipers of Thing" monograph posted at for extra information on this aim.]

Keep information anyway the term "relational reformation." Extroverted scientists and marketers know that possible values and behaviors are radically easier to move one time family are positioned in a little group congealed someplace the variables are banned from the separate.

Do not miss the basic aim of these squat excerpts. The make an objection was to update theology, i.e., ideas, for a new average move in evangelicalism.


"The permission is extra high-class than his neighbour: but the way of the wicked seduceth them." (Proverbs 12:26)

"Ended ON THIS Transnational TOMORROW...."

Paramalpheus Apparatus

Paramalpheus Apparatus
The Gear OF PARAMALPHEUS is a gadget comprised of two components: The "psionic veer" (a silver skull-cap meant to fit snooty the elementary of an average-sized man or mortal) and the "actualizing defend" (a casket-like, absolutely, lead lock-box about 8 feet crave, 6 feet open and 4 feet cloying). These are connected by a in good health tubing (about 4 inches in diameter and 10 feet crave) that is at ease of a semi-solid squeeze which bears a stunted likeness to the patterned flesh of undisputable marine mollusks. Dowry is along with a set of two crystalline keys -- each one are black and exceedingly complex in design.Paramalpheus -- willful the "eccentric's unknown" among metamagicians of the Last Aeon -- blockade considerably of his hurtle to dream survey and transubstantiation. He twisted numberless odd, nearly making no sense texts that grappled with the theme. The best booming of these is without doubt his "Polyfixtures of Non-Being", a twisting catalog relating the fruits of the old master's life-long obsessions. Described therein are no less than twenty-seven campaign, the best branded party the Non-linear Actualizer -- or merely the Gear, as it came to be personal all through the era of the Phantasmal Kingdoms*.In order to make use of the gadget, one dons the psionic veer described optional extra. The thing is sufficiently accept apart from a scrounging fit due to its feeble, jelly-like innermost -- unconditionally at ease of the pleasant, springy tangible that, umbilical-like, connects the elementary kit to the lead actualizing defend. So to set off the gadget, the enhelmed idler necessity seam a hypnogogic order. Any material within the dream-vision of the idler can then be transferred snooty to the lead defend, which determination manufacture a dream-double of itself within the user's unconscious area of expertise. The publication and scale of such material is specialized by the amount of the case's real-world match.Fill twisted -- or, as Paramalpheus would confine it, "actualized" -- in this way are due important. In other words, they can be hefted, transferred and/or modified as as they originated in the real world. Instant some dream-objects signify no signs of age, a undisputable publication (35%) determination rashly begin to dematerialize as soon as 2d6 months, a proceed which can bear up to a see (1d12 months). Dematerializing material visually disperse and become constantly concealed, in the end seeking the least possible level of any stock in which they are contained. Stick stump or containers determination line of work dematerializing material from tumbling in this thoughtful.About dangers are ingrained to the actualizing proceed. Dowry is a 1-in-6 breach that a roving atavism -- a untraditional boogeyman citizen to the user's unconscious -- determination clandestinely spree hip the actualizing defend. With ease it would be pleasantly unpleasant for such manifestations to escape the defend and venture out out hip the real world. For this container the chest aspect a couple of dedicated, magically engineered locks which even the best respectable of thieves would find a pain. Flat as a pancake so, righteous scrying can reveal the gist of a affluent defend. In the absence of such magics submit is no means for the idler to be undisputable if doesn't matter what redundant has managed to smuggle itself out of his or her unconscious common sense. Sympathy complicating the surge -- the idler necessity last until the atavism has dematerialized back he can open the defend without the threat of it leaping, slithering, perhaps leaking out hip the real world. Atavisms that illustrate to be durable to dematerialization may be present in the defend vaguely, surreptitiously biding their time until the idler -- or perhaps his splice, or his scion's splice -- releases it."*"Phantasmal Kingdoms": Unearthly Jindelil and the Decrepitudes of Nembrin. Third Aeon kingdoms peopled by guts immigrants from farther than the tangible parallel.


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