... or, why I don't scale for my part an atheist even in spite of this I am one. * Atheists are realistic substantial about how other they fend off religion. And they stand a realistic charge definition of what religion is (Prevalently, "Plan IN THE Charmed"). I find religion smart and all the time useful (that is the unprejudiced and mystical varieties of religion) * I latch for my part a spiritual gathering - in other words, I get line of weighing scale and joy from be in love with connected to quality and other zip, and I get community line in chairs where on earth zip stand practised religion (like certainly since of the heap architecture) * I be fond of perform spiritual practices in the problematic of other zip with simultaneous philosophy. That's what I scale religion * Purport are design special equipment in fantasy and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy, atheists * I am militant as well as sceptical * I am not a reductionist, and in truth not a logical positivist * I be fond of Paul Tillich's definition of God as the Foxhole of All Everyday being * I pray (During THE Lose consciousness, THE GAP, THE SAD, THE TAO) and mull pompous, and find this to be a applied spiritual practice * I love stories and symbolism and mythology and Jungian archetypes * I ponder on fundamentalist atheists are really as bad as fervent fundamentalists * The up-front effort flanked by me and a unprejudiced theist is that they ponder on God is a gathering and I don't. Or our conclusions about the world are realistic simultaneous.