As countless readers decision know, St. John's Eve is a deep time for hoodoosparticularly in New Orleans. St John's Eve waterfall on the night of June 23rd, the early evening or else St. John the Baptist's Day. The infamous voodoo queen of New Orleans, Marie Laveaux(1794-1881), used to draw unrefined and strident voodoo ceremonies on the night of June 23rd on Marshland St. John. This meeting I did everything similar. I went down to a place not far from me everywhere three rivers dash. It was a place of power in Archaic Britain. Archaeologists unearthed a woodhenge at the harden. It would stand been a shape place everywhere spirits were invented and magick was performed. A particularly deep time would stand been the summer solstice, which waterfall tough to St. John's Eve. In the role of at Stonehenge, this woodhenge would stand been twisted to thorough algebraic calculations so that the midsummer sun blazed its light with a leg on each side of the altar stone. There's emptiness not here to see of this woodhenge, but the string nonetheless has a powerful feeling. Highly, I took my Vox busking amp, a mic and stand, and an exciting guitar with me to the woodhenge site yesterday early evening. And I played some of my voodoo blues tunes to the melodious waters and to an turn off of appealing nature, a fox, and a duo of deer.