Psychic Hern Spontaneous Regression And Your Phobia

Psychic Hern Spontaneous Regression And Your Phobia
Where Does Your Phobia Come From?

Do you know the difference between a fear and a phobia? That's right, fears and phobias aren't the same. A fear is the result of something that happened to you. For example, if you were bitten by a dog as a child, you might have a fear of dogs. A phobia is an irrational fear. It's a fear that's not based on any real event. For example, let's say you are afraid of the ocean, but you never had a near-drowning experience. So how can you be afraid of something that's never caused you harm? Many phobias have their origins in PAST LIFE EXPERIENCES. My wife and I learned this firsthand!


One night, my wife and I were out driving and I was feeling hungry. I wanted to have a meal at a meat and potatoes kind of restaurant. Where I live, there is a great Amish place that serves a hearty meal. Of course, I wanted to go there. My wife, on the other hand, didn't. That's because she has a phobia of Amish people. Being in the restaurant parking lot was making my wife anxious, but because I was hungry (and feeling a bit selfish) I wanted to go inside. Once I was able to calm her down, we were able to go inside the restaurant. But I could tell that BEING THERE MADE MY WIFE REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE.


As I said before, my wife has a phobia of Amish people. Before that night, we never knew why. It was pretty bad. If you have ever met an Amish person, you know that they are really nice. Yet my wife was so unnerved by them. She'd even close the blinds when they came over to care for our lawn!


At the table, I watched my wife zone out. It was as if she were in a trance. When she "returned," she told me she thought she had just experienced a spontaneous past life regression. Now, past life regressions can happen anywhere, but most commonly, they happen under hypnosis. My wife was experiencing hers in an Amish restaurant of all places! When I asked her what she saw, she said there were people dressed in dark clothing chanting "Kill her. Kill her." She realized she was the one they wanted to kill. She was being tried as a witch! It seemed like something out of a movie, but it wasn't a movie. It was her past life!

Here's what's interesting: Amish people didn't hang witches! What was triggering my wife was their dark clothing. She saw people dressed in simple, dark, old-fashioned clothing and she was taken back to an experience she had in a past life. After all these years, my wife finally understood where her phobia of Amish people came from. She felt relieved. Now she is much more comfortable around Amish people. She doesn't close the blinds when they come over to mow the lawn! A lot of things in her life were starting to make sense, and it was all because of this spontaneous regression in an Amish restaurant.

Do you have any irrational fears or phobias? I can help you get to the bottom of them! Call me and we can DIVE INTO YOUR PAST LIFE EXPERIENCES TOGETHER!



The post Psychic Hern: Spontaneous Regression and Your Phobia appeared first on California Psychics Blog.


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