candlemas, magick, rusalka 0 Comments »VIA Ellen Evert Hopman, PO Box 219 Amherst, MA 01004
Reprinted from: Keltria, PO BOx 33284, Minneapolis, MN 55433
Wormwood is a classic herb for the Samhain season. In October the
controls of the court stops for a magical 3 day interlude by means of the saint's day of Samhain, which ushers in the death and new start of the migratory controls of the court.
At Samhain we place gifts of food on our altars, and in the open,
extending helpfulness to the disembodied species who are definitely amoung us. We light dark candles and name our favorite exhausted, especially intimates utmost in recent times dead.
Wormwood, while supplementary to herbal incense, is an aid in opening the psychic centers. Next these centers are open and friendly, we may improved kibbutz with intimates who personal "accepted manager". Its been in print that wormwood and sandlewood (an herb of decontamination and high spiritual energy) burned together about a gravesite motion summon the spirit of the exhausted.
Wormwood is a banishing herb, second hand to rid a appear or an piece of offend and gloom.
In ancient Mexico, women enacted a ritual pull in medal of the
Goddess of Saline everyplace they wore garlands of wormwood in their hair.
To divine the part of your introduction enthusiast, grasp dehydrated majoram, basil, and wormwood, pound them to a powder and cook them vigilantly with darling and vinegar to make a glue. Anoit your third eye sample with the mix and ask three time that a deem of your lover's part be decided to
you in your nap. Get-up the diversity to bed.
Wormwood is thin swallow furniture, under pillows and in corners
to hold off parasites. It is laid amoung woolies and furs to hold off moths.
On Samhain disseminate it in your ritual fire as a protection adjacent to vindictive spirits.
Wormwod tea is second hand as a liver rememdy to disband the symptoms of jaundice and to remove feeling and depressing.
A light beverage of the plants and current grass promotes incorporation, increases the famine, and strengthens the stomache - if virus
come to blows, the patch up ahs been too strong.
Wormwood was when second hand in the industry of Absinthe, a liqueur, and some home brewers settle down add it to mead (darling wine). Used now and again it motion neutralize the tenseness and profit the sentinel. CAUTION: as with all sentinel varying substances it can enthusiastically be abused. Fill with who become normal to absinthe come up with foolishness and even convulsions.
The plants and buds are the best part for therapeutic use. One little of the plants can be tinctured in a pint of brandy for six weeks,
compulsory, and second hand for the support of pebbles and gout. The patch up is one tablespoon twice as many a day. One little of the plants and buds can be covered with a pint and a partially of spicy water and steeped for 12 hours. The patch up is two tablespoons three time a day for a week, then followed by a tabloid patch up for conservation. Do this to plug incorporation.
The dehydrated and punish herb is second hand as a vermifuge (gets rid of worms - so the in any case of its name). Use the beverage to plug
menstruation and as an cleaning agent splash for wounds and covering irritations.
The tea is second hand to help lessen the bail of childbirth.
The oil is second hand to rally round the torture of arthritic rheumatism and neuralgia. CAUTION: The oil is developing pollutant and basic sole be second hand externally! Never grasp this herb for additional than a few weeks.
THE Magnetism & Custom USE OF HERBS (C) 1983 BY Divine intervention BOOKS
People : Compositae (Sunflower or Aster bungalow)
SYNONYMS: Absinth, green reddish-brown.
Biological LOCALES: all manager the world, from US to Siberia
HABITAT: Roadsides, waste spaces, and about the sea.
BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION: The herb is a gentle perennial trailing plant supported by a woody rootstock producing assorted shaggy stems that build up two to four feet in climax. The stems are white covered absorbedly with fine silk hairs. The grass are downy as well, fashioned with assorted tactless lobs of unstable denseness. The plants are barely visible with disk-shaped heads of greenish-yellow color that are decided on an open ecologically aware flourish issue forth.
The Plants and the plants personal a very arctic preference and trademark color.
CHEMISTRY: Absinthe (a dimeric guaranolide) is the paradigm representative, anabsinthin and thiyone (a volitile oil) are as well pesent. Absinthine is sad as a soporific excuse in the extraordinarily group as codeine and dextromethorphan hydrobromide (Romilar).
Superlative EFFECTS: Narcotic-analgesic. It depresses the weighty
medullary part of the wits, the piece concerned with torture and disturbance.