Magickal Gardening

Magickal Gardening

Otherwise known as

Gardening the Witchy Poo Way...

Over the years, I have collected some truly wonderful Magical Gardening Tips, from books, friends, and on-line. These that I share with you now, are a small smattering of that compilation. And, no...I do not follow all of these. I do what I can, what makes the most sense to me, and I don't sweat the small stuff too much!

I am a Mama, (living all by myself, just me and the kiddos); with a whole lot of different interests of which gardening is only one. So I am lucky, happy and grateful if I can keep my yard fairly decent, with lots of pretty flowers, some herbs, and whatever vegetables I get in the ground each year. And, I do try to accomplish more and more each year, according to what is going on in our lives at the time. I just try to do my best with no stress, no worries!

I am passing this to you, is in the hopes that if you may find something that you like. Take what you need, and leave the rest. Enjoy!

My Garden Story...

I had the loveliest day playing with my children in our yard today. The garden is bursting forth with bountiful life right now. I have bushes of glorious flowers, and my perennial herbs are doing magnificent...not that there are that many of them!

You see, I have been a bit of a lazy gardener so far this year. My garden is still full of Winter and Early Spring weeds, and my lawn is a mess. I haven't gotten any of my Summer Vegetables into the ground yet. (High on the list of To Do's) The only plants and herbs that are thriving are my trusty yearly friends. However, I can't complain; they are magnificent. I am also very easy to please. I see the beauty in the smallest things, and tend to block out the other. (Like the weeds and bushy grass! Ha!)

While I am not on my game this year, there have been years where I have done much better. Last year I had a modest crop of corn, three varieties of tomatoes, Mint, Lavender, Cilantro, Sage, Thyme, Basil and Oregano. I didn't get my melons in last year, but they are another favorite of mine. I'd also like to add some potatoes, garlic and onions this year, at least. I would also like to try my hand at some lettuces, kale and spinache, when it comes time for their season.

I also LOVE flowers. (I have worked in four different flower shops and one flower farm) so you could say that I have a passion for them.)a passion for them.) My favorites each year, all year, are my Red Cluster Geraniums. (No, that's not their real name!), Pink Jasmine, my Red and White Camellia Bushes, and my Red Bottle Brush Tree. Then I have Zinnias, Morning Glories, Sun Flowers, Marigolds, and a cast of others, that come and go seasonally, as I have seeds for them, or not.

Magical Gardening Tips...

*Magical Planting

Planting is guided by the Moon, as is much of a Witch's life. Herbs that contain their usefulness in seeds, leaves and flowers are planted during the Waxing Moon. Root crops should be planted when the Moon is on the Wane, during the third, or last quarter.

Some Witches, who follow the movement of the Moon through the Zodiac, will plant herbs only during the moist and fertile times. The best time to plant these are while the Moon is is the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Capricorn.

Trees, as they are perennials and must develop strong roots to remain alive, are planted during the Waning Moon; and the best time of all is after the last quarter, but before the New Moon.

Flowers, or those herbs specifically valued for their blossoms, such as Lavender, should be planted when the moon is in her increase, (the first quarter is preferred) and in the sign of Libra for delicious fragrance and beauty. If abundance is more the concern, then plant flowers when the Moon is in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

If you have followed the above procedures, the day of planting, should fall upon the day after the first quarter begins. This means that one week remains to finish the above ground planting.

Naturally, if you are planting by Moon Signs, you need to adjust accordingly, to correspond with the correct phase of the Moon and the desired sign.

With care time and magick, your garden will blossom into life.

Magical Pruning and Weeding...

There are specific rules set out for cutting and pruning your Magical Garden. All pruning should be carried out during the decrease of the Moon. Hedges, should always be trimmed from East to West, following the Sun. Prune trees in a clock-wise direction, as you go around them.

Mid-Summer Lore...

Almost every Witch knows at least one or two tidbits of Mid-Summer Gardening lore. It is considered the best time to harvest many Summer herbs, on either Mid-Summer's Eve or Morn. St, John's Wort being the most famous of these herbs. It is also told that washing one's face with the dew collected from the St. John's Wort Herb, in the Dawn of Mid-Summer Morn; will help to keep one's skin youthful and beautiful.

It is also said that if you cut Thistles after Mid-Summer, then your garden will sprout two for every one that you pull. This practice actually makes a lot of sense, because by Mid-Summer, the plant is at the peak of growth, and probably producing seeds. So it seems prudent to get rid of them earlier in the season.

Other Interesting Tid Bits...

This is one that I have read, but certainly do not practice, and I don't know anyone who does. It is said that

there are strict rules about sharing your Magical Herbs with a friend. You are never supposed to give someone half a plant. Therefore, if a friend asks for say, a sprig of Rosemary; you are supposed to change the subject and walk away. (Can you imagine?)

If the person truly wants it, they are supposed to steal a piece of it from your plant. Evidently that is supposed to keep the plant healthy. (However I doubt it would keep your friendship healthy!)

Once a month, after the herbs are full grown, on the night of the Full Moon if possible; walk out to the garden and draw a circle in the ground around the plant with your knife. Draw clockwise, and make sure that the ends of the circle meet. This helps to seal the power into the plant. It also created a sympathetic link, for later when you will be using the herb for Magical Purposes, within the Magick Circle.

Also, go out at night, when the plants are rejuvenating and basking in the Moon's light, and feed them energy and talk to them. Witches have known the value of this practice eons before modern man caught on! Doing this regularly creates an energetic bond between you and your plants.

One last note: to ensure that the destructive pest population is kept down, keep a large frog or toad in the garden. Give him a toadish name, and talk to him often. He is your Magical Garden Familiar, or Mascot if you will. Give him plenty of water, and maybe a mate; and he should stay and serve your garden well.

I have oodles and oodles of these great Magical Gardening Tips to share; but as for tonight, I am one tired Witchy Mama! I would love to hear from any of you, who may have some more of these kind of tips, or natural pest deterrents that you might share with me. :) Good night ~Danae

P.S.~ My handsome little garden helper today was my 5 y/o son, Jeremiah Donovan.


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