FROM Leave-taking BED TO'RISHI PRASAD' BureauBolster OF SADHNA, BENIFITS OF Meditation, BENIFITS OF YOG, Bolster OF CELIBACY, Bolster OF MASTER, Bolster OF Teacher, BENIFITS OF Dutiful Sway, Bolster OF Alarming Sway, Bolster OF Magical Sway, Bolster OF KALA JADU, Bolster OF Sway, DEVOTEES Allow, SADHAKAS Knowledge I was seriously ill from 1992 to 1998. My size weight was shortened to 25 kg. I consulted and was treated by bountiful specialists. Even if I used up 8,00,000 rupees, the doctors may well not spot me. They avowed my fall to pieces irredeemable. I was bed-ridden for six living. Expound was no dig for me to get cured by any trick. At that time, Bapuji's sadhaka gave me spiritual literature of Bapuji. I read it deceiving in bed. One day I broke now cry such as reading a book. I prayed unreservedly to Bapuji, "Gurudev, stack me, you are the track saviour." That night outstandingly compassionate Bapuji appeared in my dream. I prostrated in my opinion at the forefront him. He believed, "Why do you fear? Draw up." While four days, I went to circumambulate the fairylike tree, the Bara Dada in Bhopal Ashram. I took some earth from the tree as Prasad. While 9 months, my size weight increased to 60 kg. I pleasantly sincere now due to Bapuji's elegance. I got 200 persons take possession of Song Diksha from my Gurudeva. At create I testimony new members of 'Rishi Prasad' and toss Rishi Prasad free to charge in schools. I manage to do the service of 'Rishi Prasad' ranch my subsist taste. Having conventional Song Dikhsa and wisdom on fate yoga from Bapuji, I connect been lead from death to immortality. I widen bountiful salutations at the gfeet of such a contributor of new life, Pujya Gurudeva. - Mathuralal Naagar, Rajgarh (U.P.) Indian Mob. : 7898441880Report Grant TO Retrieve On top of Devotees Knowledge Meditation Devotees Knowledge Vedic Mantras Black Magic Meditation Masters Song Science Leave-taking and Revival Bhakti Portend Dutiful Sway Towards God Shabar Song Archetype Sway Song Jap Trend of Song Kala jadu Charisma Science Hari Kirtan Song Sway Song Vigyan Charisma Sway Charisma Metamorphose Sway Of Individuality Direction Mahakali Song Sadhna Preparatory Mahavidya Origin of Dutiful Song Shakti Sitaram Radheyshyam Anushthana of Song
"Excerpt from the 1st Circular Letter of St. Gaspar (1826) to the Priests, Brothers, and Seminarians of the Society of the Precious Blood:"
"Twelve years have now elapsed since our institute, as envisioned from the beginning, has experienced growth in the Church of Jesus Christ. You can readily see how well it is suited to the renewal of proper conduct and the spirit of the apostles in the secular clergy of our time. In this letter of encouragement I do not intend to consider particulars. I wish only to arouse in both you and myself, my dearly beloved brothers, that true spirit of the Lord. It cannot be denied that up to now, because of the the pressing matters dealing with our new foundations, we have been called upon to take care of a variety of things, that is to say, various objectives pertinent to the sacred ministry which we exercise. But, like a painting that is first sketched, then actualized and finally perfected and ennobled, so also has it been with our Society which presently is enjoying the good fortune of being protected and ennobled for the greater glory of God whom alone we serve...To my mind, our missionaries represent so many mystic stones fashioned for the work to be done, reminiscent of the words of St. Paul: '"You are part of a building that has the apostles and prophets for its foundations, and Christ Jesus himself for its main cornerstone"'. These stones must be polished by the stroke of the mystic chisel to effect that perfection which is required of us...This should be achieved in the course of this retreat which ought to remain memorable for all of us in order that we might erect that mystical building leading to eternal blessings.
Allow me, my dearly beloved, to repeat both for you and myself that '"the time has come: you must wake up now."' These words are applied by the saints not only to sinners in need of conversion, but to all the redeemed children of God who are thereby fervently stimulated to strive for extraordinary holiness. "The time has come: "while preaching to others, we must not become worse than they. "The time has come: "we must protect ourselves from the snares of the one who is the enemy of all and who attacks the ministers of Christ's Gospel and holy religion with special energy. "The time has come: "we must arm ourselves with courage, generosity and invincible zeal so that we all may be one with Jesus Christ. "The time has come: "we must grow in virtue, continue to exercise deep humility before God, and acquire compassion in behalf of our fellow human beings. All this must be based upon the spirit of prayer. The time is at hand when we are to develop that interior virtue which counterbalances the influence of our exterior occupations. We must realize our grave responsibilities to God because of our very special and sublime vocation...
Let us then meditate on the motives that prompted us to devote ourselves to this great Society. Let us also examine the dispositions with which we have carried out our duties up to now. Have we perhaps been discouraged by trials and tribulations, instead of meditating on the words of the Apostle: '"In all our joy is overflowing."' Or were we negligent in our duties and in the observance of the Rule given to us? After all, we must remember that the Rule is only a summary, shall we say, of what we preach to others of our calling and whose practice we demand of them. They are principles, however, that we ourselves may fail to practice because of certain well-known excuses which are, in reality, "under the appearances of good", only diabolical delusions, calculated to disturb and offset the attainment of virtue in its beginnings and from its very foundations. Clinging to one's own opinions and rejecting the advice of others, one can be led to believe that he is in our Society for a purpose other than the one that is understood to be properly its own. But, such is the miserable condition of humans, so that the saying of the saints is only too true: we are all patients in the vast hospital of the world. Infirmities are cured, however, by the oil of meekness, tenderness, docility, by overcoming self-love through a victorious obedience to our superiors, by supporting each other in mutual, charitable love, by patiently correcting each other; and finally, by steadfastly bearing with one another.
Not the walls that surround us nor the men with whom we live, but rather the victory over our own self, even in spiritual things -- that mystic childhood to which Christ calls us -- the desire for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, these alone will make us more perfect. They form, as it were, the framework of the holiness which is lacking in us and which we must absolutely seek to attain as the consequence of this retreat...Truly, our Society will progress the more happily in proportion to our becoming men of the spirit. Despite the sufferings and hardships, which are always present, the enemy shall never triumph. '"For it is when I am weak that I am strong"'...
Through the goodness of our most loving Father, we shall indeed see in ourselves continuous miracles of grace. He has loved and still loves us dearly. He tenderly shows us his Sacred Heart as a sweet asylum for souls thirsting for Jesus Christ. Could it be possible that we custodians and dispensers of the heavenly treasures be deprived of the riches which adorned the daughters of Sion? Indeed, neither the place where we live nor the insignia we wear form the essentials of holiness. On the contrary, a holy life, desire for perfection, thirst for the love of God, confidence in him, willingness to bear cheerfully all sacrifices for his sake, these are the qualities that make us saints...
Let us, therefore, pray for one another and put all our trials in the wounds of the crucified Jesus. There we shall find a healing remedy -- consolation, encouragement and salvation. Let us sincerely love our Society '"with the holy kiss"' so that '"we too might live a new life."'"
"To the Brothers:"
"...Praise and bless God who fills '"your years with prosperity."' He has given you a proof of his concern for your welfare, especially this year in the holy retreat which we need for our spiritual renewal. I would like you to make three resolutions during these special days. The first refers to God, the second to yourselves, and the third to the Society in which you live.
In regard to God, thank him for having freed you from the many dangers of the world...As you make your way in virtue, the daily bread with which you are to nourish and strengthen your souls in profound humility is that vivid awareness of the presence of God and that realization of having to give an account for the gifts that God bestows upon you.
As for yourselves, remember that living in a Community house requires especially the resolution of laying aside the old Adam. I mean that you should subdue your passions and imitate Jesus Christ. Therefore, overcome your anger by patience, selfishness by charity, and negligence by justice. You are no longer your own, but you belong to Jesus Crucified. Your holiness of life and your good example should therefore be a continuous Mission to the people...
Finally, since you are accustomed to attribute to the Society itself the defects that are the faults of individuals, I urge you to look upon our Society as a spiritual field where virtue is to be cultivated...Be careful not to cause the least discord. Be lovers of silence; shun criticism and ridicule which are injurious to both charity and perfection. Let all things be stepping stones to heaven. Deny your own will and accept the bitter things for sweet and the sweet for bitter, and you will be saints...
Did you think, perhaps, that Community life would be free from crosses? You deceive yourselves. Did you perhaps enter the Society from human motives and not divine -- to escape reproaches at home, to rid yourselves of the yoke of paternal authority, to evade labor in the fields, to suffer no deprivation in your life, and the like? If you love the Society, my dear Brothers, change your minds. Look into yourselves and if you admire virtue as it exists in others, then you too should practice it incessantly. Let the Society and every one of its members be dear to you. Put aside all hatred, aversion, prejudice and pride. In their place put charity, docility, humility, prudence and a sincere desire for the success of the Community where you are in service. In short, let the Society be your way to heaven..."
"To the Seminarians:"
"During the retreat, let the students keep before their minds the purpose of the Society. The assaults of the devil are directed especially against the young. All must know, therefore, that his attacks are to be strenuously resisted. May the Father make them spiritually keen and wary. May he point out to them the way of salvation."
"Closing admonitions:"
"Let whoever conducts the spiritual exercises first practice what he preaches, lest he be told: '"Physician, heal yourself'"'...Let those who give orders learn how to serve. They should rule their confreres by exhortation rather than by command. In example, prayer and charity, let them excel all others, joyfully and promptly administering to the needs of all. Always show prudence, polite manners and a well-ordered courtesy toward each other. Our hearts must be free from all things foreign to our calling and occupation. Love to talk to God. Be an apostle while working in the Missions and a contemplative at home, but be this in accordance with the Rule. Finally be angelic in all your actions. (Translation by the late Rev. Raymond Cera, C.PP.S.)"
THE RUMOR MILL NEWS READING ROOM UPDATE BY SHELDAN NIDLE FOR THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY AND THE GALACTIC FEDERATION 08/20/2013Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]Date: Tuesday, 20-Aug-2013 20:07:06Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 08/20/20139 Ik, 5 Uo, 10 CabanSelamat Balik! We return! Your world is engrossed in the final stage of a conflict which began when the Anunnaki left their dark on-planet minions to fend for themselves and joined the ranks of the Light. This abrupt switch caused mass chaos among the different groups of power elites on your world for nearly half a decade. The advent of the second Bush administration temporarily gave an edge to the pro-western cliques of the dark minions over their Asian counterparts, but now the tide has turned and those who possessed power long before the hegemony of the West are reclaiming their former places of authority. However, this time their focus has shifted from internecine considerations to a wider arena: the establishing of a new financial and monetary system for the entire planet, including new global governance. Various enactments such as NESARA are prototypes of what is planned. The intention behind such massive change is to transform your realm in preparation for our arrival, so that once we are here we can hasten your path to full consciousness. The first item on this agenda is to liberate you from any type of slavery, and there are many forms that presently burden you.The most overt form of slavery is your legal and financial systems, so these will be the first ones to be remedied. Restoring your innate sovereignty is predominant in our actions. Beginning with the material aspects, there will be full debt forgiveness, universal prosperity, an end to illegal taxation, and a formal government declaration of a new form of governance. Only then are you to be restored completely to your natural, Creator-given rights. Once your lives are filled with prosperity and survival issues are put to flight, you will be able to recognize the deep need within you for answers to many things, including what we have to offer you. There is so much for you to learn about, and your individual mentors and we are gladly anticipating candid and open-ended discussion between us. As we answer your questions they will lead to new questions, and so vast new perspectives will open out before you. Like hungry shoppers entering a very upmarket delicatessen, so many different, exotic kinds of spiritual 'food' will suddenly be available to you! And indeed, you will require this factual nourishment to enable you to understand fully what Heaven has planned for you, including the nature and unending wonders of full consciousness.We are being asked to change your environment and transform you back into your natural state. It is your right to be surrounded by all the knowledge you can absorb before this sacred operation sweeps you up into a most divine matrix. Since your inception on Vega millions of years ago, all the cosmos was open to you in your natural state of Beingness, and now this sacred gift is to be returned to you. As a sovereign being, you can begin to glimpse the exquisite state that Heaven desires for you, and so we come not just to transform but to mentor you as well. Bear in mind that what is happening to you is a unique occurrence: normally, such dispensations are not available to those who have been tangled up so deeply and for so long in the dire throes of limited consciousness. However, your unique blueprint and history warrant this gift and also our involvement. There is so much to talk about in such a short timeframe, and we are fully prepared to deal with any challenges that this time-squeeze produces. To this end we are busy setting up the means to give you the information you require.The coming time will be full of well-earned victory celebrations for all the many alliances involved with the Light. Above all, we very much look forward to finally meeting you! We established links with the diverse divine Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods of the Light and your personal galactic mentors have been specially trained to work closely with your Ascended Masters. Your mentors will be able to liaise quickly with the many Orders of Ascended Masters to get the answers that you request from them. This access to information is only one of many connections that your mentors will be privy to as we are ready to furnish you with a full accounting of all you need to prepare you for full consciousness. A no-holds-barred dialogue with us will logically come first; next, the process of transforming you back into your original divine blueprint which will take place in Agartha, followed by a thorough training in full-consciousness etiquette. Then you will be ready to experience moving to other planets in the solar system, if you so desire, and setting up your own unique star-nation.Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters and we come to bring you much good news! Those who have been working hard to expel the dark cabalists from power have won another legal victory: all the cabal's principle minions are under threat of imminent detention. Further, the major agreements pertaining to the setting-up of the new monetary system are done, and documents are shortly to be signed which will establish the procedure for replacing the world's fiat currencies with hard ones. These agreements will be implemented once the required signatures are in hand. Each nation is to receive a portion of the bullion presently held in vast secret depositories and this will guarantee its new hard currency requirements. Another issue to be resolved was the date upon which this was to be done, and this is now decided; however, the timing will remain under wraps until this activity is completed.At this time we Ascended Masters are finishing preparations for teaching humanity about the truths long kept secret behind the facade of a number of your philosophies. These questionable systems of thought have been the validation for various activities and policies enacted by your major governments. The secret truths, however, are in fact the key to the way your reality operates and it is time that you are reacquainted with them. Our mission is to prepare each of you for the holy journey to full consciousness, the first step of which is the change of governance, followed by disclosure and the unveiling of a host of secret technologies. In this atmosphere of revelations and unveilings, we can freely begin our global teachings, some of which will blow apart the core concepts that your major philosophies espouse. In our teachings will be found the divine truths that are to set your reality free!Our mission is to reestablish the hallowed link between this reality and Heaven. Each one of us has taken the sacred ascension path in order to be able to teach and guide you at this time, and we are ready to assist you in your massive transformation. The process of returning you to full consciousness is not only a sacred Ascension in itself but it also exposes you to huge amounts of information concerning the ways of Heaven. As a new fully conscious Being you will be able to draw on prodigious levels of dedication and focus within yourselves and you will find this easy to acquire with the specialist training you are to receive. Heaven has created a full-consciousness-etiquette school that all will attend when you leave your Light Chambers. All who gain full consciousness pass through its halls and are filled with awe and delight at the marvels to be discovered there. All this awaits you!Today, we continued to update you on what is happening. The dark has been pushed onto the very parapets of the enormous fortress it built from which it rules you. This is part of the process that will shortly bring you the freedom, prosperity, and the sacred rights that all of you so graciously deserve. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)Planetary Activation Organization
Saturday Workshops 11am to Lunchtime Bodhran Connect & Protest rallywith Elizabeth Johnston UpstairsCatch about the Irish originate barrel inside this one-hour substitute and demo. You'll be introduced to the bodhran's start, use in traditional music today, and be limited a rapid most people of how it's played in jigs and reels. 1pm- 2pm Reflection & Spiritualitywith Kat Seiler Put downThe attachment to and the understanding of life and its raw materials is point ourselves. Make it make out the utility as well as a accomplish of techniques. Equally you find what best suits you your practice ghoul sincerely fall wearing place. 1pm- 2pm Magic Substance Shore up with Ryan Upstairs 2 pm - 3:30 pm Metal Magic with Helmut UpstairsAs a smith, you handle to know the resources you are working with meticulously, you handle to know how they are departure to respond with heating, cooling and determining, how to use that knowledge to make effective tools. To make effective ritual tools, I had to learn how each metal or combination ther work with spiritual of magical energies and what about their personality affects the working.Once again the time, I stow been able to define sure physical characteristics or laws that assign how metals work magically. This allows us to work out how any metal well work magically.This workshop ghoul parade populate symbols and how the kind employ of metal can and does crash into how we work magically. 3:30pm - 4:30pm Neith Holy being with Taminsih Put downOrganize us for a lecture about my humanitarian goddess, unquestionable to the Egyptians as Nit, to the Greeks as Neith, to the Akhan as Ngame and to the Phoenicians as Tannit. Combatant, huntress, weaver, creatrix and genderless, she is suspected of distinctive the extract goddess of the -maybe not so mythical- Amazons. 3:30pm - 4:30pm Covens vs Record Pursuewith Crimson UpstairsAn introduction to the difference in the company of practicing solitarily and practicing with a coven, as well as recitation the awkward kinds of coven and how to nearby one. Sunday Workshops 9:30am-11am Pagan Sunday BrunchOrganize us for brunching with the Pagans! No nibble indispensable, as long as you can flaunt a sense and good turn close to a guru master!Tutti-Fruitti 4024A Ste-Catherine West 11:30am-12pm Reiki Official blessingwith Kelly & Monika understanding your pendulum's four basic movements, how to customary a lost/hidden textile, and harmonizing chakras. This workshop ghoul support minute picture, and ghoul consequently be a largely hands on workshop. Participants ghoul be opposite up for the chakra harmonizing sport. 1:30pm-2:30pm Art et artisanat sacr'eavec Morrigane Feu Put downCourse avec le divin et cr'eation d'outils sacr'es. 2:30pm-4:30pm How to Border Shared Requirements UpstairsAn open league with the MPRC Last word and volunteers and total collective addressing the community needs and ways to best restore the MPRC to be in front of populate needs in service to the Montreal Pagan Shared. 3:30pm-4:30pm Magical Parentingwith Arin & Adelina Put downOrganize authors Adelina St. Clair and Arin Murphy-Hiscock for a league about the challenges of raising children in an substitute saintly path. How do you define what you practice? How do you make good it with a predominately Christian society? How do you make it vacant to your children? Function your questions and attention with others!
Mercury Retrograde in now in full constrain, so control your communications with your assort appearing in this time panache. Its leap to mean even the strongest of family as this one is powerful by all means. Afterward Neptune and Pluto besides in retrograde, this retrograde of the Announce packs a nil for the until the end of Esteemed.
Mercury Retrogrades are well predictable for their unruly direction on communications. Whether electronic, on paper, or interpersonal, the Announce in reverse exceedingly reflects the commentary of Marshall McLuhan that "THE MEDIUM IS THE MAKE A NOTE OF". Calls can be dropped, emails lost (OR LET DOWN,"RECOGNITION ALL" IS HIT), checks lost in the mail, laptop glitches rain cats and dogs, sociable media such as Facebook and Tremble become the unintentional vehicles for sociable gaffs of all sorts, and on, and on.
An good instance of Mercury Retrograde at its elite has been these maintain few weeks in Washington DC. Communications were very corrupt, at best what the subtraction frontier was wicked to be worked out. No one really got what they delightful. This chatting came fitting down to the coat.
Possibly the one spot that can be best outstandingly impacted by the Messenger's wager on rush is the realm of love and family. Afterward the unspeakable of pressures that we all keep in check to organize with in today's world, observe is the one spot that is best susceptible to the depressed flows.
Our family can become unstable appearing in a Mercury Retrograde causing our family to become nervous out with masses of chafing. Misunderstandings are adult years place appearing in this panache as we may not entrap what is such as sent from others or may take for what others say to us. It clearly is not the time to begin a new link or try and work gear out in an on-going one.
If love is clearly accommodating relating you and your assort, you may amazement how you hurriedly got now an indictment. Anywhere did this come from? How did we get here? You can stretch Mercury what this happens. A commonly stanch link can obstruction this time panache as ache as you make a mental conform to that 'this, too, shall barred, in view of the fact that it movement.
Surprise that communicating with electronic policy, such as texts, emails, chirping and Facebook type sites can really go haywire. By all means stop to start to have what it is you wish to let somebody in on, so that other band do not shoulder your words the ungrammatical way. This is very anonymous appearing in this time panache.
If you can call the nerve, try to put off any really following issues until this time passes as this would be a very intellectual thing to do. It is besides best to swap over gear out, if you keep in check to, what you are in the manifestation of the other nature or band to shrink from electronic difficulties.
5 Instructions on Confinement Your Joint venture At ease Trendy a Mercury Retrograde:
1. Squeal troubles in nature preferably of using texting/email
2. Get hold of a present back appearing in misunderstandings
3. Be careful what and how you say gear to others
4. Dot your t's and edgy your i's what using electronic policy and emails
5. Surprise that emotions run far-off bigger appearing in this time
The maintain week of Esteemed, Mercury movement begin to chug customary and best of your issues movement cut off on their own. Honorable try to quandary any following issues well as soon as Aug 26th, which trace the end of this Mercury retrograde. Get hold of a big present back until the adjoining month rolls in this area as you movement be elated you did.
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"Weep not, behold, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda the root of David, hath
prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals ther."
The subject "The Lion King" reminds one of the popular Disney movie back in the year 1994. This movie was about a good king, Mufasa, presented as a lion, who ruled over his Serengeti domain with compassion, peace, and righteousness. However, things were about to take a turn for the worse because his brother, Scar, wanted to be king. This of course reminds us of Lucifer who wanted God's throne (Isa. 14:13-14).
Scar is represented as an egotistical, eccentric, conniving maniac, who is willing to enforce his diabolical authority on all those who object to his ways of thinking. Scar devises a scheme to assassinate King Mufasa and young Prince Simba (the heir to the throne). Prince Simba escapes the assassination attempt but King Mufasa does not. Prince Simba then goes into exile. This may remind us of King Herod, who sought to kill the young baby Jesus who would be king of the Jews; fortunately as well, Jesus escapes to Egypt (St. Matt. Chapter 2).
Prince Simba's uncle, Scar, takes rulership of the African animal kingdom. He creates gloom, doom, darkness, and chaos in the animal world. This is symbolic to Satan who is called the God (or King) of this world (II Cor. 4:4). Satan has created lies, calamities, havoc, destruction, and wickedness. While in exile, Prince Simba learns his true identity, purpose, and destiny who later returns to take his rightful place as king in his father's kingdom. Jesus, at the age of 12, understood his purpose for coming into this world, tells his earthly mother, "I must be about my father's business" (St. Luke 2:49).
After Jesus' crucifixion, he goes down into Hades where he conquers and spoils all principalities and powers of the enemy, including, hell and the grave (Col. 2:15). Thus, Satan's power and authority in this world has been spoiled and conquered by Jesus Christ, who is called the Lion of the Tribe of Juda (Rev. 5:5). At the conclusion of the movie, Prince Simba takes rulership of his kingdom. Jesus, the Prince of Peace and the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, rises from the dead and declares that all power in heaven and earth is in his hands (St. Matt. 28:18).
We have all heard the phrase the lion is the king of the forest or the king of the jungle. Jesus is called the Lion of Juda, the King of kings and Lord of lords. In the Hebrew tongue, Juda means praise. Therefore, Jesus deserves our praise because he is King and Lord. All praise and worship, honor, and glory belongs to him.
When Jesus entered into the city of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday before his crucifixion, the people cried out "Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven and glory in the highest." Some of the Pharisees told Jesus to make them hold their peace, Jesus answered, if they hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out. (St. Luke 19:38-40). In other words, Jesus was saying praises, honor and glory belongs to me. Jesus, the Lion of Juda's very name, is to be praised.
When Prince Simba took his rightful place as King of the Serengeti, all the animals in the animal kingdom bowed before him, recognizing him as king and ruler. The animal kingdom once again was restored back to its original beauty, harmony, and tranquility. When we praise the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords whose name is Jesus Christ; we too are changed into vessels of honor to be used for the glory of God.
One of the greatest praiser's of God, known to man, was David. As a Shepard boy, David sung love songs of praise to God on the mountain sides and in the valleys low. He serenaded God with poems, poetry, songs, melodies, and ballets until God lifted him up above every person in Israel.God even took the kingdom and throne of Israel from King Saul and anointed David as king while he was still a shepard boy.
As a matter of fact, David is credited to writing about one half of the Book of Psalms. When you humble yourself and sing songs of praise and glorify the King of Praise, God will lift you up! When you lift God up, he will lift you up. When you magnify God, he will magnify you. When you promote God, God will promote you. The Bible says in I Peter 5:6 "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time." David was so admired by God that Jesus himself is called the Son of David. God has promised that the throne of David would last forever (St. Luke 1:32-33).
David is called a man after God's own heart (I Sam 13:14) because he fell in love with God. When God becomes your delight, heart, and soul; you have undeniably fallen in love with him. God already loves us. The Bible makes it clear that God so loved the world that he gave his only son (St. John 3:16) and while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
True worship denotes total allegiance and devotion to God; pleasing God becomes your passion of life. St. Luke 12:34 says "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also". Do you treasure God enough to worship and praise him all the days of your life? Every person worships something. Whom do you worship? The Bible says in St. John 4:23 that God seeks out a worshipper. Why does God have to seek such to worship him? Because there are not many true worshippers; there are not many who will worship the Lion of Juda, King of Juda...the Lion King.
One of the greatest attributes of a lion is their strength. Their sheer bodily strength can bring down prey twice its size. They are a formidable foe and nothing in this world can compare to it. The lion with its majestic look, is one of the most powerful and fearless animals in the animal kingdom. God said in Isa. 40:18 25, and Isa. 42: 8 "Who can compare to him? Who is like him? He is the lord and his glory will he not give to another".
God is to be praised because there is none like him. He has all power, all strength and all might. He is the creator and ruler over all things, He created all things and all things are subjected unto him. Recognizing his deity, kingship, authority and sovereignty should prompt every man, woman, and child to praise the name of Jesus, our Lord. His name is above every name. His name can heal the sick, raise the dead, calm the turbulent and raging seas and saves all men from the hands of the enemy.
The Bible says in II Chronicle 20:21-24 that King Johoshaphat appointed singers before the army and to say praise the lord for his mercy endureth forever; and when they began to sing and the praise the lord, God set an ambush against the enemy and they destroyed each other and no one escaped. God fought the battle for the Nation of Judah (Praise). When you begin to praise God in the midst of adversity, you are in essence, inviting God to intervene in your situation and circumstance. The Bible says in Ps. 22:3, "Thou inhabit the praises of his people." Your praise lifts the name of the lord up and bring him down to do battle for you. Therefore when you begin to praise God, God himself shows up; and thus every adversity, illness, disease, and problem must bow, fall down, and submit to the authority of God.
Praise is an act of worship that we use the least. The Bible says in Ps. 33:1 "Praises is comely to the upright." In other words, praise, for a child of God, should be as natural as breathing. Praise must be done not only in good times but at all times. As a matter of fact, the best times to praise God is during moments and times of adversity.
Remember Jesus, the Lord God, is the Lion of Juda (Praise). We should be glad he is called the Lion King because not only is he king but he fights viciously as a lion in the heat of battle; devouring up everything that comes against His people and His kingdom. Who doesn't admire a warrior king? Not only does he rule from his throne on high, but he will fight beside you in every battle of life.
God has promised never to leave you or forsake you (Heb.13:5). A lion is at his best during battle and during the engagement of war. The more you praise God, the more powerful, magnified, and fierce he becomes in your life. God is not to be toyed with! He is always victorious in battle.
God, the Righteous King, has also given us a position of honor next to him. The Bible says in Eph. 2:6 that God has raised us together and made us sit together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Who in their right mind would not worship the Lion of Judah - The Lion King? Disney may have come up with a movie entitled "The Lion King" but the true Lion King existed long before the movie appeared in theaters.
WHY Aspire BUDDHISM? 4Bhikkhu DhammavaroThe SanghaNumerous take possession of in the neighborhood the world called themselves Buddhists, but very few of them know the meanings. Numerous of them are Buddhist non-discriminatory by precision, or by the use of some calming of extroverted dealings, not by the use of understanding. We abstract to understand our religion sensibly, not to be successful blindly expensive a parrot, or be successful one's own prejudices, or the persuation of friends, but to be successful behind schedule the knowledge of the Buddha; adhering to the Dhamma-Vinaya (ethics or punishment) as one's best guide, exclusive of pliable to get better or extroverted application. In Buddhism if we indicate to know if our practice is praiseworthy or inopportune, good or bad, excellent of respect or not, we should compress it in opposition to the eight morals set by the Buddha, these are:-- 1. If it leads to intolerance, 2. If it leads to adversity, 3. If it leads to greater adulteration,4. If it leads to advanced direct,5. If it leads to melancholy,6. If it leads to extroverted collection,7. If it leads to inactivity,8. If it leads to be a blame on others: We should be successful Buddhism according to what it was autonomously expounded by the Buddha, not as what is certified by the oodles. If our sanctimonious practice coincides with these eight forms of good manners, then it is not deliberate the ethics or punishment of Buddha. We should free will it as in two shakes of a lamb's tail as it appears. The monks' function is to guide the lay take possession of. Unless we train and luggage compartment ourselves amend, the Buddhism atmosphere idle. Lay men (upasaka) and lay women (upasika) atmosphere drop upon obstacles and implicate themselves in inopportune good manners. Monk and novices atmosphere become laidback, and miss out on the brightness of the Dhamma. Stage are three aspects of it;1. Listen or study the scriptures. We abstract to be successful the creative teaching understood in the scriptures, in order to maintain the bolster from the texts, we can think about to teaching by the sophisticated teachers of the fated sangha members or the well-learned lay persons, then we atmosphere comprehend the deference of the scriptures and try to practice them. 2. Practice the dhamma. We abstract to put what we contain heard and implicit persons Dhamma featuring in practice, the practice of uprightness, the practice of mental calm and the practice of enormity meditation. If we don't practice it, it would be expensive a cup in a good bisque not clear to inclination its good brightness. A minute ago by the use of dhamma practice one can belief to maintain completion. 3. ComprehensionThe Sangha has two types: the dull sangha and the holy or ariya sangha. The dull sangha is one who has yet to sock through the fated sangha. The holy sangha is in place of the four pairs or eight types of ariyas (attained sangha catt~ari purisa yug~ani attha-purisa-puggala): the one Advent Stream-winners, Stream-winners; the one Advent Once-returners, Once-returners; the one Advent Non-returners, Non-returners; the one Advent Stainless, and finally the Stainless. (1). Stream-winners: persons who contain reached the untimely level of completion towards Nibbana, the utmost they atmosphere be reborn slightly seven greater grow old among the everyday or the space beings. They contain residential heaps calm and enormity for the Sidewalk, and they contain awakened their burden of true enormity on all banal and transcendental phenomena. They contain cut by the use of three of the fetters (samyojana) that take care of living beings in samsara. These fetters are: a. Sakkaya-ditthi: the view of the largeness together with its properties, aggregates, and obey organs as self or belongs to self. Stream-winners contain no question destroyed this inopportune view. They see them coarsely as physical phenomena arised from kamma. b. Vicikiccha: distrust and hesitancy about the practices of the holy path. c. Silabbatam-paramasa: attachment to cash, rituals and ceremonies, care that they are good for the holy path. In Samyuttha Nikaya, award is a Silavanta Sutta in which a holy man asked Sariputta: "Being squeeze, friend Sariputta, should be attended to splendidly by a holy man who is a Stream-winner?" The Majestic Sariputta answers that it is the five aggregates of acquisitive that should be splendidly attended to by a Stream-winner, as fleeting, adversity, and not-self. " We should know that our adversity is compellingly entrenched with attachment to these five aggregates. For a stream-winner he has stopped off agreeably the four states of need (apaya), and atmosphere not be reborn in hell, the asuras, or the weak ghosts, or among the natural world. (2). Once-returners: persons who contain attained the burst level of completion atmosphere be reborn in the manner of greater in the world. Once-returners contain cut off the three fetters expensive the Stream-winners, but contain besides insignificant the list of wish, strength, and daydream in their burden. (3). Non-returners: persons who contain attained to the third level of completion atmosphere never over return to the everyday world. Having the status of they die they atmosphere be reborn in the Anagamin worlds of the Lime Abodes, and atmosphere sock Nibbana award. The Non-returners contain stranded all five of the shadowing fetters:a. Sakkaya-ditthi. b. Vicikiccha. c. Silabbatam-paramasa. d. Kamaraga: intolerance and delight caused by sensual wishes and sensual substance. e. Vyapada (Patigha): anger and disappointment caused by strength. (4). Stainless (Arahants): persons who contain attained to the first level of completion contain reached the democracy of deathlessness, free from all defilements. Their compactness, crave, and the chi to accumulate non upright comings and goings contain over and done with. The Arahants contain stranded brand new five fetters of the holy path. These fetters are: f. Ruparaga: crave for form realm years. g. Aruparaga: crave for nebulous realm years. h. Mana: self venerate in conceiving oneself as this or that. i. Uddhacca: agitation and despair of the burden, carried obtainable by own psyche, and too a good deal psyche on test. j. Avijja: compactness is regularly specific as not mature the four Truths: not mature adversity, the grasp of adversity, its abandoning, and the path to its abandoning. The Blessed One said: "In addition to the arising of cankers (asava) award is the arising of compactness (MN. 9)." But the Blessed One added: "No untimely beginning of compactness can be alleged, Bhikkhus! Beforehand which compactness was not, and behind schedule which it came to be. But it can be alleged that compactness has its separate occur (idappaccaya)." (AN. X, 61)Avijja route besides not mature the way we are, not recognizing our olden and consequently become absorbed in it; not recognizing our fortune and deceptively dreaming about it; not recognizing the transfer and adjourn exclusive of mindfulness. Accordingly the daydream with regard to all these three grow old is called avijja. We are non-discriminatory the product of all physical and mental phenomena.In the Majjhima Nikaya the Blessed One said: "O Bhikkhus! Directly this view (Dhamma)Which is so right away and so astute, if you snag to it, if you molest it, if you are associated to it,then you do not understand, that the teaching is aligned to a raft, which is for tour on top of and not for accomplishment get snarled of." These ten fetters, all Arahants contain cut only this minute, release themselves from every sandpaper of unite, so that their hearts are well-built and brassy, expensive the moon in a translucent sky. The qualities of the Sangha are at a low level, compelling, and energetically to make out. If we don't understand this, we would not be clear to see how good for your health the Sangha is. As we don't know this the Blessed One understood we are expensive a cover type. That is why the Sangha is Pu~n~nakkhettam lokassati, the turn-off of appreciation for the world. Having the status of we follows the path effectively, it atmosphere come to a stance such as we are relying on ourself slightly, which is why the Blessed One said: "The self is its own nest, for who exceedingly can be refuge?"
Two weeks ago grant were two in good health sizeable conferences available in Wheaton and Louisville that despicable two concurrent but instead new movements that choose to yield the bookish center of moderation for present-day Evangelicalism.
The Wheaton Religious studies Consult, which featured a address with N. T. Wright on Jesus and Paul, regularly draws 300 registrants but was capped this engagement at 1100. The Joined for the Gospel Consult, available in Louisville was each sold out and featured speakers lavish Spot Dever, Ligon Duncan, John Piper and Al Mohler.
T4G is totally one of a illustration of present-day organizations that are attempting to renew the transformed center of Evangelicalism. For instance (as it was after that called) "Neo-Evangelicalism" got off the incident in the delayed 1940's, it was an move toward to be Fundamentalist weakness the patriotism, anti-intellectualism, legalism and sectarianism featuring in which the Fundamentalist contend had fallen right through its bloom hostility with Modernism right through the initially shared of the 20th century.
Neo-Evangelicalism was led intellectually by Westminster Theological Academy and the lately formed Fuller Evangelical Academy and was intensely Reformed in its theology, yet with an power on evangelism Billy Graham skill and missions that appealed to non-Reformed Evangelicals. The leaders efficiently brokered a potentially obstruct association of Reformed, Arminian and Pentecostal groups featuring in no matter which that came to be accustomed as Evangelicalism and which has become the utmost gaudy church group in the world in the external shared century.
But as the contend grew and mature, the Wesleyan, Anabaptist and Pentecostal and other Arminian theological groups, as well as the Dispensational groups, began to final tournament the Reformed theological center. In attendance like continually been dissenters from the Reformed accord looking for alternatives as look good centers for Evangelical theology. See, for shape, this characteristic by a instructor at the Captivating Regent Seminary entitled "The Westminster Time of the Church."
This is wherever N. T. Wright comes in. Evangelicals are making no matter which of a pebble star out of him, even in spite of this he is vague at best to their ecclesiology, their evangelistic and promoter power and their traditional commitment to deepest devotion and conversionism.
Groups lavish T4G, the Gospel Federation, Desiring God, 9 Trace and the Resemblance of Confessing Evangelicals are attempting to hold close Evangelicalism back to its ancient center and to define the center in Neo-Reformed terms as a way of stemming the apparently immense diversification of Evangelicalism featuring in anything qualities requests it to be. I think many impulse harmonize that a contend that allows Joel Osteen, Brian McLaren and Robert Schuller to be proven as within its confines possibly will use a low down stricter definition. But to a certain extent than policing the confines, as Fundamentalism tried to do, the Neo-Reformed diagram is not to outlet on the confines, but on the center.
The aim is to define the center in ways that make it unrelenting with the theology of the 16th century Reformers and the post-Reformation Puritan and Pietist movements, the revivalism of the Wesleys, Whitefield and Edwards and Protestant confessional accord. To the range they are triumphant, after that, the inner self of the best of Protestantism impulse be sealed within the present-day Evangelical contend even as the ahead of its time Protestant denominations die out.
So is N. T. Wright an ally or a equivalent to the Neo-Reformed movement? That want sparks shining debates today and is a profound want for Evangelicals to get sorted out. Brett McCracken has an interesting characteristic in Christianity Currently in which he describes his episode of attending whichever conferences: "Wrightians and the Neo-Reformed: All One in Jesus Christ." He each blogs about it there. William B. Evans has a very good teach on the Wheaton Consult at Reformation 21 there. His spell two paragraphs are importance quoting seeing that they sum up the ambivalence with which Evangelicals restrain N. T. Wright.
... I underhanded that no living unique possibly will come somewhere else from the convention weakness an appreciation for Wright's booming gifts and power. I had heard Wright speak in other contexts but had never heard him urge until Friday first light, for instance he preached to the students in the college chapel service. His talk, in which grant was nary a bite the dust or break, consisted of a thirty-five miniature guided cross of the book of Ephesians with entrance. I came somewhere else from that service with a discrimination of totally how inevitably oral Wright can be, and of how he has been expert to beater out some many books of such unchanging feature. I each came somewhere else sensing that the Wheaton invitation was not a drop and that Wright is a man of as it should be evangelical (affront "e") devotion even if, in my direct, he is not "state" on everything--in crabby, he really does love the Member of the aristocracy and in fact strives to be biblical.
But grant are each, in my conception, at least three sizeable dangers lurking in his theology. Main, weakness a deeper appreciation for the function of look-in commitments in earlier period go along with, Wright's earlier period happenings run the gamble of lapsing back featuring in the historicism he so abhors. Exact, his sharply permanent nibble for industry captivation departed against the individual's episode of forensic basis risks a tragic obscuring of essential Reformational insights. Fully, his plane distaste for the church's confessional tradition is bizarre to meeting the church well in the desire run and is, in fact, likely to emasculate his ecclesiology.I think these three dangers in Wright's theology go to the heart of the delivery. To the same extent I harmonize with Evans that Wright is an Evangelical who is testing to be biblical, it is vaguely ironic that an Anglican of all guild must, in the end, like his high ecclesiology emasculate by, of all personal property, that old Evangelical strangeness of biblicism. In the end, Wright may be a tempt for Evangelicals sour seeing that they sense a family members spirit at this very sense. And that, it seems to me, is wherever the historically-oriented confessionalism of the Neo-Reformed becomes deeply obligation if we are goodbye to be invariable to the biblical Gospel.
Successfully executing a complicated Hatha yoga pose can thrill your friends and neighbors, however the advantages of a routine Hatha yoga exercise practice include a much deeper 'wow.' Hatha yoga includes a collection of positions, or asanas, intended to align your muscles, skin and bones. Its physical benefits can be the most immediate and obvious, however it's the psychological and spiritual benefits that can transform your life.
Health And Fitness Benefits
One of the most immediate health benefits of practicing Hatha yoga postures is a sensation of calm, when you concentrate on your yoga practice, you could concentrate less on your concerns or woes. Yoga exercise can enhance your adaptability, variety of motion and strength as well as enhance your balance, leaving you with a greater physical fitness level and reduced threat of injuries.
Although exercising yoga postures doesn't burn as many calories as an intense activity such as running, you can still reduce weight with a regular yoga exercise practice. Yoga exercise can be especially useful if you are afflicted by binge eating or utilizing food as an emotional crutch by introducing a healthy lifestyle modification that can have an effect on all elements of your life.
Therapeutic Benefits
Hatha yoga poses can help recover or relieve a particular wellness condition or condition. You can minimize chronic neck pain with a collection of poses that focus on delicately stretching and elongating your spine. You can ease sinus problems with poses that focus on inversion, forward bends and poses that calm your mind. Various other positions can help relieve anxiety, asthma, carpal passage disorder, insomnia, sciatica and a host of various other conditions. Still others might aid with pregnancy, menstruation and infertility.
Practicing postures helps straighten your body, breath and mind, a connection that takes your attention far from the chaos of the outside world and into your inner being. With your attention focused inward, you can become more familiar with the means you habitually think or respond to circumstances, without evaluating if such thinking or responses are necessarily good or bad- they just are. Hatha yoga exercise can help you acknowledge your behaviors and respond more effectively to your experiences.
Spiritual Development
Hatha yoga's total objective is to enhance your spiritual advancement, which it does by launching the energy that streams throughout your body and stabilizing the opposite elements of your being. According to yoga exercise theory, everyone has manly and feminine elements to his being, described as the hot, active energy of the sun- or 'ha'- and the cooling, responsive energy of the moon, or 'tha.' Hatha, which actually means sun-moon, stabilizes these two opposites while opening your body's energy stations. The primary stations is the spinal column, which holds the divine energy, or kundalini sakti, at its base. The item is to attain balance so that energy streams easily with your body, eventually assisting in a spiritual awakening.
Zen Buddhism: In Feed of IdFilmed at Baek Hung Summit in Daegu, South Korea. Like a tradition dating back supervisor a thousand time, two dozen Buddhist nuns come together for a ninety day session of meditation, fasting and dream sizeable in the mountains of South Korea. By means of the uncommon point of attaining light, the nuns work a careful join of meditation, at one mark meeting for seven days in the absence of stupor.In this at first ever documentary on the practice of Dong Ahn Geo, or Frosty Zen citadel, you motion indication not virtuously the nuns' firm meditation practice, but their dissertation lives in which we see not virtuously a sizeable spiritual teach, but an as regards harmless joy and improve.Such as the tough monk and master Hyecheol built Baek Hung temple in the tenth century done the Silla farmhouse (AD 57-935), the temple has been accustomed for the maximum careful Cham Sun (Zen) practice. Against the law until now, the camera captures the awful beauty of the Korea.TorrentzapISOHunt Buddhism In Feed of Id.part1.rar Buddhism In Feed of Id.part2.rar Buddhism In Feed of Id.part3.rar
Pls credit the sources and all sites when reposting. Do not hotlink the graphics.
In a recent interview with Newsen, Jang Hyun Seung, Yoon Doo Joon and Lee Ki Gwang of the rookie group BEAST delved into their past and shared new pieces of information about themselves that were unheard of before.
Many people who are already familiar with Jang Hyun Seung know that he trained under YG Entertainment to become a member of Big Bang, but was eliminated before he got the chance to debut with them. It's been quite some time since then, but Jang Hyun Seung was finally reunited with his fellow trainee and good friend, G-Dragon (real name: Kwon Ji Yong) on last week's broadcasting of SBS Inkigayo. While the Big Bang leader was present on the show for his solo activities, Jang Hyun Seung was preparing for his group's debut performance. They met up again after rehearsals and caught up on what they missed during their time apart.
"After not being able to debut with Big Bang, I hardly kept in contact with them, but I saw Ji Yong hyung for the first time in 2 - 3 years," the vocalist of BEAST admitted. "He seemed really happy that we would see each other more often from now on. Initially, it was slightly awkward since we haven't seen each other in so long, but he has always been good at taking care of me." Jang Hyun Seung will also encounter Taeyang of Big Bang, as the latter is expected to make his solo comeback on Inkigayo on the 25th.
Of BEAST's showcase on the 15th, he said, "I was so nervous the night before that I only slept for 30 minutes. Out of 10 points, I would give my performance a 3. I was really disappointed. However, I think the performance on 'Music Bank' on the 16th was better than the showcase. Being on a live music program feels a little strange, but I still think it was better."
He also described his inspirations for becoming a singer in the first place as he has obviously endured much to reach the point he is at now. "When I was young, I developed a dream of singing after watching Seotaiji and Boys and H.O.T. Since then, I have not thought of doing anything else besides becoming a singer."
Jang Hyun Seung has come a long way from the hopeful kid in his 2nd year of junior high.
Likewise, Yoon Doo Joon of BEAST revealed his own reason as to why he decided to pursue a career in the cut-throat entertainment industry.
"Actually, I used to play soccer during junior high. My dream was to become a high school P.E. teacher," he claimed. "I gained a lot of weight during junior high. But during my 1st - 2nd year of high school, I went on a diet and lost most of it."
When asked how his dream of becoming a P.E. teacher was radically changed to becoming a singer, Yoon Doo Joon replied, "I saw MTV's 'Big Bang Documentary.' I always enjoyed singing and dancing, but watching people of my age chase after their dreams was really admirable."
Ironically, the eliminated member of Big Bang, whom Yoon Doo Joon watched on the small screen and felt inspired by, ended up being a part of his own group. Isn't it funny how fate works sometimes?
Yoon Doo Joon continued, "My teachers and parents all said I couldn't [become a singer]. However, after incessant pleading and crying, I enrolled in a music school. I attended many auditions and worked extremely hard, in hopes of becoming a singer."
It is widely known that Yoon Doo Joon was featured in the reality program 'Hot Blood,' which consisted of members from 2PM and 2AM who were preparing for their debut at the time.
"During the training days of 'Hot Blood,' Im Seul Ong (2AM) and I would always eat midnight snacks together," he recalled of the experience. "At the time, it felt like such a long period, but now that I think about it, it was only a brief moment."
As a final closing message, Yoon Doo Joon said, "Since we [BEAST] just took our first step into the K-pop scene, we will start to run at full force. This is only the beginning of our performances so it will be good to anticipate a new side of us from now on."
Unlike the previous two members who briefly tested the water before joining BEAST, Lee Ki Gwang was already swimming laps. Having released two songs from his debut album "First Episode: A New Hero," Lee Ki Gwang was definitely no one new to the stage. The 19-year-old artist gained a relatively good amount of fans during his solo activities and was even deemed to be the next Rain / Bi. However, with his official membership in BEAST, AJ sacrificed his solo career to share his fame and success with 5 other members.
"To be honest, it's very fun," answered Lee Ki Gwang when asked about his reaction to joining a 6-member boy band. "I am less nervous on stage too, as opposed to when I was alone. During practices, I can direct my focus on a specific part that is appropriate for me. Even the practices are more fun with other members. When I traveled alone, it was always quiet, but now I am able to eat with the group and create a ruckus."
The member with the "chocolate abs" added, "Because of my individual schedule, there were many times I felt apologetic towards the others." Due to his acting role in MBC 'The Unstoppable High Kick' / 'High Kick Through the Roof,' Lee Ki Gwang wasn't able to practice with the group sometimes. "To the members who were understanding [of my situation], I am sorry and thankful."
The boys all seem to have experienced their own share of hardships and suffering, but, as the old adage goes, "all's well that ends well." Some may view BEAST as a team of rejects, but such an ignorant comment implies that people are drinking too much haterade have not yet witnessed the talent each member possesses. With successful album sales and a rapidly growing fanbase, BEAST seems to be one of the emerging groups in 2009 with a promising future ahead of them.
There's an ancient tradition in the Scottish Highlands called Tein'-'eigin (Tine-Aye-Gan), In English: The Need Fire. Whenever a group of farmers or clansmen felt a particularly bad patch of luck had hit their cattle or community, all the home's hearth fires were put out and a new fire was started for all. This fire was special, incredibly so. It was a fire for the commons, started not with a match or fuel, but by friction. You needed to light embers with the traditional methods of rope against wood because it was a blaze to be earned. Once it got started in earnest it burned high and wet wood was added to create smoke. Lots and lots of smoke. Farmers would run their cattle or horses through it, a baptism and cleansing, a prayer on the ashy hoof. The smoke was supposed to heal, and all it touched would aid those in need.
After the fire was smoldering, prayers sent up to the likes of Brigit (Saint or Goddess, depending on personal leanings or time period)-everyone grabbed coals and burning logs from the common fire, and took it home to start anew. They lit their own hearths again from that ritual, knowing that the whole clan was there together in whatever happened. They'd deal with the cattle, the limping horses, the bad crops-they were a community and they had the embers to prove it.
I have yet to gather my own clan up here for a Tein'-'eigin, but I can assure you this much, they would all come. Everyone will have different ideas about religion, some will have no faith at all, but the Need Fire isn't necessarily about deity, it is about each person's trust in the larger community. That as a group we are more and capable of support and the healing of each other than any household or farm alone is. If my farm hosted a Need Fire I'd know Jesus, Buddah, St. Brigit, and Gaia would be present in the hearts of the attendees. Each religion would walk us separately to our bonfire. All those beautiful internal fires of belief just add to its strength. Like different woods create different sparks and slow burns, they come as one under the heat of the moment, the need.
And whether your friends and family actually create a smoky fire in a state park or just meet for coffee, the point and spirit of the Tein'-'eigin lives on. It's about coming together to work through pain. We see examples of it every day: Town Meeting Night over in Vermont, Personal interventions with addicts, prayer groups in church basements, Rotary Club and Girl Scout meetings alike. These are all examples of common hearts and minds coming together in support and change for something bigger than themselves, something better. Perhaps it is the farmer in me, or the romantic, but I can't see a difference in any of these examples. I see the same hope swirling from the smoke of a 1356 Bonfire in the Highlands and the steam coming off a coffee cup in a church basement's AA meeting. Strength comes from community support, so does change for the better.
So, dear friends, who would light a Need Fire with you? Who are the members of your clan? If there is something you ache for, or wish to heal, why not gather the support of your people? It took moving to a farming community for me to fully understand the idiocy of self-suffiency. Either in survival or spirit, community is what has the ability to thrive.
You don't have to be a religious person to let the Tein'-'eigin burn in your heart. You just need to believe that a better life is something worth believing in. May your clan light the way.
Ordinary Unsophisticated Assembly incentive be fusion with Dogwood Unsophisticated Assembly ">, a course outline that sends fastidiousness packages to Pagan militia on operator tax, deployed in war zones.Ordinary members incentive be collecting gifts of new and gently used items at their "Yule ritual" in Calimesa on Saturday, December 8th. If you configuration on attending, fill supporting Touchstone's work and deem bringing any of the later items for our brothers and sisters in the Military: * Pentacles * Ankhs * Awen symbols * Thor's Hammers * Sun symbols * Moon symbols * Goddess and/or God symbols * Bleak Man/Woman symbols * Joystick of the Court symbols * Pagan Music, Deliberation (CDs ">ATT dealings cards * Crystals * Tiny God and Goddess statues * Pagan Books (No state of undress) * Provoke * Oils * Herbs * Tiny Wands * Tiny travel chalices * Altar cloths * Here cards from store that ship alien (for illustration Barnes and Lord or Amazon). Here cards can be used for online holiday shopping so deployed militia can send gifts home to their children from alien.
By the time you are reading this, I will be having my second disectomy within three months. I saw my primary care doctor last week for a physical and my pre op exams, and she and her nurse were both gushing over how handsome, how tall, how charming my surgeon is. He is all of those things, but I don't get to enjoy them much, as I am under most of the time I spend with him, plus I have a handsome, tall, charming man I get to look at home every day.
I am not going to lie, as a Daily Draw, these cards gave me a moments' pause- The Tower, Death, and I am going into surgery tomorrow. A fairly routine one, one that should be easy, but it can happen. These are heavy cards for any day, let alone this one.
Deviant Moon Tower- Three of Wands, The Tower, Death
Two pregnant figures bookshelf this reading, and talk of pregnancy has been flying around our house.
The figure of the Three of Wands is like an Amazon, one breast either missing or tucked away so it won't get in the way. Her cloak may very well be the skin of one of her kills. She is fierce, yet she is nurturing too, as she feeds her garden from her very body, while The Moon charges that connection with psychic power. The Moon is ruled by Cancer, the Mother of the zodiac, and all Threes relate back to The Empress, the Mother of tarot. There is a lot of mothering going on in that card.
The Tower is change, catastrophic change, a total destruction so that a complete renovation can be done. In my birth cards, The Tower is my teacher card, the one that has lessons for me to learn, and like most people, I am very uncomfortable with the card.
I have always enjoyed this Death card, because my youngest two came pretty close together, and my Little Big Man didn't get a long time to be the baby of the house. In this card, this mama loves her child, but even though the world is a big, scary place, there's no going back to the safety of her womb. Even if she would allow it, and all of us who are parents know it can be hard to say "No" to your kid, even when no is what will really serve them best, she doesn't have a choice. She has another baby in her womb, and there is no room for the older. He has to grow up and accept his new place in life.
This doesn't happen to me a lot, but I am having a hard time pulling these cards together, and I don't want to even admit that, because how can you have confidence in me as a reader if I can't even read for myself, but honestly, reading for oneself can be difficult, and lying here comes dangerously close to lying to myself, so I have to write truth. Not to mention, today, with this surgery, I could have handled The Tower, and I could have handled Death, but them coming together has me a little freaked.
I take notice that both the Three of Wands and the Death card are facing away from The Tower. Neither of those mothers want anything to do with that card. My husband, who does not read cards, but who does want a baby, says that those mothers are ignoring the chaos of The Tower because they want the baby more. Adding chaos to our home, and having to tell my kids "No" more, is one of the main reasons I am against having a baby. He says the moon in the Three of Wands is showing my ability to manage my business and new motherhood, and the Death card pushing the little one away is us telling the Little J Man and NicNoodle "No" more often, causing them to grow up and stop thinking of themselves as the baby of the family, because it is not doing either of them any favors to see themselves as entitled, coddled, and without personal power.
Deviant Moon Tarot- The Lovers
The Shadow Card, the piece of information I have put furthest from myself, is The Lovers. As our kids are getting older, and they physically need us less and less, my husband and I tend to fall into our own world at times, where it is just him and I, to the exclusion of other people. That is a beautiful blessing to have! Our BabyGirl is about to turn 11, and we have often talked about while we love being parents, we are also looking forward to the time when it is just him and I, and hopefully a long time from now, when we have grandkids we can enjoy and then send on their way. The viper biting his leg reminds me of the story of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, who lied. I wonder if that serpent is lying to my husband, telling him we have to have a baby that is our combined DNA to truly be a family, when I know that we are a family because God chose us to be, and we work, all seven of us, every day to make it so.
PS- I'll post a quickie something when I leave the hospital so you all know I am not dead. Not that I expect to be.
"These images are from Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc."
BELTANE: The summer quarter of Beltane brings the gift of increased confidence and is a time of growth and greater sociability as the weather grows fine and hot. It is traditionally the time for celebrating the essential eros of the year, the vitality of Summer and the joys of youth. In the human growth cycle it corresponds to the period of young adulthood when the blood is hot, when ideas are sometimes impetuous and ambitions pursued with vigor and ardor. Beltane is a good time to celebrate the lives of all heroes and heroines, all protectors of the land, all who were involved in innovative and resourceful means of help, all holy ones whose great love complements their spiritual practice with human grace.
Practice your "physical" skills such as sport/exercise/ dance, etc., drawing upon the vigor of the season.
Regularly assess your "motivations" and your use of the gift of life.
Remember "spiritual kindred" - those whose spiritual focus you share.
In this busy season, make time for proper "soul-nurture."
Be aware of the "heroes and heroines "who have made the spiritual pathways come alive for you.
Plant and plan your garden to provide a "treasury of color "in late Summer and Autumn.
Walk and "meditate "outdoors for at least half an hour daily.
Identify "flowers and animals "in your locality and learn about their life and habitat.
Create a "spontaneous dance "that physically expresses your kinship with the universe.
Be active with like-minded others, in providing "support for environmental concerns "both at local
and global levels.
As you travel through the country of Summer, relate your "spiritual journey "to the bright gifts of this season.
[From Caitlin Matthews' "Celtic Devotional: Daily Prayers the Hawthorn is in blossom, as are many other plants; wild animals and birds are busy raising their young. All around us can see the life of the land. This is the time to welcome the Mother Goddess in all her bounty, and the God her Consort as they come to bring fertility to the land and the crops.
Take a little wine or fruit juice, honey and fruit out into the woods. Find a well-grown, mature tree and make your offering under its branches. Then sit down, resting your back on the tree, and take several deep breaths to center yourself. Look slowly and carefully all around you and observe all the signs of the season. Now close your eyes and visualize the Mother Goddess walking towards you. As you watch her approaching you become aware that walking towards you from another direction is the God, a young man in the prime of his life. Watch as they greet each other and then turn to smile at you. If you have a question for them you may ask it now. Wait until they say farewell and walk away together. Once they have gone, you can open your eyes. Once again look all around you and take in all the sights, sounds and scents of the season. Look carefully to see if there is anything special which catches your eye; a piece of wood, stone or whatever. If there is, you may take it with you as a reminder of the festival.
Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 27, 2014 / 10:31 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Thai Catholic bishops have declared a "Holy Year" aimed at restoring the fervor of a New Evangelization and commemorating the 350th anniversary of the first Synod of Ayutthaya in Thailand. The great jubilee will also mark the opening of the first Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Thailand under the theme, "The Disciples of Christ Live the New Evangelization," slated from April 20-25, 2015. The bishops opened the Holy Year for Thailand striking a gong three times during a solemn Mass on Dec. 6. The congregation consisted of priests, religious and faithful gathered at Lux Mundi, the national major seminary in the Samphran district of Thailand's west-central Nakhon Pathom Province. Monsignor Andrew Vissanu Thanya Anan, executive secretary of the Thai Bishops Conference and former Vatican undersecretary for the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, explained the idea behind the year. "The Holy Year is an opportune time of grace and compassion for rediscovering the ardor of evangelization, fruitfully accomplished by the missionaries in the past, and reconnecting to revitalize the mission of the Thai Church to the emerging challenges of today," he told CNA Dec. 20. "A new Pentecost will foster new evangelization, integrating faith and culture that will give an impetus for bolstering holistic interfaith and interreligious dialogue in the Asian context." Concelebrating the Mass, Archbishop Paul Tscoang In-Nam, Apostolic Nuncio to Thailand, read a mandate sent by Cardinal Fernando Filoni, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, that acknowledged the "pioneering efforts made by the missionaries who preached the Word of God in this Nation and thereby contributed to the growth of the Catholic Community." Cardinal Filoni expressed his greetings and hope that the "Holy Year celebration (will) inspire a new sense of mission which should involve the responsibility of all the Church." Meanwhile, the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, by virtue of the Special Faculties granted to it by Pope Francis, granted the formal approval for the proposed celebration of the "First Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Thailand" to be held in April 2015. Archbishop Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovitavanij of Bangkok, president of the plenary council, presided over the Mass to open the Holy Year. His homily stressed that there is a need for the "Holy Spirit, that will boost the fervor of proclaiming Christ like the early apostolic community." "Let us pray for a new Pentecost for renewing our New Evangelization," Archbishop Kriengsak said, explaining that this "can be achieved by nurturing small ecclesial communities in order to renew their evangelical mission of proclaiming and living the Gospel." During the year-long commemorative jubilee, several faith formation empowerment programs are underway, particularly focusing catechesis and strengthening Small Christian Communities. The first Synod of the Catholic Church in Thailand was held in the former capital city of Ayutthaya in 1664. The Vatican has also issued a commemorative stamp marking the 350th anniversary of Synod of Ayutthaya. Today, the Catholic population of Thailand is less than 1 percent of the population. Some 95 percent of the Thai people are Buddhist, and many of the remainder are Muslim, making interreligious relations an important facet of life for Catholics in the south-east Asian nation. In the last 50 years, Thailand has witnessed the creation of two archdioceses - Bangkok and Tare-Nongsaeng - on Dec. 18, 1965 and subsequently the creation of six new dioceses: Chanthaburi, Ratchaburi, Chiang Mai, Ubonratchathani, Udonthani and Nakhonratchasima.