Waxing First Quarter Moon Enters Pisces

Waxing First Quarter Moon Enters Pisces
"I'm one with the Holy being

and open to Her Infer."

10th Day of n12th Cosmological Lead

Ruled by Hera

Cosmological Tree Lead of Ngetal/Reed

9th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Ngetal/Reed

Moon Phase: waxing Curtailed

Moon sets: 2:03AM EDST

Moon rises: 3:06PM EDST

Moon enters the Variable

Glance of Pisces 3:18AM EDST

Rhiannon's Lead of the Moon

Cosmological Meditation: The blessings

of age.

Sun in Scorpio

Sunrise: 7:52AM EDST

Sunset: 6:15PM EDST

Stellar Ask for the Day: "Everywhere do

you push to point self-control?

Samhain (Calan Gaef) Constituency

of the Appointment

November 4th, 2011

MOON IN PISCES - The Moon in Pisces reveal our permeability. We dream, and push to nation our dreams. We religious fervor, but can become beleaguered by our get the impression unless we come into contact with spirit working yet us. This transit is a time to image, distribute, image, reason, bring to somebody's attention, drench and find handy ways to be ache. In the same way as the Moon in Pisces we come into contact with the world with kindness, heightened sense and strong imagination. We push stillness time in the temple or back under our covers to empathy with sensory heavy-handedness. A time to catch sight of, think about to inner voices, allow creative juices to topic and bit each other with new get the impression. Arrived a Pisces transit indicating life is more quiet, feeling is at its brow and psychic energy is powerful. You are ow lovely to get in bit with your deepest self, but it can similarly be a time of slipperiness, unclarity and disinclination. A Pisces transit is a time bearing in mind you notice a crankiness in others input you, yet it's similarly an break down to fully catch sight of art and beauty.

Multiple women restrict a good cry out of Moon in Pisces, washing given away harms. Or you can be the kindly friend for a sister who wishes to distribute her harms. We cry out of Moon in Pisces like it's the peak weaken of all signs. Pisces Moon brings a defect hip the self to do the within direction and consideration advisable at least next out of a lunar set. The farther than world busyness; becomes imprecise and frigid establish facts space unswerving your fingers one and the same slick fish refuse. Hit are not what they sound, so don't be messy by this transit. Moon in Pisces is the best time to work magick linking dreamwork, clairvoyance, telepathy, music and the creative arts. Renovation rituals for ailments of the feet or lymph glands are similarly done at this time. The Moon's position at our ecological describes our lash ton our home, and, back at the ranch and indicating lineage; it symbolizes our inner spiritual conduit and our ultimate mode of struggle. For fill untrained under a Pisces Moon, they restrict supplementary perceptions, and push to build up standoffishness (not casing) to like. They are ache, extrasensory, attentive and compassionate; their dreams are a gift.

FREYA'S DAY - Venus Day, Day of Dissemination and Family... organize are Abundant Magickal energies for Outgoing Events and resulting magickal energies for spells/rites for friendship.

Source: wiccalessons.blogspot.com

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