Witches, werewolves, and vampires an un-precedented organization together with the individual. Prince of Darkness: The realm of Vampyre is on the brink of a catastrophic war. In order to put in storage his covens from earn annihilate and stow his flattering to be king, Prince Valerian Radu basic find a comrade rapidly and cause her. Calm down, persuasive the feisty witch, Shasta LaVeau, she's Primary Bride substance is a war in itself--Shasta has but one planning on her mind-drive a station in a straight line his black heart! Princess of Light: In Shasta's heed, the in simple terms good vampire is a staked vampire. Half-witch, half-werewolf, she foliage the borders of Ru-Noc to put in storage her best friend, Princess Kali, from the evil fangs of Valerian, in simple terms to fall under the hypnotic spell of the sexy vampire. Witch's Magic-where four realms collide-and offering can in simple terms be one winner!