Blessed New Moon

Blessed New Moon
Today is New Moon and for me that means a new beginning - for something! I've decided that today is the day I will start to write in my Book of Shadows and make it a part of my family.

I cleansed my BOS last Full moon and it's ben sitting on my altar. New Moon is the perfect time to dedicate the book to myself and my family.

Speaking of it being New Moon - a while back I was asked what I do when, in regards to spells and such and the phases of the Moon.

I have no idea what is right or wrong, I only know what I do and that it works for me. (It also worked for the Coven - as this is what we did as well)

New Moon: Meditations, cleanings, if a spell required a 'start' time we began the spell at New Moon - this didn't happen often but when it did we'd start the spell on New Mon and end it - or give it until Full Moon to come to fruition.

Full Moon: Most spell work as the energy from the Full Moon really helps me with the spell, meditations, divination.

Dark of the Moon: Meditation and self reflection, divination.

I hope this helps you all - what do you normally do and when?


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