What Is Your Soul Worth Surely You Dont Want To Sell Your Soul
dualism, immortality, magick 0 Comments »There are pressures in life to trade in what we know is right for a quick win today. OlyLife encourages you not to sell your soul for the riches of this world. Temptations abound around us and the media bombards us with messages about the life-style we should have. We see folks on a faster career track, making a killing on lucrative investments, or perhaps taking short cuts to get immediate rewards. When they were asked "Do you want to sell your soul and get ahead by going on the dark side?" Some answered yes and traded their soul for a glamorous life today. This is not to say that all folks who are doing well in their careers or investments have traded away their soul; but rather, it is a warning for us all to be guarded and to remember their is nothing that makes it worth it to sell your soul. Jesus tells us in Mark 8:36 "WHAT GOOD IS IT FOR A MAN TO GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, YET FORFEIT HIS SOUL?" Nothing here on earth compares to the great love and place that our Father in Heaven has prepared for us. We must not be ashamed of Jesus, for He goes on to tell us that if we are, the Son of Man will be ashamed of us.
None of us before or after the One Who Rose From The Grave, are perfect. If something tempted you to sell your soul, turn back as it is not too late. THERE IS NO DARKNESS THAT OUR LORD CANNOT BRING TO LIGHT, NO CHAIN HE CANNOT BREAK, NO REDEMPTION HE CANNOT RENDER. OlyLife encourages anyone who has regrets, whether for a week, month, years, or a life-time of wrongful behavior; fall on your knees and turn your heart, mind and soul over to a merciful God and ask Him for forgiveness through the redemptive power of atonement in Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Ask Jesus to come in as Lord of your life and live in Him as a new creation. With Christ all things are possible. While you have a breath to breathe, it is not too late. Don't let this prompting pass you by if the God of the universe is calling to your heart. THERE IS NO MORE IMPORTANT DECISION YOU CAN MAKE, OR ACTION YOU CAN TAKE, THAN TO OPEN YOUR HEART IN FAITH TO ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR. When we turn away from the error of our ways and make a commitment to live a Spirit-filled walk, we are indeed making the most of our one and only life for His higher purpose - That's OlyLife!
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Source: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com