Dowsing Magic A Step By Step Guide
dowsing, magick, pendulum 0 Comments »If you need answers, and who doesn't these days, try a quickie dowsing sessions with a pendulum. Whether you want to know if you're brother-in-law is going to get drunk again this weekend or if you're going to meet your soul-mate, pendulums can give you fast and solid answers for yes/no questions you might have about any aspect of your life.
What is a Pendulum?
A pendulum is any lightweight object suspended from a string or chain. It is a magical tool that becomes a natural extension of you, and can access any and all information that exists in the Universe. You just have to know which questions to ask.
For instance, a pendulum can reveal your body's own native wisdom. It can indicate whether certain supplements or flower essences will improve your health. It can also reveal whether a health problem stems from a particular organ or an emotional source. Dowsing with a pendulum is a simple form of magic that has a remarkable number of applications.
How to Make a Pendulum
Anyone can make a pendulum. You just need a lightweight object plus a chain or some string. You can use paper clips, small rocks, earrings, hairpins, pendants, small medallions, crystals and talismans. If you want to use a crystal, use an amethyst, and store any kind of crystal you use in a pewter box, which protects it from negative energy. Don't use Aurora crystals, which have been treated with petroleum.
If you choose to hang your pendulum on a chain, use a silver chain. You can also hang your pendulum on any kind of natural fiber such as cotton or silk, horse or human hair or leather.
Training Your Pendulum for Dowsing Magic
Once you've made your pendulum your next step is to train it for dowsing magic, so that it answers your questions quickly and accurately. Here's how:
1. First four-element cleanse your pendulum with smoke. The smoke from burning pine resin and sage works well.
2. Next, key your pendulum so that it responds to your energies. To key it, hold your pendulum in your dominant hand (the hand you write or point with). Flow energy into the pendulum for a minute or two, or until it grows warm and tingly.
3. Begin training your pendulum by establishing its yes and no directions. Decide if you want your pendulum to indicate "yes" with a vertical or horizontal swing. The "no" indicator will be the opposite of the "yes" indicator (if "yes" is a vertical swing, then "no" is a horizontal swing).
It's often easier to dowse while sitting, so get in a comfortable position and hold your pendulum suspended from your dominant hand. Make sure the pendulum is on a long enough chain or string to swing freely. Rest your elbow on a table or your knee to stabilize your hand.
Swing your pendulum in a gentle clockwise circle and tell it, "Show me yes." Wait for the pendulum to settle into the proper swing (whatever direction you chose). If it doesn't, ask again.
Once your pendulum consistently swings in the proper direction for "yes," use the same process to ask it to show you the proper swing for "no."
4. Finally, start training your pendulum to give you actual answers by practicing asking questions about short futures. Ask yes/no questions that can be verified in a 15 to 30 minute time frame. For instance, at the end of the work day you might ask your pendulum, "Will my roommate be home in the next 20 minutes?" Verify the correctness of your pendulum's answer, and then ask another question.
It actually doesn't matter whether your pendulum gives you the correct answer or not. It's more important to give your pendulum a lot of practice with dowsing magic. The more your work with your pendulum, the more accurate it will become. Don't get obsessed with the "rightness" of the answers during this training period.
Asking the Right Questions
At this stage, your pendulum can answer any yes/no question. How you phrase your questions will determine the accuracy of the answers. The general principle for asking questions in dowsing magic, as in spell work, is, "Be precise!"
For instance, if you ask your pendulum, "Will it rain today?" and your pendulum says, "Yes," don't be surprised if you don't see a drop of rain that day. Was your pendulum wrong? No. It probably rained somewhere in the world that day. Since you didn't ask for a precise location, your pendulum could not give you a precise answer.
As with everything else, practice makes perfect when it comes to dowsing magic. To remind yourself to practice, take your pendulum with you in your pocket or purse (wrapped in a piece of silk or in a small pouch) and use it any time you have a few minutes to yourself. You'll be surprised at how many opportunities you will have to use it!
Hope you enjoyed this step-by-step guide on making a pendulum and dowsing magic! If you want to create a personalized pendulum for yourself, consider these symbolic amulets:
Animal Amulets
Angel and Fairy Amulets
Other Symbolic Amulets
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