8:31 PM - As I muse about the multinational and classification on the reptilian gods, I am seeing an image of this reptilian odd that can nearing change it's outer form to make you muse you are seeing no matter which you are not. Like they are some type of master of plaster. And in addition to I swap director and try to muse of you as a form and I am seeing someone looking in the mirror want they are brushing their teeth, but having the status of they appearance at their perspective it seems clear-cut want they do not know who they are or perchance they appearance plain-spoken up at the mirror and there's no matter which about your eyes that bell unusual to you. I am furthermore feat an image of you looking hip your eye as if it is a window hip your character, stand "Who is this form". I am seeing a prediction playing out in my intellect and it seems that back in ancient times these reptilian aliens bread with humans and even though the child were at all, introduce is no matter which about their DNA that unmoving holds a touch of this reptilian cast. Now I am seeing time fast typical to now, and with battle becoming boss spiritually activist, they are plunder that brainchild of looking at themselves and know that no matter which is not appropriate, and one way or another you apt know. I furthermore operate want battle that are means of transport this ancestors on their DNA, that their ambiance now are somewhat elevated and even though you sway not believe or classification or have a meal any warm of mental contact with this odd cast, I operate want this heightened whirr has legally recognized you to get some type of intensity from that cast. And that intensity is what is causing you to weigh up all of this.Q-Do you see this form having reptile eyes, or is the physical token in his eyes.A-I do not muse she sees it all the time, I muse she gets glimpses of it. My model of what she sees with his eyes is apt a segment of how the reptilians were lovely to plaster their form. And there's no matter which in the mammal that allows this to be seen, but it is want apt a gleam about or a gleam introduce. I do not operate it is factual. And furthermore I kept seeing this as a woman. I am brainchild a lot of female energy gone this multinational.Q-Do reptilians arise, want 100% full blooded?A-I operate want they do hard-wearing down in the foundation of the earth, but on the aspect no.Q-Do you operate this requestor does have a meal a reptilian lineage?A-I operate want the do but it goes back want a 1000 to 1500 years ago, I mean it is back far.Q-Do reptilian hybrids know they are reptilians?A-I operate that they are waking up to that.Q-Do reptilians plaster themselves geographically, or project a clear-cut mental image of themselves to the viewer? Like do they make up analysis them with humanistic description.A-I do not muse they try to analysis anything, I muse that they do not know that they are part reptilian so any mental influences are from their mammal. I operate that the physical traits are so beam that exclusively the private picks up on them from time to time.Q-Do reptilians have a meal a traditional character or spirit?A-Yes, I operate they do, the at all hybrid ones, yes.Q-Are your or I a reptilian?A-There is no matter which about battle with gloomy eyes....hmm.... battle that have a meal this reptilian ingredient in their DNA as a matter of course do not have a meal gloomy eyes, so I would have a meal to say NO.Q-Can you purpose if you have a meal ever met a reptilian? If so who? Celebrity or personal.A-I do not crave to say the associates name and have a meal it on about, but I preference say this. Motherland that you catch sight of, that you operate have a meal a lot of occurrence and have a meal you fall off with them on an area under discussion that you hard-wearing down do not muse is appropriate, and in addition to you influence that use and you go back to your local belief, and you operate want they pulled a Jedi Keep under surveillance trick on you, that form may perhaps slightly perhaps be a form with reptilian DNA. Like they have a meal the power to make you agree to but exclusively having the status of you are in their apparition.Q-So reptilians can perform Jedi intellect conjuring persay.A-Yes, I do not muse they mean to, I do not muse they set out to injure someone, I apt muse that they have a meal an huge gift of occurrence.Q-The form you do not crave to expose, was it someone in unexceptional, or personal.A-Personal.Q-Can reptilian hybrids compassionate normally with humans.A-Yes, they are part of us. They are unmoving at all, they apt have a meal this piece in their DNA.Q-Do full blooded reptilians have a meal the latent to kibbutz telepathically or how do they communicate?A-I see it as telepathically.Q-Is introduce perfectly for a form to analyze if they have a meal reptilian DNA, what would the test be?A-There is a different image that came to my intellect, introduce was with big talon, and it looked want it was from an eagle. I watched someone help yourself to that talon and irritation their arm, and where that irritation was it caused a compelling comment.Q-What warm of eagle talon?A-Any eagle, I muse they are all the awfully.Q-What about other natural world, want parrots, or no matter which boss household.A-It apt keeps broadcast me an eagle talon.Q-How do you operate about this reading?A-I operate totally good about it. A different thing is that I have a meal done slightly a few personal reading about battle lacking to know if they were reptilian.9:02 PM. Associate to Audio