I Need Your Help
demonology, hermeticism, magick 0 Comments »I need your help. I've only been pagan for about a year, and for most of that time I have focused my attention on just worshipping Cernunnos my patron deity. I was married for 20 years to a woman who found it fun to be controlling and domineering. As a result I have resisted the idea of worshipping any form of goddess. I believed in them, knew they were real, acknowledged their existence, just did not feel compelled to worship them.
Despite this, I have always felt a deep connection with the moon, even before I converted to paganism. Every time I go out the door at night, I always look to see where she is, notice what phase she is in, and pause to admire her beauty. I actually feel disappointment when I look and find she's in the new moon phase. Whenever I see her, I always tell her just how beautiful I think she is. I even find myself at times telling her my deepest thoughts, my deepest secrets, my innermost feelings. I don't consider myself called by the moon, but I definitely feel a bond with her.
Well, now I feel I'm enetering a phase in my path where I think all of this about to change. I am having visions of a goddess, but I'm not sure who she is. All I'm sure of is that she is a moon goddess. Here is a description of what I am seeing:
She is tall, pale with blonde/white hair and ice blue eyes. She is beautiful with a kind, caring face. She wears a long white hooded cloak with a hood that she always wears pulled up. In some ways she reminds me of the Queen from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, though much softer and kinder.
Can anyone identify her for me? I need to know who she is so that I can begin to acknowldge her and incoporate worship of her into my path.
Any and all help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!
Brightest Blessings,
Reference: wiccalessons.blogspot.com