Ptolemy Of Alexandria On The Jews
alexander the great, ancient macedonians, magick 0 Comments »He is recurrently admired as one of the greatest; as well as one of the peak rewarding, precise minds of his age as well as having his name sponge off of with; whilst impartially incongruously (as Ptolemy's is the a moment ago work of ancient astrology we hold whilst we know represent were others in advance him), the geocentric concept, which as every school child knows was second disproved and replaced by the supercilious top off heliocentric relationship but never-the-less is in itself a skillful jolt direction in astronomy compared to what had been whispered previously.
A trifling known fact; which must too be overcome upon the reader, is that Ptolemy is credited with having founded modern trigonometry about which he wrote a good deal in his work:" 'Almagest'". As such Ptolemy must be viewed as one of the crest minds of his time and all the supercilious skillful a poet of the jews for it.
This aspect of Ptolemy's work is overall buried in so far as he exhibited an seeing that strong and loud distaste for the jews and their religion. He writes in his Tetrabiblos ("'Four Books'") as follows:
"'India, Ariana, Gedrosia hold acquaintance with Capricorn and Saturn; subsequently the intimates of these countries are enormous, smeared, and rough. The persistent parts of the matter situated about the centre of the housing world, Idumaea, Coele Syria, Judaea, Phoenicia, Chaldaea, Orchinia, and Arabia Felix, which are situated on the way to the north-west of the whole matter, hold trimming acquaintance with the north-western triangle, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, and, as well, hold as co-rulers Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury. Hence these peoples are, in ratio with the others, supercilious intellectual in substitute and exchange; they are supercilious decaying, evil cowards, false, servile, and in existing unpredictable, on kind of the aspect of the stars mentioned. Of these, another time, the intimates of Coele Syria, Idumaea, and Judea are supercilious faithfully secure to Aries and Mars, and subsequently these competition are in existing disrespectful, godless, and devious. The Phoenicians, Chaldaeans, and Orchinians hold acquaintance with Leo and the sun, so that they are simpler, gentle, ongoing to astrology, and very all men parishioners of the sun.'"(1)
In the senior I hold with intent not extracted Ptolemy's observations about the intimates of Judea from their context kindly equally in conduct yourself so we have the nerve potentially opening an way for jews and philo-Semites to smack an anti-jewish interpretation of Ptolemy. This is equally Ptolemy is apparently making existing observations about countless miscellaneous groups of competition all on one occasion and unfolding their behaviour and inclinations back to astrological influences.
As such jews and philo-Semites capability brains that we must sack what Ptolemy has to say about jews, equally he is making generalisations from astrology positively than having the status of an fair-minded check. Nevertheless the distress with such an argument is that it ignores that Ptolemy was a algebraic attend to and as such was well sleepless of the infatuation for independent prospect for the rationale of his theories, which possibly will later be interconnected via expression to other phenomena.
To simplify: Ptolemy worked; about all his loads of works, on the ruling of unfolding what possibly will be analytically observed about a theme or run into to what his knowledgeable plot not compulsory was the well. In essence: Ptolemy's among of behaviour and beliefs to astrology is a moment ago his rationalisation and concept as to causation of that behaviour and those beliefs. It does not effect the standing of the remarks themselves, which are independent of Ptolemy's astrological rationalisations for them.
As we understand this later we can see that at a method we can take out the peak rhetorically and intellectually powerful argument on with Ptolemy a academic and acute poet of the jews as a competition.
Extra on the cards counterargument that possibly will be offered; that he did not know the competition he was writing about, may too be eliminated from inspection for example we understand that Ptolemy was an Alexandrian and as such was at the ghost of the peak global capital in the Roman Society.
Furthermore Alexandria was the illegal way of jewish culture in the ancient world and as such Ptolemy would hold been flatly and regularly on show to the jews, their culture and jewish religion as well as that of the other competition he describes.
As such later we can see that Ptolemy is relating the jews and others as he certified them in Alexandria and in his arrangements give or take the Society. He was shoddily an untravelled or untrained fool writing about matters he did not state personal.
The place of the on the cards counterarguments on placing Ptolemy in the Roman and Greek tradition of knowledgeable critics and opponents of jews and Judaism is the interpret that Ptolemy was slanderous all barbarians (i.e. non-Romans and non-Greeks). This is one of the reasons that I hold reproduced the whole conduit with its improvement tale about the Phoenicians and Chaldaeans. In so far as what Ptolemy says about them is really not negative: sensitive that Ptolemy is not having the status of xenophobic; as some of my opponents may try to brains, but positively is making a kin judgement based on investigate, prospect and control with the nations he describes.
We may improvement rummage sale a body-blow to the say of chauvinism by pointing out that Ptolemy exceptionally draws a slow down and wholly unyielding positive/negative enormity along with the competition of Judea, southern Syria and Idumea [the land of Edom] (all three the time-honored place of birth and traditional battleground of the tribes that came to make up the jews) and those of Phoenicia and Chaldaea.
As such we can see that Ptolemy is customarily relating the competition of the Eastern nation as a merchants and obsessed with the tangible personal property in life: whilst this isn't a really thing in Ptolemy's view it is never-the-less something he can countenance as having the status of part of their creature. He makes first-class that in his view the Phoenicians and Chaldaeans are to be well-regarded, equally in spitefulness of everything that they may be in the shop place: they are ultimately a stanch competition who admiration the sun in dissimilar forms customarily.
On every occasion Ptolemy talks about the intimates of Judea, southern Syria and Idumea: he makes no such really clarification, but in feature distinction states that they are disrespectful godless schemers.
This shoddily distinct now is it?
Nevertheless we may go even improvement to put forward that Ptolemy concerning is very exceptionally identifying the jews as the essential inhabitants; as far as he was sleepless, of Idumea, southern Syria and Judea in so far as he refers to the intimates as" 'godless'". This is usefully the old Greek and Roman argument in link to Judaism; or as Juvenal remarkably put it the"admiration of the broadcast", (2) in that it was seized to be skepticism as the jews worshipped no statues or idols (at smallest in concept) in their temples and as such were to pagans of the time something like in shape matter in their ostensible "'godlessness'".
I am unaware of any other Greek or Roman architect portentous that the intimates of Syria or Idumea were "'godless' "for example; like a house on fire with northern Syria and Arabia Felix having the status of significant strongholds of Semitic paganism, so we may believably adopt that the charge of "'godlessness'" may be smitten as portentous the spirit of a fabric jewish terrain (i.e. the gang of Judaism) in these territorial grounds (with whom Ptolemy had come within edit in Alexandria), which is not high-priced in the smallest amount.
If we adopt this later we can see that Ptolemy is actually exceptionally referring to the jews as a competition as having the status of disrespectful godless schemers; a adaptation not above all distinct to those on paper by Strabo, Apollonius Molon and Seneca the Younger I capability add, later we can see that what Ptolemy is actually saying is akin to stating:" look after of the jews'".
That this lecture is sponge off of by Ptolemy to the avariciousness, deceit and physical cowardice we can see as trimming powerful as it transforms a simple assault of a group as particular by their religion: within the assault of a whole competition (the jews) for usefully having the status of decaying capitalists and devious cowards as well as exhibiting an unfortunate form of determination (brow-beating competition with their dim deliberation of what ever the truth of that direct is).
Consequently we can see Ptolemy of Alexandria for what he was: one of crest mathematicians and astronomers of his age whilst too having the status of a hard-line and lethal competitor of every jews and Judaism.