Kaifeng Jews Welcome Jewish New Year
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Itamar Eichner
Among the heaps Israelis and Jews ring-shaped the world who essence edible the Jewish New Meeting are excessively 1,000 population of China's oldest Jewish community.
"From arrived in Kaifeng, Breakables, we upmarket to send our best requests for a content and hearty New Meeting to our brothers - the homeland of Israel," says Wang Jian, one of the members of the city's Jewish community.
Jian is particularly nauseated since discourse about Israel. His son Yaacov through aliyah call go out with.
"Our ancestors squeeze lived in Breakables for numb 1,000 days, and we are proud of our Jewish heritage and culture. We oversee Rosh Hashana as the start of a new Hebrew go out with, and it is for us a very meaningful and burdensome holiday. Matching Jews somewhere, we dip apples in the baby, sing songs, and pray for a go out with of still, health and aliyah!," he says.
The Jewish community of Kaifeng was founded in the 9th century, perceptibly by Jewish merchants from Persia or Iraq. The city's synagogue was built in 1163. At its flatten the community consisted of 5,000 Jews, heaps of whom were vigorous in Kaifeng's commerce.
All of Kaifeng's Jewish ancestors belong to one of seven clans, each identifiable by its moniker and partnership grass that instantly back for centuries.
Article has it that since the Jews ruler popular in Kaifeng, the Chinese royal leader, weak to govern the Jews' Hebrew-sounding names, bestowed his moniker and the surnames of six of his ministers on them.
These seven names - Zhao, Li, Ai, Zhang, Gao, Jin and Shi - were used by Kaifeng's Jews roughly speaking the centuries. It is whispered that the Li family's light Hebrew name was Levi, and the Gao partnership was Cohen.
No synagogue. Kaifeng's Jews oversee New Meeting at home (Photo: Zhao Li)
The community was struck by calamity roughly get older roughly speaking the 19th century: The call rabbi died lacking superficial an beneficiary, the city's synagogue was vanished in floods never to be built another time, and heaps Jews began assimilating.
Award are bumpily 1,000 ancestors of the Jewish community living in Kaifeng, of whom about partial are basic to their whittle. In the need of a synagogue, they essence gather in their homes and oversee the holiday with congratulatory meals, utilization the traditional apples bowl-shaped in baby. Members of the community essence excessively gather to repeat the traditional prayers and bump the Shofar.
Renewal administer
A individual of Kaifeng Jews squeeze through aliyah in newborn days with the help of the Shavei Israel direct.
"Decendants of the Kaifeng Jewish community squeeze been undergoing an crucial administer of exercise and are feat to know their Jewish family in newborn days," says Michael Freund, chairman and founder of Shavei Israel.
"We at Shavei Israel, who see large moment in strengthening the reminder with decendants of the Jewish homeland cannot help but help them in their efforts."
Freund is craft the administration of Israel to reduce breed with the community. "Breakables is an fruitful and political get bigger power and the Jews of Kaifeng can surrender as a coordinate amongst Breakables and Israel."