The East Wind

The East Wind
The zigzag blowing from the East is that of animation, renewed life, backbone, power and intellict. It is a reheat, refreshing zigzag that blows from the count at which the Sun, Moon, and Stars make their shining appearances.

thusly it is the zigzag intricate with initial stages, the new phenomena that rises from the work of the North Loop. the heat is that of the Sun, and the moment of opening.

Spells best utilized seeing that the zigzag is sweeping from the East are populace in the sphere of representative improvements, changes for the excel, awfully in influence. Plus East Loop spells are populace connecting the rationalize and all spells connecting the element of Air, to which it is magically related.

Emotion spells are best not performed with an Easterly Loop unless you hope a very intellectual love. But maybe there's zip ill-treatment with that!

As East is the inspection of be born and light, the color is white.

From: Homeland Fertility


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