Q Is For Queen Of The Witches

Q Is For Queen Of The Witches
Queen ('Kwen) defined by merriam-webster.comas a goddess or thing personified as a female having supremacy in a specific realm.

Hecate (Hekate) has many titles. One of which is Queen of the Witches. Hecate is thought to be the last of the Titans. She was granted dominion over the Heavens, Earth and Sea by Zeus. She is thought to be the seen as a triple goddess figure and holds the keys to the underworld. She is often depicted at a cross roads where decisions are made and offerings to her are left there.

So how did she become Queen of the Witches? Hecate has a long history and can be traced back 3000 years. She can be found in early writings such as Oddyssey, Homer - C9th BCE and Theogony, Hesiod C8th BCE. Some of her titles include Hekate Desponia(Mistress), Hekate Phosphoros (Lightbringer) and Hekate Trioditis (of the three roads). Looking through the list that I found, I did not locate "queen of the witches", however it may be a modern term. Since the resurgence of religions such as Wicca, groups select a deity or are called to a deity. Since Wicca is "craft of the wise" or witch craft Hecate is often selected as the deity or Queen of the Witches. Many in Wicca associate Hecate with the Crone Goddess. This depiction can be traced back to Robert Graves.

Hecate and the Maiden Mother Crone aspect.

In this next video, Sorita d'Este discusses if Hecate is the Goddess of modern Wicca.

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