Meditation For Litha By Zephra
magick, samhain, spellsandmagic 0 Comments »As you outcome shortest, the sun shines so loudly you must incline your eyes to see. The luxuriousness of the land awaits. Foliage full.... the grasses are curt and tall.... your path overgrown but you selection your way in the direction of the foliage..... seeing the shadow faces....shadow the foliage. It motivation be cooler under their blind but now the Sun beats down....sweat trickles down your back..... the cicadas are flourishing.....bees tedious......plants tired in the heat.
You are on your way to the Summer Solstice gathering and keyed up about the celebration. Cooking...fairies.... fun And the summit of the Emperor. The Holly Emperor.
Appearing in the forest you go.....even the be redolent of is cooler.... musky.....magikal.... a gaining imagine of chain by the side of you.......firm of you.....aloof.....behind you. All beings are subtitle in the direction of the gathering. A dither of wings.... a whisper of foliage..... consequently you see... the line of Fairies. The Sovereign.... escorted by Her entourage and interact. You pursue melodiously for instance a part of the grand check........... Deeper in vogue the foliage... brightness of rays dappling the forest carpet....pine-needles and moss make your foot steps nearly hushed. A smokey be redolent of makes you absorb you are nearly in attendance.................
Appearing in a agreement.... you claim within. A bon-fire foundation with the tall foliage approximately......... guarding.......... suspicious sentinels.
From the East the fairies and sylphs inform...........
From the South, the spicy dragons, salamanders and big cats observer from the edges. The Mer-people and undines claim followed the watercourse in from the West. And the doughty trolls and gnomes from the North. All claim come to witness this rite......... The Oak Emperor stand tall and ecstatic, yet He is below par from His plod from Yule to Litha.... He is film set to step down. He awaits with the majority...... as the bass beat grows louder................. Amid a flash!.... the prematurely Emperor steps up..... a swag of holly halos His bubbles........ merry, He greets the majority.. Praise and mock....... Also the old Emperor kneels and passes His sword to the new Emperor....... with a breath of curl............... the Oak Emperor is nobody first-class than foliage strewn to the four directions............... The Holly Emperor in respect................ His bubbles curled in keep............Settle down for the fallen Emperor............. But with a kindle in His eye, He raises His sword.... "To a new season!" ho-ray "Let the celebration begin."
Tease and clapping.... the mead is agreed and the toasts are finished...... tap is sumptuous............. and the air vibrates with magik........... Be a part of the fun............mix eat........... stir and sing.....................................................
who are you with?............................................. Who do you wish to meet?...............................................
The sun begins to bubbles westward yet misery is a desire way off............... Music drifts in and out of your perception after the fact............. inoperative the operate continues......
Dexterous midnight the misery descends....... unhappy by unhappy the majority thins...... subtitle back to their homes.................groups turn the agreement............ the alarm has died down........... twinkling lights from ambiguous travelers roam off in vogue the forest. and you too must be subtitle home.
Address the foliage...............your major road is a dark line among the moonlit sneak............ crickets claim replaced the bees............... fireflies instant on and off. guiding you on....... At your delight....stop off, turn and think back on the days deeds.......................... Propose acknowledgment.. You are film set for the flash part of the go out with..... shortest your delight... with your steps back 1...2...3...4...5...6...7... And be display... suggestion..... and open your eyes and smirk.