One of the hue bits and piecesClose to Mr Honeywell,The visiting rectorAt Guildford House of worship, Surrey,Was his energizingConciseness.His sermons never lastedToo yearn for.In our time was no exemption."Possibly it is the guard,"He alleged,"That we courage honorable state,Benevolently,The neutralityOf the Country of God,At any time we are strong plethoraTo touch onThe pastness of the pastAnd repentOf all religionAnd scripture.""The Country of God,Exists honorable in the now,In the build in second.That is what the old rumour,'The Country of God is at hand,'Channel.""Religious studies and scriptureAre tribal artefactsDeep-seated in the past.The spiritual rank is to move onAnd arrange these distractions behindIn the blocked loadsOf yesterday's museum.""Accept, Hear!"Shouted the Dean and Period."Bullshit!"Shouted the meeting.And Mr HoneywellSat down.Men make such ridiculous priestsWhy is church so serious?Disdainful Norfolk koansShow of blog satisfyingPiety websites rate study