Nick Bryant Satanic Abuse Black Awakening
magick, mental, religion belief 0 Comments »For those who don't know (or those who are afraid to step out of the Christian mainstream, if you will, to seriously discuss such spiritual realities) the 'Black Awakening' is a phrase used to describe a time in the not-to-distant-future when spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12) will manifest itself in this manner.
For those non-believers who have stumbled across this post, the best analogy I can give you is to imagine your worst nightmare of a societal breakdown on a global scale and what that would look like in reality. You might have been exposed to a small sampling of such courtesy of Hollywood without even realizing it.
Now, I must strongly caution you to resist the urge to casually dismiss this outright. It's one thing if you're doing so from a position of strength, or a position of faith (as in, "Who cares because if the Lord is for me, then who can be against me?" Romans :31), but another thing entirely if you're doing so simply because you think such an idea is absolute nonsense.
My dear friend, spiritual warfare is real (take your pick of verses from the Bible!), and we've already documented on more than one occasion how Mind Control is real too. Worse, history has shown that our own governments have experimented with it quite extensively.
Here's what Derek Gilbert said before an interview he once had with author Nick Bryant...
I'm only 20% into "The Franklin Scandal", and already I'm convinced that this was a purchase worth far more than the asking price. As Paul correctly notes, the hard evidence Bryant provides -- nearly 20% of the book's page count is made up of scanned documents that support the otherwise unbelievable claims of the victims - establishes that skeptics who blithely dismiss SRA as "satanic panic" are either uninformed or dishonest. One hour will barely scratch the surface of this horror.
He's referring to Bryant's book The Franklin Scandal, which I never knew about until I just learned that Gilbert had him on as a Guest for P.I.D. Radio a couple of years ago.
Anyway, this interview is a MUST LISTEN for those who are skeptical of the whole 'Black Awakening' as well as ministries like Russ Dizdar's Shatter The Darkness.
Why is it such an important topic for us Christians to be aware of? Well, as Paul Collins commented in a public online discussion with Derek Gilbert...
If Bryant's book is read by enough people, it will, in my opinion, give Kenneth Lanning a serious black eye.
Lanning was, of course, a Supervisory Special Agent in the Bureau's Behavioral Science Unit.
His 1992 Study of Childhood Ritual Abuse was not entirely bad. I'm sure he did find some baseless claims. But the skepticism became pathological in nature. The report, as a result, was far too dismissive.
So the FBI, in my opinion, allowed the satanic subculture here in America to go unexamined. The lack of scrutiny and investigation led to an occult explosion.
That explosion didn't only impact Goth kids cutting one another of lonely housewives watching Eric Tolle on Oprah. Evidence suggest that it even reached into elite circles.
Here's a link to Lanning's report. I think it is important for PID listeners to read; not because it's true, but because its flawed nature led to one of law enforcement's major failures to protect the population from criminals who find their motivation in satanism. Here it is: rep03.htm
Ultimately, as the deceased Rama Coomaraswamy pointed out, all pedophilia is satanism because it represents the destruction of innocence. Jesus was, of course, the ultimate expression of innocence.
Folks, the threat is real.
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Satanic Ritual Abuse, and MKULTRA type mind control (sometimes called Trauma Based Mind Control) is as real as real can be, and there's a definite spiritual root to all of it. There's really so much more on 'Pedophocracy' too.
However, I'm not reporting on this as if I'm trying to instill fear, but I'm actually doing so to help you prepare spiritually, and to really give you hope for the future even if it's surrounded by chaos, death, and destruction. The truth is that there is hope in The Truth Himself, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! There is unparalleled power and love in the King Jesus Christ!
Simply put, the sooner we truly realize that, the sooner we'll be able to grasp the full weight of the spiritual war that's raging all around us on a second-by-second basis.
I just keep thinking about how likely it is that hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people worldwide are suddenly 'switched on' to commence this 'Black Awakening' era. Lord have mercy, right?
Either way, let's rest on the truth from God's Word.
Matthew 10:28 (ESV) And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Rest in Jesus Christ. Fight fear with faith.
So, as Christians who are purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, and who are now His sole property, we should not respond to any of this in fear since fear is not a fruit of the spirit.
Instead, this should motivate us to not only learn how to properly put on our spiritual armor, but also how to wield the spiritual weapons of warfare that are available to us.
Trust me, we'll need them in the days, weeks, and months ahead for sure. Even if it's not the 'Black Awakening' itself that we have to deal with, you better believe that it will be something dark, something fierce, and something satanically-inspired with the purpose of trying to destroy and separate us from our Lord and Savior.