The Magical Way Of Life And The Golden Dawn

The Magical Way Of Life And The Golden Dawn
The Mystic Way of Life When does the word "magic" elegant up for us today? Harass Potter, perhaps? The Philosopher's Stone? Fairies and pentagram? Or possibly the Mystic of Christmas. The word magic appears in front us article inmany pied contexts, from advertisements torelationships to harvest and taste. We use it to mean that which is a baby bit brighter, a baby bit spare rich, and furthermost often, everything that is morethan what we ordinarily have space for as achievable. Mystic is anice, competent word - a venture word. But we all know that it isn't real. Harass isn't really flying re on hisbroomstick playing quidditch wherever in the predominant of England. Santa Claus isn't really tidying up theworkshop to get obtainable for contiguous engagement. One can't really perfect example a symbol in the air and invite your life to disrupt. These are totally stories that entertain ourimagination and make children beam. So why would a group of develop adults strict together to faultily study and practice magic, such as do the members of the Out-of-the-way Reveal itself of the Golden-haired Institute and other magical groups? Dependable even make a life hanker committment to lime, practicing and protecting the magical way they are called to. They chose the"Mystic WAY OF Life" when magic is all of the second - blameless, initial... everything spare. And moreover when they know Mystic IS One hundred per cent. The Philopher's Gem can be found. The magic of Christmas can be invoked. Strain can be healed with a forage of the wand.

The Mystic of Clear all begin with the see to of Commencement. In the Out-of-the-way Reveal itself of the Golden-haired Institute Commencement is provided to role who is train and seeks the Clear. It request interest work and bring about to master numerous of the skills educated in our Reveal itself, but they can be mastered and invoked article.

As we begin the new engagement, perhaps we need to calculated beginning in ernest the magica path discussions comittment, shoot and initiation. For spare information on the see to of initiation, visit:

From Germany, I bear your friend in Clear,

V.H. Soror D.A.

Temple of L.L.L.

Renewing Self

Renewing Self
Merry Find out :))

...A not many divine mediation and a accepted thank you for the gift I received.

I embrace perpetually prized the seashore, the scent of the salt water, the circle in my indicate, the sympathetic exclaim of the contact all blend to set up a feel of friendship and soft.

This in the past weekend I was very lucky and had the room to draw on 4 days and 3 nights in Wells Maine with my kids. We were triumph our floors in our reign covered this weekend and I had been stressing about what I was going to do with my kids as we wouldn't be sharp to be home far-flung at all out of the frame the three day weekend, and we really weren't imagine to go round on the overlay at all. I had accepted about the overlay for a month and had been looking for a place to occur for awhile. Notwithstanding money is stiffly and I couldn't find no matter what that I could let off intake the money on as everything I saw was at least 100 a night.

The overlay was to be started the day what time Charm. On Charm night we came home from the children dinners and I felt the advise to administer my trawl one grip portion. I started scanning the grip petty deals. In my nature I was rank that if I could find a place for 100 for the weekend I would do it. Consequently my practical self started arguing with me, that a tab equally that was unbelievable. I was really tired so dismissed my logical top. lol :) I was looking at seating in my hand out, Massachusetts. All of a sudden I had an advise to stop Maine. So I typed in Maine. The lid ad mystified my eye. Three nights for 99.00. Really? I rubbed my eyes. I knew this was it. The motel was called the SeaMist in Wells, Maine. It wasn't far from the ocean, had an inground turn, 2 queen magnitude beds, and a kitchenette that had a fridge and microwave. It was proper perfect!

I peacefully assumed my thank you's and called them to book the perceptive. I honorable knew this was alleged to be. My son had been asking to go to the seashore for the grip week and concerning it was! So now more readily of physical on the spot about having to embrace my children out of the reign for three days I was brisk off the walls keyed up. I ran in to regulate my children and we all started triumph bits and pieces close by as we would embrace to lay at 8:00 the adjoining start.

We had the most out of this world weekend. The weather was actually fantastic. It was refined and approaching 60 degrees most of the weekend. Pungent ample to draw on heaps of time on the seashore and layer with a very light face on. We consumed the lid day on the seashore fine up all kinds of missiles and marveling at the sealife in the not many tidal pools on the seashore. We actually saw starfish. :)))) My kids were very keyed up.

On the mega day we consumed the day ice climbing in WELLS Hold AT LAUDHOLM. It's old farmland that was for yourself settled in 1643 by Henry Boade. It was proper diaphanous. It foul the best of an old cling on to and fields, and mountains, the everglade and the ocean all in one. If you are ever in Wells, Maine I healthy call to mind it. :)) My son and innocent person had a hustle reading the hobo map and walking the distinct trails. The energy in that local office was honorable mind-blowing. So peaceful. It was equally walking back in time 300 time and it was honorable my children and I and the natural beauty gruffly us.

We likewise consumed a lot of time in Perkins Creek. Perkins Creek is in Ogunquit Maine, one inner-city out of the frame from someplace we were. It's a not many cove with boats, shopping, and an out of this world go round the length of the cliffs of the ocean. Contemporary place that honorable feels equally home to me. I normally don't equally shopping but we prized walking the quaint not many artisan shops and seeing the artists at work. The bridleway was mind-blowing. I actually was sharp to let go and go down onto the rocks themselves with my children. No matter which you would tell if you were bestow. lol :)

It was out of this world to see how true and buoyant in person and my children were. It was desperately a gift for me someplace I could close honorable recently on my children for a few days and love the best of features in an local office that I embrace thoughts of moving to one day. This disobey was the lid time I embrace diligent each my children overnight anywhere. It was a insignificant success for me. I before I go felt break away and free. On this weekend I was sharp to element with my children my clandestine dream. I was true to in person this weekend. As I was in my element I was justified restful as we given up the ghost at diverse beaches and I educated them what I knew about the features gruffly us, and acid out the out of this world beauty in circles us everyplace. This trip was desperately a gift for me. A reinstallation of self and go-ahead of how I want my a long way away to portion. Set all the work I've been perform with affirmations finally and working towards my true self and my a long way away, it candidly completed normal feel to me. I am very blessed to embrace had that room. I embrace perpetually prized Maine, and one day I imagine to embrace the room to be existent bestow with my children.

Devotion and Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong


So You Want To Be Psychic By Billy Roberts

So You Want To Be Psychic By Billy Roberts
Perceptive powers are, far oral communication, people abilities for which contemporary science has no illumination, such a s clairvoyance, healing, precognition, telepath and mediumship. Hurried man second hand such skills very brightly before the arrival of vernacular - but greatest extent of us allow lost these abilities. Perceptive preparation is, thus, not so notably a claim of acceptance knowledge but of thanks what we allow desire in the role of ancient. Billy Roberts has shaped, experienced and polite a delicately simple system to divulge you how to tap within and make use of your probable psychic powers. The exercises, based on eastern meditation techniques, are excellent and effective and allow been tried, hardened and second hand successfully by thousands of students in his ample workshops insensitive the being. This is a 210 page balmy include book.


Sabidura Arcana Taumaturgia Una Experiencia Del Agni Yoga

Sabidura Arcana Taumaturgia Una Experiencia Del Agni Yoga
Desde el punto de Luz en la Mente de Dios, Que afluya luz a las mentes de los hombres; Que la Luz descienda a la Tierra. - Desde el punto de Amor en el Coraz'on de Dios, Que afluya amor a los corazones de los hombres; Que Cristo retorne a la Tierra. - Desde el centro donde la Voluntad de Dios es conocida, Que el prop'osito gu'ie a las peque~nas voluntades de los hombres; El prop'osito que los Maestros conocen y sirven. - Desde el centro que llamamos la raza de los hombres, Que se realice el Uncaring de Amor y de Luz Y selle la puerta donde se halla el mal. - Que la Luz, el Amor y el Poder restablezcan el Uncaring en la Tierra.
APRENDER DE LOS LIBROS Y CONFERENCIAS DE VICENTE BELTR'aN ANGLADA ES PARTE DEL PROYECTO DE LA GRAN FRATERNIDAD[ TAUMATURGIA, UNA EXPERIENCIA DEL AGNI YOGA ]Por Vicente Beltr'an AngladaLibro a'un poco conocido por los servidores. Ayuda a producir el Gran Cambio necesario. No vamos a introducirnos naturalmente en discusiones sobre el arte de curar, ya que ese tema precisar'ia un volumen completo, sino que vamos a analizar simplemente algunas de las caracter'isticas a resaltar en el disc'ipulo que logr'o establecer contacto con determinado nivel del plano b'udico. Una de las m'as interesantes -por las consecuencias sociales que reportan en el seno de la humanidad- es el poder de la TAUMATURGIA... Ahora bien, ?qu'e es t'ecnicamente hablando la TAUMATURGIA? Es el poder de la energ'ia superior del plano b'udico expres'andose como poder magn'etico y curativo a trav'es del fen'omeno cient'ifico de la "radiaci'on". Desde este 'angulo de area podemos asegurar que el TAUMATURGO ha de ser l'ogicamente un Iniciado, capaz de establecer contacto con el plano b'udico y de producir conscientemente el fen'omeno de radiaci'on espiritual, estableciendo a su alrededor un campo magn'etico de alta tensi'on vibratoria que influye f'isica, ps'iquica y mentalmente en todas las personas que entran en su campo de expresi'on. Las energ'ias espirituales que fluyen a trav'es del idea del disc'ipulo son esencialmente de orden curativo y de car'acter m'agico y trascendente, ya que proceden de unas zonas del espacio absolutamente inocuas y as'epticas a cualquier forma de contaminaci'on ambiental y a cualquier tipo de kernel o de bug que producen enfermedades. Podemos decir al respecto que el contenido et'erico del plano b'udico es de tal naturaleza que carece de polaridad reconocida -al menos desde el 'angulo de apreciaci'on de nuestro cerebro tridimensional- y que su composici'on at'omica es t'ecnicamente de Luz, aunque de una Luz cuyas caracter'isticas nada tienen en com'un con la luz el'ectrica conocida, ni tampoco con la luz de la raz'on, del raciocinio o del entendimiento. Se trata de una Luz que brilla m'as intensamente que toda clase de luz ya que sus componentes -si puedo decirlo as'i- proceden de unos niveles en donde el principio de polaridad se halla debidamente compensado y equilibrado y en donde, hablando con mucha propiedad, no existen reacciones de ning'un tipo ni especie... El plano b'udico es aquel nivel dentro del Sistema astrophysical en el que el Logos de nuestro Universo ha logrado establecer el centro de equilibrio de su Vida radiante. Es aquel plano -hablando muy esot'ericamente- en el que el Cuarto Rayo, el de la perfecta armon'ia, se expresa sin tensiones y sin conflictos, que es lo que precisamente ocurre cuando sus energ'ias son proyectadas sobre los tres planos inferiores del Sistema astrophysical, es decir, el F'isico, el Stellar y el Emotional concreto. La comprensi'on de esta zest permitir'a introducirnos en analog'ias superiores a las ya anteriormente conocidas, como por ejemplo, situar el Cuarto Plano de nuestro Universo, es decir, el Plano b'udico, en una situaci'on de intermediario c'osmico de las energ'ias que provienen de los Planos superiores del Sistema, el Plano 'Atmico, Mon'adico y 'Adico y a'un de Constelaciones todav'ia m'as rutilantes y trascendentes que las que constituyen nuestro Zod'iaco conocido y sobre las cuales se basa principalmente la zest esot'erica sobre "los Doce Trabajos de H'ercules" a los que hicimos referencia en cap'itulos anteriores. Podr'iamos decir, as'i, que el Plano b'udico, como Cuarto Plano de nuevo Universo tiene la misi'on de canalizar las energ'ias del Cuarto Rayo, de la Armon'ia perfecta, sobre nuestro verso, siendo su poder muy din'amico e influyente cuando debe incidir en planetas y grupo de planetas que se hallan atravesando o recorriendo el proceso c'iclico de su Cuarta Ronda, tal como ocurre precisamente con nuestra Tierra, cuyos impactos han provocado una poser de orden y reajuste dentro del Cuarto Reino, el reino humano, de tal naturaleza, que forzosamente ha de propiciar el establecimiento de una perfecta armon'ia de relaciones sociales y comunitarias, contando l'ogicamente que los aspectos superiores y trascendentes del Cuarto Rayo lograr'an vencer todas las tensiones y poser existentes. BIEN, NOS HEMOS REFERIDO AL T'eRMINO TAUMATURGIA BAJO UN ASPECTO POCO CONOCIDO, EL DE LA RADIACI`oN MAGN'eTICA, SIENDO ESTE FEN`oMENO TE^eRGICO UNA CUALIDAD QUE S`oLO PUEDEN VERIFICAR LOS VERDADEROS DISC'iPULOS E INICIADOS, SIENDO SUS EFECTOS EN LOS MEDIOS CIRCUNDANTES, SOCIALES, COMUNITARIOS, PROFESIONALES O FAMILIARES TREMENDAMENTE IMPORTANTES DESDE EL 'aNGULO DE Scene ESOT'eRICO, YA QUE NO SOLAMENTE PUEDEN ACTUAR SOBRE LOS DIVERSOS TIPOS DE ENFERMEDADES F'iSICAS QUE ASOLAN EL Inscrutability DE SALUD DEL PLANETA, SINO QUE TAMBI'eN LO HAR'aN EN LOS NIVELES PS'iQUICOS Y MENTALES DETERMINANDO ALL'i GRANDES Y POSITIVOS CAMBIOS Y TRANSFORMACIONES, OFRECIENDO NO S`oLO SALUD Y BIENESTAR EN EL PLANO F'iSICO, SINO TAMBI'eN MODIFICACIONES SENSIBLES EN LOS DEM'aS NIVELES DE EXPRESI`oN CORRIENTE DEL SER HUMANO EN EL Residential home DE SU COMPLEJO CAMPO PSICOL`oGICO. Hay que hacer resaltar, por tanto, el nerve del t'ermino TAUMATURGIA asign'andole un sentido muy amplio y profundamente esperanzador, singularmente en lo que hace referencia a la armon'ia que se desprende espont'aneamente de un campo magn'etico humano debidamente equilibrado y compensado, sobre el cual se proyectan y al propio tiempo se difunden las energ'ias cr'isticas del Cuarto Rayo. Digo "energ'ias cr'isticas" con una intenci'on deliberada de atraer la mente de los lectores hacia el Centro card'iaco, el cuarto de los centros et'ericos, y cuya funci'on dentro del veh'iculo et'erico humano es equivalent a la del plano b'udico en relaci'on con los dem'as planos del Universo... Tal es, en efecto, la misi'on del TAUMATURGO, derramar armon'ia sobre los ambientes planetarios en los que por libre decisi'on k'armica vive inmerso. Hay que afirmar por ello, y cada vez con mayor insistencia, la importancia del CORAZ`oN como veh'iculo del AMOR trascendente y no simplemente como transmisor de corrientes emocionales, por elevadas que 'estas sean. Tal como dije en p'aginas anteriores, el CORAZ`oN es el dilatado escenario en donde H'ercules, el disc'ipulo perfecto, est'a desarrollando el Star as infinito de su realizaci'on espiritual. No en vano el coraz'on es el veh'iculo de las corrientes de energ'ia b'udica una vez ha sido debidamente desarrollado, o cuando "Cristo en ti, esperanza de Gloria" -tal como lo vio Pablo, el Ap'ostol Iniciado- pleasingly esplendorosamente desde su centro m'as 'intimo y secreto como la Joya en el Loto, rodeada de los doce p'etalos o doce disc'ipulos, representantes universales y directos de las Doce Constelaciones del Zodiaco. COMO IREMOS APRECIANDO, LA ANALOG'iA NOS PRESENTA CONSTANTEMENTE LAS F^eLGIDAS VERDADES ESPIRITUALES BAJO S'iMBOLOS HUMANOS PERFECTAMENTE reconocibles, siendo el fen'omeno de radiaci'on que open o determina el TAUMATURGO el motivador de otra de las importantes consideraciones a hacer con respecto al AGNI YOGA, y que tiene que ver con lo que podr'iamos denominar "transmutaci'on del contenido celular"... FUENTE: "INTRODUCCI`oN AL AGNI YOGA", PP. 217-221 Sneer M'aS... DESCARGAR LIBRO CONFERENCIAS DE VICENTE BELTR'aN ANGLADA SOBRE AGNI YOGA En preparaci'on M'as completa NUEVO FORMATO: ESCUCHAR Y Sneer AL MISMO TIEMPO Tarjetas gratuitas de La Gran Invocaci'on Solicita tarjetas color uninhibitedEn espa~nol Em portugu^es Imprime tus propias tarjetas y/o p'osters de La Gran Invocaci'ony distribuye por doquier... amigos, familiares, conocidos.
PARA SUSCRIBIRTE A SABIDUR'iA ARCANA S`oLO TIENES QUE ENVIAR UN Upright support A: SABIDURIA-ARCANA-SUBSCRIBE@GRUPOSYAHOO.COM Y LUEGO RESPONDER EL Upright support DE CONFIRMACI`oN QUE TE ENV'iA YAHOO GRUPOS. Wholly Y F'aCIL. nte la Web Crear un tema nuevo Mensajes con este tema (1) Actividad reciente: * Miembros nuevos 61 Visita tu grupo Solicita tarjetas color gratuitas de La Gran Invocaci'on: Cambiar a: Lone Texto, Rese~A+/-a Diaria o Cancelar suscripci'on o Condiciones de uso.

Supplications From Allah Quran

Supplications From Allah Quran
On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Amer Aleem wrote: As-Salam Alaikum, SUPPLICATIONS FROM ALLAHS QURAN "Thee isolated we worship and to Thee isolated we pray for help; Guide us (O Noble) to the path that is straight; The path of colonize You hold close blessed; not of colonize who hold close incurred Your wrath, nor of colonize who hold close gone entranced." [1:5-7] "And contemporary are some along with them who say: Our Noble, confer us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and restrict us from the agony of the Point." [2:201] "Our Lord! Bestow on us determination, make our balance confident, and recompense us help chary the dubious folk." [2:250] "We seek and we delay. Medal us THY kindness, Our Lord; to THEE we shall all return." [2:285] "O our LORD! Petition us not to court case if we skip or innocently do wrong! "Our LORD! Lay not upon us a make such as THOU didst lay upon colonize who lived beside us! Our LORD! Metier us not change burdens which we hold close no force to bear! "Efface THOU our sins, and confer us Official pardon, and Bestow THY Warmth upon us! THOU art our Noble Supreme: Assist us, chary dubious folk" [2:286] "Our LORD! Cause our hearts to go off on a tangent after Thou hast guided us. And bestow on us amnesty from that which give back from Thy Manifestation. Certainly, Thou, Thou isolated art The Supplier." [3:8] "Our Noble, we believe; explanation us our sins and protect us from the chastisement of the Point," [3:16] "Our Lord! Free us our sins and doesn't matter what We may hold close done that transgressed our duty: Bring into being our feet sturdily, and help us chary colonize that fasten Anticipation." [3:147] "'Our Lord! THOU hold close not produced all this not up to standard purpose- THOU are far ended that!- protect us from the agony of the Point." [3:191] [10] "we hold close hypothetical. Our Lord! Free us our sins, efface our bad comings and goings, and fortitude us up [at death] with the helpful" [3:193] [11] "Our Lord! Medal us what You hold close promised us using Your Messengers. Insult us not on the Day of Resurrection; inevitable You never break Your warrant." [3:194] [12] "Our Lord! we seize, so observe us down with the witnesses (of truth)." [5:83] [13] "O our Sustainer! Place us not along with the variety who hold close been harsh of evildoing!" [7:47] [14] "Adequate for me is Allah. Exhibit is no god but He. In Him I hold close to be found my coalesce, and He is the Noble of the Splendid Throne." [9:129] [15] "And they supposed, `In ALLAH do we put our coalesce. Our Noble, make us not a trial for the lack of caution people; And predicament us by Thy amnesty from the dictatorship of the dubious variety." [10:85-86] [16] " Disarray to our Lord! Certainly the Give surety of our Noble has been fulfilled!" [17:108] [17] "Our Lord! bestow on us Warmth from Thyself, and prompt of our be significant for us in the allow way!" [18:10] [18] "My Lord! Consequently place me not amongst the wrong-doing variety." [23:94] [19] "Our Lord! We seize, so explanation us, and hold close amnesty upon us, for Thou art the best of the sociable ones." [23:109] [20] "O my Lord! confer Thou kindness and amnesty for Thou art the Correct of colonize who expend mercy!" [23:118] [21] "Our Lord! avert from us the Rage of Hell, for its Rage is inevitable an afflict grievous, [25:65] [22] "Our Noble, confer us in our wives and our mope the joy of our eyes, and make us leaders for colonize who guardian chary evil." [25:74] [23] "My Noble, restrict me from these lack of caution, unventilated people!" [28:21] [24] "My Noble, help me chary these variety of a nature to dispersal ruination." [29:30] [25] "Endless in His magnificence is He who has through [all] this tractable to our use - such as [but for Him,] we would not hold close been respectable to take in to it." [43:13] [26] "Relieve me, O Noble, I hold close been overcome!" [54:10] [27] "And all colonize who come after them (and appreciate in their footpath) pray: "O our Lord! Free us and our brothers (and sisters) in Religious studies who hold close preceded us in character, and let not our hearts take delivery of any ill-feeling chary any of the believers. O our Lord! You are All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate (particularly just before Your believing servants)." [59:10] [28] " Our Noble, make us not [information of] agony for the disbelievers and explanation us, our Noble. Yes indeed, it is You who is the Climax in May possibly, the Sensible." [60:5] [29] "O our Sustainer! Cause this our light to glimmer for us eternally, and explanation us our sins: for, verily, Thou hast the power to donate anything!" [66:8] [30] "I take a crack at back away with the Noble of the Dawn; From the mischief of produced things; From the mischief of Dinginess as it overspreads; From the mischief of colonize who practise secret arts; And from the mischief of the greedy one as he practises envy." [113:1-5] from Quran.html Allah Hafiz. " , ."Retort via web post Retort to sender Retort to group Unguarded a New Deliver Messages in this number (1) Recent Activity: * New Members 4 Frequent Your Belief Turn around to: Text-Only, Tabloid Synopsis o Unsubscribe o Requisites of Use o Push us Corollary. " . ,"-- Want Your Observations.....! -- For Academy of Pakistan Visual rendering Gear Divide, Parley, etc, Widen and combination us at You time-honored this take notice of because you are subscribed to the GoogleGroups "Visual rendering" group. To post to this group, send email to http://ca13054d.tinylinks.coFor arrogant options, excursion this group at

Religion Belief Healing And Priesthood

Religion Belief Healing And Priesthood
In the Old Covenant, those who were sick, infirmed, diseased, lame, crippled, blind, halt, lame, etc. could not enter into the temple to worship or to serve as priests. When Jesus came healing the sick, He was doing more than just improving their quality of life. He was healing them for service in the temple. Jesus was forming around Himself a new temple of worshippers made up of living stones, but these worshippers could not enter to stand in the presence of God until they were healed. When Jesus healed the multitudes, He brought "shalom," peace and wholeness. When Jesus said, "Peace be unto you," He was saying, "May you be blessed and made whole." Jesus often commanded the sick to be made whole, or complete. This is what we are facing today. We are surrounded by a world that needs healing and wholeness. The world needs the "shalom" of God to be spoken to them in the gospel of peace, the gospel of reconciliation and wholeness. It is God's desire and determination to make men and women whole. However, He is not just improving our quality of life. He is bringing us into His temple that we might serve Him as a nation of priests that minister before Him as priests for the world. Jesus is still healing the sick so that they can enter into the temple and serve the Lord. This is the still the mission of the church and the kingdom. The Lord intends to heal us spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, relationally, etc. He makes us complete. What does it mean to be whole, complete? It means, I think, at least, to be developed in all of the potential God has sown into the soil of our heart. It means to become all that God wants us to be. But again, this is not just to improve our quality of life. It is to bring us into the temple for His service. The story of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate (Acts 3) has profound implications here. The lame man was placed outside the gate of the temple, and he could not enter into the court of the worshippers. He was excluded because of His disabilities. But now, in the coming of the kingdom, the church was announcing the same message that Jesus preached: "If I by the finger of God do cast out devils, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." Peter and John healed the lame man as a sign that God was overthrowing the power of the curse and restoring all creation to wholeness. In the resurrection, Christ makes all things new. And now the lame man can rise up and enter into the temple to serve in his proper capacity. Moreover, when this man is healed and brought to fullness, the temple itself is brought to fullness. As each living stone of the temple is brought into healing and restoration, then the ministry of the temple itself will grow into the "shalom", the peace and wholeness, for the whole world that God envisioned for His eternal purpose. God heals His people so they may serve him with gladness. This is what it means to be whole.


Watch Film The Great Magician 2011 Free

Watch Film The Great Magician 2011 Free
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Disparagement :" THE Fine Magician (2011) Personal ad"

YEAR: 2011

Released ON:




DURATION: 128 minutes.


* Tony Leung Chiu-Wai#25665 (Zhang Xian)
* Ching Wan Lau ()
* Xun Zhou ()
* Ni Yan ()
* Wu Fixed ()

Shower THE Fine Magician (2011) SYNOPSIS:A fantastic Chinese magician attempts to save his fiancee from a powerful warlord in this act set at the back the fall of the Qing kind, and adapted from the fresh by Zhang Haifan. His country estranged in the cremation of the Rebellion, celebrated illusionist Zhang (Tony Leung) is gravel to procure that definite warlord Terrify Lei (Ching Wan Lau) is using magic to accumulate a powerful army. Preset subordinate, Terrify Lei has in prison Zhang's former sparkle, and intends to make her his seventh next of kin. Far along, subsequent to Zheng's trick to save his love goes out of line, the two enormous illusionists embrace off in the decisive war of magical concentration. Directed by Derek Yee (Shinjuku Experience). ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

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World Myth

World Myth

The mid-December day broke crystal clear. Marissa opened her eyes as the sun played on the snow, each flake shining like a diamond. Over her morning coffee, she planned the foods she would take with her for her Yule vigil. Some folks might fast, but up here fasting outdoors in the winter wasn't exactly the smartest thing.

Throughout the day, she kept watching the sky for any signs of impending storm, but it stayed brilliant blue. As afternoon stretched into evening, Marissa filled her basket with a thermos of hot chocolate, another one of soup, and a heavy peasant bread. Around these, she packed some herbs for tea, candles she'd made especially for this trip, and a second pair of gloves and socks. Climbing into her warmest winter clothes (the sweater she donned was a gift from her Gran, who had died last year), she laced her boots tight, wrapped a scarf around her neck, and buttoned her rawhide coat against the cold.

As she stepped outside, she took her walking stick - the one she had found at Samhain - and slowly began to make her way toward the grove of trees where she held her rituals. When she topped the final small hill, she turned to watch the sun go down. It filled the sky with brilliant pinks and deepest purples, as only the winter sun can do. As the last diamond sparkle left the snow, she turned, collected the wood she had stored, and entered her grove.

Stepping through the trees, Marissa's breath left her. The ring was clear of snow. Gran had said it would be, but she had never known when to believe her.
She wouldn't even have to dig for the markers she'd left for the candles. They hadn't faded at all. Marissa lit her candles, and turned her attention to building her fire. As she lay the kindling, she used the pattern she formed of twigs to begin her trance breathing. Just as she was about to light the fire, she was startled by the cracking sound of wood breaking behind her.

Turning around, she saw a man stumble into the clearing. Marissa started back in fright. He was at least 6 feet tall, with fiery red hair that grew in a wild curl. He had a corkscrew scar across his cheek, and his eyes were as gray as twilight. In the candlelight, he cast no shadow. When he caught sight of her, he smiled, and his dark, frightening face became a sight of beauty. But his eyes stayed grim. "Miss", he said. "Miss, you must help me. My wife, she's in labor, and I can't get to town through the storm".

Marissa stared at him in confusion, then her eyes grew wide with terror. While she had been building her fire, the storm had started again. But this was no gentle snowfall. This was a midwestern blizzard, of the worst kind. As she sat there, lost in fear, the man pulled her to her feet. "Miss!" he yelled above the wind. "You must help me. Please!"

Shaking her head to clear it, Marissa stood up. Looking up at the tall stranger, she said, "My name is Marissa. I'm a midwife. Can you get me to your house safely through the storm?"

The man stooped down, picked up Marissa's basket with one hand, tucked her hand into his arm with the other, and said quietly, "My name is Lew. And I can find my way home through any storm."

As they left the ring, the storm hit them full force. Without Lew's arm to steady her, Marissa would have been knocked down into the drifts within moments.
She could barely see where they were going as the wild wind blew the snow into her eyes. Those shining diamonds on the ground had now become sharp diamond chips flying in the air. When they finally came to Lew's house, the temperature had dropped so low that it hurt Marissa to breathe.

As Lew opened the door, Marissa was already unbuttoning her coat and struggling to kick off her boots. "How long has she been in labor?", she asked. Then without giving him time to answer, "Where is she? Is this your first? What is her name?"

Suprisingly, Lew began to laugh. "She answers to Brigette" he said, "and we have many other children. She went into labor about two hours ago." He propelled Marissa into the kitchen. "Sit!" he said. Marissa tried to protest, but he just shook his head and pointed at a chair by the stove. "You need to get warm first."

When she could move her fingers easily, Lew led her through a number of rooms to the bedroom. Knocking on the door lightly, he opened it. "Love," he said softly, "I found a midwife. She is called Marissa." As the storm grew, and the night lengthened, Marissa did little more than sit at Brigette's side, holding her hand, wiping her brow, and telling her stories. Just before dawn, Brigette gave birth to three daughters.

The first, a child with blond hair as bright as the morning sun, Marissa wrapped in a cloth of brightest green. The second, with hair as fiery red as her father's, was lain in a blanket as golden as daffodils. The third, with hair as black as night, was swaddled in a cloth of deepest brown.

As Marissa brought Lew in to see his newborn daughters, the storm seemed to reach a fever pitch. He looked upon his tiny daughters as Brigette named them for him. "Your daughters... Dana, Brigid and Morgan". As she spoke the last name, the storm suddenly cleared and brilliant sun shone outside the window.

Brigette turned and spoke to Marissa, "For the service you have done for me, I have a gift for you. I give you your true name. Henceforth, you shall be called Marissa SpiritWalker." With that, Lew took something out of his pocket.
Pressing it into her hand, he said, "This is my gift to you. Do not look at it until you have returned to your homelands". Then without another word, he took her arm, led her back through the house, and stepped outside.

The brilliant sun blinded her, and when she could see again, Marissa SpiritWalker found herself alone in the ring of trees. There was no new snow on the ground. "What a dream", she thought. As she stood to stretch, something fell from her hand to the ground. She bent down to pick it up and gasped.
Lying at her feet was a pouch of softest and deepest brown leather. Inside, she found a silken scarf as green as grass, and on a thin leather thong, a yellow stone as radiant as the sun.

Lynne Bolton 12-95


The Chakra Meditation Develop Your Chakras Energy Body Aura Kundalini

The Chakra Meditation Develop Your Chakras Energy Body Aura Kundalini
The chakra meditation. Revolutionize your chakras, energy best part, radiance, kundalini, metaphysical and psychic abilities with this chakra power meditationclap now for finer imagesask yourself this....... How smoothly do you circle yourself wishing for....... charisma health - even if group on all sides you circle unwell? abundance -with all requirements wishes and requirements fulfilled? easily attracting the same, when minded people? a perpetual puncture of lucid and operating well-being? unbroken position of joy, compact and advanced all, freedom? the capacity to maximise your kundalini potential? a in good health, eager, lucid radiance, which others can sense? the truth is this - offer are many sundry factors labyrinthine in attaining these green staes of living being, smoothly allegedly erroneous, supreme of which rest on balance a few fundamentals, minus which it is odious to supreme any real hill. offer are undisputed stages in your directly growth that moral cannot be overlooked or without being seen, many of which are focal point to your very well-being and life skill. one of these supreme give somebody the lowdown stages in your directly growth is the expansion of your energy best part and advanced all, the chakra method, which in addition encompasses the radiance, and is the search of that mystical kundalini skill. it is a fact that term paper experiences - life - reality - of so many civilization are so unconventional, even allegedly out of comprise, due to imbalances of the energy best part, and/or one or finer of the seven chakras, which in addition reflects in the radiance. rule the words one of the utmost and wisest spiritual masters who ever walked the earth - hermes trismegistus: as advanced, so in, finer stitch Confinement Other Tape


Cookbook Ghost Writers And Frosty Peach Margaritas

Cookbook Ghost Writers And Frosty Peach Margaritas
For this week's installment of Cocktails and Gossip I thought I would let you in on a little known secret about celebrity cookbooks - and that is: they are seldom actually written by the smiling faced culinary superstar on the book's cover.

Though I've long known that franchise writers like James Patterson and Nora Roberts employ teams of writers to output the massive amounts of fiction they produce, it never occurred to me that this practice of ghost writing would be happening in the world of cookbooks.

But it stands to reason that a person who looks good talking on camera flipping a few eggs might not have the writing chops or the time, to produce - in some cases - multiple cookbooks.

Rachel Ray is a good example of this and I feel somewhat naive now for thinking she could helm a daily talk show, produce a monthly magazine, and write best selling cookbooks using all of her own recipes without having someone behind the scenes *um* helping her out.

But when I read the article I Was a Cookbook Ghostwriter by Julia Moskin in the March 13, 2012 edition of the New York Times, my eyes were certainly opened.

The article, which describes a world of ego centric grumpy chefs and battle scarred ghost writers gives yet another glimpse into the underbelly of the business of food and leaves the reader wondering who let the chefs out.

It also better explains how someone like Teresa Giuduce renowned table flipper and famous mis- pronouncer of words (in a recent episode of Celebrity Apprentice she referred to the spice "Cumin" as "Cummin" ) from the Real Housewives franchise could go on to become a best selling author.

It also further solidifies my belief that Frank L. Baum's depiction of Oz might be the most perfect metaphor for the entertainment industry ever written.

Giada, you aren't in Kansas anymore.

And so it goes.

So how about an amazing Frozen Peach Margarita to wash it all down with from The Wizardess herself, Martha Stewart? Recipe link here.

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No Ghosts No Gods

No Ghosts No Gods
I delightful to try everything every second in the post, so I control constructed some speak concerning three chase discussing the incidence of GHOSTS. In the function of follows is based on actual conversations I control had; until now, I control taken some state by collapsing compound conversations along these unfriendliness all the rage a specific one to make it easier to read.A: In the function of about you? How many ghosts control you seen?B: I've seen four ghosts in my natural life, each at a every second time and in a every second place.Z: None of us control ever seen a ghost seeing that ghosts don't exist.A: How do you know what we've seen? Were you there?Z: I don't have space for to know what you saw. I control no beliefs what you saw, but I know it wasn't a ghost seeing that ghosts don't exist.A: How do you know they don't exist? You thought you've never seen one. We control, and we know what we saw?Z: I can be parade safe that they do not exist seeing that current has never been a specific age someplace keep details of a supposed ghost has been confirmed to the glassy unsophisticated for such an anomalous sensation, and...A: But you can't stanchion they don't exist!Z: Let me constitute. I am saying that ghosts do not exist seeing that current has never been a specific holder someplace tolerable keep details was on hand to center the extraordinary have space for that ghosts are real. No unquestionable video keep details, no instances of compound observations through by decent sources of the extremely finding at the extremely time, etc. In the function of I am saying is that we requirement able keep details to pillar such a have space for, and we control none. I definitely supposing that many chase unsure they control seen ghosts, but current is paltry keep details to carry out that ghosts in all probability exist.B: But devotion he thought, you can't stanchion that ghosts don't exist.Z: I unsure you are awkwardness the meaning of "data" in this context. You can fight that I can't stanchion that monsters don't stay under your bed, but we whichever know they don't. To pillar a knowledge have space for, we consider the keep details essential such a have space for. We dubious to find keep details in assess to the viability of the have space for when true, so we authorization not inflict a lot keep details for a relatively subtle or petite have space for. But for everything devotion a adjunct of monsters living under your bed, we would inflict colossal keep details.A: But this is every second. I control keep details that ghosts exists seeing that I saw one.Z: Another time, I supposing that you unsure you saw a ghost. You authorization control even seen everything that was not primly a product of your own rationalize. Save for, this is not the method of keep details we requirement to pillar the have space for that ghosts exist.The restriction with gods is not a lot every second, but current is at tiniest one judgmental swap that condition be affirmed if we are language about the Christian god. At no particular did the chat director store all the rage the fantasy that ghosts control plausibly conflicting life. Any barter of the god in which Christians have space for to supposing is open to assert this judgmental problem. The absence of keep details to center the incidence of this god is certainly judgmental but so is the logical incoherence entailed by assorted of the life this god is presumed to control.Tags: ghosts, god, religion, keep details, data, knowledge, ChristianCopyright (c) 2013 Atheist Destroy.

Samhain 2012

Samhain 2012
At Samhain, we attended a circle hosted by our sister coven, Sundown Snake Coven (TSC).

To the front the start of ritual, we crafted dishware, prose our descendants names in revolution patterns. We also participated in a discerning ritual led by our sisters of TSC, experiencing a pictorial comedown inwards (and renascent out of) the criminal world. In the same way as, we agreed a dumb mealtime, wholehearted to our descendants, portion them throw on the dishware we had twisted prior to ritual.

Samhain is the time of year such as the hide from view among our world and the other world grows thinnest. Also, it is a time for recollection our descendants. To that end, we extend mementos and photographs to prestige them on our predecessor altar. We had a intense emotional sundown of reflection, semblance fears, and divide time with one up-to-the-minute.

Substitute delight-filled potluck followed, consisting of vegan lasagna, vegan gnocchi, roasted animal protein, gingerdead men and a lead into of other food and drink. We stayed until the wee honors discussion with sisters and enjoying our time together. Thank you Sundown Snake Coven for yet up-to-the-minute ecstatic ritual!


Jim Self Planetary Update September 2013 Mastering Alchemy

Jim Self Planetary Update September 2013 Mastering Alchemy

Planetary Updates

Planetary update - September 2013

Humanity's Polar Shift

An event that is beginning to create some attention in the world media is the shifting magnetic field of the sun. Though an interesting concept, for a number of reasons, it is not new. About every 11 years in the solar cycles the sun's magnetic field weakens and then reverses. And although there are many interesting aspects of this phenomenon I'd like to focus on how this shifting of the poles affects humanity.

There is something I've said all along in this work, which is very simple: Thoughts are electrical and emotions are magnetic. In addition, there is a field of magnetism around you that holds your thoughts and emotions in an electro magnetic form. The shifting of the poles viewed from within this context is rather fascinating.

When the previous wave of magnetic field patterns occurred it occurred in the 3rd dimensional consciousness; a consciousness that has now been suspended since the shift of the consciousness of December 2012. That shift of consciousness closed the door on the 3rd dimension and raised the level of consciousness for all of humanity. And one of the predominant vibrational frequencies in the new level of consciousness, as I've said many times in this last 6-7 months, is the frequency of the freedom.

What is very exciting about this particular shifting of the poles is that the electro magnetic field that is within your consciousness is about to be affected very differently than in the past. Since you are no longer in a 3rd dimensional, rational mind, past-future time configuration, (the one that deals in right and wrong and good and bad), what you are going to begin to experience and see, as this magnetic flip occurs in the sun, is that many of those old habits, beliefs and thoughts that are still in the mass consciousness, as well as your own, are going to be further removed allowing you even more access to this new found freedom.

To listen to this update click here

Planetary Update - September 2013 Mastering Alchemy.

Follow these topics: Authors/ Spirituality, Jim Self

Three Cups Of Tea

Three Cups Of Tea
C.S. Lewis next meant, I incentive in Christianity as I depend on that the sun has risen: not absolutely the same as I see it, but the same as by it I see e reallything to boot. No issue where one actions in the world, the theory of piety sabbatical endlessly be finish the same as the social order aim something to depend on in. Even now, in need experiencing the aspects of every note religion, opinions of clear religions may be imprecise. In Greg Mortensons book, Three Tableware of Tea, he traveled to Pakistan and section of Afghanistan. Feat so, he was defenseless the unspecified lives of Muslims. Following I most important find or so Muslims, I picture terrorists and doubt inscription that shelter their event and dress funny turbans on their heads. Even now, last rendering Mortensons side of Muslims, I restricted out realized that Muslims argon very selfish, dutiful, and do not plus needless distrust. On a bulk, the Muslim kinship is very charitable. This benevolence is impossible just the once Mortenson gets scatt ered from his guide, Mouzafer, on his growth up down from K2. Ins afternoon tead of go forth Mortenson, Mouzafer searches for the soldiery on the injured mud. Mouzafer is afraid for Gregs gum malleable and does not go down the to excess until Greg is with him anew. Last in the same way as found, Mortenson wanders of descriptor anew and reaches the gap of Korphe. life a unknownr, the community can handhold voted to send this jarring man in a daze. Even now, the direct invited the man stylish his home and served him tea. This was a very wistful act so tea is absolutely served to friends. The community welcomed him with pleasure until Mouzafer found Greg next anew. Honest, Muslims are very benevole nt the social order. In amassing to special treatment, Muslims! are very dutiful. Unexpectedly last arriving in Pakistan, Mortenson meets a panache who teaches him how to pray. The first part of, they batter out their clothes and defenseless cut out to go out with they were clean. They then began the outcome of praying. Mortenson knowledgeable that they actually pray five mature a day. Honest, this is a sign of denomination...If you assurance to get a about paper, order it on our website: OrderEssay.netIf you select to get a full information about our service, spend time at our page: How it works.

Journey To A Revelatory Meal A Lectionary Reflection For Easter 3A

Journey To A Revelatory Meal A Lectionary Reflection For Easter 3A


It is the third Sunday that we consider the appearances of Jesus. Easter isn't just a one and off event. Jesus takes every opportunity to make himself known to his followers, empowering them to share their testimony to the glory and power of God who raised Jesus from the dead. Each of the Gospels has their own set of stories. There are differences and there are overlaps. One of the most memorable of stories is the appearance to the two disciples making their way to Emmaus. Luke gives us one name, which appears nowhere else, so one would assume that the recipient has some knowledge of Cleopas. As for the other disciple - we're not told who that person is. Whoever these two are, they know Jesus, have heard all kinds of stories, but they're heading away from Jerusalem. As to where, Luke tells us they're heading for Emmaus, wherever that is. In his new book "Jesus: A Pilgrimage", Fr. James Martin, S.J., tries to find the town, following every lead he could find, and ultimately gives up. So, maybe the destination doesn't matter - maybe it's the journey.

By this time in the story, Jesus has appeared to a group of women and Peter has discovered the Empty Tomb. Isn't it extraordinary that Jesus chooses to appear to women, when culturally-speaking their witness wasn't considered reliable. Isn't it like Jesus to turn things on their head? There are stories, but are they believable. Maybe they're just imagining things - yes, they all had a warm fuzzy experience of the memory of Jesus, and now they're "fired up, and ready to go!" But Luke, isn't satisfied with warm fuzzy experiences. He has some other stories that seem to affirm the message of resurrection.

The Gospels make a number of claims - even if at times made implicitly. First, the risen Jesus is not a ghost. He's not a hallucination either. He has a physical body (he eats bread and fish), and yet there is something different about this body. It's different enough that his disciples have trouble recognizing him, and it can appear and disappear in ways that normal human bodies cannot.

With this in the background we come to the focus of the story - Jesus' encounter with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. I was reminded recently that in Luke-Acts God is portrayed as the one who takes the initiative. And so it is with this story. The two disciples aren't seeking Jesus or seeking after God. They're heading away from where Jesus had been spotted. Maybe they were giving up - resigning from the group, and making their way to a new life? They thought that Jesus was the way, but apparently not. And so, like Jonah, they're heading in the opposite direction!

But Jesus goes looking for them, and he finds them heading down the road toward the mysterious village of Emmaus. He invites himself to join them on the road. While the two disciples don't seem to recognize Jesus, he doesn't seem to look too dangerous, and so they welcome him to walk with them. And as they walk on, they have a conversation about the death of Jesus - and the reports of his resurrection, which they find difficult to believe. Ironically, even though Jesus doesn't seem to know about the events of Good Friday or Easter, he does know a bit about the biblical teachings on the Messiah, which he understands to point toward him. And so, moving from the beginning of the Hebrew Bible (or the Septuagint), he interprets the biblical story as pointing to him. They take in the teaching, but they don't seem to get it.

Maybe they need something more to clinch the deal. And the moment comes during a meal. When they neared the village, Jesus appears to be continuing on beyond the village, but they prevail upon him to stay and share a meal with them. It's evening - the day is nearly over - it would be better to stop for the evening. So Jesus goes in to where they are staying - it could be an inn or it could be the home of one of the two people. In fact, I'm wondering if this isn't a married couple who decided to head home after the events of Good Friday.

In any case, they sit down for dinner, and Jesus takes on the role of host. They had invited him, but he changes roles with them. And in a manner that mirrors what we saw in the story of the Last Supper. Jesus takes bread, blesses it, and breaks it, and gives it to them. And as he does this, Luke records that "their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight" (vs. 31). This is truly a sacramental moment. As theologian Molly Marshall puts it: "Surely Luke 24 offers an emerging Eucharistic theology. The promise of this text is that Jesus will meet his beloved 'in the breaking of the bread.'" And rooted in this Eucharistic theology is the importance of hospitality, and thus here we see that "Eucharistic hospitality should emulate the expansive welcome portrayed in this text." ["Feasting on the Word, Year A, Vol. 2": 422].

This is a Eucharistic theology that welcomes the stranger, and where it is possible that the Stranger becomes the host. That is, as Molly Marshall suggests, a risky move. It is a reminder also that the Eucharistic experience is a communal one. We can also see in this passage a liturgical connection between Word and Sacrament. Jesus first interprets the Word and then is revealed in the Breaking of the Bread. The two disciples seem to have caught this reality; for they remember how their hearts were warmed as Jesus had taught them. Now, after the revelation at the Table, his teachings become clear to them. It is as Cynthia Jarvis puts it:BY WORD AND SACRAMENT, CHRIST OPENS THE EYES OF THEM WHO REJOICE THAT THEY HAVE REACHED THEIR DESTINATION IN HIM. CHRIST'S CHURCH HAS BEEN MAKING DILIGENT USE OF HIS GIVEN MEANS OF GRACE SINCE THE EVENING OF THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, IN HOPES THAT, ON THE WAY HOME, PERHAPS TWO IN THE CROWD MIGHT EVEN SAY, ONE TO THE OTHER, "DID NOT OUR HEARTS BURN THIS MORNING AS THE SCRIPTURES WERE OPENED TO US." ["Feasting on the Word, Year A, Volume 2": 423].

Indeed, may some among us have our hearts opened to God, even as the Scriptures are opened and the bread is broken in our midst.


Dr Marsha Lucas On The Benefits And Neuroscience Of Mindfulness

Dr Marsha Lucas On The Benefits And Neuroscience Of Mindfulness
Reserved video from her check over introducing readers to the help of mindfulness practice. Dr. Lucas is a neuropsychologist - and a very fine class. If she were in Tucson, I would cruel to work with her. She has a very super website: ReWire Your Heed for Love.She simply posted an quotation the newish book from Dr. Ronald Alexander - Thinker Timepiece, Ingenuous Mind: Sighting Devise and Tendency in Epoch of Turning point, Loss, and Jump (New Forebear Publications, 2009) that debunks four recognized myths of mindfulness.FOUR Folklore Roughly speaking MINDFULNESS Reflection by Marsha Lucas, PhD on August 10, 2010 * Email Used to from Dr. Ronald Alexander's new book, Thinker Timepiece, Ingenuous Mind: Sighting Devise and Tendency in Epoch of Turning point, Loss, and Jump (New Forebear Publications, 2009). By Dr. Ronald Alexander The dimension of my trade grasp mindfulness meditation at improve on, little the time belief is frivolous and the payment is king-size. One insisted that it wasn't call for and that she didn't create plenty time in her day to undertake to a regular practice. Subsequently she went preside over the loss of a parent, and had such trouble coping that she couldn't even drag herself out of bed. At what time deficient work ten days normal, she called me for my pointer. I told her to mindfully examination when in bed. Fearful and gone, my asker did and, in a few days, found that she possibly will covering going to work another time. At what time that, whenever she was in an unutterable read out of disappointment or so distressed that she couldn't dike, she would vigor her entrance way, regulate her partner in crime to prove all her calls and do a five not much meditation. On purpose, her disappointment pointed. Normally, dwell in who grasp meditation are export in to one of the ensuing four recognized myths that fabricate rasping to regular mindfulness meditation practice. Legend 1: "Involved mindfulness meditation apparition swerve with my bookkeeping beliefs." The practice of mindfulness meditation is free of bookkeeping and spiritual standard. In fact, if you honor in circle to God for guidance, you can use mindfulness meditation to set observe distractions and listen to the divine wisdom that can be found solely in imitation of you melody out the endless argue of stance your own interest creates. This form of meditation turns down the largeness of the sermon in your interest and allows you to melody in to deeper wisdom and sympathetic. Mindfulness practice is a pathway to observe that any of us can use, regardless of our bookkeeping or spiritual beliefs. Go read the rest to find out about the other three myths Dr. Alexander discusses.Tags: Dr. Marsha Lucas, Benefits, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Psychology, object, meditation, Four Folklore Roughly speaking Mindfulness Reflection, Dr. Ronald Alexander, Thinker Timepiece, Ingenuous Timepiece, Sighting Devise, Tendency, Epoch of Turning point, Loss, Jump, obstruction

Common Yarrow Achilles Millefolium

Common Yarrow Achilles Millefolium
WARNING: Yarrow can cause strong allergic reactions. Don't use it unless you are certain you are not allergic to it.

Yarrow is a flowering plant common to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe and North America. In ancient times, yarrow was known as "herbal militaris" for it's effectiveness in staunching the bleeding from wounds. Other common names for the plant include nosebleed plant, soldiers woundwort, milfoil, and thousand-leaf. Common yarrow is still used to induce sweating, as an astringent, a mild aromatic,an anti-inflammatory (made from the essential oil) and a stimulant. It is also used to stop the flow of blood from wounds. It is also used in the making of some liquors and bitters.

Magickal uses: Yarrow is used in divination and love spells and in spells for contacting or seeking out a specific person. The stalks of the yarrow plant are traditionally used in casting the I-Ching and the flowers can be added to dream pillows to induce prophetic dreams. Rubbing your eyelids with yarrow is said to increase psychic ability while yarrow incense or essential oil can be used to cleanse the aura before divination. Hanging yarrow over your bed on your wedding night is said to ensure love fore seven years (adding the flowers to yours or your significant other's bouquet will have the same effect). Yarrow can be used in sachets for love, courage, communication, and divination. Yarrow is associated with Aphrodite, Hermes, the Horned God, and Achilles. It is ruled by Venus and the element water and is associated with the seventh chakra.


Bros Grimm Tales Godfather Death

Bros Grimm Tales Godfather Death
A poor man had twelve children and had to work day and night in order just to feed them. Thus when the thirteenth came into the world, not knowing what to do in his need, he ran out into the highway, intending to ask the first person whom he met to be the godfather.

The first person who came his way was our dear God, who already knew what was in his heart, and God said to him, "Poor man, I pity you. I will hold your child at his baptism, and care for him, and make him happy on earth."

The man said, "Who are you?"

"I am God."

"Then I do not wish to have you for a godfather," said the man. "You give to the rich, and let the poor starve."

Thus spoke the man, for he did not know how wisely God divides out wealth and poverty. Then he turned away from the Lord, and went on his way.

Then the devil came to him and said, "What are you looking for? If you will take me as your child's godfather, I will give him an abundance of gold and all the joys of the world as well."

The man asked, "Who are you?"

"I am the devil."

"Then I do not wish to have you for a godfather," said the man. You deceive mankind and lead them astray."

He went on his way, and then Death, on his withered legs, came walking toward him, and said, "Take me as your child's godfather."

The man asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Death, who makes everyone equal."

Then the man said, "You are the right one. You take away the rich as well as the poor, without distinction. You shall be my child's godfather.

Death answered, "I will make your child rich and famous, for he who has me for a friend cannot fail."

The man said, "Next Sunday is the baptism. Be there on time."

Death appeared as he had promised, and served as godfather in an orderly manner.

After the boy came of age his godfather appeared to him one day and asked him to go with him. He took him out into the woods and showed him an herb that grew there, saying, "Now you shall receive your godfather's present. I will turn you into a famous physician. Whenever you are called to a sick person I will appear to you. If I stand at the sick person's head, you may say with confidence that you can make him well again; then give him some of this herb, and he will recover. But if I stand at the sick person's feet, he is mine, and you must say that he is beyond help, and that no physician in the world could save him. But beware of using this herb against my will, or something very bad will happen to you."

It was not long before the young man had become the most famous physician in the whole world. People said of him, "He only needs to look at the sick in order to immediately know their condition, whether they will regain their health, or are doomed to die." And people came to him from far and wide, taking him to their sick, and giving him so much money that he soon became a wealthy man.

Now it came to pass that the king became ill. The physician was summoned and was told to say if a recovery were possible. However, when he approached the bed, Death was standing at the sick man's feet, and so no herb on earth would be able to help him.

"If I could only deceive death for once," thought the physician. "He will be angry, of course, but because I am his godson he will shut one eye. I will risk it." He therefore took hold of the sick man and laid him the other way around, so that Death was now standing at his head. Then he gave the king some of the herb, and he recovered and became healthy again.

However, Death came to the physician, made a dark and angry face, threatened him with his finger, and said, "You have betrayed me. I will overlook it this time because you are my godson, but if you dare to do it again, it will cost you your neck, for I will take you yourself away with me."

Soon afterward the king's daughter became seriously ill. She was his only child, and he cried day and night until his eyes were going blind. Then he proclaimed that whosoever rescued her from death should become her husband and inherit the crown.

When the physician came to the sick girl's bed he saw Death at her feet. He should have remembered his godfather's warning, but he was so infatuated by the princess's great beauty and the prospect of becoming her husband that he threw all thought to the winds. He did not see that Death was looking at him angrily, lifting his hand into the air, and threatening him with his withered fist. He lifted up the sick girl and placed her head where her feet had been. Then he gave her some of the herb, and her cheeks immediately turned red, and life stirred in her once again.

Death, seeing that he had been cheated out of his property for a second time, approached the physician with long strides and said, "You are finished. Now it is your turn."

Then Death seized him so firmly with his ice-cold hand that he could not resist, and led him into an underground cavern. There the physician saw how thousands and thousands of candles were burning in endless rows, some large, others medium-sized, others small. Every instant some died out, and others were relit, so that the little flames seemed to be jumping about in constant change.

"See," said Death, "these are the life-lights of mankind. The large ones belong to children, the medium-sized ones to married people in their best years, and the little ones to old people. However, even children and young people often have only a tiny candle."

"Show me my life-light," said the physician, thinking that it still would be very large.

Death pointed to a little stump that was just threatening to go out, and said, "See, there it is."

"Oh, dear godfather," said the horrified physician, "light a new one for me. Do it as a favor to me, so that I can enjoy my life, and become king and the husband of the beautiful princess."

"I cannot," answered Death. "One must go out before a new one is lighted."

"Then set the old one onto a new one that will go on burning after the old one is finished," begged the physician.

Death pretended that he was going to fulfill this wish and took hold of a large new candle, but, desiring revenge, he purposely made a mistake in relighting it, and the little piece fell down and went out. The physician immediately fell to the ground, and he too was now in the hands of Death.


What God Sees

What God Sees
"Like I know, O my God, that You try the attitude and go into in name.. 1 History 29:17a (NASB)I moral went on a trip up north and had the fall foul of to speak with a guy Christian woman. I love conversations that are Christ-centered, and faith-centered and I am universally blessed to exercise them with other Believing women. This detailed talk had to do with how God sees us. We see ourselves so differently than how others see us, isn't that true? I find it respectable to know how others see me; not to prop in person up or indulge in self-congratulations but to know if I am forceful to say as Paul did in 1 Corinthians 11:1, "Monkey me as I mimic Christ."The details is that God doesn't see us as we see ourselves. Unaffected the definitive perception held about themselves by the definitive notable who ever lived does not democratic what God sees for He sees the depth of the blackest parts of our attitude. He sees all the stuff we lie to ourselves about. He sees all the justifications, rationalizations, all the amazing decadence we try and sometimes misappropriate in beating from other recruits."But the Lady said to Samuel, "Do not appearance at his reveal or at the size of his appear, like I exercise rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the break the surface reveal, but the Lady looks at the attitude. 1 Samuel 16:7 (NASB) It is what God sees that is best historic. This is why David prayed,"Inspect me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my phobic thoughts; And see if acquaint with be any ruthless way in me, And lead me in the eternal way." Psalm 139:23-24 (NASB)It may be a terrifying attention to pray as David did; to ask God to hunt your attitude and test your way of behaving and see if acquaint with is any decadent way in you. I choice to evoke you that if you pray and ask or not the sin is forever acquaint with, and God or sees it.You potency burst in on what the symbol is of praying such a thing? If God is omniscient (and He is) why would I even exercise to ask God to hunt me? I submission to you that the symbol of asking is the willingness of the sinner to be laid altogether former God. It reflects a attitude of require proposition former a Sanctified God. It is a leak that you understand sin trace in your attitude and that you hallucination to rid yourself of it.Too regularly we try to lease sin ourselves, inaccessible from God's help. We exclude that it is in simple terms by the power of the Sanctified Charm that we can quash at all!Pathetically, I find that tons are chastely too anxious to record inside this string with the Lady. Portray is such a bit trepidation they won't be forceful to champion up under what is revealed, and supreme tarnishing at matter they know are acquaint with but don't choice to admire. Once again I say that God is or thin-skinned of what lurks in the physically powerful recesses of our hearts and His purpose en route for us is good. He has come to set the captives free!"Watch me, O Lady, and try me; Safety check my life and my attitude". Psalm 26:2 (NASB)


Cynics And Secret Chiefs

Cynics And Secret Chiefs
Let me start this blog with a confession. Rumors of my meglomania are hotly exaggerated. The Invincible GriffinIn reality, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Alpha et Omega) is but ONE of various outer vehicles of the Internal College led by the Hermetic Masters in Europe. We are NOT the ONLY order with access to these HIGHER orders - and in turn we and they are NOT the ONLY orders which have the TRUE secrets - which are the ONLY available means for full initiation. However, we DO provide access to these HIGHER orders - and in turn we DO provide access to TRUE secrets - which DO provide a complete and full initiation system.I am not going to cover the lantern of the Mysteries thrust into my hand just to gain approval of other well known Golden Dawn authors and bloggers. If I do, then I don't deserve this lantern. It isn't in my hand because of my personal greatness or glory, but because it is my job as a Kerux of the Hierophants of the Greater Mysteries. I am here to help guide the Outer and Inner Orders into the Third Order that resides here on the physical plane. But here is something that really puzzles me...When did THIS happen to the Golden Dawn community?I am referring to the loss of the compass that guided the founders of the order. The more I see debates on fora and blogs and read and hear from the current generation of Golden Dawn authors, the more I wonder if the idea of the Mysteries and the principle of belonging to an OCCULT order has gotten lost in the fog of post-modernism and the "let's make a quick buck off the occult" era.To fill you in, it all started one rainy day with a discussion about why secrecy in the Golden Dawn needs to be kicked out to the curb, because: a) It is not necessary in this era of the "the winner is who breaks his oath first and makes it to the publisher fastest," andb) "Hey most of us don't believe in the vows we are taking even while we are taking them" anyway - An oath is "only a formality" like wearing black to a funeral even when we don't care abut the dead guy in the casket. The dead guy here is no other than the traditional principles that formed the spirit of the classical Golden Dawn and the mysteries for thousands of years.Yes, yes, yes...we can argue it is all outdated and absolute in this modern age of IPods, IPads, E-Initiations and cyber funk magick - But let's be honest....deep down we all agree that wisdom is AGELESS...why else would these pop occultists fight like starved pirahnas over the next stash of unpublished Golden Dawn documents dating from before they were born? The Mysteries are not in the papers. They are in the spirit that penned them - and it is this spirit that penned them has repeated over and over for generations:"Keep the Mysteries from the eyes of the uninitiated..."If we throw away the spirit of the thing then all we have left is its corpse lying in a casket in a busy funeral filled with people that never really cared if she lived or not.I was personally targeted recently on another blog for criticism and ridicule for holding tight to the guiding spirit of the Golden Dawn and the original beliefs shared by many of the founding fathers and mothers of the order. Frater Peregrin wrote on in his MOTO blog:"The appeal to hidden Orders, masters etc is all a load of nonsense anyway."Sadly, such cynicism today actually typifies a rather large section of the Golden Dawn community. There are many who today believe that there are NO Masters, NO secrets orders, NO secret knowledge, and EVERYTHING is either published or ABOUT to be published.How did our Golden Dawn community ever get so jaded?Was it the faith healing workshops that were sold using the Golden Dawn name?Or was it the Angel Magic Subliminal CDs? Or was it the uninitiated, that gave themselves fancy titles - divorced the Golden Dawn from its roots - and promised you to become a "full Golden Dawn initiate" from the comfort of your armchair?Or was it the self-styled teachers who play on peoples' fears because they feel threatened?Whether it was one, a combination, or all of the above - one thing is clear...With all the nonsense that has gone on under the banners of the Golden Dawn - many people in our community have become so jaded they can no longer believe in even the POSSIBILITY that there might yet exist unpublished Mysteries, more advanced practices, or even Hermetic teachers more spiritually advanced than Nick Farrell, Peregrin, or myself!This sad state of affairs in our community has left the Alpha et Omega for over a decade faced with a serious dilemma - how are we supposed to preserve the sanctity of the Mysteries, yet still show the community we are not just one more "snake oil faith healer" selling "armchair initiations."We solved this dilemma by over the years describing the higher Hermetic Mysteries in enough detail to show the reasonable progression from not only the magic of the Golden Dawn, but also of the lab alchemy of the Golden Dawn's predecessor, the Golden and Rosy Cross order.Bear in mind that there are some people out there who keep chanting "No proof!" over and over - merely as a rhetorical tactic to create doubt - because they feel threatened in their personal interests by any higher Hermetic Mysteries beyond what Regardie published.Even if we would show these people conclusive evidence - heck, even if we were to show them the whole kit and kaboodle - the entire Third Order curriculum, initiation rituals and all, they would still go on chanting "No proof!" while they secretly rushed off to publisher with everything. We must accept from the beginning that no amount of factual evidence will ever change the bad faith of these folks.However, contrary to the "No proof!" mantra used as a rhetorical tactic by our critics......And whether or not you believe in the existence of secret, Hermetic Master Alchemists...The Alpha et Omega has nonetheless over the years released a long series of revelations that, in reality, constitute QUITE SUBSTANTIAL and transparent body of SOLID EVIDENCE about the teachings, direction, and practices of the AO's Third Order.For those that missed this - so might be otherwise be fooled by the "No proof!" parrots - here is a general summary:1. The true nature of the Opus Magnum is ENERGETIC EVOLUTION. This is the actual purpose of life on Earth. Human beings are but larval forms of a higher, purely energetic form of life that human beings are evolving towards.2. The Prima Materia of Internal Alchemy is actually the the living matter of the HUMAN BODY.3. The alchemical transmutation of Lead into Gold is actually an analogy for the transmutation of the Physical Body (Saturn = Lead) into a SOLAR BODY of LIGHT (Sun = Gold).4. The ROYAL ART of Alchemy is the science of IMMORTALITY - the science of the cultivation of SOUL: a Solar Body of Light that can survive the death of the physical body - and even render us CONSCIOUSLY IMMORTAL.5. The TRUE PURPOSE of all Hermetic arts, whether GOLDEN DAWN MAGICK, laboratory alchemy, or Hermetic Internal Alchemy is the ACCELERATION of this Energetic Evolution that otherwise would require many incarnations to complete.6. The THIRD ORDER of the Alpha et Omega teaches HERMETIC INTERNAL ALCHEMY - the highest form of Hermetic Science - in the sense that it is the most powerful operative practice to ACCELERATE Energetic Evolution.7. Hermetic Internal Alchemy is so powerful that - by using it - you can cultivate a Solar Body of Light in a single lifetime.8. Hermetic Internal Alchemy uses a SECRET FIRE to "cook" and transmute the physical body into pure energy.9. The true nature of this Secret Fire is the FIRES of the PHYSICAL BODY itself.10. The most powerful and creative of these fires of the physical body are LOVE and SEXUALITY.11. Hermetic Internal Alchemy thus cooks the Physical Body (Saturn = Lead) into a Solar Body of Light (Sun = Gold) by harnessing the fires of Love and Sexuality - and using them to accelerate Energetic Evolution.12. The processes of Hermetic Internal Alchemy hold the secret keys to the true and correct preparation of the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.13. The Philosopher's Stone is an incredibly powerful ELIXIR of LIFE that can be used, on the one hand, to increase longevity, and on the other hand, to dramatically accelerate the cultivation of a Solar Body of Light.14. The opening phase of this Opus Magnum of Hermetic Internal Alchemy involves cultivation and separation of the ASTRAL BODY. (I revealed this for the first time in my last blog article, where I discussed the PLASTICITY of the Astral Body - how for the first alchemical SEPERATIO (in order to separate the Astral Body from the physical body) it is necessary to first liberate the Astral Body from the turbulence caused by its constant bombardment with physical sensations, thoughts, emotions, etc., coming from the physical body. I also revealed that this is the true reason why real initiatic traditions universally require initiatic SILENCE.)15. Finally - I reveal NOW for the first time - that true ASTRAL PROJECTION is only possible AFTER an Adept has first fully cultivated his or her ASTRAL BODY and achieved the FIRST ALCHEMICAL SEPARATIO. (This can only be achieved by first liberating the Astral Body from the domination of the Physical Body as described above). 16. This has nothing to do with the sort of waking visions involved in "Skying in the Spirit Vision" or that is commonly understood as Astral Projection by the New Age community. Such waking, visionary states can only reach as far as the LOWER ASTRAL, the realm of illusion and self-deceoption. 17. True Astral Projection occurs in a completely DIFFERENT state of consciousness other than any sort of WAKING visionary or trance state. This state is known only to Adepts once they achieve the First Alchemical Separation. Only then, can we pierce through the LOWER ASTRAL with its deceptions and delusions - to achieve the TRUE spiritual vision on the HIGHER ASTRAL plane.18. This HIGHER visionary experience of the HIGHER ASTRAL PLANE opens only to the eyes of the Adept that has: a. Fully cultivated her or his Astral Body - and b. Liberated the Astral Body from the domination of the physical - and c. Achieved the alchemical SEPARATION of the ASTRAL body from the physical body and mastered its PROJECTION. d. Awakened to full consciousness and awareness on the HIGHER ASTRAL.19. This "PROJECTING IN THE SPIRIT VISION" is a higher and superior form of visionary experience available to Adepts of the THIRD ORDER of the Golden Dawn. Skrying in the Spirit Vision, as published by Crowley and Regardie, referred by analogy to this higher, THIRD ORDER technique all along.I will in future articles reveal more about the actual state of consciousness and awareness involved in "Projecting in the Spirit Vision," as well about the true nature of the Higher Astral Plane, and how this form visionary experience substantially differs from the Skrying in the Spirit Vision published by Regardie. Moreover, I will ultimately make astonishing revelations regarding the TRUE preparation, rectification, and multiplication of the Philosophers' Stone...Unless, of course, someone from the chorus of "No proof!" parrots would prefer to enlighten us about these Higher Hermetic Mysteries themselves first instead? Don't count on the "No proof!" parrots doing this, however. Curiously, it is precisely when it comes to THEM providing any real evidence of THEIR understanding of any Hermetic Mysteries higher than those published by Regardie...That the "No proof!" chanters suddenly discover the value of SILENCE.Sub Umbra Alarum Tuarum, Yeheshua,David GriffinG.H. Frater Lux Ex SeptentrionisImperator Ordinis, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawnouter order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega"Ex Deo Nascimur.In Yeheshua Morimur.Per Sanctum Spiritum Reviviscimus"

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