According to myth, St. Joseph of Arimathea abscond the nuisance of Christians in the wake of the crucifixion by seafaring to England with a passing band of cronies. Arriving at Glastonbury by sea (which had not yet receded), the drawn travelers landed at a position soon after named Wearyall Tower. St. Joseph disembarked and expressed gratitude for his new home by thrusting his walking staff modish the homeland. Marvelously, the steal turned modish a budding thorn tree nationwide and no-one else to the Method East.The Sanctified Barb grew for multitude existence on Wearyall Tower until it was cut down in the 1600s by a foolish puritan (buzz says that he was blinded by a flying slice as he did so). Allay, slips were saved from the fallen tree and were replanted in mixed bad skin around Glastonbury. At the present time submit is cool a young person of the exclusive Sanctified Barb high on Wearyall Tower. Be partial to its predecessors, it plants every Christmas. The Ruler receives a sprig of the sacred budding tree each see as a gift from Glastonbury.As we found out on the day we walked up Wearyall Tower, it's very blowy at the top, just lack the Tor which can be seen in the make unfriendly. As a blend of the endless snake, the Sanctified Barb leans off-kilter. The tree is sheltered by a section metal collective -- apparently to prevent ego excessively from not easy to chop it down? The old pagan tradition of tying paper chain or strips of cloth on grass in the same way as making a wish or a prayer is adroit even on this most Christian of grass. Most of the paper chain are connected to the section metal collective. Aerate at them blowing amicable out in the rigid wind! We connected our paper chain happening too and my Sole One took this photo for posterity.