The Nine Maidens Of Dartmoor The Witches Sabbat

The Nine Maidens Of Dartmoor The Witches Sabbat
THE NINE MAIDENS OF DARTMOOR - THE WITCHES' SABBATConjecture walking the high heaving hills of Dartmoor at shade...the stink of heather permeates the westerly meander and the screeling buzzards circle patronizing. As your eyes sneak choice the runner of gorse flowers and pelt sparkler formations, you comment an character stone circle in the dissociate. Petite, an ghostly realisation sets in...the stones are believable.At the same time as ARE THE NINE MAIDENS?Untruth has it that the 17 stones (so why are they called the nine stones? Noticeably, stage is no logical explanation) are the petrified communication of nine maidens or witches turned indoors stone as a what you deserve for dancing on the sabbath (the pure 'sabbath' was substituted for the chief 'Sabbat'), but resurrected to trip once more at every Hunter's Moon...'twixt dark of night and break of see. At this time, the stones move musically rocking back and forth previous the eyes of unbounded witnesses.The site is an un-restored Effigy Age barrow, serving in a very gloom and friendless part of Dartmoor called, Belstone, which lies 2 miles south-east of Okehampton. The circle of seventeen stones are the retaining wall of a Effigy Age burial burrow (kistvaen) which was subsequently housed within it.At shade, this place holds a very inquiring and dismay will. This may well be the situation it was second hand in ancient and late-night period as a sacred place for coven's of witches to enact the 'Sabbat'. The meetings obtain place popular all through the pagan festivals. Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon and Samhain.Note: Worth wrote about the stones (Dartmoor, 1953): "A fine kistvaen was unearthed in the centre of a sepulcral circle, and in a weakness in its north end were found two far-reaching coils of whatsoever hair. Nearby is scrap construe that this represents an act of attempted witchcraft in rather late-night period".If you adjourn Dartmoor, you are advised in the Dartmoor Ghost-hunter's guide, by R.W Bamberg, to recover ready from the nine maidens all through the pagan rituals and propel your quest in this way.Sources: Ghost-hunter's guide, by R.W BambergOccultism In DartmoorGo to home page click on thisBy J Reynolds, copyright 2010 @World Mysteries And Unaffected Image Tales.Scroll down to comment:

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