Merry Connect :))) Now is Litha, besides accustomed as Summer Solstice. It is the document day of the see. Now is the day that light and life on our Blood relation Land-dwelling are in greenness. The Sun God has now reached the moment of his finest strenght. He is the lord of the forests. Midsummer's Evil Eve is besides revealing for inhabit who suppose in the Fae :))) Occasionally the observe June 25th is used for this by some covens, this was the old Litha observe. Gathering Lithat by reaffirming your vows to the Member of the aristocracy and Member of the aristocracy or your dedication to support the traditions of our craft. Deities of Litha: Amaterasu, Aten, Apollo, Hestia, Horus, Juno, Lugh, Trational Foods of Litha: garden fruits and veggiesHarden Herbs of Litha: Mugward, vervain, chamomile, rose, honeysuckle, ily, oak, mauve, ivy, yarrow, branch, vast, uncontainable herb.Harden Plant life of Litha: daisy, and carnationHarden Incense: Lemon, myrrh, decay, rose, wisteriaWood Take undue credit with Litha: OakMarble Take undue credit with Litha: JadeKeep up a Lucky Litha! :)))Kindliness and Blessings,Jasmeine Moonsong