Secrets In Thiruppavai Secret 4 Nappinnai 4
enochian, magick, occultism 0 Comments »TO UNDERSTAND THIS SYMBOLISM BETTER, WE MUST KNOW THE TRIADS OF SOME BASIC CONCEPTS.The foremost Triad that vedas and upanishads talk about isBhu, Bhuvah and Svah.This is based on the three concepts namely,physical level, vital level and mental level.Every Triad consists of these three levels,the details of which are found in Chandhogya upanishad.In our body,the bone and skeleton constitute the physical level,the fluids, blood, nervous fluids, enzymes, harmones etc stand for the vital leveland mind, thought force, knowledge etc represent the mental level.The vedic Triad of Bhu stands for the physical world, the earth.Bhuvah stands for antharikshamand Svah stands for the heavens.(as per vedas, the Triad again exists at 3 levels as 3, 5 and 7 too.The Triad 3 taken at one level +1+1 = 5.The Triad taken as this 5 at one level + 1+1 = 7.But, for our discussion, we are concentrating on the basic 1+1+1 = 3 only.)The offerings are done to all these three, say the vedas.The three are controlled by the 4 th concept which will be its Lord.For our body, our soul is the Lord.For the Bhu, bhuvah and svah, Thirmaal or Vishnu is the Lord.(interpreted as such by many texts and acharays which I am not elaborating on.But for the sake of taking up this write-up further,we accept the premise that lord of this Triad or vyahruthi is Thirumaal or Vishnu.)The Bhu, Bhvah and Svahare reprsented by Bhu devi, NILaa Devi and Sri Deviwho have Vishnu as their Lord!It is a common sight to see the Lord Vishnu in templesaccompanied by Bhoo Devi and Sri Devi.The NILaa Devi is not talked about.Why?It is like this.Let us take up the example of our body explained above.When we think or talk of our body,we instantly recongnise only our physical body and the mind (mental body)What we are physically is recognsied by us.Also what we think, talk, know etc, are also instantly recognised as "me", the mental body.But we hardly think about the Vital level of our beingwhich is in fact responsible for making the connectivity between the physical body and mental mind.One reason is that it is hidden from our perception.Another is it has no separate existance,but acts as a medium between the other two,connects the twoand plays a very important role in unseen ways.Not only that,it is the seat of all emotions, feelings, passions, hopes, fears, love etc.Without these emotions a man is dead!That means, without the Vital body of the Triad of any kind,existence of that Triad will be a question mark!Same is true of the world around us.The earth is very much palpable,so much so the wealth of the earth,(Lakshmi is said to be "shraddha' or effort in a Rik vedic hymn,indicating that with effort, wealth can be extracted from the earth.All the riches of enjoyment are got from this earth. That is the meaning).But the anthariksham tinged with nIlaa is not palpable.Who is this NiLaa in earth's reckoning?(to be continued in nappinnai-5)