Gnosticism Gnostics Gnosis And The Jesus Myth

Gnosticism Gnostics Gnosis And The Jesus Myth
"The Christian church is an encyclopedia of primitive cults. -Fredrick NietzscheThe first phase of Christian history were almost nil what the picture propagated by the priesthood. Christianity actually began as an captivation of many ancient beliefs and firstly branched off from Gnosticism. Gnosticism was and is a school of sincere existentialism that seeks instinctive understanding of God set down attaining Gnosis, or "knowledge of the Lovely within." "The Gnostics claimed to be marked with an instinctive understanding of the mysteries of God and Catch. It was an understanding that resulted from "on your doorstep training, initiation, and instinctive experiences, not clearly demur study. The church" found Gnostics especially stern, for they disdained the compel for a" ranking of office officials to interpret the word of God. Far from stern heretics, these slow Christians claimed to be the keepers of secret knowledge as indicated by the Gnostic papyrus books naked at Nag Hammadi in 1945. It was this hit upon which maximum afforded any view of Gnosticism other than the unflattering speech-making of the church...Gnostics investigation to" know the 'secrets' of God, looking for answers within the sacred texts of doesn't matter what religion they acknowledge. They investigation the understanding of continuance set down interpretation of what they mark as deeper meaning within the symbology of" sincere literature... Gnosticism flourished until confirmed a heresy by a legislature of bishops of the Roman church in A.D. 325. Gnosticism was an inherent part of the From way back Mysteries to the same degree also winding the belief that on your own specific inner account might bring understanding." -Jim Marrs, "Proverb by Conspiracy" (346-7)Constantine publicly proscribe Gnosticism in 325AD and to the same degree then the Brotherhood has to yourself kept back its secrets on your own for the initiated few. In Freemasonry, Gnosticism is the third "G" formerly God and Geometry represented by their characteristic "G" within the compass/square. According to the Masonic wise person Male P. House, "This knowledge of how man's various" constitute might be utmost steadily and utmost nicely regenerated to the target of spiritual manageable constituted the secret, or esoteric, doctrine of antiquity"."The Gnostics claimed to be the early Christians and they were intensely anti-material, believing in "Christ Thought" and the Land of God within. The Gnostics resolute on attaining "gnosis" or spiritual knowledge. They refuted claims of oath from the traditional values, stating they were the blasphemers. They invented the traditional values did "not know who Christ is" and read the Bible, enormously Birth too quite, absent the deeper meaning. Everyday Christians insisted that Jesus Christ was an earlier VIP who came in the flesh, had 12 apostles, performed miracles, died on the travel, and was resurrected. The Gnostics insisted that their Christ might never good deal everyday form."Christianity began as Gnosticism, refaced with falsehoods on the subject of a series of facts understood to be marked with been earlier, but which are obviously imaginary. By which I do not mean imaginary as exaggerations or perversions of attraction truth, but belonging to the pre-existant Mythos... It is inevitable that the Roman Cathedral remained Gnostic at the beginning of the instant century, and for some time afterwards. Marcion, the keen Gnostic, did not observe from it until about the meeting 136 A.D. Tatian did not break with it until ache formerly that. In each covering the produce of clash was the actual. They departed the Cathedral that was locate up the ruse of Meaningful Christianity." -Gerald Massey, "Gnostic and Meaningful Christianity""So Gnosticism was exclaim ache in advance supposed Everyday Christianity. The conspirators recycled the word 'Docetism' to pay to individuals who refused to think in the version of Jesus. "The archaic Gnostic-Christians were not even aware of claims that the Christ incarnated in" Jesus." -Acharya S., "The Christ Deception" (48)Unbeknownst to the Gnostics, supposed Everyday Christians what Pliny, the Roman Piso line and others began to prosper the examine that Jesus Christ was a real man. Tersely under Roman law the greatest heresy became the unacceptance of Jesus as person a earlier construct. Bishop and patriarch of Alexandria, St. Athanasius wrote, "want we understand sacred command according to the see, we want fall now the utmost big blasphemies"." In other words, it is a utmost big sin to read the Bible literally!"The Docetae sects, for phrase, are held to be marked with held that the connections of the gospel portrayal did be there, but in a phantasmagoria of self-importance. This, however, is but a mock mode of describing the place of individuals who denied that the Christ might be incarnated and become everyday to haul and die upon the travel. The Christians who report the beliefs of the Gnostics, Docetae, and others, increasingly purchase the actual history and then try to fair the non-human interpretation as an eccentric refusal of the understood facts. But the docetic interpretation was maximum, was prehistorical." -Gerald Massey, "Gnostic and Meaningful Christianity"Strong what "phantasmagoria of self-importance" these Docetae were referring to option be care for explored in the Charm Reach segment. The Brotherhood shaped the term "Docetism" to pigeon-hole Gnostics and Pagan practitioners hip the acquire. The Old Gravestone stories had ache existed all once more the ancient world but were unspecified to be opulent. For problem the Bible's maximum man was "Adam," whilst in Egypt "Atum" was the maximum man, in Babylon he was "Adamu," in India he was "Adima" and he was increasingly warned against utilization the fruit of immortality from the Tree of Natural life. Keep pace with the Bible's "Eve," in Tahiti, the maximum human being "Ivi," was complete from the maximum man's bones. Keep pace with the Bible's Cain and Abel, the Tonga labor story says "the son of the maximum man killed his brother.""The Hindu version of the maximum duo was of Adima and Heva, hundreds if not thousands of living in advance the Hebraic version, as has been somberly high-pitched out by Hindus to Christian missionaries for centuries." -Acharya S., "The Christ Deception" (131)Proper what the Get out of bed of Babel, offering is a site in Fiji where Fijians design to be marked with built a ascend to the moon to see if it was housing. Other versions of the Get out of bed of Babel story are found the world once more from Mexico to India. The labor myth as personal to the Marquesans in Polynesia mirrors the Biblical version with a serpent, Tree of Natural life, the fall, and everything. The Polynesians be marked with been cut off from the rest of the world for once more 12,000 living, yet their story is almost peer.In the Hindu Somadeva Bhatta, Saktideva was swallowed by a cosmological fish scraps, and at last came out safe and sound. In the Grecian myth, Hercules is invented to be marked with been swallowed by a whale and laid for three days in his guts in advance embryonic. Do these call in you of Jonah and the whale? Did you know Sumerian pills speak of E.DIN as "The Give shelter to of the Good Ones" upright as the Bible's Division of Eden? Emperor Sargon of Sumeria was invented to be marked with been set baffled in a basket down a arm by his mother 4500 living ago. This is the actual story the Bible tells about Moses, but unbeknownst to utmost Christians, the actual goes for Mises in Syria, Minos in Crete, Manou in India, and many on top of."'Mises' is found in Syria, where he was pulled out of a basket drifting in a arm. Mises moreover had pills of stone upon which laws were on paper, and a rod with which he did miracles, in the midst of leave-taking waters and leading his military across the sea. In store, 'Manes the lawgiver' took the stage in Egypt, and 'Minos' was the Cretan reformer. Jacolliot traces the" early Moses to the Indian Manou: 'This name of Manou, or Manes... is not a substantive, applying to an no more than man; its Sanskrit feeling is the man, par weightiness, the official. It is a route aspired to by all the leaders of men in antiquity.'" -Acharya S., "The Christ Deception" (169)"Portray is no earlier outline for the continuance of a man called Moses stop in the texts formed by the Levites and other writings and opinions stimulated by individuals texts... the chaos environment to 'Moses' and his name be marked with no earlier nose. Nonentity was personalabout the 'Moses' story, or the 'plagues' inflicted upon the Egyptians, until the Levites of Babylon wrote Exodus centuries formerly it was held to be marked with happened. All the natural world of Egypt were killed three epoch according to the story! To the same degree did they do, die and at once remanifest? Portray was no murder of the maximum untutored of Egypt and so the Event of the Passover has no earlier nose, it was shaped as a result of a story fabricated by the Levites. Their references to the lamb's blood on the doors is symbols for the ancient symbolism of the beef. Portray is no chaos book in Hebrew which makes any insinuation of the Pentateuch (the laws of Moses) in advance the Levites went to Babylon. As for the Israelites person detained in Egypt, even Deuteronomy describes them as 'strangers', not slaves, in this opening. So where did the name Moses come from? Each one initiated man who attained the crown superiority in the Egyptian mystery schools was called a Reverie, Mose or... Moses. Manetho, the Egyptian historian of the third century BC, quoted by the Jewish historian, Josephus, says that he was a priest at Heliopolis or ON (Alcove of the Sun), and that afterwards he took the name of Mosheh or Moses. The word Moses means: he who has been" on the go on sale, he who has been put out from the waters, who has been complete a advocate, an demonstrative, an apostle. The Extreme Reverend in the Egyptian temples was called EOVE or EOVA, as a consequence the upcoming of the name Jehovah, and the Hebrew words is really the sacred words of the Egyptian mystery schools." -David Icke, "The Principal Veiled" (83-4) "Hunger in advance the Christian era the Greek god Dionysus was invented to turn water now wine as well. The Scandinavian god Odin and Marsyas of Mindanao were invented to be hung on a tree and stabbed with a spear upright as Jesus was invented to be crucified and stabbed by Longinus' spear. Vishnu, Wittoba, and Adonis were all crucified saviors stabbed in the quality as well. Christ, meaning "the anointed one" was a term applied to Attis, Adonis, Tammuz, Osiris, Krishna and many other pre-Christian gods. Smooth the name "Christ" is a substitute on KRST (Horus, The Anointed One) or Krishna (normally spelt "Christna" or "Christos" in Bengali) thousands of living in advance Jesus supposedly walked the Catch."The word Kristo and its derivations, Krst, Krist, Kristo, Khyst, and Krish-na, all appeared in every ancient sincere exercise and showed the early Kristo structure was said to be the specific and inaudible negotiator and guide between God and everything spiritual in man. The Krist structure has been an ancient sincere tradition unceasingly concealed by the Catholic church set down the centuries. -Tony Bushby, "The Bible Con""At the Legislative body of Nicea were not on your own Christian leaders from Alexandria, Antioch, Athens, Jerusalem and Rome but moreover the leaders of the many other cults, sects and religions, in the midst of individuals of Apollo, Demeter/Ceres, Dionysus/Bacchus/Iasios, Janus, Jupiter/Zeus, Oannes/Dagon, Osiris and Isis, and 'Sol Invictus,' the Impenetrable Sun, the relic of Constantine's commitment. The goal of this legislature was to join the diverse disparate cults under one usual or 'catholic' church, which, of course, would be controlled by Constantine and Rome. As noted, Rome claimed the irrevocable allow when it purported to be founded upon the jewel of Peter.' Hence, the statue of Jupiter in Rome was influenced now 'St. Peter,' whose imitation bones were when installed in the Vatican. In a predictable religion-making move, the gods of these other cults were vanquished under the new god and tainted now 'apostles' and 'saints'... As explicit, it is maintained that into the Nicene Legislative body the names Jesus and Christ were put together for the maximum time in the span 'Jesus Christ' or 'Christ Jesus,' uniting two of the significant factions, with Jesus in lieu of the Hesus of the Druids, Joshua/Jesus of the Israelites, Horus/Iusa of the Egyptians and IES/Iesios of the Dionysians/Samothracians, and Christ in lieu of the Krishna/Christos of India, the Anointed of the Jews and KRST of Egypt, by means of others. It is as a result understood that the span 'Jesus Christ,' which had never been a name, does not get higher in Greek or Latin authors earlier to the maximum Legislative body of Nicea." -Acharya S., "The Christ Deception" (236-7)"Buy The Atlantean Deception Now

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