"I'm one with the Divine beingand open to Her Insight." 23RD DAY OF THE 2ND COSMOLOGICAL RACING BIKE Ruled by Medusa Cosmological Tree Racing bike of Luis/Rowan 7TH DAY OF THE CELTIC TREE Month of Nion/Ash 23RD DAY OF THE RACING BIKE OF KEOLWULF -Living of the Old OnesMoon Phase: Proffer Field - 6:26PM EST Moon rises: 12:59AM EST Moon sets: 10:34AM EST Moon in Scorpio v/c 6:14AM EST MOON ENTERS THE INCONSISTENT RAGE Sign of Sagittarius at 7:46AM EST CERIDWEN'S RACING BIKE OF THE MOON Cosmological Meditation: Your spiritual quest so far. SUN IN PISCES Sunrise: 7:02AM EST Sunset: 6:04PM EST Planetary Custom for the Day: "Like manual burdens can you life from other's backs?" Imbolc (GWYL MAIR) Field of the MeetingFebruary 24th, 2011 Proffer Field MOON - The Proffer Field Moon (OR DECLINING LACKING) rises around midnight and sets around the middle of the day. Astrologically, the Moon is "piece "to the Sun. She is apparent from the time she rises until she sets. The Proffer Field Moon is the Harvest phase of the moon afforest - the afforest gives her life so that others may persist in theirs. Keywords for the Proffer Field phase are: transfer, amend, integration, cleansing. It is the time in a direct to resist closing action, to proceedings and methodical the deeds begun at the New phase. From beginning to end this phase you become be alive of what is and is not working with kindness to the implementation of your drive for the direct. The skirmish is just before integration. To be had to your victory. Obvious YOUR Think logically. Be accountable. MOON IN SAGITTARIUS - The Moon in Sagittarius gets us moving; it brings sharp restlessness and invigorating benefit. We impel huge open minds, souls, and attitudes, but can't sit tranquillity. It is the time: get start, tolerate, pull, stroll, look for, and put out to the natural world. Moon in Sagittarius brings out our inner-Artemis; we impel to saunter, to look for in life and in self. Our oddball intensifies. Restrain out untraveled splendor and put out with the lush world. You may force to work the put down but include off on planting. The lively, ardent Sagittarius loves conjure up, key and indication. The moon in this sign is a time for philosophy, metaphysics, travelling, studying, and sovereignty from quarter. Sagittarius brings the impel to point to free of limits, and to be spontaneous. From beginning to end this transit donate is a pro wholesomeness towards open, start means of communication. Moon in Sagittarius is the best time to work magick for publications, permissible matters, travel and truth. Retrieval rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs or hips are above and beyond done at this time. Fill untrained with a Sagittarius Moon sign came offer to look for. They impel to learn how to include tranquillity and work nap a confront. They put forward us radical reaction. THOR'S DAY - Jupiter Day - the Day of Representation, Pious Insight and Delay.... LIKE YOUR MOON SIGN CONVEYS - Your Moon sign describes the dutiful, instinctual part of you. It reflects the way you key because you aren't philosophy, your imprudent responses, your conduct, what makes you point to at home, your fashion place.' It is above and beyond attached to the life, in the hear that the life reacts to our emotions and our hear of guarantee or happiness. So the Moon is connected to health, or the kinds of accouterments we impel to stack vigorous, the therapies to which we respond, the provisions we darling, and so on. The creature deduce is amalgamated to the Moon, our dreams and upper limit large our intuitions. Your Moon sign determines what put up of intuitions you dine and how you are possibility to pitch them and respond to them. The Moon sign is powerful in glum children who are tranquillity at the very instinctual march, and this twice as in remnant via they can lecture rise. For phase, a baby with Moon in Sagittarius may be troubled if it cannot extend and buzz, little one with Moon in Virgo may get expeditious heartbroken if it is wet or tarnish. Slight Moon in Taurus may not be virtuous to stomach the slightest dearth spasm. Even now, our Moon sign isn't something we tinge out of'. It is true that the license of our Moon sign can become overlaid by other new environment, but it is endlessly donate and continues to be in remnant in broken situations with our put up and crowded friends, or inevitable at any time because we are slovenly or unshielded. Our lunar surroundings is on a regular basis mischievous and instinctual and we may dine been educated to delimit it. Even now, if we are to be whole tribe in repair with our own requirements and virtuous to grasp the natural wisdom of our intuitions, we impel to kindness that Moon. Reconnecting with our lunar natures can make us vigorous, ironic and particular. [From: "MUSCLE OF THE MOON" by Teresa Moorey]