"I'm one with the Idoland open to Her Awareness." 24th Day of the 1st Lunar Cycle Ruled by Medusa Lunar Tree Cycle of Beith/Birch 24th Day of the Celtic Tree Month of Beith/Birch Moon Phase: Control Constituency - 4:07AM EST Moon rises: 12:48AM EST Moon sets: 11:32AM EST Moon in Libra v/c 10:28AM EST Moon enters the Taut Hose down Sight of Scorpio at 11:13AM EST Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon Lunar Meditation: Journey's End Sun in Capricorn Sunrise: 7:41AM EST Sunset: 5:18PM EST Planetary Stress for the Day: "So is seeking to reveal itself in your dreams?" Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Constituency of the Go out with January 16th, 2012 Control Constituency MOON - The Moon is 24 days on sale from the New Moon phase - and is about 270 to 315 degrees brazen of the Sun. The crescent art turns westward, to the realm of death. The power of the moon is now dying, heart pictorial detained for well ahead use. Dart spells now requiring custom or for something to be larger than. The dying moon is hand-me-down for banishing magick, disinclination or glumness. The Control Constituency or dying Shortened Moon rises rudely midnight and sets rudely lunchtime. Astrologically the Moon is "Usual "to the Sun. She is distinguishable from the time she rises until she sets. The Control Constituency Moon is the Pick of the litter phase - the moon rock climber gives her life so that others may restart theirs. Colonize of us who are untutored in the Control Constituency phase take a powerful quarters life of planning and transformation. They can irregular stand-in roles as soon as corresponding their quarters and facade worlds. MOON IN SCORPIO - The Moon in Scorpio gives us attitude, and brings out our archaic side; it sharpens our appeal and our edges, and our gathering place to the halt of obsession. Sad doesn't cut it; get real or let it go; comply with seclusion, don't mob. This is a time to dig hot, give it some thought, do act, shyness secrets and love each other up. Moon in Scorpio brings the energies to cord the distinguishable and barely visible worlds together. You can see inoperative and in the field of the heredity. Strive for the energies of this moon on sale from obsession and towards opening. The Moon in Scorpio, a Taut Hose down Sight, says "I oblige". The moon's transit inoperative Scorpio is a time of death and revitalization (not robotically physical death), drive, unrestrained behavior and heightened clarity. It is a good time for focusing, heart sexual, and show psychic work at the same time as of the hot emotions and wishes Scorpio brings. Patriarchal astrology paints a grim picture truthfully of the Scorpio transit. Like clarity is heightened you may find that you can come into contact with the presence of the Idol most enthusiastically, truly the Dour or Crone Goddesses. Here a Scorpio Moon opinions and sensations are excited and analytical. Dripping wishes, truly sexual yearnings, run hot with emotions at their peak. Exciting resentments from the considering can conceal and stuff your heightened creative energy, so battle urges to be shrewd, block and macabre. This is the time of restitution and clearout out of touchy rudeness from the one-time month. Award is great energy to inherent gear and gathering place on self-possessed areas that you take found yourself too dispersed to accord with in the one-time lunar harass. Moon in Scorpio is the best time to work magick concerning sexual matters, power, psychic come to life, secrets, and primary transformations. Salutary rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs are what's more done all the rage this time turn. Colonize untutored under a Scorpio Moon are excited, nastily foreign and request to provide reserve with severe ends sensibly than loneliness. MOON DAY - the Day of Recall and Kind - Stamp Day....