In ancient Greek mythology, the muses were goddesses or spirits who uplift the creation of literature and art. State were alone three muses, but the group last grew to nine. In Restoration and Neoclassical art, the muses were arrange with explicit props to help last name them. Calliope (immense verse) carries a text tablet; Clio (history) carries a scroll and books; Erato (elegiac verse) has a lyre and a cap of roses; Euterpe (music) carries a flute; Melpomene (urgent situation) has a affecting mask; Polyhymnia (sacred verse) habitually has a indefinable expression; Terpsichore (escapade) is habitually portrayed dancing and vehicle a lyre; Thalia (joking) is naturally portrayed with a comical mask; and Urania (astronomy) carries a connect of compasses and the celestial foxhole.The word "brood over" is second hand in modern English to abate to an symbol of hope, but along with exists in "amuse", "museum" (from muselon -- a temple anywhere the muses were worshipped), "music", and "thought upon."Normally muses accept been pretty goddesses. So far I've had three muses, and they are all women. I don't know if women writers, artists and musicians accept male muses.Sometimes a in performance brood over may hoard backbreaking signal, but sometimes a brood over may establish be lurking in the film of the carefulness. Sometimes a brood over order be floating better, still observing, clear and moving.Resourcefulness habitually includes an innate pine for to request, perhaps going back to childhood and from way back when we wish to make mommy cheerful so we get fed. Equally a brood over is of the differing sex, portray can be a courtship aspect. Customary if portray is no consequence, a person behind can be encouraged to do exceptional and exceptional, to win the goal of the goddess. A male person behind may even hallucination having sex with the goddess, and his words become a mysterious gift, in the function of flowers or chocolate or jewelry such as dating or unmanageable to seduce. Elton John wrote, "My gift is my declare and this one's for you."For most of my text rush I wrote about jam, and how the social order aligned to jam.Near here five existence ago I became hail text about the social order imperfect the jam, and text story as well as non-fiction. This coincided with my reconnecting by email with "D," a girlfriend from college -- and near my partner. Behind schedule a such as she lost imply in communicating with me, and I dormant text the book she emotional me to start. I last reconnected with "P," one of the opening females I was fascinated to. I party my cookies with her in moment band. Her apparition helped me hinder the book.This court I at the end became hail text about emotions.This data evolutionary movement coincided with my re-connecting with "R." She was a very data girlfriend from high school, and the opening woman I consideration about marrying. She has become my most powerful brood over and is full-fledged for my "conclusion" as a person behind.This brood over and I may highlighter a book together. I assurance we'll be fair to amuse each other.I've been connubial for lifeless 37 existence, but I never consideration my partner was my brood over. Doubtless like I did win her goal and we did join and are still together, there's less taunt to request her. Doubtless her newspaper physical apparition weakens the greater than spiritual sorority within your rights for thought. I don't know. Probably she really has been one of my muses but I establish didn't complete it. (some info from Wikipedia)