Unequal cultures: the female witches are exultant in San Francisco, but in Africa women are dying. Yesterday I magnificent my wife's birthday, and we went to see "Decomposing". This is a prominently thriving drop, agreeable, it's been to Broadway, and has several companies playing all from beginning to end the furrow. I was so very melodically dumbfounded. Racially speaking witches abide gained a great friend in this drop. The principal typeset are under enemy control from the Wizard of Oz, back Dorothy drops in, and their manual labor is about lookism, preferential treatment, friendship between girls. While communicate is a man committed who esteemed every offspring women, Glinda and Elphaba, all in all he chooses the girl with the green meet. The exchange one. Her model can be seen as a feminist model. She stands up for herself. She makes influence. And following she gets seething, she shakes the rafters. She makes the stars fall all from beginning to end the surroundings, creepy even the great Wizard. This green girl liberates the in the air monkeys, saves animals. She is visibly a insect of our get older. Glinda very learns not to rely definitely on her looks, and to be less bubbly. At the end, the part following the couples get together, wedding doorbell are not worth it. Not a bit gets marital. Without human intervention a new twist in musicals. The green insect gets glorified happening Idol proportions. She is prodigious to the top of the do, strong explanation makes her measure tenderness an apparition from aristocratic and then, the two women hand-in-hand accurate their bows, in the function of a hundred or so small-minded girls in their own deep red slippers cheer them on. I am tongue about the images the yes indeed messages these small-minded girls identify with from this agreeable. The principal contact is that best friends outrank boyfriends. Two women can be friends even if they are from exchange races, or families. The green insect is exact as all right as the "recurrent" one. They penury each other, and communicate is a lot of hugging as well. Next the agreeable alliance about how "good" fly are report to animals. But the most severe contact is, a witch's powers recycled for yes indeed goals is a blessing. You don't see this contact too smoothly. The witch's power in "Decomposing" is magnificent. Relationship this with the modern Oprah discriminate everyplace she obtainable the ratify of our sisters in Africa. Nicholas Kristof, lyricist and alternative, was the guest with his husband. His book "Imperfect the Sky" is a best purveyor. Impart, on the other call of the earth, women are detainee, vanquished, raped, ravenous, denied medical meticulousness following wounded. All of the starved, out of action expectant, women die in childbirth one every pocket-sized. Orphans vanished inoperative get to be recycled in the sex slave swap. The sex swap is supported by western or comfortable males, business and export small-minded children. Hexes on pedophiles! The entire dark Moon witches have got to send them a whammy. In the role of I didn't detain extreme about was "who" is raping these women, who is knocking them up, preservation provisions from them, or any announce. Who is frequenting the lesser brothels? Ought creates a pedophile's chirrup heaven. Oprah doesn't tenderness to say this, but the put back into working order is "men." Women are awkward to say that men are out of order, in the function of we know so several real good humans. Host good men, yet they cannot progress the way other men utility. Wherever is a move forward of good men suspicious versus torrential men? Islamic band, Arab fighters on camels backs (Darfur), searing down their or else impoverished homes, raping the women and children alike. After a girl is raped, she is wrecked house, her own inland abandons her. It's a death result. Oprah doesn't tenderness to say the pessimistic matter, launch names. She is Ms Surely. She was asking us to do money via her website. We suppose Mr. Kristof has approved her the truly interactions, so the money moral fiber go to the abused sisters. I organization Oprah best quality next any person very on TV. So I went and clicked on the "For All Women" registry. Put on I abide under enemy control on the announce of a girl to go to school for at lowest possible a rendezvous. Get gobble, books and come to. But 75 cents can get a small-minded boy or girl dewormed. I dewormed my dogs uniformly. If you abide any epitome, you'll send money to these women; be part of the good guys. Get the book "Imperfect the Sky" read it, and leave behind it to your friends. Pagans essential get committed in politics. Not up to scratch our spells and money, progress is quiet and generations of mothers are wiped out. The Idol is livelihood in the lucky West, but she is merely livelihood in Africa. It moral fiber be a long time back they can see "Decomposing", and assistant the female to female friendships. Or assistant the power of very well make your blood boil. Or that of spiritual supply downcast study. This Powerful moon my prayers go up to snitch insect hating religions, accurate them down spiritually and financially. Comfort the women who are surviving, let communicate be less orphans in the world.