In Which Leanna Creates Horcruxes To Be Everywhere At Once
cast a circle, magick, santeria 0 Comments »FANTASY DREAMER gives Percy love:From Donna:"It's has been awhile since I've read a gothic fantasy and I don't remember being this entertained reading a book in this genre as much as I was reading "Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker". I enjoyed how Ms. Hieber's prose could make me feel the anticipation of that first touch and the thrill of that first kiss. I was transported to a Victorian London, during the terrible reign of Jack the Ripper. I could hear the clip-clop of the horse hooves echoing down the street, see the ghosts along the streets and feel the eeriness that always seem to accompany the evenings in London. Since I've read this book, I've even caught myself thinking in Victorian speak, it had that much of an impact on me.It was truly a pleasure reading Ms. Hieber's tender love story with her version of Greek mythology mixed with the paranormal. The plot was well rounded and the ending gives you a nice closure but I have a few questions lingering that I hope will be answered in the next book. Your not going to find anything too terribly dark or forbidding in this book, though the evil ones were evil enough to fulfill their part in the setting of this book. It was a wonderful journey reading this book and I'm looking forward to next book in this series. Yes, I would definitely recommend this book."(Read the full post on Donna's gorgeous Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings blog)Congratulations to both of these lovely ladies for their Book Blogger Appreciation Week nominations!Now! Back into the storm!