Magic For When It Is All Too Bloody Much
anthropology of religion, magic, magick 0 Comments »That came in an email the other day from someone who had been hit with calamity after calamity... everything from fender-benders to sick kids to pay cuts at work.
It was just too much and this person wanted to know what he could do, magically, about his situation. It's a good question, and he's not the only one asking it.
Magical Solutions When Life is Too Bloody Much
This is an important topic to address because a lot of people are finding life it little to hard to bear right now. Many people are waking each day to minor calamities, from tooth abscesses to broken computers to relationships that are falling apart. It's like life as we know it is falling part. Actually, life as we know it IS falling apart.
As I've mentioned in previous articles, not only are we coming up on a major world change (call it a shift into the Aquarian Age, the ending of a cycle in the Mayan calendar or what have you), but we are also experiencing Pluto return on the astrological level. When there is a Pluto return, we experience the "karma" generated by mankind over the last 250 years or so. Not pretty.
So what do we do magically to alleviate this problem? After all, when life as we know it falls apart, it's not a good thing. Luckily, we can take magical steps towards a happier future.
Three Magical Steps when Life is Falling Apart
I like to keep things simple in magic because life is complicated enough. There's no point in making your magical practice complicated as well, right? So here are three magical steps you can take if your life is, well, falling apart at the seams.
1. Don't panic. (duh!)
2. Choose one very, very simple magic ritual you like.
3. Become a slave to the magic ritual.
So let me explain. These three steps really work, and I've deliberately made them sort of inflammatory to make a point. So bear with me. Let's take it one step at a time.
1. Don't Panic
The "Well, duh!" factor is pretty high on this step, but is has to be said. After all, what's the first thing we are programmed to do when a calamity occurs in our lives? PANIC! Yup, sheer unadulterated panic. So learning how NOT to panic is pretty important. By Law of Attraction, panic attracts more things to panic about. So learn to back off the panic a hair or two. Go with, say, annoyance or light cursing to start with. You probably can't go from panic to happy, but you can take a step back from panic and satisfy yourself with a few curse words. So practice, practice, practice not panicking. This is important. Consider it a crucial part of your magical training. You have to master this step, at least somewhat, before moving on to the next step.
2. Choose One Very, Very Simple Magical Ritual You Like
This step is pretty logical. Magical rituals are useful because they create magical effects in your life. The more your life if falling apart, the more magic you need in your life. So you'll need a magic ritual you can use when something calamitous happens in your life. So pick a magic ritual, any ritual, that you like and that is simple. Remember, when you are focused on not panicking, you won't have a lot of brainpower left to do a complicated magic ritual.
Some magic rituals I like include the Navajo Beauty Way Exit Ritual, the Sun Candle, and hiring angels. You can read about all of those here:
Navajo Beauty Way
Sun Candle
Hiring Angels
Or make up your own ritual. You can also get a bunch of simple magic rituals in our Daily Rituals ebook, which contains tons of rituals and teaches you how to create your own. In any case, pick a ritual, learn it well, and keep it handy.
Daily Rituals Ebook
3. Become a Slave to the Magic Ritual
This sounds kind of extreme, but it's actually a very common principle in many esoteric and tribal practices. The gist of it is this: there can only be one "most important" thing in your life, and that thing will either be intentional magic or it will an accidental life event. In many magical traditions, students are instructed to choose an aim (or ritual) and to make that aim their god in life. Why? Because the aim or ritual is intentional, which means it creates a very precise and pre-determined effect. A wanted effect.
This effect acts as an antidote against all the "accidents" that otherwise occur in life: the fender-benders, the sick kids, the reduced paycheck, and other calamities. So being a slave to your chosen magical ritual simply means putting more attention on that ritual than on the current calamity.
Here's how it would work. Suppose you choose the magic ritual of hiring an angel. Now suppose you get into a fender bender. Step 1: don't panic--just mutter a couple curse words under your breath. Step 2: Whip out your magic ritual. Step 3: If possible, hire an angel to fix this mess (before you even get out of the car to deal with the other driver).
Pretty simple, right? By putting your magic ritual ahead acts on the physical plane, you attract more magic and intention, and fewer accidents. I'm assuming, of course, that the fender bender is minor and you have 15 seconds to hire an angel before hopping out of the car. If not, use common sense and take care of business first and hire an angel later. Just remember to put your emphasis on the idea that magic is more important than panicking about the life situation.
This simple three-step magical process works really well in our current turbulent times, and will work even better as we move into the world transition to come. Practice these steps now and you'll be in fine shape for any world transition coming down the pike. Really. Magic works, it really does.
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