Feb 3 Valkyrie

Feb 3 Valkyrie

by carole

(Darlington,England) I hold back excepted Odin as my God for heaps a few existence now.One day as I was rushing for the bus to go home(I was in colony), I approached a early on man impressive reduce for wear.He was trade a concrete paper for the turned out, as I approached him he turned and looked erect at me,he smiled so I smiled back.He noticed that I was now runes gruffly my neck, Ahh! he alleged and named them,acquaint with was a abnormal air about him that I couldnt heaps understand, I felt so at cut once that he was a play outcast to me.We talked and talked about the runes and my beliefs, on impulse triumph home didnt glance all that esteemed any high-class."Shall we go for a cup of tea" he alleged"I object to communication some high-class with you",ok I alleged.Behind we reached the cafe I told him I would get the tea and to put his money to another place I acceptable felt the pressure to buy it for him,I am not in the habit of produce an effect tackle take pleasure in this for strangers, I couldnt understand why I required to do this.We talked some high-class, "what through you amenable in your beliefs" I told him of my pad that I had looked up,ever past I was early on I was entranced with vikings and what through them so strong,what precisely bunch these fighters on,who were the Gods down these cultivation.I told him that past I was frail I hold back had a beauty for females on horseback that rode off into the night,I was incessantly one of these maidens bearing in mind I was individuality playing with my playmates. He put his forefront down and incoherent under his go,"In the same way as are they called "he alleged. I told him I

innovative well-educated that they were Valkyries and easygoing the beauty has stayed with me."Oh yes he alleged,they are Valkyries of course", he raised his forefront,looked me erect in the eyes and alleged"they are all gruffly you as we speak"I felt really weird, for object of a favored word,If you had to ask me what they are called and who they were, how come you see them gruffly me,I asked.AHH! he alleged, acceptable sample and began to mock.He told me that he was a practising shamen, very thug I alleged,"you preference learn my favorite",he alleged, now once that he appeared a lot younger than me, somehow I was not grieve at that remark."The Gods are impressive alive at the situation" he alleged, what are they produce an effect I asked,"Government a whirlpool a engross"why I asked, I mind all were goodbye to die healthy at ragnorok, "not all " he replied."not all, I might communication to you all day but I inevitability be goodbye,I hold back work to do, the hearsay has been very interesting,you hold back well-educated heaps a bit".I hold back had a good instructor I replied,"Oh and who is that as a consequence",he smirked,Odin I replied,"Ah yes some say he is a onerous work master,do you see in your mind's eye this"I replied,he is putting me by means of hell at the situation,it preference probably get reduce, but I preference vow,I preference easygoing house conclusive to my God no-matter what he puts me by means of.He smiled a accelerate smile and alleged"I know",as a consequence he was gone. I hold back never forgot that outcast to this day,experienced Odin comes in various disguises,I am cast iron now that I encountered him that day.Not song hold back I grew stronger to approach up to tackle I once mind I couldnt,but my belief in Odin knows no environs.

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