Yantra To Ward Off Evil Energies

Yantra To Ward Off Evil Energies
This is a Yantra or a Diagram comprising of unique numerical values, with unique vibratory frequencies to ward of Evil Eve, Evil Spirits and all kinds of Evil Energies. The Yantra vibrates to unique frequencies which are beneficial in warding off the Energies which I have described above.

Yantras are powerful diagrams which generate powerful energies, either to attract or repel the atmospheric energies which are omnipresent. All humans vibrate to their own energy frequencies, and when their vibrations come close to the atmospheric energies they start attracting those particular energies.

Bad energies or vibrations are also generated through curses, jealousy and hatred. Such energies aimed at a particular person, come close to that particular person.

This Yantra is best engraved on thick copper and kept in your home, it is said that doing so will prevent Evil Energies from entering your home.

Yantra for Evil Energies

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