Why Didnt The Israelites Pray For Moses
book of exodus, magick, torah 0 Comments »by Rabbi Marc D. Cherub
In former week's Torah quantity, Va-et-hanan, we read of Moses' influence to the Almighty to let him major the Promised State. By means of correct humility and enthusiasm, Moses prayed that God would allow him the glee of implementation his assignment as lead of the Israelites. He had dedicated forty disagreeable existence in the desert, in the castle in the sky of bringing the the population of Israel in vogue the land of milk and be keen on. In spite of Moses' truthful prayer, the Almighty did not relax HIs certitude that Moses was not to major the Promised State. God told him to grow the stake and firm at the land in the distance--that was as purpose as Moses would get to his moment.
A question arises: why do we clutch nought at all about the Israelites' opinion to God's decree? Why didn't they pray on behalf of their dependable leader? Why didn't they installment to God that they themselves would not major the Promised State unless Moses were unrestricted to major with them? Why was acquaint with no appearance of trustworthiness to or central point with Moses?
After all that Moses had done for them, it would alliance fixed that the the population of Israel would lay claim to required God's amnesty and aid to their lead and mentor. But acquaint with is no map of their fear at all.
Possibly this week's Torah quantity, Ekev, offers a hint of an impart. Moses reminds the Israelites that fashionable their forty existence in the desert God provided them with Manna from heaven; He provided them with clothing that didn't wear out; He defended their feet from progress. In vivacious, the Israelites did not lay claim to to guardianship about their day to day requirements. In a bound to happen suffer, as well as, they grew full of yourself. Their real desires were provided to them remarkably. While this was definite a good thing for them, it likewise had a downside. They became so complacent, that their boat to comprehend about the desires of others was diminished. A Judeo-Spanish axiom has it that one with a full uphold does not understand the spasm of the one who is greedy.
The Israelites had wandered for forty existence. They were tense to get in vogue the Promised State. Their meaning was on their own desires. They didn't respect a long way about the judgment of Moses. After all, if God judged that Moses hardship not major the State, as well as so be it. They didn't lay claim to time or offend to start a stir: they attractive to move dispatch, with or without Moses didn't really subject matter very a long way.
The Torah may be teaching us--by the peace of the Israelites--something very significant (and upsetting) about material category. It wasn't that the Israelites were bad the population. No, they were simply "resolute" the population who attractive to get on with their lives. They "hand-me-down" Moses as desire as he was acceptable. To the same degree he could no longer deliver them harvest and services, they turned their bearing to the afterward lead and to their providence journeys. To the same degree God told Moses he would not major the Promised State, the Israelites vacant no resentment, no prayers, no unguent to Moses. In their eyes, he had become a "lame cut".
While the clowning around of the Israelites was "resolute", it calm hardship get taller questions in our own minds. If we were in their affirm, would we lay claim to old hat central point for Moses? Would we lay claim to together him in praying to God? Would we lay claim to finished a flatten vision of trustworthiness and appreciation?
In our modern suggestion, one of the common complaints is that the population are surplus to requirements. Commitment and be attracted to are finished docile to useful concerns and "advocate armed". Inhabitants are used--and as well as forsaken.
The clowning around of the Israelites--as so a long way of modern behavior--is "resolute". Yet, our circumstances isn't to be sated with the same as "resolute". We implore to work for true honesty. Authentic honesty requires us to be tender, sympathetically, clear in your mind, indulgent.