AhsanIs Every Type of Taweez Shirk?or some are Shirk while others that contains Quanic verses are only biddah.AsimNo Quranic taweez are allowed according to some scholars and disliked according to others and prohibited according to others, no one said it is shirk. According to my limited knowledge.Usman SalafiThe real sunnah is to blow Ruqyahs on sick person, wearing amulet/taweez is shirk whether it is Islamic or not...Even Hanafis believe that no one can touch the Quran without Wudhu/Ablution, so do you think wearing Surahs of Quran is good even without Wuzu? Now where is obligatory of wudhu?AsimQuranic taweez is no where shirk not even a single muhaddith said it is shirk, Talib Ur Rahman said it is allowed, others said it is Haram.Haram does not means it is shirk.Shaykh Haafiz Hukmi said:.If they (amulets) contain anything other than the two revelations and instead contain mumbo-jumbo from the Jews or worshippers of the temple, stars or angels, or those who use the services of the jinn, etc., or they are made of pearls, strings, iron rings, etc., then this is shirk, i.e., hanging them up or wearing them is shirk, beyond a doubt..i believe you know about the two revelations, they are Quran and the hadith.This is what mentioned in Fath ul Majeed commentary of Kitab at-Tawheed after all the ahadith against taweez. :..... : .It is Narrated from Ibraheem an Nakhee(tabiyee)They disliked all types of amulets whether they contained Quranic texts or notAnd Ibraheem he is Imam Ibne Yazeed Al Nakh`ee Abu Imraan Trustworthy and he was in biggest Jurists, His saying (They disliked all types of amulets till end ) Meaning Companions of Abdullah bin Mas`ood like Alqamah, Aswad,Abu Wail,Al Harith bin Suwaid,Obaid as Sulemani,Masrooq,Rabee bin Khatheem,Suwaid bin Ghaflah etc and they are all big Tabiyeen [Fathul Majeed Chaper 8 () Chapter of Ruqa and Amulets].Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzan saidAn Amulet is defined as an object worn specially around the child's neck as a charm to protect him from the evil and envious eye. However some scholars of our Salaf allowed attaching Qur'anic amulets, whereas others such as Ibn Mas'ud prohibited it all together.[Al-Mulakhas Sharh Kitab At-Tawhid Page no: 80 of Arabic and page 78 of English version].So Quranic taweez are disliked or allowed or prohibited, there is difference of opinion no one said it is shirk. Please do not put fatwas according to your own thinking.Usman SalafiBrother for me, saying of Prophet Muhammad(SAW) is enough. Beloved Prophet Muhammad(SAW) called it shirk. And if you do qiyaas then you will say "No no, it was about jewish or satanic amulet"... And i ask from Ahlul Qiyaas, Why did not Prophet(SAW) differentiate it? And how can you say it was only related to Satanic amulet? While Prophet(SAW) did not differentiate.AsimNo where Prophet peace be upon him said Quranic taweez is shirk, i believe you have to see the opinions of the salaf, for me your OWN UNDERSTANDING has nothing to do with Islam, you are ummati of Prophet peace be upon him your own understandings are not evidence for me.The opinion of the salaf of ahlus sunnah differed you are not mufti to put your fatwa, go and ask from scholars and i believe they can guide you more correctly, or maybe ask from Shamshad Salafi you will surely agree with him i.e QURANIC TAWEEZ is not shirk.otherwise you are making all the salafi,deobandis and others as a mushriq becoz no one ever believed Quranic taweez is shirk.For me better to stay away but if someone is practicing he is not doing shirk.AsimIf you want me to accept your view i.e your own understandings of hadith thn i have to accept the interpretations of Qadiyaniyah and their own understandings of the hadeeth..and this is my view which is also the opinion of all the salafis see it again.For me better to stay away but if someone is practicing he is not doing shirk.Your own understandings holds no value like the own opinion of qadiyaniyah holds nothing and it is against the understandings of sahaba tabiyeen and all the muhadditheen of this ummah.and as for the hadith you provided it clearly states that people were their to accept Islam and fir sure they were wearing some mumbo jumbo because a kafir will never wear Quranic amulets. Quran is the speech of Allah you can not say you are associating partners with Allah if you are wearing Allah's speech (Quranic verses)Usman Salafiand i know my pov is totally valueless, i wish to have proof of wearing Islamic/Quranic/Sunnah amulet direct words of Beloved Prophet Muhammad(SAW)... And if it is not, then i would consider it as shirk and Biddah as well...There are alots of Sunnah Dhikr which protect us from all sort of evils, satanic waswasaas, magic, bad eye, envy of jinnaat and insaan, accidents. And Beloved Prophet(SAW) told us to recite these Dhikrs.