Naming Your Moons

Naming Your Moons
NAMING YOUR MOONSWhen I first began my studies, I came across the Traditional Moon Names for each month. As with all things Craft related, these names change from Tradition to Tradition, and also with the Countries that they originate from. Celtic Moon names are different than Native American Moon names, Gardenerian Moon names differ from Dianic, etc. And there are of course many distinctions within each Country and Trad also. Apache Moons are different than Sioux, Alexandrian vary from Gardenerian. *This would be enough to drive any one, and especially the Eclectic Witch, into a fit of confusion! Which Moon to use for which Month? Does it really matter? And how could they all possibly be correct, and yet so different. "Ah, yes young indeed?"*

As I advanced in my studies, I realized that just like color significance, and meaning; each person must come to their own understanding of each Moon's energies. These energies also vary from location to location. *For instance, when living in Northern California, my Lunar Months carried a distinctly different vibration, and meaning for me than while living in Southern California. To get the most out of my relationship with the Moon, and my Monthly ritual work; these energies and names needed to be examined and worked with over the years. *Also, as time marches on, these Moons carry different significance to the practitioner; based on the major life events that occur within each one. For example, I was married in March, on the Spring Equinox. To me, the March Moon carries the significance of being my Marriage Moon, as well as my Spring Equinox Moon, and Planting Moon. *To a farmer, living in the North East of the US; that correspondence just would not work! They are still covered in snow at this time of year. It would be pretty hard then, to work up the energy and passion for spring planting in their case. And the person living near the Equator would be most conflicted calling the March Moon the Cold Moon, or Chaste Moon, as they do in other areas.*So, I find it extremely important, that each person take the time to examine for themselves, the significance of each Moon; based upon their locality, weather patterns, nearby celebrations, individual life occurrences, and especially what they normally do during that Month, each year. *For instance, to an accountant, April may be "Tax Moon". To a travelling Artisan, it could be "Spring Craft Festival Moon". If I'm usually shoveling snow off my car in April, I'd call it "When the (*hmm*) is Winter Gonna End Month!" And to a mother who has all of her children born in that month, it could be "Birthing Moon". In addition to "Cold, Wet Spring Equinox Moon". "Or Flowers Blooming Moon". Or "Melting Snow Moon". I know you get the idea, but I'm having such a blast with these names!*

I thought it might be fun to list a few of the well known Traditional Moon Correspondences; and then also list mine, that I have used while living here, in Southern California. I hope that this stimulates some thought about the significance of each Month to your own life; and gives you an idea of what you can be working on, or celebrating during each Month of your year. Also, these meanings can be the starting point for creating spells, crafts and rituals that are tailored for your personal needs. *This brings our spirituality into our everyday life, and in this day and age. That is what many of us find so necessary in this religion of Wicca...that connection with Divinity that wasn't available to us in other Mainstream Religions. Or maybe parts of it are/or were...but not all. Which is why we were drawn to Paganism. We choose to commune with the Gods in our own way. In a real everyday kind of way. Working with the cycles in the way that they affect each of us.*

Keeping in mind that as the Month progresses, and the Moon changes; the focus of the work should be adapted to suit the phase of that particular Month's Moon. (These are not Months that begin and end in the traditional sense, on the 1st and 31st of the Month. They each begin and end at their respective New Moon. These Moon Months start at the New Moon after the Yule, basically the New Moon closest to the beginning of the calender year.)*

I hope you find this practice as helpful to your personal development, and attunement to the natural cycles around you; as I have. Doing this has created another layer of richness and depth to my life, and my Craft Work. *For those of you that have already been incorporating this practice into your life...I would love to hear your list of Moon Names, that you have created over the years. And to those who have not done this yet, but are inspired to start...I would love to hear your ideas and personal correspondences for the Moons in your locality and life.

*~ Happy Moon Naming!


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