The Oak tree is considered the most powerful and most sacred of the trees to the Celtic peoples. It holds the true alignment of balance, purpose and strength. In the cycle of the year, the Moon of Oak also poses the essence of power and balance. In truth, She is androgynous. Being integrated, this moon essence provides the greatest alignment for manifesting our goal.Oak Mother's Celtic name is Duir. It means door and is derived from the word Druid or Druidess, the Celtic person who has mastered memory, intuition, healing, knowing and magic.The Oak Mother provides the essence of assuredness, love, and care for her offspring. She is pro-nurturing and calls you to understand how you use this energy at the time when you have given birth to your potential. Like the mother who has just delivered her child to the world, you are called to watch the growth, care for the needs of your child, and love the child no matter what course s/he has to walk to develop, mature, and express in whole-ness. Let this be so as you nurture your goal in the world.Look about you during this month. What creative aspects of yourself have you birthed? Are you nurturing them? And are you integrating your potential into all aspects of yourself: spiritually, mentally, physically, through your ego, by listening to the voice of your soul? Use a journal to express the answers to these questions. If you find that you are not doing anything, then ask yourself what you want to birth, how you will nurture your creativity and integrate it into all of your aspects? Be strong, wise and willing.Doors of opportunity are here and now in your world. Duir, Moon Mother of Oak, provides you with the strength to open the doors and utilize the openings to step into the experiences that will bring fulfillment, purpose, and your creative pleasure. As you look at the doors before you, adjust any energy that would stop you from walking through those doors without your strength and purpose. This is your opportunity to use the Universal energies present in the world to bring you to the moment of balance and direction for manifesting your heart's desires.The people you meet during this month will be supportive. But are they supporting your empowerment or are they supporting your old patterns? Notice how they assist you. Do you feel they help you in the way you need? If so, give gratitude. If not, tell the truth and let them know what you really require, for in that way they can give useful assistance. Oak Moon Mother provides you with the strength to tell the truth, live in your personal power, and share life with others through that strength of your genuine self.Through the essence of your genuine self, you will also assist others without the need to "make them" what they "should" be. You will simply be able to listen, communicate, and express your care and encouragement as they manifest their potential. It is important that you honor their position of creative expression. In that way, the true empowerment of appreciation occurs in all peoples, and the knowing that we all are here for the purpose to help each other can occur.The gift of Oak Moon Mother is that of revealing the talents of each child of the Universe and having them share their talents so not a single person is burdened, not a single person is without.Oak Moon Mother provides great affluence as she reigns in our night sky. She provides abundance, strength, empowerment, nurturing, companionship and rewards. She presents the world with the essence of fertility, the power to manifest, and the capacity to create the world that one needs for success. She provides the essence of balance: work and play, action and rest, speaking and silence.What do you need at this time? Let The Oak Moon Mother assist you in manifesting exactly what you need. The time for realizing your potential is now.By Katherine Torres