A Basic Elemental Directional Calls For Stating Your Petition

A Basic Elemental Directional Calls For Stating Your Petition
I find that I am quite drawn to work utilizing the elements and/or the directions of the compass. Yet, I am even more compelled to lean towards the Native American system of the '7' directions. That would be (according to how they'd be addressed) East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within.

With that in mind I utilized a pretty basic elemental alter. I have no room to even store any magickal supplies at the moment so everything used is simply treated in a very revered and ritualistic way prior to being used. Everything usedI was of basic household stuff yet it was ritually cleansed before use. ALL of it.. I like to use rubbing alcohol and/or some type of cologne as I energetically and actually cleanse any containers and etc. for use.

A representation of each of the directions was placed at each of the 4 compass directions of East, South, West, and North. East {AIR} was represented by a tiny plate holding a store bought incense cone, South {FIRE} was a sniffer glass (used for a bit of Brandy or etc.) with a 'tea light' candle, West {WATER} was a sniffer glass holding a bit of drinking water, North {EARTH} was a sniffer glass holding a bit of table salt. The other 3 directions were not represented. I also used 2 other candles as part of the PETITION and an earthenware vessel for sand, rocks and a self igniting charcoal round. I had some dried orange peel which had been shaved off three days prior to this and allowed to dry. I also utilized a bit of regular (cheap) cinnamon and a little black pepper as an incense blend.

I cannot divulge any more than that at the moment.

I have written this as a simple way in which to ask for the Blessing of the Guardian Angel of the direction and then to address the denizens of the direction. After each of these (calls?) the PETITION was stated.


I humbly come before you, Archangel Raphael, Guardian of the East

and ask for your Divine Blessing upon this petition.

Denizens of the East as the word is the power of the creation

I speak these words into your tempest winds and billowing breezes

to carry forth into the chaos and out again into manifestation.

I humbly come before you, Archangel Michael, Guardian of the South

and ask for your Divine Blessing upon this petition.

Denizens of the South as the word is the power of creation

I speak these words into your fiery flames and fervid blazings

to carry forth into the chaos and out again into manifestation.

I humbly come before you, Archangel Gabriel, Guardian of the West

and ask for your Divine Blessing upon this petition.

Denizens of the West as the word is the power of creation

I speak these words into your cool waters and flowing streams

to carry forth into chaos and out again into manifestation.

I humbly come before you, Archangel Uriel, Guardian of the North

and ask for your Divine Blessing upon this petition.

Denizens of the North as the word is the power of creation

I speak these words into your fertile soils, earthy glades and caverns

to carry forth into the chaos and out again into manifestation.

From Above is the Father which is the pureness of the Thought and

the Power which fuels the Creation.

I speak the Power of these words into the vastness of the Heavens

Hear me, your obedient pupil, in my appeal for the granting of this petition.

From Below is our Mother which is physical creation made manifest

I speak the Power of these words into your Bosom, Mother

Hear me, your obedient child, in my appeal for the granting of this petition.

From Within which is the Holy Spirit, the Quintessence of perfection

which is the Divine Spark of the All,

I speak the Power of these words through the ether's

Hear me, Universal Spirit Mind, in my appeal for the granting of this petition.


Origin: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com

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