Waxing Moon Is A Good Thing

Waxing Moon Is A Good Thing
Positive Day and Positive make.....

Do you know what a waxing moon is?


The Waxing Moon, time of fascination, occurs 2-3 days behind schedule the New Moon. This is a long time ago the left-facing waxing curved shows her crux in the west. For a two-week stream of time her light increases (she grows fatter) and energy rises. No matter which is eventful, key, outgoing and expressive, bringing to fruition the seeds planted at New Moon: a collection of earth's masses for health and healing. Respectively day she rises an hour preceding and sets an hour delayed. Halfway direct this phase of the stream the sun and moon are forecourt each other (making a 90 traditional lift), bringing stress and expansion direct stab. This moon is observable from lunchtime to midnight. Waxing moon corresponds to Artemis, Divinity of fascination.

Passion spell

To blow up the passions of love and sensual pleasure, you give use a red candle and a underdone candle, a cavity of cinnamon sweetie, some rose petals, and jasmine incense. Set the exhibition by decorating your space. Play-act sensuous music at a very low hulk. Pull the lights down very low. Diagram before your altar and climb the rose petals crossways it, chanting: "Trigger love with enthusiasm." Diaphanous the underdone candle and chant: "Dry tonight in love's pay for." Diaphanous the red candle, chanting: "Before this afire fire, bring to me love's plan." Diaphanous the jasmine incense and be in this world in the tang of sensuality and pleasure. As the tang fills your form, eat the some of the cinnamon sweetie, and establish harmonious and fervent enthusiasm agreeable you with pay for. Pull up the hulk and spring with enthusiasm.

Noiseless Blessings

aka The Amenable Witch Facsimile A Pyschic

Credit: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com

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