The Seal Of The Living God
hex, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »It is seen as the bring to a close for pair basis.
1. It binds the maximum three( love to God) to the lower six (LOVE TO MAN)..
2. It as well stands in the norm of the maximum three and the lower six as a dedication of God.
3. All seals reflects deed, His station,His territory.His realm. that is definite in the bring to a close of all kings or monarchs.
But the one i never forethought about plow righteous a few account is this.
4. The bring to a close of a ruler is placed on whatever thing that the king does not want part tampering with.
Anyone having the signet ring the very one at the same time as stamped on molten wax would increase the crest or want of the King on the bring to a close would be intentional as powerful.
That assistant was empowered to increase laws government department can be seen in the queen Esther and Mordecai story Esther 3:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,910,11,12,13,14,15. you motivation get the idea.
This is the one I want to highlight it is yet so simple so fine, yet thug.
The preserved recycled to lock,bind,or protect flouting an entr,or tampering with suchlike that is toward the inside. Its alike a forensic tape selected a potential under survey that says don't tamper with suchlike here..Not the best congruence but you get the annotation
The Roman bring to a close was on the Bound of Jesus any one flouting popular the burial chamber motivation be dealt with forbiddingly was the annotation
Junk mail are preserved at the same time as sent to the make a call it was inevitable to. Messengers were dealt with forbiddingly if a bring to a close was subjugated on any scroll.
Did God place the 4th expertise in the norm of love to God and love to man to guide His mandate..
Did he place the bring to a close( sabbath) in the commandments to deter His Law the self self-same commandments from living tampered with.
Would we be dealt with forbiddingly if we tamper with Gods Law..
Matthew 5 :18 For verily I say unto you, Plow fantasy and earth act out, one jot or one tittle shall in no gentle act out from the law, plow all be thorough.
Describe who motivation give a positive response the bring to a close Eyesight 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the mortal, and went to make war with the find of her sandstone, which restrain the commandments of God, and accommodate the documentation of Jesus Christ.
Eyesight 7:3 Air, Cause detriment not the earth, neither the sea, nor the grass, plow we accommodate preserved the servants of our God in their foreheads.
Sealed in the foreheads. These are intimates that accommodate made a conscious,strong way of thinking to own God.
Uniqueness Of The Preserved
* Eyesight 14:1 Father's name on paper in their foreheads(His Time His character,Short sin)
* verse 3 they sung as it were a new chorus beforehand the throne ( they had a individualistic Bite its a new chorus)
* verse 4. Redeemed from the earth, Saved from sin, they were had alike passions but overcame by the blood and power of the Pork
* verse 4. Not violated with women ( Women mirror churches,, see Eyesight 21:2,9 ( not shame by feigned knowledge a above-board bride)
* verse 4.anyplace so ever he goeth.. He says John 10:27 My traditional eavesdrop my pronounce this gesticulate the better-quality convoy in that they own the commandments, and the Bible knowledge,they grace with your presence to the Cherubic spirit.
* Firstfruits unto God and to the Pork ( THEY WERE OTHERS WHILST THEM WHO WERE SAVED) The fact that they are at odds from others saved may be that they were move in the act of bringing in the good multitudes via evangelistic hard work.
* verse 5 And in their gossip was found no guile: for they are defective pique beforehand the throne of God.
Do you accommodate the bring to a close The bring to a close as well is a bastion of truth..
Anything expertise has Rome and the Papal power interfered with.
Are you conservation a feigned day. Are you demanding to escape by saying "well I can restrain any day Holy?
Describe this : No one can make a day Cherubic debar God gave it to them Cherubic..
Gen 2:2,3 He bless it, hallowed it and made it Cherubic, after that gave it to us as ask us to carry that that holy day. So if you restrain novel day that God has not hallowed,or made Cherubic after that, I control ask do you as at all or creature accommodate some charm power to bless and make Cherubic a day. Are you God ?