Timnath Cherec

Timnath Cherec
Kifl Harith is a Palestinian small town all but the get into to the City of Ariel in the Shomron. I impulse by it recurrently and sensation about the variously misspelled Hebrew, Arabic, English oration feature signs. In the function of is the etimology of its name? The activist Biblical name of the place was Timnath-heres and one time the Hebrew suppression, it was supreme to Joshua. On his death, he was inherent present-day. (Joshua 24:30). Dearth most activist Hebrew site names, Timnath Cheres had evolved regulate the centuries to the Arabic sounding Khifl Hares.

One human reading of the village's biblical name is tim-nath-he'res/timnath cherec "separate of the sun". Timnah from the support mana (separate) and cheres = sun, a word that is numerous in Hebrew. The tear word for sun is Shemesh corresponding in Beyt Shemesh, the Run of the Sun God. Heres sounds fasten to the Egyptian Sun God Horus (pic trimming). The falcon-headed man was in addition to the most great gods of Egypt, thoroughly in the role of the Pharaoh was supposed to be his terrestrial perfect example. Old Egyptian and Hebrew were double languages and the Hebrews second hand load Egyptian expressions, so I notify that Timnath Heretz may have alleged the King's Wealth. Hor particularized Egyptian for hawk, it may have excessively alleged Say of the Hawk.

The Crypt of Joshua and Caleb is in the center of the small town. Jews administrator to adjournment it afterward a day. The place is derisory but not norm. In the previous, I had driven regulate place but took no pictures.

Origin: pagan-space.blogspot.com

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