

Air Fire Water Earth Akasha

Characteristics Transparent, light Force of motion Clear, Heavy Massive Essence
Reflective Animator Reflective, Insula. Insulator Multi dimensional
Insulator Weightless Absorptive Resists motion Transformative
Compressible & Radiative Non-compressible non compres/Expand Compr/Expandable
Expandable Compr/Expandable Expandable Endurance Endurance, mobile
Moveable, Mutable Non-mutable Smooth flowing Stable, solid Highly mutable
Malleable Storable Malleable/mutable Non-mutable malleable, balanced,
Male, Penetrating Male,Penetrating Female,Receptive Receptive-to water Transcends E,A,F,W
Mediator Evaporates water Mediator Female yet immanent
Reacts to Energy for movement by Carries Fire Renews and
Carries Fire air Air & Earth nourishes

Non-local Essence Logos, switching Power, force Act of choosing Underlying Underlying,
mechanism prime mover Intuitive Stability connecting all

Energy Flow Crown down Spine behind Front to heart Base of spine up Non local
heart to hands with love energy

Feeling Free Enthusiastic, Love Centeredness Ecstasy & Bliss

Direction East South West North Center
Direction of view Outward Forward/Future Inward To past Holistic

Part of Person Mind Will, lifeforce Emotions,intuition Body Spirit
Consciousness Intelligence Will Wisdom Memory Enlightenment
Physical action Thinking Asserting will Making love Sleep, experiencing
Breaking barriers Partying, unity
Spiritual aspect Enlightenment Life-force Compassion Serenity/beingness Om tat sat

Colors Clear/White/Blue Red/Yellow Silver/blue/purple Green/gold/brown Ultraviolet

Time Dawn Noon Sunset Night Now and all time
Season Spring Summer Fall Winter Kalpas
Astrological Libra, Aq., Gemini Ares,Leo,Sagitar. Cancer,Scorp,Pices Capr.,Taurus, Virgo
3,7,11 House
Tarot Swords (esp. Queen) Rods Cups Disks

Physical state Gas Plasma/Energy Liquid Solid Singularity

Spirits Sylph Salamander Undine Gnome Demigods,God(ess)s

Deities Zeus, Urania, Ares, Hestia, Poseidon, Aphrodite Gaia, Pan, Hera Isis, Buddha, Ahura
Athena, Aradia Brigid, Hermes Tiamat,Isis Demeter, Rhiannon Mazda, Quan Yin, True
Thoth, Pele, Vulcan,Agni Adonis, Dionysus will, Zeus, Hera

Power Animals Eagle/hawk Dragon, lion Fish, seal Buffalo, stag Any

Symbol Circle Triangle Crescent Square Infinity Sign, white
egg, equal arm cross

Tools Incense Red Candle Chalice Pentagram Wand, Athame, Crystal
cauldron, ankh

Incense/Odor Sandlewood/mellow Frankincense/spicy Rose/flowery Musk/Goaty/earthy Combination incense
Feeling cool & fresh Warm Tingles like spray Rigidity, Centered
Taste Salty Bitter

Image Billowing clouds Erupt. Volcano Waterfall Mountain/landscape Blue-white light
plants & animals

Word of Power YOD-EH-VAV-HE ADNI(add dough nay) AHIA (Aiy Hey Yeh) AGLA (ah gal lah) OM

Kabbalistic action Movement Expansion Contraction Stability Underlying essence

Wind Spirit Eurus Notus Zephyrus Borus Tornado of power
manifesting deities
Bija Yam (Yaungg) Ram (Raumgg) VAM (Vaungg) Lam (Laung) Hum (Haumgg)/Om

Affirmation I am intelligent I am powerful I am creative I am strong, I am balanced
& intuitive centered & know I am all

Posture Arms raised Arms above head Arms extended Arms extended back straight
Parallel forming triangle palms up palms down arms sweep then
at side

Virtues Intelligence, Courage, Love, compassion Centeredness Beyond
practical, joy enthusiasm, receptivity,flexib. Patience, truth
willpower forgiveness thorough, dependable

Vices Impulsive,frivolous Anger, jealousy Indifference, Dullness, laziness Beyond
boasting, hatred, bullying depression inconsiderateness
easily fooled unstable hang-ups

Chakra Heart behind waste Behind sex organ Base Crown/third eye

Other Quick response Brigid
linking people
into social

Dawn, day, drive
heat, yellow
plants expression
of DNA

Billowing clouds


Origin: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com

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