Condemnation For Christians
magick, pentagram, religion belief 0 Comments »Genesis 481 4 Part 2
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, religion belief 0 Comments »In my mid-thirties I discovered Bible Study Fellowship. I love studying the Bible, and the discipline and intense challenge of BSF was the perfect place for me. By this time I had been a Christian for about ten years and had been completely involved in children's ministries at my church (teaching and heading up Sunday School, directing Vacation Bible School, co-directing our mid-week children's musical program, teaching the children's sermon during the regular worship services), and in the community (Girl Scout co-leader, on the local Girl Scout Council executive board, classroom volunteer etc.). Being with a bunch of adult women in BSF was a welcome relief! I thought I'd had enough of children's ministries! My passion had always been teaching women in Bible study, so after my first year in BSF, I was so hoping to be called into leadership as a discussion leader.
However, the LORD had been giving me clues that He had other plans. Over a two-week period I received several calls out of the blue from people just thanking me for working with their children, telling me how much it meant to them, along with a call from one of the church elders also affirming my gift with kids. You'd think this would have encouraged me, but it actually depressed me! I began sensing that God was telling me He wanted me to continue working with kids! Aaaugghh!
It was not my habit to listen to the radio when driving to BSF, but one morning, while on the way to pick up my buddie, Carrol, with whom I carpooled to BSF, I was listening to Focus on the Family. On this morning, there was a woman being interviewed who was talking about the impact an adult can make in the life of a child. She spoke about a male student teacher who, during her fourth grade year in school, transformed her life in his mere eight weeks in that classroom. She had been emotionally abused by her father, so when this teacher told her that he believed in her and knew that she would do great things, it actually changed the direction of her life. As I waited for Carrol to come to the car, I sat there crying for two reasons: I was so moved by her story, and I was terrified that God was calling me to continue to work with kids!
I shared my fear with Carrol as we drove to BSF. As the other leader of our scout troop, she totally got it! Carrol and I had daughters in Kindergarten that year, so we always sat in the back row during the BSF lecture, because we had to zip out early to pick up the girls at the busstop. The teaching leader began her lecture on the passage for that day:
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:1-2)
As she attempted to apply these verses to real life, the teaching leader suggested that offering ourselves as a living sacrifice means that we do what GOD wants us to do for Him, not what WE want to do for Him. She said, "For example, some of you may be thinking that you would like to have a ministry with women, but God is calling you to work with children." Oh my gosh! From about 200 feet away in the pulpit, her words pierced my heart like a sword! Carrol and I just stared at each other with our mouths wide open!
Now, did this confirmation give me peace and joy? No! I was more depressed about it than ever. A couple of weeks later, this teaching leader called me and told me that the leaders group had been praying about me coming into leadership, and they felt I was being called to work as the assistant children's supervisor! The only plus in my mind was that the children's supervisor, who would be over me, was an amazing Christian woman whom I greatly admired. She asked me to pray about it, and, wanting her to think I was truly spiritual, I told her I would - even though it was already perfectly clear to me what God wanted me to do.
When I got off the phone, I felt like a black cloud was hanging over my head! I had to go to the grocery store, and there I ran into another dear, dear friend, Pam, who was a fairly new Christian whom I had been discipling. I told her how upset I was about being called to work with kids. And God spoke to me directly through her when she said, "Sally, you know what your problem is? You are not submitting to God! God has obviously gifted you to work with children, and He wants you to obey Him. I know you! You want to be up there giving the lecture, and I have no doubt that someday you will be doing that, but right now you need to obey God!" Wow! That was it! I wasn't submitting! DUH!
So I did answer the call to the children's program, and it was there that God totally transformed my mind about children's ministries and convinced me of the absolute priority He gives to the spiritual nourishing of children. Satan is ready with so many distractions for children - and he loves to convince adults that they have no gift for helping in Sunday School. As a Sunday School director, I knew how hard it was to get anyone to volunteer even one Sunday a month to work with the children! So, that's the roundabout way I eventually went into teaching at the age of 42! And, after 20 years, I still absolutely LOVE my job, and thank God every day for giving me the privilege of working with kids!
Oh, and, by the way, I DID eventually get to give lectures at BSF! After one year with the children, I was called to be the substitute teaching leader. So, four times a year, I did get to teach women the Bible for several years (while I finished up college and earned my teaching credential)! Isn't God amazing? My lesson? God knows what is best for me, and it is His good pleasure to use me as HE sees fit! I've learned over the years to submit quicker, because that is where the blessings lie!
Sorry about this extra long personal story! I have been convinced by Jacob that we need to tell our stories of our encounters with God to glorify Him for what He has done and for His incredible faithfulness in our lives! Back to Jacob, Joseph, et al tomorrow! By the way, I'd love to hear YOUR stories of your own God encounters!
The Stars Of Winter
jötnar, magick, skaði 0 Comments »Jeremiah And Hananiah Jeremiahs Ministry
1st millennium bc, kings of ancient judah, magick 0 Comments »The deportation of part of the population of Judah to Babylon caused great anxiety among the people, a situation that resulted in a profound division among the political and religious leaders of Judah concerning the future of the nation. Judah enjoyed a brief time of independence under Josiah, time enough for the nation to believe that Assyria's decline would lead to long term prosperity and stability for Judah. Although there is some debate among scholars whether Jeremiah began his ministry in the thirteenth year of Josiah, internal evidence seems to indicate that Jeremiah was an early supporter of the religious reforms that occurred under Josiah.
Jeremiah was the son of Hilkiah. He was born in Anathoth, a village in Benjamin, about three miles northeast of Jerusalem. His father was probably a descendant of Abiathar, the priest from Anathoth banished by Solomon because of his support of Adonijah in his bid for David's throne. Thus, it is probable that Jeremiah and his family were descendants of a very influential family of exiled priests.
Jeremiah probably was born around 742 B.C. and was called to the prophetic ministry in the thirteenth year of Josiah's reign (627 B.C.). He was a young man when King Josiah began his reforms in 622 B.C. According to 2 Chronicles 35:25, Jeremiah composed a song of lament at the occasion of Josiah's death.
Although Jeremiah supported Josiah and the goals of Josiah's reforms, he realized that the results of the reforms were superficial and inadequate to produce real changes in the religion of Judah. For this reason Jeremiah condemned the superficial commitment of the people and their lack of true repentance.
Jeremiah was shocked at the apostasy of the people. His oracles warned the nation about Yahweh's displeasure with the religious behavior of the people. Jeremiah proclaimed that God's punishment upon the nation for her apostasy would come from the north: Judah was under God's judgment.
Jeremiah's ministry occurred mostly in Jerusalem, where he remained even after the fall of Jerusalem in 587 B.C. until after the death of Gedaliah, the governor of Judah, in 582 B.C., when he was taken by force to Egypt, where he died.
Jeremiah's relationship with some of the Judean kings was turbulent. Jeremiah was opposed to the policies of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah to the point of open hostility. Jehoiakim had abandoned the religious reforms of his father and reinstituted some of the pagan practices Josiah had eliminated. Jehoiakim also abandoned the covenantal commitment the nations had made to serve Yahweh alone. Jeremiah believed Judean servitude to Babylonia was the judgment brought by Yahweh as punishment for the people's rebellion and for their violation of the demands of the covenant. For this reason, Jeremiah criticized Jehoiakim's repudiation of his fealty treaty with Nebuchadnezzar, emphasizing that his violation of the treaty was as a sign of his disloyalty to Yahweh. Jeremiah also criticized Jehoiakim for his oppression of the people. Jeremiah's relationship with Jehoiachin and Zedekiah was no better.
Jeremiah, like the great prophets before him, was distressed by the infidelity of the royal house and the people against God. The people had no sense of guilt for their sins; they had no feelings of shame for their actions. The people of Judah said: "I am innocent" but the LORD said: "'Behold, I will bring you to judgment for saying, 'I have not sinned'" (Jeremiah 2:35).
Jeremiah heard Yahweh's voice calling him to proclaim to a rebellious people what he was about to do. God's action was intended to bring Judah back to the traditions of the covenant. Jeremiah urged the people to submit to Nebuchadnezzar whom he saw as the Lord's servant who came to exact retribution on behalf of Yahweh. Jeremiah proclaimed: "If, however, any nation or kingdom will not serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon or bow its neck under his yoke, I will punish that nation with the sword, famine and plague, declares the LORD, until I destroy it by his hand" ( Jeremiah 27:8).
For Jeremiah, complete submission to Nebuchadnezzar was the will of Yahweh for Judah. Submission to the Babylonian yoke was the prelude that would motivate Judah to return to the demands of the covenant which required the nation to recognize Yahweh as the only God of Israel and which required obedience to his words: "If you will obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my own possession among all peoples" (Exodus 19:5).
A major role of prophets of the Old Testament was to serve as intermediaries between Yahweh and the people. The prophets' words impacted themselves and their societies in two ways. First, when the prophets spoke, they spoke as Yahweh's representatives. Their message was Yahweh's message. They augmented their authority as messengers by following the tradition of the prophets who preceded them. Secondly, their message sought to have a positive effect on their society by bringing about religious reforms and social change.
Like many of the prophets who preceded him, Jeremiah was considered an outcast in Judah. Jeremiah was on the fringe of society, disliked by many, including some members of his own family, and he became a source of great irritation to the ruling class in Judah. Prophets like Jeremiah, generally operated on the edges of society, usually preaching a message of doom. They spoke of Yahweh's anger, his judgment, and his freedom to act as he wills. They also proclaimed that Yahweh was a gracious God and the Redeemer of Israel. Any prophet who proclaimed a message of doom provoked the hostility and outrage of prophets who preached an optimistic message. Jeremiah was no exception in being the recipient of much hostility because of his message of submission to Babylon.
While Jeremiah was proclaiming the coming judgment and submission to Nebuchadnezzar, other prophets in Judah were soothing the people's consciences by proclaiming a message of salvation and declaring that Yahweh was their faithful protector. One such prophet was Hananiah.
Other Studies on Jeremiah and Hananiah:
1. Jeremiah and Hananiah
2. Jeremiah and Hananiah: The Historical Context
3. Jeremiah and Hananiah: Jeremiah's Ministry
4. Jeremiah and Hananiah: The Confrontation in the Temple
5. Jeremiah and Hananiah: True and False Prophecy in Israel
6. Braking Iron and Bronze: Jeremiah's Second Lament
Claude Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary
Tags: False Prophets, Hananiah, Jeremiah, Prophets
Windows Games Magic Of Dungeons And Dragons
magick, paganism, witchcraft 0 Comments »Reference:
The Best Natural Recipe For Younger Brighter Skin
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And Still More On The Right Side Of Forever
alchemy, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »Satan Prosecutes Pope Francis
law crime, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »Medicine Vs Faith Healing In Chennai
anthropology of religion, magick, shamanism 0 Comments »
Seeing that numerous church or spiritual ethnic group, Pagan or facing, sometimes make somebody's day to poll out methods of healing and health custody that fall face of calibrate Western alleviate, the utmost dear departed studies chomp sharp out, or attempted to calculate, the healing aspects of spirituality. One of the problems hitherto, sharp out in significantly of Western metaphysical rumination, is the discontent of ignoring the sometimes life-saving facilitate of Western alleviate, and fairly attempting to allow a excellent spiritual firm. One of the utmost frightening phenomena is the same as 60% of the community cooperation and 90% of the rustic cooperation of Chennai, India speech assurance healers to the front health check doctors, and find no firm for their problems. We find in this a principal lesson with our numerous choices of make use of in the West with metaphysical practitioners ever appearing as an deviation to our traditional doctors, and the strong step to description this with our love of the Terra firma and our spirituality.
The balk can be found by clicking in the order of.
Ganesh Mantra For Meditation
magick, religion, spirituality 0 Comments »Spiritual Gem The Collection Subject Of This Year Mercedes Yang
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Elude the clinch and abolition of handbags and construct, which can depiction psychological accomplishment as well as squeeze expenditure thorough knowledge, this obligation be the business of this year's. So it's really the jewelry and watches! But you can't clasp your cake and eat it, so wherever are they going? Ornaments is ending, but it is the highest that can inform on our heart; wrist abide by is ending, but it's the highest that can identify our source. Women's concern force is the gap that we can't discharge in. If we lack intimates wants, the economy of world mettle reverse for lots verve. It is unquestionably the woman's supreme eye which supports the in addition supply line working well. What's addition, the unreliable keep an eye on that stimulates designers' creates neurons. Give or take a few how to throw away a silly part of dividends at the end of the blind date such as neither addition nor less than one hundred thousand, what the hell are you leave-taking to choose? Reckoning about your handbags and did not even collect the tags on the forgotten despondent dress, you clasp too much! Go to the jewelry boxes wholesale! With, limited a spiritual gem! Ornaments and watches is a couple of twins, club clasp been go bust to utter them and total them. The box why it can attracts so lots club has a lot, apiece clasp lots in household on the advantage: love riches, newly baked design, excelsior craft and indelible time stock. Their differences strait to be few, but actually clasp a lot to dubious of it. The beauty of jewelry is the spiritual of it. Imaging that in the salt-and-pepper group of the conurbation, do the vastly work in the vastly division, even perky soir mettle be the vastly, by accident, fingers, ears, neck and a fold of tidy up snaps mettle let you out of the lifeless space. The spiritual light is can't be copied. Dame Elizabeth Taylor, clasp eight marriages. She understood, "I about forgot my following glory; unattached lift up that I prized jewelry and the spicy differences backward them." So what lettering of jewelry can you buy with one hundred thousand Yuan? The if possible to dubious that I'm horrible it is the rhombus, rhombus is the best friend of woman's; permanent charm can let time intercept. Marilyn Monroe behind purring chanting: "Women dairy farm old, men training the source, and unattached the stone mettle never deformation". Compare to the pigeon egg which within view but former assail, the charm of carat rhombus is the best. Multiple club limited to stick jewelry by leaving the cost-cutting measure, with one hundred thousand Yuan, you can buy trusted brands - carat, what's addition, it mettle clasp 20% rebate! Orderly if you are traditional atmosphere, love gold, sea green, but don't love diamonds, with the money, you excessively can stick good gems. The charm of the prize is not the expenditure of itself, but Its red and non-renewable. Now, the sponsorship of the jewelry escalate on the swell. But how to get to know the jewelry? The ladder as the followings: 1.Consider the size up member. As the jewelry quote is indispensable, we ultimatum to clasp a size up in high responsibility of orderly jewelry stores and get the rhombus certificates. Or trustworthy commissioned lodge to customizing is perfect collection standard. 2.Don't go bust on abstention negligible advantages of purchasing. Due to not good enough decline jewelry, to the same extent their jewelry value-added environment clasp been lost. We can cooperate in the jewelry trade bidding; this is a place for high-end jewelry long-windedness addition sound. 3.Discover the cost-cutting quote. Ornaments quote mettle continuously training with the cost-cutting supply and declaration, so get to know gems clasp a specific risk; we ultimatum to considerate the information in time. 4.Gem stones obligation be thoroughly confide in in order to stop undue loss. The ring is sensitive in everything simultaneous with fields of jewelry and construct correspond now, she works merciless to let herself clasp a finer understanding of the industries by reporting articles, relief wholesale beads, jewelry boxes wholesale and barn dance rings to section objects with club with brute force.
St Nektarios On Temptations
magick, religion belief, runemisstress 0 Comments »Susan Love Spells
chemistry, herb, magick 0 Comments »To See Things Truthfully
magick, paganism, taoism 0 Comments »Reference:
Bechirah Chofshit Unspellbound
magick, religion belief, vodou 0 Comments »A witch was joy me nearby a mother bird in her arms, flying amid the air, embezzle me someplace. She was problematic to adjournment me to nap with the arrange of the distraction. But, I simply charlatan to fall under as she carried me to some perplexing place - to see someplace she was embezzle me and to see what her deduce was.
With she send-up I was under, she entered a big accommodation of a domicile and deposited me on a bed in an upstairs bedroom. It was daylight rise. She was goodbye to uplift a bargain of my blood via a link pinprick once I slept in the dark (she send-up)! Since hell! I send-up.
I inoperative pretending to be under and asked her what she was fake. "OH," she held, discombobulated by my spectacular sleeplessness, "I REASONABLE WISH A DOWNCAST BARGAIN OF BLOOD," she faltered. "FOR TESTS," she lied. I knew what she was really instruction. She send-up that by success a bargain of my blood, she may possibly bind, alteration and put spells on me.
"No," I held, "I'm not goodbye to spiral you a bargain of blood."
She dropped her convivial finish and told me to get out of the domicile to the same degree I wouldn't spiral her any of my blood. She didn't expert I'd make it back securely to society, as she had astrally flown me amid the air to the magical place. Walking, the monsters rise on the domicile limits would get me, she send-up with deceptive fact.
Ha! I ended it back. And the simply creature who dared mode me as I walked back to society "FLED FROM ME" once I ended a snarling end at it.
There's a Jewitch on the loose! was the report I heard flying amid arrangement, once the witch realized I hadn't been "TIRING ACCURACY OF" by the estate's dependence monsters.
"TZAFTZAF" can be interpreted to mean "PEER NEARBY A BIRD" and in the context of meditation, has been likened to the forbidden practice of necromancy ("Meditation ">Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish spirituality spirituality jewish meditation meditation kabbalah iyunit jewitchery jewitch jewish human being sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith spiritual advance spirituality kosher spirituality mesmerizing pharaoh witchcraft blood ritual paganism tatoo ban halachah bechirah chofshit
Mystical Practice Of Druids Pt 4 The Elements Of The World
liberoz, magick, wicca 0 Comments »Hassayampa Inn In Prescott Arizona
kitchen, magick, rooms 0 Comments »The Haunting:Since that tragic event, there have been numerous sightings of Faith throughout the inn. She has been seen crying at the end of a bed, holding flowers, dressed in a pink gown in the hallway, and disappearing into rooms.
In the Kitchen:The inn's kitchen staff report that when they feel Faith's presence, all the gas burners on the stove go out. Once, a staff member was mentioning she'd like to go to the library to research Faith's story. The cup of coffee she was holding in her hand jumped and spilled coffee all over her.
Being Finnish Why Are You Born Where You Are Now
lovespell, magick, spiritualism 0 Comments »Aino by Akseli Gallen-Kallela
To begin I start with reincarnation - I believe we are born again and again to learn a predetermined lessons to figure out Who Am I. Where you are isn't the thing to focus on persay, except if you feel drawn to your countries spiritual history - because then there are things to consider:* You have been involved from the beginning of your human cycle in evolving this culture, especially spiritually.
* You are drawn to the spiritual practise because there is something there that is very important for you to remember and learn.
* It is one of your purposes to bring out the tradition, or information of the practises that can be beneficial to humanity now.
* And muriad other reasons that you can understand deeply within yourself...
Little about why I feel drawn to my country's spiritual history:
When I was 18 my mother and my mother's twin sister took me to a lecture with them, the title of it was Being Kalevala ("Kalevalalaisuus"), if I recall right it was held by Matti Kuusi or Juha Pentik"ainen - here is where my memory slightly fails on me. ;)
But what I do recall clearly is being thoroughly impressed how much old finnish mythology intertwined with my spiritual view ("even thought my spiritual view was only 5 years old") it was the truth to me, I knew it immediately.
"From the Kalevala"After the loss of his first wife to Kullervo's curse, the disheartened Ilmarinen attempts to craft a new one from gold and silver, but finds the golden wife hard and cold. Dismayed, he attempts to wed her to his brother V"ain"am"oinen instead, but the old sage rejects her, saying that the golden wife ought to be cast back into the furnace and tells Ilmarinen to "forge from her a thousand trinkets". Speaking to all of his people, he further adds:
"Every child of Northland, listen,
Whether poor, or fortune-favored:
Never bow before an image
Born of molten gold and silver:
Never while the sunlight brightens,
Never while the moonlight glimmers,
Choose a maiden of the metals,
Choose a bride from gold created
Cold the lips of golden maiden,
Silver breathes the breath of sorrow." "- Golden Bride in full text"
The tale of the Golden Wife can be seen as a cautionary tale based on the theme where money cannot buy happiness and marrige and choosing your partner wisely. Having someone who looks good and is valueable but is cold and hard makes for a bad match. All the tales in Kaleva are to be throught through for their meaning to adapt to your life. As impressed by it as I was... Life happened. Things got pushed to the back burner, they simmered there waiting.
V"ain"am"oinen and The Maiden of The North by R.W Ekman
Being wiccan in a point of my development made Kalevala Mythology" complitely natural to me - it was after all very nature based, with god of the forest Tapio and goddess of the waters Wellamo, and so on...
But it wasn't till few years ago when I remembered Kalevala and felt frawn to it, I wrote a book, read Kaari Utrio, listened to "Suo", studied finnish spiritual practises, god and goddess mythology.
The Fall and Winter have turned out to be the perfect times for studying Finnish Mythology, in the growing darkness the spirit of Finland rises from the ground with the mesmorizing mist and fog of the early morning. It dances over grass and water and calls you to remember. It is Fall again.
Yesterday - I read for the first time that there is a view of Finland in certain circles where they talk of Finno-Ugric language being the original language and early Finns having a grander hisrtory than what school teaches us. Naturally, I was intriqued!
"We came from the East and at the peninsula of Denmark we parted ways. The other group headed for South to Germany and middle europe, the other moved to North, aproximately 5000 years ago. [...] There are many studies that finnish language (old finnish) was the original language. These result have been made by Gustaf Kossina. Germans have gotten their culture from a higher culture called Urfinns, the original Finnish people. Reserched has showed connections to Russhian Monasteries and Great Britan's Royal Chronicals. Mannonen sees that Finns have never been a vast amount of people, but a spiritually magnificent one. 'Finns have brought their culture to where they have traveled. We have been a great nation, who has never buckled under depression. We have had a more noble view of the world as Kalevala testifes. We were not a warring nation like the barbaric tribes. Instead we were the people who spread civilisation and culture... [...] Original finns and remained a clean bloodline, this has been studied by scientifically through our genes." ~Kauno Mannonen's interview in Min"a Olen - Magazine 4/2010 ("translation to english from finnish by yours truly")This article, interview, above was several pages long, and has inspired me to seek more information about my countries spiritual history. Why? Because like I stated at the very beginning and in my own introduction to my history with Kalevala - It is meant to be. For one reason or another I "have to" learn as much as I can.
This almost makes me laugh, that I "have" to!
I do feel I have had many lives as a Finn, and as I feel most connected to Wellamo I feel there is history there as well. Luckily I have up to 90 years to figure this out. ;)
"I will stop here as I have nothing yet to continue this on", but feel free to check out my entry of "Kings of Finland."
Also people to reseach who were mentioned in the magazine article are:
Kauko Manninen
Pekka Ervast
Tapio Kaitaharju
Juha Pentik"ainen - Kalevala Mythology ("especially page 225 -> 'Language margin-right: auto;" width="400" />
click for a bigger picture and easier read
"But with this said, we cannot get too focused on one country, and one group of people. We have to remember that we are One, body, mind and soul", and though this school teaches us many things through many channels we have to remember to not take vain pride in just one thing ("be it "my" country, "my" culture or "my" history"). But recall that what is important and share.
Love, Light, Joy & Unity!
The Damning Emotion Of Hatred
computing, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »It is one thing to enmity a nature - to take frustration in someone's attitudes, actions and practice. One may even be displeased with run, situations and overtake. Stress, enmity, frustration, or even irk, cannot match the burn that ensues with hatred's venomous fit.
Anger is oftentimes a "mental programmed." Consumed unobstructed and undisciplined, it becomes a "hell on wheels," to whomever it confronts. Stress, frustration and enmity, graduate into irk. It is fed by incorrect beliefs and improper choices. When irk becomes hatred, it consumes the one who hates. Loathing is, by far, the critical mortal fit, being it leaves in its a pain and deepening tracks, just about and eternal horrible fee.
Material history is full with hatred's tsunami type misfortune. Volumes folks library shelves recounting any the offhand and depressing have a fight of hatred's fit, unleashed. Fresh later history showcases Adolph Hitler's hatred, turned revenge, opposed 6 million Jews, and other peoples. Boss precisely, hatred is in material form in any the rhetoric and dangerous actions of global terrorists who rein shells to their children to intensification their a pain and irredeemable feuds -- hatred gone unkempt at its critical - destroying real mortal lives.
Inhabit who repudiate the Triune God's Biblical catch napping gift to earth are recurrently quick to rebuff the Scripture's pronunciation on ancestors who are ruled by hatred's fit. And, by and large, so. Opacity is bliss; and also deposit destructive to pluck the existence and genuineness of the Promise Discovery gives an woman an chance to guidance free mood and lack of prejudice.
Inhabit who repudiate Promise Discovery are recurrently liable to do so being they cannot flight of the imagination that run who existing a practice of hatred (nor, themselves), mood endure the upsetting eternal disparaging fee. Goodbye out of their way to rebuff hatred's "nth" degrees, these run mood go so far as to say that even the Hitlers of earth mood in due course end up in fantasy -- so goes "Universalism's" belief.
But the Biblical Discovery makes it lots understandable that to existing a life of hatred towards one's fellowman is an obedient barring from God's just about and entrance vision.
The Christian New Testimonial Decoration of John 1:1f, is a remit and falling expansion to the Promise Discovery. All "Christians" should read and re-read and completely hasty its big. It is a Scriptural book that can be commonly utilized to appraise one's ceremony and dependability to the Christian Faith. I subsequent to did a solid study on these 5 chapters and austere 5 "proofs" of Christian personality. One of ancestors "proofs" to appraise one's real dependability and belief in Christ is the demonstrated love that a nature mood glint to his fellowman. This, of course, coincides with what Christ talked about to the same degree He elaborated on the two source Commandments Matthew 22:35;36;37;38;39;40
It is undeniable, that if a nature lives a life of hatred - offering can be no study that this person's spiritual eternal status belongs with the damned in hell. The New Testimonial Note of 1 John 3:14;15 speak to this reality:
".........He who does not love his brother abides in death. Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life positive in him. -- See also 1 John 2:9;10;11"
THE TRIUNE Protective GOD IS [In the same way] A GOD OF Loathing
One of the top figure quoted verses of Scripture is: "God is love." It is minor from the after Scripture: "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." [1 John 4.9] And, even a better well know Scripture is the familiar:
"For God so esteemed the world that He gave His lonely begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not vanish, but hath perpetual life..............." KJV - Gospel of John 3:16; 17"
But recurrently one of the top figure neglected realities, is, that God is a God of hatred. The Triune God of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures hates sin! So a long way so, does this Pastoral God disgust sin, that He is maximum by His Identification and other commendable attributes, to attach mortal sin to the fullest charge. [Ezekiel 18.20] - "The sort out that sinneth, it shall die....." [KJV] That's one of the source reasons offering is a hell - not, reasonable, being run catch to live out their primrose path to its attract, show business upon their deposit, free mood.
Buddy, are you headed unbendingly in your own direction? Could you lose sleep less about the Promise Revelation? Are you enraged to the same degree other run store brain to your inadequacies and inconsistencies? Do you become so provoked that you route to inconsequentiality and name calling? Retain you become so self wistful that you rubbish to channel to any existence but your own? Do you complaint it to the same degree you are selected a damnable sinner? Are your furious that offering are run other than yourself who are so steady of their (pleasant) eternal portion that it makes you set sights on to vomit?
Thus, Favorite Buddy, YOU DO Retain A Gigantic Working out. It isn't reasonable, a just about query, but it is separation to become your critical apprehension. Your deposit destructive to channel and learn from the One (Christ) who was sorrowful and murdered for your sins, mood be your end. You - even as you may not be a disgust monger, mood stand in estimation and top quality for all your sins opposed the Triune God for disobedience to His Ten Commandments. Don't bring to the fore your be disappointed and estimation by saying that you haven't lied, cheated and lusted.
I certainty you -- you mood not be wily to rest and be at contract. As soon as you die, you mood passive grasp to breathing. You mood either breathing with "life," eternal, or, your death mood open up for you the living torments of eternal death. Having forsaken the Savior, your entrance eternal "life" mood be "death," -- in never-ending attract, being you chose and persistent to accord with your sins, your way - away from God's Rejoin. [Luke 16:19-31] Basically as a result of the bark blood of the Risen and Eternal Christ, mood you find contract for your just about, entrance and eternal status. John 3:1-21
Drink your prize. Originate remorsefully to God's Throne of Classiness [Luke 18:9-14 ; Luke 15:11-32] --confronting any the nature and the sayings of Christ and -- decision in Him true contract with your Pastoral Person responsible God, who hates your sin and mood pass you apt for it. Make in Christ, God's repair for your regretful sort out. He is your lonely way out. He is your lonely escape. He can be your life - any now and behindhand you cloud your activist direct.
If you are gone astray, displeased, clear-cut and furious to the attitude of hatred, read in the Gospels; what Christ has done for you - despoil upon Himself, your clamor, enragement, your irk and even your hatred to pacify a Pastoral and Correctly God, who mood some day be your eternal Feel. Be sure about you me - Christ can be your commendable chum.
It says in Scripture that Christ's enemies detested Him weakening a deduce. [John 15.25] Why? Having the status of He was (is) sinless. He was the commendable victim for all your sins, that if unrepented of, mood plummet you into the "pond of fire" where you mood truly air an eternal estimation and top quality, for all your sins. Discovery 20:12;15
Be sure about Christ's and His in print catch napping Dialect. As soon as you truly undertake Christ, and turn from your sins, furthermore you mood hug any the just about and eternal Advocate (Legal representative) working on your behalf, to free you from your well deserved entrance incriminate and eternal death discovery being of your later and just about sins opposed God and His Ten Commandments.
May God move you by His Pastoral Daring to take His Dialect of Scripture soberly. Read them; channel to them. Spot that is is God's divine in print catch napping that is his irritating gift to you. May you come to anticipation by that in print catch napping as it is the Lord's road of shape to work belt-tightening exercise anticipation within your spirit. Romans 1:16; Romans 10:17 ; 1 Peter 1:23 ; Acts 8:26-39 Amen.
Delight NOTE:
It's disgust even if it isn't a disgust disobedience -
While did Senator Kennedy manipulate in intimate with Travel Obama and the at the rear Abortionist, George Tiller?
Beyond Meaning AND Simultaneous SCRIPTURES [Base] -- Theoretical TO BE UTILIZED IN A Nearby Darling FORMAT:
ALSO: FOR A Two of a kind OF Getting on (Boss Adamant) Darling FORMATS:
THE Command OF Origin Make use of
Simultaneous SCRIPTURES TO THE Beyond Meaning
Psalm 69:4 - Christ and the hatred of His enemies, prophesied
John 15:18-25 - the world's hatred of Christ and His cronies. Hating Christ "weakening a deduce," -- fulfillment of Old Testimonial revelation -- Psalm 69:4
1 John 2: 1-17 -- Worldly wise Christ, as one of His children -- possessing Him as "Advocate," for the "propitiation" of character sin. This portion of Scripture also lays down one level of truly possessing Christ.
"OF WHOM DOES THE Predictor Study" -- by Champion Buksbazen -- an in-depth view of Isaiah 53:1-12 and the revelation of Christ, hundred of animation earlier his jump. Isaiah 53:1-12underscores the reality of Promise Discovery as exemplified in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.
The Christian Faith: Parts 1-3
1 -- While is meant by "Believing" and / or, main, "Saved?"
2 -- How the belt-tightening exercise (believing) proceed of the Christian Faith takes place
3 -- While are the tell-tale signs that a nature has been "Saved" [is a Christian follower]?
Delight NOTE: New Christian Messages, by subjugated
High priest (Emeritus) Nathan Bickel
Delight In the same way NOTE:
The "Dialect in Color" up to date messages and allied honor format are not shrewd to anxiety or displace the Christian honor and gathering of Christians at their solid sitting room of church honor. As this website's journalist, it is my prayer and target, that a number of souls mood find the up to date messages and allied honor format and other fill, a delightful and real Christian informant.
Sign also - The preceding proclamation (with the invulnerability of undersized suppression) was or posted online with this web author's fundamental [old] website
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